
Defines functions sp_get_postgres_connection sp_pg_catalog .sp_pg_list_object_types .sp_pg_list_objects .sp_pg_list_columns .sp_pg_preview_object .sp_pg_display_name .sp_pg_host_name .sp_pg_actions_list .sp_pg_connection_code_string .sp_pg_connection_opened sp_pg_close_connection sp_fetch_dvdrental_autodoc

Documented in sp_fetch_dvdrental_autodoc sp_get_postgres_connection sp_pg_catalog sp_pg_close_connection

#' @title Connect to a PostgreSQL database
#' @name sp_get_postgres_connection
#' @description Attempts to connect to a PostgreSQL database. If the connection
#' fails, it will retry a user-specified number of times.
#' @param user character: Username for connecting to the database. The user
#' must exist and be authorized to connect. The default is "postgres".
#' @param password character: Password that corresponds to the username. The
#' password must be correct for the user. The default is "postgres".
#' @param dbname character: The name of the database within the database server.
#' The database must exist, and the user must be authorized to access it.
#' The default is "dvdrental".
#' @param host character: The IP address or host where postgreSQL is located,
#' defaults to "localhost"
#' @param port integer: The port on the host that PostgreSQL listens on, defaults
#' to *5439*. Note that this is *not* the PostgreSQL default port, 5432! Why? If
#' PostgreSQL is running on the host or in another container, it probably has
#' claimed port 5432, since that's its default, and our container won't work!
#' So we need to use a different port for *our* PostgreSQL container.
#' @param seconds_to_test integer: The number of iterations to try while waiting
#' for PostgreSQL service to be ready. The function sleeps one second between
#' connection attempts, so a value of 10 would require approximately 10 seconds.
#' The default is 30.
#' @param connection_tab logical: `sp_get_postgres_connection` can open a
#' tab in the RStudio connections pane. `connection_tab = FALSE` is
#' the default - call with `connection_tab = TRUE` to open the tab.
#' @return If successful: a connection object, which is an S4 object
#' that inherits from DBIConnection, used to communicate with the
#' database engine. If unsuccessful, the function terminates with an
#' error message.
#' @importFrom DBI dbCanConnect
#' @importFrom RPostgres Postgres
#' @export sp_get_postgres_connection
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{con <- sp_get_postgres_connection(
#'   user = "postgres",
#'   password = "postgres",
#'   dbname = "postgres"
#' )}
#' \dontrun{
#' build_log <- sp_make_dvdrental_image("test-dvdrental:latest")
#' sp_docker_images_tibble()
#' sp_pg_docker_run(
#'   container_name = "test-dvdrental",
#'   image_tag = "test-dvdrental:latest",
#'   postgres_password = "postgres"
#' )
#' sp_docker_containers_tibble()
#' connection <- sp_get_postgres_connection(
#'   user = "postgres",
#'   password = "postgres",
#'   dbname = "dvdrental",
#'   host = "localhost",
#'   port = 5439,
#'   seconds_to_test = 30,
#'   connection_tab = TRUE
#' )
#' }

sp_get_postgres_connection <- function(user = "postgres",
                                       password = "postgres",
                                       dbname = "dvdrental",
                                       host = "localhost",
                                       port = 5439,
                                       seconds_to_test = 30,
                                       connection_tab = FALSE) {

  n_iterations <- abs(seconds_to_test)
  for (iter in 1:n_iterations) {
    db_ready <- DBI::dbCanConnect(
      host = host,
      port = port,
      user = user,
      password = password,
      dbname = dbname

    # return a connection if it worked
    if (db_ready) {
      conn <- DBI::dbConnect(
        host = host,
        port = port,
        user = user,
        password = password,
        dbname = dbname

      # open a connection tab if wanted!
      if (connection_tab) {


    # database isn't ready - sleep and retry

  # couldn't connect - throw an error
  stop(paste("Database is not ready - reason:", attr(db_ready, "reason")))

#' @title Fetch a PostgreSQL database catalog
#' @name sp_pg_catalog
#' @description PostgreSQL stores much of its metadata in system catalogs that
#' are accessible to a connected user. This function takes a connection and
#' returns the database catalog as a data frame.
#' @param connection A valid open `DBI` connection to a PostgreSQL database.
#' @return A data frame with the contents of the database catalog. The columns
#' are `schemas`, `name`, and `type`, where `type` is "matview" (materialized
#' view), "view" or "table".
#' @importFrom DBI dbReadTable
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr filter
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @importFrom readr read_file
#' @export sp_pg_catalog
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(sqlpetr)
#' library(dplyr)
#' connection <- sp_get_postgres_connection(
#'   user = "postgres",
#'   password = "postgres",
#'   dbname = "dvdrental"
#' )
#' print(sp_pg_catalog(connection))
#' }

sp_pg_catalog <- function(connection) {

  # get the raw data
  matviews <- DBI::dbReadTable(connection, "pg_matviews") %>% dplyr::filter(
    schemaname != "pg_catalog", schemaname != "information_schema") %>%
    dplyr::select(schemas = schemaname, name = matviewname) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = "matview")
  views <- DBI::dbReadTable(connection, "pg_views") %>%  dplyr::filter(
    schemaname != "pg_catalog", schemaname != "information_schema") %>%
    dplyr::select(schemas = schemaname, name = viewname) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = "view")
  tables <- DBI::dbReadTable(connection, "pg_tables") %>% dplyr::filter(
    schemaname != "pg_catalog", schemaname != "information_schema") %>%
    dplyr::select(schemas = schemaname, name = tablename) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = "table")
    dplyr::bind_rows(matviews, views, tables), stringAsFactors = FALSE))

# Functions for the Connection Contract
# See https://rstudio.github.io/rstudio-extensions/connections-contract.html
# and https://github.com/r-dbi/odbc/blob/master/R/Viewer.R

# `sp_pg_list_object_types` displays the data object hierarchy. This is the
# same as the `odbc` package would have for PostgreSQL, but they don't know
# about materialized views (matviews). I should file an issue - I think I can
# patch it.
.sp_pg_list_object_types <- function(connection) {
    schema = list(
      contains = list(
        table = list(
          contains = "data"),
        matview = list(
          contains = "data"),
        view = list(
          contains = "data")

#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom dplyr select
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
.sp_pg_list_objects <- function(
  catalog = NULL, schema = NULL, name = NULL, type = NULL, ...) {

  database_structure <- sp_pg_catalog(connection)
  save(catalog, schema, name, type, file = "~/list_objects.Rdata")

  # schema is NULL - return list of schemas
  if (is.null(schema)) {
    schemas <- database_structure %>% dplyr::select(name = schemas) %>%
      unique() %>% dplyr::mutate(type = "schema")
    save(schemas, file = "~/schemas.Rdata")
    return(as.data.frame(schemas, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
  } else {
      database_structure, select = name:type, subset = schemas == schema))

#' @importFrom DBI dbSendQuery
#' @importFrom DBI dbColumnInfo
#' @importFrom DBI dbClearResult
.sp_pg_list_columns <- function(
  table = NULL, view = NULL, matview = NULL, catalog = NULL, schema = NULL, ...) {

  # get item name
  if (!is.null(table)) {
    item <- table
  } else if (!is.null(view)) {
    item <- view
  } else if (!is.null(matview)) {
    item <- matview
  } else {
    stop("at least one data item - table, view or matview - must be specified")
  item <- ifelse(is.null(schema), item, sprintf("%s.%s", schema, item))

  # fetch the column info
  rs <- DBI::dbSendQuery(connection, sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT 1", item))
  columns <- DBI::dbColumnInfo(rs) %>%
    dplyr::select(name, type) %>% as.data.frame()

#' @importFrom DBI dbGetQuery
.sp_pg_preview_object <- function(
  connection, rowLimit,
  table = NULL, view = NULL, matview = NULL, schema = NULL, catalog = NULL, ...) {

  # get item name
  if (!is.null(table)) {
    item <- table
  } else if (!is.null(view)) {
    item <- view
  } else if (!is.null(matview)) {
    item <- matview
  } else {
    stop("at least one data item - table, view or matview - must be specified")
  item <- ifelse(is.null(schema), item, sprintf("%s.%s", schema, item))

    connection, sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s", item), n = min(100, rowLimit)

#' @importFrom DBI dbGetInfo
.sp_pg_display_name <- function(connection) {
  db_info <- DBI::dbGetInfo(connection)
    "%s - %s@%s",
    db_info[["dbname"]], db_info[["user"]], db_info[["host"]]))

#' @importFrom DBI dbGetInfo
.sp_pg_host_name <- function(connection) {
  db_info <- DBI::dbGetInfo(connection)
    db_info[["dbname"]], db_info[["user"]], db_info[["host"]]))

#' @importFrom utils browseURL
.sp_pg_actions_list <- function() {
  actions <- list(
    Help = list(
      icon = system.file("icons/help.png", package = "sqlpetr"),
      callback = function() {

.sp_pg_connection_code_string <- function() {
    system.file("rstudio/connections/sqlpetr.R", package = "sqlpetr")

.sp_pg_connection_opened <- function(connection) {

  # get the observer with silent return if there isn't one
  observer <- getOption("connectionObserver")
  if (is.null(observer)) {

  # call the observer
    type = "PostgreSQL",
    displayName = .sp_pg_display_name(connection),
    host = .sp_pg_host_name(connection),
    icon = system.file("icons/postgresql.png", package = "sqlpetr"),
    connectCode = .sp_pg_connection_code_string(),
    disconnect = function() {sp_pg_close_connection(connection)},
    listObjectTypes = function () {.sp_pg_list_object_types()},
    listObjects = function(...) {.sp_pg_list_objects(connection, ...)},
    listColumns = function(...) {.sp_pg_list_columns(connection, ...)},
    previewObject = function(rowLimit, ...) {
      .sp_pg_preview_object(connection, rowLimit, ...)
    actions = .sp_pg_actions_list(),
    connectionObject = connection

#' @title Notify observer and close connection
#' @name sp_pg_close_connection
#' @description Tells the connections tab observer that connection was closed
#' and then closes it
#' @param connection A valid open connection from `sp_get_postgres_connection`.
#' @return not meaningful
#' @importFrom DBI dbDisconnect
#' @export sp_pg_close_connection
sp_pg_close_connection <- function(connection) {

  observer <- getOption("connectionObserver")
  if (!is.null(observer)) {
      type = "PostgreSQL",
      host = .sp_pg_host_name(connection)



#' @title Fetch `dvdrental` autodoc
#' @name sp_fetch_dvdrental_autodoc
#' @description When `sp_make_dvdrental_image` builds the Docker image, it
#' installs a utility called
#' [`postgresql-autodoc`](https://github.com/cbbrowne/autodoc). After restoring
#' the `dvdrental` database, it runs the utilily and creates an HTML file with
#' the database documentation on the image at
#' `/var/lib/postgresql/dvdrental.html`. This function fetches that file to a
#' file on the Docker host.
#' @param container_name character: The container name where the `dvdrental`
#' database is running. The default is "sql-pet".
#' @param file_path character: A valid file path to receive the HTML file. It
#' should be an absolute path so you know where to find it, and the filename
#' should end in `.html` so the browser can open it. There is no default.
#' @return If successful: a character value of lenght 0. If unsuccessful, the
#' function terminates with an error message.
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @export sp_fetch_dvdrental_autodoc

sp_fetch_dvdrental_autodoc <- function(container_name = "sql-pet", file_path) {
  docker_cmd <- glue::glue(
    "cp ", # docker copy
    container_name, ":/var/lib/postgresql/dvdrental.html ",
  result <- .system2_to_docker(docker_cmd)
smithjd/sqlpetr documentation built on Feb. 29, 2020, 8:15 p.m.