
Defines functions OverlapModulesDEGs RunEnrichr

Documented in OverlapModulesDEGs RunEnrichr

#' RunEnrichr
#' Run Enrichr gene set enrichment tests on hdWGCNA modules
#' @param seurat_obj A Seurat object
#' @param dbs character vector of EnrichR databases
#' @param max_genes Max number of genes to include per module, ranked by kME.
#' @param wait logical indicating whether or not to wait some time between sending requests to the EnrichR server.
#' @param wait_time the number of seconds to wait between sending requests to the EnrichR server. Value must be less than 60.
#' @param wgcna_name The name of the hdWGCNA experiment in the seurat_obj@misc slot
#' @keywords scRNA-seq
#' @export
#' RunEnrichr
RunEnrichr <- function(
  dbs = c('GO_Biological_Process_2021','GO_Cellular_Component_2021','GO_Molecular_Function_2021'),
  max_genes = 100,
  wait = TRUE,
  wait_time = 5,
  wgcna_name=NULL, ...

  # get data from active assay if wgcna_name is not given
  if(is.null(wgcna_name)){wgcna_name <- seurat_obj@misc$active_wgcna}
  CheckWGCNAName(seurat_obj, wgcna_name)

  # check wait_time 
    stop(paste0('wait_time must be a numeric.'))
  if(wait_time > 60 | wait_time < 1){
    stop(paste0('Invalid value selected for wait_time, must be greater than 0 and less than 60.'))

  # get modules:
  modules <- GetModules(seurat_obj, wgcna_name)
  mods <- levels(modules$module)

  # exclude grey
  mods <- mods[mods != 'grey']

  # run EnrichR for loop:
  combined_output <- data.frame()
  for(i in 1:length(mods)){
  	cur_mod <- mods[i]
    if(max_genes != Inf){
      cur_info <- subset(modules, module == cur_mod)
      cur_info <- cur_info[,c('gene_name', paste0('kME_', cur_mod))]
      cur_genes <- top_n(cur_info, max_genes) %>% .$gene_name %>% as.character
    } else{
      cur_genes <- subset(modules, module == cur_mod) %>% .$gene_name %>% as.character
    # run the enrichment test
    enriched <- enrichR::enrichr(cur_genes, dbs)


    # collapse into one db
    for(db in names(enriched)){
      cur_df <- enriched[[db]]
      if (nrow(cur_df) > 1){
        cur_df$db <- db
        cur_df$module <- cur_mod
        combined_output <- rbind(combined_output, cur_df)

  # add GO term table to seurat object
  seurat_obj <- SetEnrichrTable(seurat_obj, combined_output, wgcna_name)


#' OverlapModulesDEGs
#' Performs Fisher's Exact Test for overlap between DEGs and hdWGCNA modules.
#' @param seurat_obj A Seurat object
#' @param deg_df DEG table formatted like the output from Seurat's FindMarkers
#' @param fc_cutoff log fold change cutoff for DEGs to be included in the overlap test
#' @param group_col the name of the column in deg_df containing the cell grouping information
#' @param wgcna_name The name of the hdWGCNA experiment in the seurat_obj@misc slot
#' @keywords scRNA-seq
#' @export
#' OverlapModulesDEGs
OverlapModulesDEGs <- function(
  fc_cutoff = 0.5,
  group_col = 'cluster',
  wgcna_name = NULL,

  # get data from active assay if wgcna_name is not given
  if(is.null(wgcna_name)){wgcna_name <- seurat_obj@misc$active_wgcna}

  deg_df$group <- deg_df[,group_col]
  cell_groups <- deg_df$group %>% unique

  # get modules,
  modules <- GetModules(seurat_obj)
  mods <- levels(modules$module)
  mods <- mods[mods != 'grey']

  # subset deg_df by fold change cutoff:
  if(fc_cutoff >=0 ){
    deg_df <- subset(deg_df, avg_log2FC >= fc_cutoff)
  } else{
    deg_df <- subset(deg_df, avg_log2FC <= fc_cutoff)

    # reverse the sign of the remaining fold changes
    deg_df$avg_log2FC <- -1 * deg_df$avg_log2FC
    fc_cutoff <- -1 * fc_cutoff

  # size of genome based on # genes in Seurat object:
  genome.size <- nrow(seurat_obj)

  # run overlaps between module gene lists and DEG lists:
  overlap_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(mods, function(cur_mod){
    cur_module_genes <- modules %>% subset(module == cur_mod) %>% .$gene_name
    cur_overlap_df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(cell_groups, function(cur_group){
      cur_DEGs <- deg_df %>% subset(group == cur_group & p_val_adj <= 0.05 & avg_log2FC > fc_cutoff) %>% .$gene
      cur_overlap <- testGeneOverlap(newGeneOverlap(
      c(cur_overlap@odds.ratio, cur_overlap@pval, cur_overlap@Jaccard, length(cur_overlap@intersection))
    })) %>% as.data.frame
    colnames(cur_overlap_df) <- c('odds_ratio', 'pval', 'Jaccard', 'size_intersection')
    cur_overlap_df$module <- cur_mod
    cur_overlap_df$group <- cell_groups

    # module color:
    cur_overlap_df$color <- modules %>% subset(module == cur_mod) %>% .$color %>% unique

  # adjust for multiple comparisons:
  overlap_df$fdr <- p.adjust(overlap_df$pval, method='fdr')

  # significance level:
  overlap_df$Significance <- gtools::stars.pval(overlap_df$fdr)
  overlap_df$Significance <- ifelse(
    overlap_df$Significance == '.', '',

  # set factor levels for modules:
  overlap_df$module <- factor(overlap_df$module, levels=mods)

  # re-arrange columns:
  overlap_df <- overlap_df %>% dplyr::select(c(module, group, color, odds_ratio, pval, fdr, Significance, Jaccard, size_intersection))

smorabit/hdWGCNA documentation built on July 20, 2024, 8:58 p.m.