
Defines functions RDataParam

Documented in RDataParam

#' @title Store `XcmsExperiment` object as .RData file
#' @name RDataParam
#' @export
#' @family xcms result export formats.
#' @description
#' The `RDataParam` class and method allow users to save an `XcmsExperiment`
#' object as an .RData file with a chosen filename. The object gets exported
#' using [`save()`] function.  This `param` class and method are part of the
#' possible dispatch of the generic function `storeResults`. 
#' @param fileName for `RDataParam` `character(1)`, defining the file name. The
#' default will be `tempfile()`.
#' @inheritParams storeResults
#' @return for `RDataParam`: a `RDataParam` class. `storeResults` does not
#' return anything but saves the object to a RData file.
#' @author Philippine Louail
#' @examples
#' ## Load a test data set with detected peaks
#' faahko_sub <- loadXcmsData("faahko_sub2")
#' ## Define param 
#' param <- RDataParam(fileName = "example_xcms_object")
#' ## Save as RData
#' storeResults(object = faahko_sub, param = param)

#' @noRd
         slots = c(fileName = "character"), 
         contains = "Param",
         prototype = prototype(
             fileName = character()),
         validity = function(object) {
             msg <- NULL
             if (length(object@fileName) != 1)  
                 msg <- c("'fileName' has to be a character string of length 1")

#' @rdname RDataParam
#' @export
RDataParam <- function(fileName = tempfile()) {
    new("RDataParam", fileName = fileName)
#' @rdname RDataParam
          signature(object = "XcmsExperiment", 
                    param = "RDataParam"), 
          function(object, param){
              save(object, file = param@fileName)
sneumann/xcms documentation built on June 5, 2024, 4:28 p.m.