
Defines functions get_BART_pred compute_sample_statistics estimate_pred_y estimate_pscore compute_CATE_estimates getCV_indexes get_CV_sizes catch_error catch_input_errors catch_feat_input_errors

#' @include TBART.R
#' @include TRF.R
#' @include XBART.R
#' @include XRF.R
#' @include SBART.R
#' @include SRF.R

catch_feat_input_errors <- function(feat) {
  if (!(is.data.frame(feat) && all(!is.na(feat)))) {
    stop(paste("feat must be a data.frame without missing values"))
  for (i in 1:ncol(feat)) {
    if (is.character(feat[, i])) {
      warning(paste("feature", i,
                    "is a character, and must be casted to a factor!"))

catch_input_errors <- function(feat, yobs, tr) {
  if (!(all(sort(unique(tr)) == c(0, 1)) &&
        mode(tr) == "numeric")) {
        "tr must be a numeric vector with 0 for control units and 1",
        "for treated units. There has to be at least one treated and",
        "one control unit."
  if (!(all(!is.na(yobs)) && mode(yobs) == "numeric")) {
    stop(paste("yobs must be a numeric vector without missing values"))
  n <- length(tr)
  if (sum(tr) == 0 | sum(tr) == n) {
    stop("All units are in the treated group or all units are in the
         control group")
  if (n == 0 | length(yobs) != n | nrow(feat) != n) {
    stop("Either no data was provided or the sizes of yobs, feat or tr do not

catch_error <- function(feat, yobs, tr, k) {
  catch_input_errors(feat, yobs, tr) 
  if (k < 2 | k %% 1 != 0) {
    stop("k must be an integer bigger than 1!")

get_CV_sizes <- function(n, k) {
  # n: number of units
  # k: number of folds
  # Return: the CV fold sizes eg. (5,5,4,4,4) for n = 22, k = 5
  small_size <- floor(n / k)
  remainder <- n %% k 
  sizes <- rep(small_size, k) + c(rep(1, remainder), rep(0, k - remainder)) 

getCV_indexes <- function(tr, k) {
  # Description: this function splits n = length(tr) units into k folds 
  # for a k fold CV and it returns a list with k index sequences
  # tr is the treatment assignment. It makes sure that each CV has the same 
  # proportion of treatment indicators. 
  n <- length(tr)
  n1 <- sum(tr)
  n0 <- n - n1
  size1 = get_CV_sizes(n = n1, k = k)
  size0 = get_CV_sizes(n = n0, k = k)
  cv_fold_idx <- rep(NA, n)
  cv_fold_idx[tr == 1] <- sample(rep(x = 1:k, times = size1))
  cv_fold_idx[tr == 0] <- sample(rep(x = 1:k, times = size0))

# Compute the CATE estimates using a k fold CV
compute_CATE_estimates <- function(feat, yobs, tr, estimator, k, verbose) {
  n <- length(tr)
  # Create CV idxes
  cv_idx <- getCV_indexes(tr = tr, k = k)
  cate_est <- rep(NA, n) # will contain the estimates
  for (i in 1:k) {
    if (verbose) {
      print(paste("Running", i, "out of", k, "CV fold."))
    # get train and test set -- training set is everything but fold i
    train_idx <- cv_idx != i
    test_idx <- !train_idx
    # Estimate CATE with the given learner function
    estimator_trained <- estimator(feat = feat[train_idx, ],
                                   tr = tr[train_idx],
                                   yobs = yobs[train_idx])
    cate_est[test_idx] <- EstimateCate(estimator_trained, feat[test_idx, ])

# Estimate the propensity score, E[W|X]
estimate_pscore <- function(feat, tr, emin) {
  pscore_estimator <- ranger::ranger(tr ~ ., 
                                     data = data.frame(feat, tr = factor(tr)), 
                                     probability = TRUE)
  pscore_pred_raw <- pscore_estimator$predictions[ ,2]
  pscore_pred <- ifelse(
    pscore_pred_raw < emin,
    ifelse(pscore_pred_raw > 1 - emin, 1 - emin,

# Estimate the expected outcome, E[Y|X]
estimate_pred_y <- function(feat, yobs) {
  outcome_estimator <- ranger::ranger(yobs ~ ., 
                                      data = data.frame(feat, yobs))
  outcome_pred <- outcome_estimator$predictions

# BART helper function ---------------------------------------------------------
# This function computes all the ATT, ATE, ATC, and CATE functions from a single
# BART output
compute_sample_statistics <- function(mu_hat_0_MCMC_samples,
                                      sample_stat) {
  tau_hat_MCMC_samples <-
    mu_hat_1_MCMC_samples - mu_hat_0_MCMC_samples
  SATE_MCMC_samples_alle <- apply(tau_hat_MCMC_samples, 1, mean)
  SATE_estimate_alle <- mean(SATE_MCMC_samples_alle)
  SATE_CI_alle <-
    quantile(SATE_MCMC_samples_alle, probs = c(.05, .95))
  SATT_MCMC_samples_alle <-
    apply((tau_hat_MCMC_samples)[, tr == 1], 1, mean)
  SATT_estimate_alle <- mean(SATT_MCMC_samples_alle)
  SATT_CI_alle <- quantile(SATT_MCMC_samples_alle, probs = c(.05, .95))
  SATC_MCMC_samples_alle <-
    apply((tau_hat_MCMC_samples)[, tr == 0], 1, mean)
  SATC_estimate_alle <- mean(SATC_MCMC_samples_alle)
  SATC_CI_alle <- quantile(SATC_MCMC_samples_alle, probs = c(.05, .95))
  # SATE, ATT, ATC using the observed data.-----------------------------------
  # SATE_MCMC_samples <- apply(tau_hat_MCMC_samples, 1, mean)
  # SATE_estimate <- mean(SATE_MCMC_samples)
  # SATE_CI <- quantile(SATE_MCMC_samples, probs = c(.05, .95))
  yobs_treated_matrix <- matrix(rep(yobs[tr == 1], each = ndpost),
                                nrow = ndpost)
  tau_hat_MCMC_samples_for_treated_cfe <-
    yobs_treated_matrix - mu_hat_0_MCMC_samples[, tr == 1]
  SATT_MCMC_cfe <-
          1, mean)
  SATT_estimate_cfe <- mean(SATT_MCMC_cfe)
  SATT_CI_cfe <-
    quantile(SATT_MCMC_cfe, probs = c(.05, .95))
  yobs_treated_matrix <- matrix(rep(yobs[tr == 0], each = ndpost),
                                nrow = ndpost)
  tau_hat_MCMC_samples_for_control_cfe <-
    mu_hat_0_MCMC_samples[, tr == 0] - yobs_treated_matrix
  SATC_MCMC_cfe <-
          1, mean)
  SATC_estimate_cfe <- mean(SATC_MCMC_cfe)
  SATC_CI_cfe <-
    quantile(SATC_MCMC_cfe, probs = c(.05, .95))
  # Compute the CATE ---------------------------------------------------------
  ite_matrix <- mu_hat_1_MCMC_samples - mu_hat_0_MCMC_samples
  CATE_pred <- apply(ite_matrix, 2, mean)
  CATE_CI <-
    t(apply(ite_matrix, 2, function(x)
      quantile(x, probs = c(.05, 0.95))))
  # Transform Output for easy access------------------------------------------
  ATE <-
        method = "all estimated",
        estimate = SATE_estimate_alle,
        "lower" = SATE_CI_alle[1],
        "upper" = SATE_CI_alle[2]
  if (sample_stat == "counterfactuals estimated") {
    ATT <-
        method = "counterfactuals estimated",
        estimate = SATT_estimate_cfe,
        "lower" = SATT_CI_cfe[1],
        "upper" = SATT_CI_cfe[2]
  if (sample_stat == "all estimated") {
    ATT <-
        method = "all estimated",
        estimate = SATT_estimate_alle,
        "lower" = SATT_CI_alle[1],
        "upper" = SATT_CI_alle[2]
  ATC <-
        method = "all estimated",
        estimate = SATC_estimate_alle,
        "lower" = SATC_CI_alle[1],
        "upper" = SATC_CI_alle[2]
  CATE <-
        method = "all estimated",
        estimate = CATE_pred,
        "lower" = CATE_CI[ ,1],
        "upper" = CATE_CI[ ,2]
  row.names(ATE) <- row.names(ATT) <- row.names(ATC) <- NULL
  return(list("SATE" = ATE,
              "SATT" = ATT,
              "SATC" = ATC,
              "CATE" = CATE))

# BART get pred matrix ---------------------------------------------------------

get_BART_pred <- function(x.train, y.train, x.test, ndpost, ntree, nthread, 
                          hyperparam) {

  pred_matrix <-
      x.train = x.train,
      y.train = y.train,
      x.test = x.test,
      ndpost = ndpost,
      ntree = ntree,
      mc.cores = nthread,
      sparse =    hyperparam$sparse,
      theta =     hyperparam$theta,
      omega =     hyperparam$omega,
      a =         hyperparam$a,
      b =         hyperparam$b,
      augment =   hyperparam$augment,
      rho =       hyperparam$rho,
      usequants = hyperparam$usequants,
      cont =      hyperparam$cont,
      sigest =    hyperparam$sigest,
      sigdf =     hyperparam$sigdf,
      sigquant =  hyperparam$sigquant,
      k =         hyperparam$k,
      power =     hyperparam$power,
      base =      hyperparam$base,
      sigmaf =    hyperparam$sigmaf,
      lambda =    hyperparam$lambda,
      numcut =    hyperparam$numcut,
      nskip =     hyperparam$nskip
soerenkuenzel/causalToolbox documentation built on April 28, 2021, 5:19 a.m.