
## show case

# library(ddclone)

# 1. Simulated Data
# Run ddClone over simulated dataone")

datObj <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "dollo.10.48.4.f0.gl0-u.dat", package = "ddclone"))
  ddCloneRes <- ddclone(dataObj = datObj,
                outputPath = './output', tumourContent = 1.0,
                numOfIterations = 100, thinning = 1, burnIn = 1,
                seed = 1)

# Display the result
df <- ddCloneRes$df
expPath <- ddCloneRes$expPath

# Evaluate against the gold standard
dat <- readRDS(dataPath)
nMut <- length(dat$mutPrevalence)
goldStandard <- data.frame(mutID = 1:nMut,
                           clusterID = relabel.clusters(as.vector(dat$mutPrevalence)),
                           phi = as.vector(dat$mutPrevalence))

# Evaluate clustering
(clustScore <- evaluate.clustering(goldStandard$clusterID, df$clusterID))

# Evaluate prevalence estimates
(phiScore <- mean(abs(goldStandard$phi - df$phi)))

# Save the result
score <- data.frame(clustScore, phiMeanError = phiScore)
write.table(score, file.path(expPath, 'result-scores.csv'))
sohrabsa/ddclone documentation built on May 30, 2019, 6:08 a.m.