#' Divide the spatial domain into subregions
#' @description The function takes an object of class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or \code{sf}
#' and divides it into subregions according to some grouping variable.
#' @param carto object of class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or \code{sf}.
#' @param ID.group character vector of grouping identifiers.
#' @param k numeric value with the neighbourhood order to add polygons at the border of the spatial subdomains.
#' If k=0 (default) a disjoint partition is defined.
#' @param plot logical value (default \code{FALSE}), if \code{TRUE} then the spatial polygons within each subdomain are ploted.
#' @return List of \code{sf} objects with the spatial polygons of each subdomain.
#' @importFrom geos geos_prepared_intersects
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
#' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_set_geometry st_union
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(tmap)
#' ## Load the Spain colorectal cancer mortality data ##
#' data(Carto_SpainMUN)
#' ## Plot of the grouping variable 'region' ##
#' tmap4 <- packageVersion("tmap") >= "3.99"
#' if(tmap4){
#' tm_shape(Carto_SpainMUN) +
#' tm_polygons(fill="region",
#' fill.scale=tm_scale(values="brewer.set3"),
#' fill.legend=tm_legend(frame=FALSE))
#' }else{
#' tm_shape(Carto_SpainMUN) +
#' tm_polygons(col="region") +
#' tm_layout(legend.outside=TRUE)
#' }
#' ## Disjoint partition ##
#' carto.k0 <- divide_carto(carto=Carto_SpainMUN, ID.group="region", k=0)
#' ## Partition + 1st order neighbours ##
#' carto.k1 <- divide_carto(carto=Carto_SpainMUN, ID.group="region", k=1)
#' ## Partition + 2nd order neighbours ##
#' carto.k2 <- divide_carto(carto=Carto_SpainMUN, ID.group="region", k=2)
#' ## Plot the spatial polygons for the autonomous region of Castilla y Leon ##
#' plot(carto.k2$`Castilla y Leon`$geometry, col="dodgerblue4", main="Castilla y Leon")
#' plot(carto.k1$`Castilla y Leon`$geometry, col="dodgerblue", add=TRUE)
#' plot(carto.k0$`Castilla y Leon`$geometry, col="lightgrey", add=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
divide_carto <- function(carto, ID.group=NULL, k=0, plot=FALSE){
## Transform 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame' object to 'sf' class
carto <- sf::st_as_sf(carto)
## Construct the grouped 'sf' object by ID.group variable ##
Data <- sf::st_set_geometry(carto, NULL)
carto.group <- stats::aggregate(carto[,"geometry"], list(ID.group=Data[,ID.group]), utils::head)
D <- nrow(carto.group)
## Disjoint partition ##
group.names <- carto.group$ID.group
names(group.names) <- group.names
carto.k0 <- lapply(group.names, function(x) {
aux <- carto[st_set_geometry(carto[,ID.group],NULL)==x,]
rownames(aux) <- NULL
if(plot) lapply(carto.k0, function(x) plot(x$geometry, main=unique(st_set_geometry(x,NULL)[,ID.group])))
## Partition including k-order neighbours ##
carto.k <- vector("list",D)
names(carto.k) <- names(carto.k0)
if(plot) color <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(k+2,"Blues")
for(i in 1:D){
aux.carto <- carto.group$geometry[i]
for(j in 1:k){
# loc <- sf::st_intersects(aux.carto, carto[,"geometry"])
# carto.k[[i]] <- merge(carto, data.frame(loc=unlist(loc)), by.x="temp", by.y="loc")
loc <- geos::geos_prepared_intersects(aux.carto, carto[,"geometry"])
carto.k[[i]] <- carto[loc,]
rownames(carto.k[[i]]) <- NULL
plot(carto.k[[i]]$geometry, col=color[j+2], main=sort(unique(Data[,ID.group]))[i],
plot(carto.k0[[i]]$geometry, col=color[1], add=TRUE)
aux.carto <- sf::st_union(carto.k[[i]])
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