#' Fill data gaps and smooth outliers in a time series of satellite images
#' \code{apply_ima} is the implementation of a spatio-temporal method
#' called Interpolation of Mean Anomalies(IMA) for gap filling and smoothing
#' satellite data \insertCite{militino2019interpolation}{rsat}.
#' \code{smoothing_images} is the implementation of a spatio temporal method
#' called image mean anomaly (IMA) for gap filling and smoothing satellite
#' data \insertCite{militino2019interpolation}{rsat}.
#' This filling/smoothing method was developed by
#' \insertCite{militino2019interpolation;textual}{rsat}. IMA fills the gaps
#' borrowing information from an adaptable temporal neighborhood. Two
#' parameters determine the size of the neighborhood; the number of days
#' before and after the target image (\code{nDays}) and the number of previous
#' and subsequent years (\code{nYears}). Both parameters should be adjusted
#' based on the temporal resolution of the of the time-series of images. We
#' recommend that the neighborhood extends over days rather than years, when
#' there is little resemblance between seasons. Also, cloudy series may require
#' larger neighborhoods.
#' IMA gives the following steps; (1) creates a representative image from the
#' temporal neighborhood of the target image (image to be filled/smoothed) e.g.,
#' doing the mean, median, etc. for each pixel's time-series (\code{fun}), (2)
#' the target and representative images are subtracted giving an image of
#' anomalies, (3) the anomalies falling outside the quantile limits
#' (\code{aFilter}) are considered outliers and therefore removed, (4) it
#' aggregates the anomaly image into a coarser resolution (\code{fact}) to
#' reveal potential spatial dependencies, (5) the procedure fits a spatial
#' model (thin plate splines or TPS) to the anomalies which is then used to
#' interpolate the values at the original resolution, and (6) the output
#' is the sum of the interpolated anomalies and the average image.
#' @references \insertRef{militino2019interpolation}{rsat}
#' @param x \code{rtoi} or \code{RastespatRaster} containing
#' a time series of satellite images.
#' @param method character argument. Defines the method used
#' for processing the images, e.a. "IMA".
#' @param product character argument. The name of the product to
#' be processed. Check the name of the parameter with \code{\link{rsat_list_data}}
#' function. Check the name of the parameter with
#' \code{\link{rsat_list_data}} function. By default, "ALL".
#' @param satellite character argument. The name of the satellite to
#' be processed. Check the name of the parameter with
#' \code{\link{rsat_list_data}} function. By default, "ALL".
#' @param stage character argument. The name of the processed stage
#' of the data. Check the name of the parameter with
#' \code{\link{rsat_list_data}} function. By default, "ALL".
#' @param variable character argument.The name of the variable to
#' be processed. Check the name of the parameter with
#' \code{\link{rsat_list_data}} function. By default, "ALL".
#' @param test.mode logical argument. If \code{TRUE}, the function runs some
#' lines to test \code{rsat_smoothing_images} with rtoi object.
#' @param ... arguments for nested functions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Img2Fill} a \code{vector} defining the
#' images to be filled/smoothed.
#' \item \code{r.dates} a \code{vector} of dates for the layers in \code{x}.
#' Mandatory when layer names of \code{x} do not contain their
#' capturing dates
#' "\code{YYYYJJJ}" format.
#' \item \code{nDays} a \code{numeric} argument with the number
#' of previous and subsequent days of the temporal neighborhood.
#' \item \code{nYears} a \code{numeric} argument with the number
#' of previous and subsequent years of the temporal neighborhood.
#' \item \code{aFilter} a \code{vector} of lower and upper
#' quantiles defining the outliers in the anomalies. Ex. c(0.05,0.95).
#' \item \code{fact} a \code{numeric} argument specifying the aggregation
#' factor of the anomalies.
#' \item \code{fun} a \code{function} used to aggregate the
#' image of anomalies. Both \code{mean} (default) or \code{median} are
#' accepted.
#' \item \code{snow.mode} logical argument. If \code{TRUE},
#' the process is parallelized using the functionalities from the `
#' \code{raster}' package.
#' \item \code{predictSE} calculate the standard error instead
#' the prediction.
#' \item \code{factSE} the \code{fact} used in the standard error
#' prediction.
#' \item \code{out.name} the name of the folder containing the
#' smoothed/filled images when saved in the Hard Disk Device (HDD).
#' \item \code{only.na} logical argument. If \code{TRUE}
#' only fills the \code{NA} values.
#' \code{FALSE} by default.
#' }
#' @return a \code{RastespatRaster} with the filled/smoothed images.
#' @export
#' @importFrom fields Tps predictSE
#' @importFrom terra nlyr xyFromCell values<- predict aggregate
#' @importFrom terra add<- values ncell app interpolate
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Smooth data in rtoi
#' library(rsat)
#' require(terra)
#' # create a copy of pamplona in temp file
#' file.copy(from=system.file("ex/PamplonaDerived",package="rsat"),
#' to=tempdir(),
#' recursive = TRUE)
#' # load example rtoi
#' pamplona <- read_rtoi(file.path(tempdir(),"PamplonaDerived"))
#' rsat_smoothing_images(pamplona,
#' method = "IMA",
#' variable="NDVI"
#' )
#' rsat_list_data(pamplona)
#' # get smoothed
#' smoothed <- rsat_get_SpatRaster(pamplona,p="mod09ga",v="NDVI",s="IMA")
#' plot(smoothed)
#' # get original
#' original <- rsat_get_SpatRaster(pamplona,p="mod09ga",v="NDVI",s="variables")
#' plot(original)
#' plot(smoothed[[1]]-original[[1]])
#' ## smooth user defined SpatRaster dataset
#' require(terra)
#' data(ex.ndvi.navarre)
#' # load an example of NDVI time series in Navarre
#' ex.ndvi.navarre <- rast(ex.ndvi.navarre)
#' # the raster stack with the date in julian format as name
#' plot(ex.ndvi.navarre)
#' # smoothin and fill all the time series
#' tiles.mod.ndvi.filled <- rsat_smoothing_images(ex.ndvi.navarre,
#' method = "IMA"
#' )
#' # show the filled images
#' plot(tiles.mod.ndvi.filled)
#' # plot comparison of the cloud and the filled images
#' tiles.mod.ndvi.comp <- c(
#' ex.ndvi.navarre[[1]], tiles.mod.ndvi.filled[[1]],
#' ex.ndvi.navarre[[2]], tiles.mod.ndvi.filled[[2]]
#' )
#' plot(tiles.mod.ndvi.comp)
#' }
setGeneric("rsat_smoothing_images", function(x,
...) {
#' @rdname rsat_smoothing_images
#' @aliases rsat_smoothing_images,rtoi,character
signature = c("rtoi", "character"),
product = "ALL",
satellite = "ALL",
stage = "ALL",
variable = "ALL",
test.mode = FALSE,
...) {
var_to_process <- rsat_list_data(x)
if (!product == "ALL") {
var_to_process <- var_to_process[var_to_process$product %in% product, ]
if (!satellite == "ALL") {
var_to_process <-
var_to_process[var_to_process$satellite %in% satellite, ]
if (!stage == "ALL") {
var_to_process <- var_to_process[var_to_process$stage %in% stage, ]
if (!variable == "ALL") {
var_to_process <- var_to_process[var_to_process$variable %in% variable, ]
# remove imasmoothing
var_to_process <- var_to_process[!var_to_process$stage %in%
"IMA", ]
apply(var_to_process, 1, function(p,
process_folder = "IMA",
) {
process_list <- read_rtoi_dir(p, rtoi_dir)
spatRaster <- rast(process_list)
names(spatRaster) <- format(genGetDates(process_list), "%Y%j")
AppRoot = file.path(rtoi_dir,
out.name = p[4],
}, rtoi_dir = get_dir(x), ...
#' @rdname rsat_smoothing_images
signature = c("SpatRaster", "character"),
...) {
if (method == "IMA") {
return(genSmoothingIMA(spatRaster = x, get.spatRaster = TRUE, ...))
} else {
stop("Method not supported.")
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
genSmoothingIMA <- function(spatRaster,
Img2Fill = NULL,
nDays = 3,
nYears = 1,
fact = 5,
fun = mean,
aFilter = c(.05, .95),
only.na = FALSE,
factSE = 8,
predictSE = FALSE,
snow.mode = FALSE,
out.name = "outname",
get.spatRaster = FALSE,
...) {
args <- list(...)
stime <- Sys.time()
if ("AppRoot" %in% names(args)) {
dir.create(args$AppRoot, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# select images to predict
if (is.null(Img2Fill)) {
Img2Fill <- 1:nlyr(spatRaster)
} else {
aux <- Img2Fill[Img2Fill %in% 1:nlyr(spatRaster)]
if (is.null(aux)) {
stop("Target images in Img2Fill do not exist.")
if (length(aux) != length(Img2Fill)) {
warning("Some of target images in Img2Fill do not exist in imgTS.")
Img2Fill <- aux
if (!missing(r.dates)) {
if (length(r.dates) != nlyr(spatRaster))
stop("r.dates and spatRaster must have the same length.")
alldates <- r.dates
} else {
alldates <- genGetDates(names(spatRaster))
if (get.spatRaster) {
result <- rast()
result <- project(result,spatRaster)
if (all(is.na(alldates))) {
stop(paste0("The name of the layers has to include the",
" date and it must be in julian days (%Y%j) ."))
for (i in Img2Fill) {
# get target date
target.date <- alldates[i]
message(paste0("Predicting period ", target.date))
# define temporal neighbourhood
neighbours <- dateNeighbours(
ts.raster = spatRaster,
target.date = target.date,
r.dates = alldates,
nPeriods = nDays,
nYears = nYears
message(paste0(" - Size of the neighbourhood: ", nlyr(neighbours)))
# calculate mean image
meanImage <- app(neighbours, fun = fun, na.rm = TRUE)
# get target image
targetImage <- subset(spatRaster,
format(target.date, "%Y%j")))
# calculate anomaly
anomaly <- targetImage - meanImage
# remove extreme values
qrm <- quantile(na.omit(values(anomaly)), aFilter)
anomaly[anomaly < qrm[1] | anomaly > qrm[2]] <- NA
# reduce the resolution for tps
aggAnomaly <-aggregate(anomaly, fact = fact, fun = fun)
# Tps model
xy <- data.frame(xyFromCell(aggAnomaly, 1:ncell(aggAnomaly)))
v <- values(aggAnomaly)
idx <- !is.na(v)
tps <- Tps(xy, v)
# smooth anomaly
if (!predictSE) {
anomaly.prediction <- interpolate(rast(anomaly),
fun = predict)
# add mean image to predicted anomaly
target.prediction <- anomaly.prediction + meanImage
} else {
se.size <- aggregate(anomaly, fact = factSE, fun = fun)
target.prediction <- interpolate(object = rast(se.size),
model = tps,
fun = fields::predictSE)
if (only.na) {
vsti[vs] <- values(target.prediction)[vs]
target.prediction <- targetImage
# write filled images
if ("AppRoot" %in% names(args)) {
outfile <- paste0(args$AppRoot, "/", format(target.date, "%Y%j"), ".tif")
out.zip <- file.path(args$AppRoot, paste0(out.name, ".zip"))
writeRaster(target.prediction, outfile)
add2rtoi(outfile, out.zip)
if (get.spatRaster) {
add(result) <- target.prediction
etime <- Sys.time()
" images processed in ",
MinSeg(etime, stime)))
if (get.spatRaster) {
dateNeighbours <- function(ts.raster,
nPeriods = 1,
nYears = 1) {
targetyear <- as.integer(format(target.date, "%Y"))
tempolarPeriods <-
format(as.Date((target.date - nPeriods):(target.date + nPeriods)), "%j")
if ("365" %in% tempolarPeriods & !"366" %in% tempolarPeriods) {
tempolarPeriods <- c(tempolarPeriods, "366")
temporalYears <- (targetyear - nYears):(targetyear + nYears)
temporalWindow <- paste0(
rep(temporalYears, each = length(tempolarPeriods)),
rep(tempolarPeriods, length(temporalYears))
return(subset(ts.raster, which(format(r.dates, "%Y%j") %in%
MinSeg <- function(fim, ini) {
dif <- as.numeric(difftime(fim, ini, units = "mins"))
sprintf("%02dm", as.integer(dif)), " ",
sprintf("%02.0fs", (dif - as.integer(dif)) * 60), "."
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