baseball_foul_line: The foul line. These are the white lines that extend from the...

View source: R/features-baseball.R

baseball_foul_lineR Documentation

The foul line. These are the white lines that extend from the back tip of home plate (but not visibly through the batter's boxes) out to the fair/foul pole in the outfield. Since a ball on the line is considered in fair territory, the outer edge of the baseline must lie in fair territory (aka the line y = +/- x)


The foul line. These are the white lines that extend from the back tip of home plate (but not visibly through the batter's boxes) out to the fair/foul pole in the outfield. Since a ball on the line is considered in fair territory, the outer edge of the baseline must lie in fair territory (aka the line y = +/- x)


  is_line_1b = FALSE,
  line_distance = 0,
  batters_box_length = 0,
  batters_box_width = 0,
  batters_box_y_adj = 0,
  home_plate_side_to_batters_box = 0,
  foul_line_thickness = 0



Whether or not the line is the first base line


The straight-line distance from the back tip of home plate to the terminus of the line at the foul pole


The length of the batter's box (in the y direction) measured from the outside of the chalk lines


The width of the batter's box (in the x direction) measured from the outside of the chalk lines


The shift off of center in the y direction that the batter's box is to be moved to properly align


The distance from the outer edge of the batter's box to the inner edge of home plate


The thickness of the chalk line that comprise the foul line


A data frame containing the foul line's bounding coordinates

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.