basketball_inbounding_line: The inbounding line is where the ball is inbounded on the...

View source: R/features-basketball.R

basketball_inbounding_lineR Documentation

The inbounding line is where the ball is inbounded on the sideline when necessary. Lines drawn on the top of the court should be drawn in a top-down direction, and lines on the bottom of the court should be drawn in the bottom-up direction


The inbounding line is where the ball is inbounded on the sideline when necessary. Lines drawn on the top of the court should be drawn in a top-down direction, and lines on the bottom of the court should be drawn in the bottom-up direction


  line_thickness = 0,
  in_play_ext = 0,
  out_of_bounds_ext = 0,
  drawn_direction = ""



The thickness of the inbounding line


The extension of the inbounding line into the court


The extension of the inbounding line away from the court


A string indicating which way, in an un-rotated plot, the line should be drawn when looking at the plot in TV View


A data frame containing the bounding box of the inbounding line

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.