basketball_backboard: The backboard is the backing onto which the basket ring...

View source: R/features-basketball.R

basketball_backboardR Documentation

The backboard is the backing onto which the basket ring (created by basketball_basket_ring()) is affixed. This will be drawn as a rectangle on the court as the court is drawn from an aerial view


The backboard is the backing onto which the basket ring (created by basketball_basket_ring()) is affixed. This will be drawn as a rectangle on the court as the court is drawn from an aerial view


basketball_backboard(backboard_width = 0, backboard_thickness = 0)



The width of the backboard when viewed from above. This is the x-direction dimension of the backboard when taking the point of view of a free throw shooter


The thickness of the backboard when viewed from above


A data frame of the bounding box of the backboard

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.