basketball_lane_space_mark: The lane space marks, also known as the blocks, denote where...

View source: R/features-basketball.R

basketball_lane_space_markR Documentation

The lane space marks, also known as the blocks, denote where non-shooting players stand during free throws. Players may not cross these lines before the ball touches the rim on the shot attempt


The lane space marks, also known as the blocks, denote where non-shooting players stand during free throws. Players may not cross these lines before the ball touches the rim on the shot attempt


basketball_lane_space_mark(feature_thickness = 0, mark_depth = 0)



The thickness of the lane space mark (this is the distance in the x direction in "TV View")


The distance from the exterior edge of the free throw lane boundary that the lane space mark extends towards the sideline


A data frame containing the bounding box of the lane space mark

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.