basketball_free_throw_circle_fill: The filled-in section of the free throw circle. The circle is...

View source: R/features-basketball.R

basketball_free_throw_circle_fillR Documentation

The filled-in section of the free throw circle. The circle is the area where a free throw shooter stands when attempting the free throw. The outline of this area will be created separately via basketball_free_throw_circle()


The filled-in section of the free throw circle. The circle is the area where a free throw shooter stands when attempting the free throw. The outline of this area will be created separately via basketball_free_throw_circle()


  free_throw_circle_radius = 0,
  line_thickness = 0



The outer radius of the free throw circle, measured from the center of the free throw line


The thickness of the outline of the free throw circle


A data frame containing the bounding coordinates of the free throw circle's semi-circular filling

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.