basketball_division_line: The division line divides the court into two halves, and is...

View source: R/features-basketball.R

basketball_division_lineR Documentation

The division line divides the court into two halves, and is sometimes referred to as the time line or half-court line. The center of this line goes through the y axis, with half of the line lying in a team's offensive half court and the other half in their defensive half court


The division line divides the court into two halves, and is sometimes referred to as the time line or half-court line. The center of this line goes through the y axis, with half of the line lying in a team's offensive half court and the other half in their defensive half court


  court_width = 0,
  line_thickness = 0,
  division_line_extension = 0



The width of the court


The thickness of the division line


The distance that the division line extends beyond the sideline. This may be omitted if the value is 0


A data frame of the bounding box for the division line of the court

sportsdataverse/sportyR documentation built on Feb. 6, 2025, 11:50 a.m.