
Defines functions kFoldMean smoothMean

Documented in kFoldMean smoothMean

#' @name kFoldMean
#' @title kFoldMean Calculator
#' @description Calculates out-of-fold mean features (also known as target encoding) for train and test data.
#'              This strategy is widely used to avoid overfitting or causing leakage while creating features
#'              using the target variable. This method is experimental. If the results you get are unexpected,
#'              please report them in github issues.
#' @param train_df train dataset
#' @param test_df test dataset
#' @param colname name of categorical column
#' @param target the target or dependent variable, should be a string.
#' @param n_fold the number of folds to use for doing kfold computation, default=5
#' @param seed the seed value, to ensure reproducibility,
#'             it could be any positive value, default=42
#' @return a train and test data table with out-of-fold mean value
#'         of the target for the given categorical variable
#' @export
#' @examples
#' train <- data.frame(region=c('del','csk','rcb','del','csk','pune','guj','del'),
#'                     win = c(0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1))
#' test <- data.frame(region=c('rcb','csk','rcb','del','guj','pune','csk','kol'))
#' train_result <- kFoldMean(train_df = train,
#'                           test_df = test,
#'                           colname = 'region',
#'                           target = 'win',
#'                           seed = 1220)$train
#' test_result <- kFoldMean(train_df = train,
#'                          test_df = test,
#'                          colname = 'region',
#'                          target = 'win',
#'                          seed = 1220)$test
kFoldMean <- function(train_df, test_df, colname, target, n_fold = 5, seed=42){

    warning(strwrap('This method is experimental. If the results you get
                    are unexpected, please report them in github issues.'))

    # check if its data frame
    if (!(inherits(train_df, c("data.table", "data.frame"))))
        stop("Please check the format of your train data.
           It should be a data.table or data.frame")

    if (!(inherits(test_df, c("data.table", "data.frame"))))
        stop("Please check the format of your test data.
             It should be a data.table or data.frame")

    assert_that(all(c(colname, target) %in% names(train_df)))
    assert_that(all(c(colname) %in% names(test_df)))

        stop("The target column contains NA values. Halting computation.")

    # just to be sure, convert the table to data table

    # calculate global mean
    globalmean <- mean(train_df[[target]])

    # set target col name
    target_col <- c("mean_var")

    # this step is a hack to pass R CMD CHECK
    # taken from data.table matt's SO post
    mean_var <- i.mean_var <- i.temp_count <- NULL

    # this creates a new column with global mean
    temp_count  <- NULL
    train_df[, (target_col) := globalmean]

    # add 5 times the mean value later in the for loop
    test_df[, (target_col) := 0]
    test_df[, temp_count := 0]

    # create folds
    mfolds <- caret::createFolds(y = train_df[[target]], k = n_fold, list = T)

    # get values
    for(f in mfolds){

        x_train <- train_df[-f, c(colname, target), with = F]
        x_valid <- train_df[f, c(colname, target), with = F]

        means <- x_train[, mean(get(target), na.rm = TRUE), colname]
        setnames(means, "V1", target_col)

        ## map out of fold mean values to categories in validation data
        x_valid <- means[x_valid[,colname,with=F], on = colname]
        x_valid[is.na(get(target_col)), (target_col) := globalmean]

        train_df[f, (target_col) := x_valid[[target_col]]]
        x_valid[, temp_count := 1]

        test_df[x_valid, ":="(mean_var = mean_var + i.mean_var,
                              temp_count = temp_count + i.temp_count),
                              on = colname]


    # avoiding zero division error
    test_df[min(temp_count), temp_count := 1]

    # divide test values by frequency
    test_df[, (target_col) := get(target_col) / temp_count]

    # ensure the encoding values match the cat values
    return (list(train = train_df[, c(colname, target_col), with = F],
                 test = test_df[, c(colname, target_col), with = F]))

#' @name smoothMean
#' @title smoothMean Calculator
#' @description Calculates target encodings using a smoothing parameter and count of categorical variables.
#' This approach is more robust to possibility of leakage and avoid overfitting.
#' @param train_df train dataset
#' @param test_df test dataset
#' @param colname name of categorical column
#' @param target name of target column
#' @param min_samples_leaf minimum samples to take category average into account
#' @param smoothing smoothing effect to balance categorical average vs prior
#' @param noise_level random noise to add, optional
#' @return a train and test data table with mean encodings
#'         of the target for the given categorical variable
#' @export
#' @examples
#' train <- data.frame(region=c('del','csk','rcb','del','csk','pune','guj','del'),
#'                     win = c(0,1,1,0,0,1,0,1))
#' test <- data.frame(region=c('rcb','csk','rcb','del','guj','pune','csk','kol'))
#' # calculate encodings
#' all_means <- smoothMean(train_df = train,
#'                          test_df = test,
#'                          colname = 'region',
#'                          target = 'win')
#' train_mean <- all_means$train
#' test_mean <- all_means$test
smoothMean <- function(train_df,

    # check if column exists
    assert_that(all(c(colname, target) %in% names(train_df)))
    assert_that(all(c(colname) %in% names(test_df)))

        stop("The target column contains NA values. Halting computation.")

    # make sure we work on data tables
    train_df <- as.data.table(train_df)
    test_df <- as.data.table(test_df)

    # combine data - class of target changes - becomes char from numeric >:(
    # compute target mean
    averages <- train_df[, list(count = .N, mean = mean(get(target))), colname]

    # compute smoothing
    smoothing <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(averages[["count"]] -
                                    min_samples_leaf) / smoothing))

    #cal prior
    prior <- mean(train_df[[target]])

    # smooth target
    new_col <- paste0(target, "_feat", collapse = "")
    averages[[new_col]] <- prior * (1 - smoothing) +
                                    averages[["mean"]] * smoothing

    # drop columns
    averages[, c("mean", "count") := NULL]

    trn_df <- averages[train_df[, colname, with=F], on = colname]
    tst_df <- averages[test_df[, colname, with=F], on = colname]

    # check for missing values and impute them by prior
    if(colSums(is.na(trn_df))[[new_col]] > 1){
        trn_df[is.na(get(new_col)), (new_col) := prior]

    if(colSums(is.na(tst_df))[[new_col]] >= 1){
        tst_df[is.na(get(new_col)), (new_col) := prior]

    add_noise <- function(vec, noise_level=0){
        return(vec * (1 + noise_level * stats::rnorm(length(vec))))

    trn_df[[new_col]] <- add_noise(trn_df[[new_col]], noise_level = noise_level)
    tst_df[[new_col]] <- add_noise(tst_df[[new_col]], noise_level = noise_level)

    return(list(train = trn_df, test = tst_df))
ssi-ashraf/superml documentation built on Nov. 5, 2019, 9:18 a.m.