
make_param_list_with_groups_sort <- reactive({
  validate(need(!is.null(input$param_plot_sort_j), message = "Loading..."))
  sort_j <- input$param_plot_sort_j
  choices <- list()
  param_groups <- names(PARAM_DIMS)
  ll <- length(PARAM_DIMS)
  LL <- sapply(seq_len(ll), function(i) 

  choices[seq_len(ll)] <- ""
  names(choices) <- param_groups
  for(i in seq_len(ll)) {
    if (LL[i] == 0) {
      choices[[i]] <- list(param_groups[i])
    } else {
      group <- param_groups[i]
      temp <- paste0("^",group,"\\[")
      ch <- PARAM_NAMES[grep(temp, PARAM_NAMES)]
      # the next line avoids parameters whose names include the group name of a
      # different group of parameters being included in the latter group, e.g.
      # if we have b_bias[1], b_bias[2], bias[1], bias[2] then we want to avoid
      # bias[1] and bias[2] being included in the b_bias group
      ch <- ch[which(substr(ch, 1, nchar(group)) == group)]

      if (sort_j == TRUE & (LL[i] > 1)) {
        # change sorting so e.g. "beta[1,1] beta[1,2] beta[2,1] beta[2,2]"
        # instead of "beta[1,1] beta[2,1] beta[1,2] beta[2,2]"
        ch <- gtools::mixedsort(ch)
      ch_out <- c(paste0(group,"_as_shinystan_group"), ch)
      names(ch_out) <- c(paste("ALL", group), ch)
      choices[[i]] <- ch_out

stan-dev/shinystan documentation built on Aug. 7, 2022, 3:25 a.m.