
Defines functions print.lplb lplb.formula lplb.control lplb.default lplb

Documented in lplb lplb.control lplb.default lplb.formula print.lplb

#######clean worspace and set file path

########Load library and functions


lplb <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("lplb")

lplb.default <- function(x, y, control, ...){
  t0 = Sys.time()
  X = as.matrix(x)
  ## data needs to be ordered by time
  st = sort(y[, 1], index.return = TRUE)
  idx = st$ix
  y = y[idx, ]
  X = X[idx, ]
  ## transform w into interval (0,1)
  w = X[, p+1]
  X[ ,p+1]=x.cdf(X[ ,p+1])
  X = as.matrix(X)
  fit = lple_fit(X, y, control, maxT=TRUE)
  Q1 = fit$maxT
  sd = fit$sd
  cat('Q1 = ', Q1, '\n')
  fit$mTstar = bstrp(X, y, control)
  B = control$B
  pvalue = (sum(fit$mTstar>=Q1)+0.5)/(B+1)
  cat('p-value = ', pvalue, '\n')
  t1 = Sys.time()
  fit$w = w
  fit$Q1 = Q1
  fit$B = B
  fit$pvalue = pvalue
  fit$control = control
  fit$call <- match.call()
  fit$runningtime = runningtime
  class(fit) <- "lplb"

lplb.control = function(h = 0.2, kernel = 'gaussian', B = 200, w0 = seq(0.05, 0.95, 0.025), p1 = 1, pctl = seq(0.2, 0.8, 0.1)) {
  if (!is.numeric(B) || B <= 0) 
    stop("value of 'B' must be > 0")
  if (!is.numeric(h) || h <= 0 || h >= 1) 
    stop("value of 'h' must be in (0, 1)")
  if (!is.numeric(p1) || p1 < 1) 
    stop("value of 'p1' must be > or = 1")
  #pctl defines the print output of beta(w)
  if (!is.numeric(pctl) || max(pctl) >= 1 || min(pctl)<=0)
    stop("value of 'pctl' must be in (0, 1)")
  return(list(h = h, B = B, w_est = w0, p1 = p1, pctl = pctl, kernel = kernel))

lplb.formula <- function(formula, data=list(...), control = list(...), ...){
  mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
  x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=mf)
  #remove intercept
  x = x[, -1]
  y <- model.response(mf)
  control = do.call("lplb.control", control)
  fit <- lplb.default(x, y, control)
  fit$call <- match.call()
  fit$formula <- formula

print.lplb <- function(x, ...){
  p1 = ncol(x$beta_w)
  control = x$control
  c_names = as.character(rep(0,p1)) # to save col names
  w_q = quantile(x$w_est, probs = control$pctl, type=3)
  opmtrx = matrix(0,p1*2, length(control$pctl))
  for (i in 1:p1){
    opmtrx[(i*2-1), ] = x$beta_w[match(w_q,x$w_est) ,i]
    c_names[(i*2-1)] = colnames(x$beta_w)[i]
    opmtrx[(i*2), ] = x$sd[match(w_q,x$w_est) ,i]
    c_names[(i*2)] = paste0(colnames(x$beta_w)[i],'(sd)')
  opmtrx = rbind(w_q, opmtrx)
  rownames(opmtrx) = c('w0',c_names)
  cat("\nCoefficients(w_est quantile):\n")
  cat('p1 =', p1, '; Bootstrap times =', x$B, '\n')
  cat('Kernel type:',control$kernel, '; Bandwidth (h) = ',control$h, '\n')
  cat('Statistic Q1 =', x$Q1, '; p_value =', x$pvalue, '\n')
statapps/lplb documentation built on July 10, 2021, 6:14 p.m.