
Defines functions one_sample two_sample within_group_mean stratified_two_sample CI_mean

Documented in CI_mean one_sample stratified_two_sample two_sample within_group_mean

#' One-sample permutation test for the center of a distribution
#' @param x Vector of observations
#' @param reps Number of replications to approximate distribution (default 1000)
#' @param center Optional; specify null center of distribution (default 0)
#' @return A vector of length `reps` containing the permutation distribution
#' @examples
#' x <- -5:5 + rnorm(11)
#' distr <- one_sample(x)
#' pvalue <- t2p(mean(x), distr, alternative = 'two-sided')
#' pvalue
#' distr2 <- one_sample(x, center = 5)
#' pvalue2 <- t2p(mean(x), distr2, alternative = 'greater')
#' pvalue2
one_sample <- function(x, reps = 1000, center = 0) {
    if (!is.vector(x)) {
        stop("x must be a vector")
    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
        stop("x must be numeric")
    x_center <- x - center
    n <- length(x)
    tst <- function(z) {
        mean(x_center * z + center)
    distr <- replicate(reps, {
        perm <- 1 - 2 * rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)

#' Two-sample permutation test for equality of means
#' @param x Vector of observations in group 1
#' @param y Vector of observations in group 2
#' @param reps Number of replications to approximate distribution (default 1000)
#' @return A vector of length `reps` containing the permutation distribution
two_sample <- function(x, y, reps = 1000) {
    if (!is.vector(x) | !is.vector(y)) {
        stop("x and y must be vectors")
    if (!is.numeric(x) | !is.numeric(y)) {
        stop("x and y must be numeric")
    tst <- function(x, y) {
        mean(x) - mean(y)
    z <- c(x, y)
    n <- length(x)
    distr <- replicate(reps, {
        z.star <- sample(z)
        x.star <- z.star[1:n]
        y.star <- z.star[-(1:n)]
        tst(x.star, y.star)

#' Difference in means within groups
#' Compute difference in mean residual between treated and control within each group
#' @param group Vector of group memberships or treatment conditions
#' @param response Vector of measured outcomes, same length as group
#' @param stratum Vector of stratum assignments, same length as group
#' @param groups Vector of unique group labels
#' @param strata Vector of unique stratum labels
#' @return a vector of differences
within_group_mean <- function(group, response, stratum, groups, strata) {
    tt <- (group == groups[1])
    sapply(strata, function(s) {
        ind <- stratum == s
        treated <- response[tt == 1 & ind]
        ctrl <- response[tt == 0 & ind]
        return(mean(treated, na.rm = TRUE) - mean(ctrl, na.rm = TRUE))

#' Stratified two-sample permutation test for equality of means
#' @param group Vector of group memberships or treatment conditions
#' @param response Vector of measured outcomes, same length as group
#' @param stratum Vector of stratum assignments, same length as group
#' @param stat The test statistic. Default is 'mean'. See details for other options.
#' @param reps Number of replications to approximate distribution (default 1000)
#' @details 
#' \enumerate{
#' \item If stat == 'mean', the test statistic is (mean(x) - mean(y))
#'        (equivalently, sum(x), since those are monotonically related), omitting
#'        NaNs, which therefore can be used to code non-responders
#' \item If stat == 't', the test statistic is the two-sample t-statistic--
#'          but the p-value is still estimated by the randomization,
#'          approximating the permutation distribution.
#'          The t-statistic is computed using t.test(...,var.equal=TRUE)
#' \item If stat == 'mean_within_strata', the test statistic is the difference
#'          in means within each stratum, added across strata.
#' \item If stat is a function (a callable object), the test statistic is
#'          that function.  The function should take a permutation of the pooled
#'          data and compute the test function from it.
#'  }
#' @return A vector of length `reps` containing the permutation distribution
stratified_two_sample <- function(group, response, stratum, stat = "mean", reps = 1000) {
    if (!is.vector(group) | !is.vector(response) | !is.vector(stratum)) {
        stop("inputs must be vectors")
    if (!is.numeric(response)) {
        stop("response must be numeric")
    if (length(unique(group)) > 2) {
        stop("two samples only")
    groups <- unique(group)
    strata <- unique(stratum)
    ordering <- order(group)
    response <- response[ordering]
    stratum <- stratum[ordering]
    group <- group[ordering]
    ntreat <- table(group)[1]
    N <- length(group)
    # If stat is callable, use it as the test function. Otherwise, look in the
    # dictionary
    stats <- list(mean = function(u) {
        mean(u[1:ntreat], na.rm = TRUE) - mean(u[(ntreat + 1):N], na.rm = TRUE)
    }, t = function(u) {
        t.test(u[1:ntreat], u[(ntreat + 1):N], var.equal = TRUE)$statistic
    }, mean_within_strata = function(u) {
        sum(abs(within_group_mean(group, u, stratum, groups, strata)))
    if (is.function(stat)) {
        tst_fun <- stat
    } else {
        if (stat %in% names(stats)) {
            tst_fun <- stats[[stat]]
        } else {
            stop("stat must be in the dictionary of stats or a function")
    distr <- replicate(reps, {
        tst_fun(permute_within_groups(response, strata))

#' Confidence interval for the additive shift in means for a one- or two-sample problem
#' Invert the permutation test to get a \eqn{1-\alpha} confidence interval for either the shift parameter in a two-sample problem or the center of the distribution in a one-sample problem
#' @inheritParams two_sample
#' @param side Type of interval, either 'both', 'upper', or 'lower'. Default is 'both'.
#' @param alpha Significance level
#' @return a vector containing the desired limits of the confidence set
CI_mean <- function(x, y = NULL, reps = 1000, side = "both", alpha = 0.05) {
    if (!(side %in% c("upper", "lower", "both"))) {
        stop("side must be one of 'upper', 'lower', or 'both'")
    if (side == "both") {
        d1 <- CI_mean(x = x, y = y, reps = reps, side = "lower", alpha/2)
        d2 <- CI_mean(x = x, y = y, reps = reps, side = "upper", alpha/2)
        return(c(d1, d2))
    alternative <- ifelse(side == "upper", "less", "greater")
    # initialize
    shift_pval <- 1
    if (is.null(y)) {
        observed <- mean(x)
        shift_permtest <- function(ss) {
            shift_fun <- function(shift) one_sample(x, reps = reps, center = shift)
            distr <- shift_fun(ss)
            return(t2p(observed, shift_fun(ss), alternative = alternative))
    } else {
        observed <- mean(x) - mean(y)
        shift_permtest <- function(ss) {
            shift_fun <- function(shift) two_sample(x - shift, y, rep = reps)
            distr <- shift_fun(ss)
            return(t2p(observed - ss, shift_fun(ss), alternative = alternative))
    d_prev <- observed
    d_next <- observed
    incr <- diff(range(c(x, y)))/2
    # Conduct permutation test for H0: shift = d until we reject H0
    while (shift_pval > alpha) {
        d_prev <- d_next
        d_next <- ifelse(side == "upper", d_prev + incr, d_prev - incr)
        shift_pval <- shift_permtest(d_next)
    # Bisection
    if (side == "upper") {
        l_int <- d_prev
        u_int <- d_next
    } else {
        l_int <- d_next
        u_int <- d_prev
    d <- uniroot(function(z) {
        shift_permtest(z) - alpha
    }, lower = l_int, upper = u_int, tol = alpha/reps)
statlab/permuter documentation built on May 30, 2019, 9:45 a.m.