
Defines functions InitErgmProposal.blockdiagTNT InitErgmProposal.blockdiag ergm_block_diag_samp_info .get.blockdiag.attr .double.rle .consensus.order

Documented in ergm_block_diag_samp_info InitErgmProposal.blockdiag InitErgmProposal.blockdiagTNT

#  File R/InitErgmProposal.blockdiag.R in package ergm.multi, part of the
#  Statnet suite of packages for network analysis, https://statnet.org .
#  This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
#  open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) at
#  https://statnet.org/attribution .
#  Copyright 2003-2024 Statnet Commons
# Each of the <InitErgmProposal.X> functions initializes and returns a
# proposal list; when appropriate, proposal types are checked against
# covariates and network types for 1 of 2 side effects: to print warning
# messages or to halt execution (only <InitErgmProposal.nobetweengroupties> can
# halt execution)
#   arguments: is ignored by all but <InitErgmProposal.nobetweengroupties>,
#              where 'arguments' is used to get the nodal attributes
#              via <get.node.attr>
#   nw       : the network given by the model
#   proposal: a list containing:
#        name   : the name of the proposal
#        inputs : a vector to be passed to the proposal
#        package: is "ergm"

#### WARNING: The following functions also have a copy in tergm. Fixes
#### should be applied to both (for now.)
## FIXME: There is almost certainly a better way to do this.
.consensus.order <- function(x1, x2){
  o <- intersect(x1, x2)
  if(!all(x1[x1 %in% o] == x2[x2 %in% o])) stop("Current implementation of block-diagonal sampling requires the common blocks of egos and blocks of alters to have the same order. See ", sQuote("ergmConstraint?blockdiag"), "for more information.")
  o1 <- c(0, which(x1 %in% o),length(x1)+1)
  o2 <- c(0, which(x2 %in% o),length(x2)+1)
  n <- length(o1) - 1
  v <- c()

  sr <- function(from,to){from + seq_len(to-from + 1) - 1}

  for(i in seq_len(n)){
    v <- c(v, x1[sr(o1[i]+1,o1[i+1]-1)])
    v <- c(v, x2[sr(o2[i]+1,o2[i+1]-1)])
    v <- na.omit(c(v, x1[o1[i+1]]))

.double.rle <- function(a1, a2){
  e1 <- rle(a1)
  e2 <- rle(a2)

  o <- .consensus.order(e1$values, e2$values)

  l1 <- e1$lengths[match(o, e1$values)]
  l1[is.na(l1)] <- 0
  l2 <- e2$lengths[match(o, e2$values)]
  l2[is.na(l2)] <- 0

  list(values=o, lengths1=l1, lengths2=l2)

.get.blockdiag.attr <- function(nw, conlist, conpat = "^blockdiag$"){
  conlist <- conlist[grep(conpat, names(conlist))]
  a <- sapply(conlist, `[[`, "attr")
  aa <- lapply(a, function(b) c(ergm_get_vattr(b, nw)))
  do.call(paste, c(aa, list(sep="\t")))

#' @title Compute and serialize information needed by the block-diagonal
#' Metropolis-Hastings samplers.
#' @description Given a nodal attribute vector specifying the blocks
#'   returns a list containing information needed to efficiently
#'   sample dyads in those blocks.
#' @param nw the network of interest.
#' @param a either a vector (of any mode) whose \eqn{i}th element
#'   identifies the block to which vertex \eqn{i} belongs. Blocks must
#'   be continguous.
#' @return An object of nonce class `ergm_block_diag_samp_info` with
#'   the following elements at this time:
#' \describe{
#' \item{`nblk`}{number of blocks}
#' \item{`pos` (for unipartite), `b1pos` and `b2pos` (for
#' bipartite)}{vectors of length `nblk+1` such that
#' `(pos[i]+1):(pos[i+1])` are the numbers of the vertices in block
#' `i`.}
#' \item{`cumwt`}{vector of length `nblk` with values such that
#' generating \eqn{U\sim \mathrm{Uniform}(0,1)}{U ~ Uniform(0,1)}
#' selecting the index of the first element in `cumwt` that is greater
#' than \eqn{U} will sample from the blocks in proportion to the
#' number of dyads in the block.}
#' }
#' In addition, an attribute `"ndyads"` is attached, containing the
#' total number of dyads in all blocks put together.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
ergm_block_diag_samp_info <- function(nw, a){
  bip <- nw %n% "bipartite"
    ea <- a[seq_len(bip)]
    aa <- a[bip+seq_len(network.size(nw)-bip)]
    ## rle() returns contigous runs of values.
    # If we have more runs than unique values, the blocks must not be all contiguous.
    if(length(rle(ea)$lengths)!=length(unique(rle(ea)$values)) || length(rle(aa)$lengths)!=length(unique(rle(aa)$values))) return(NULL)

    tmp <- .double.rle(ea, aa)

    eb <- cumsum(c(0,tmp$lengths1)) # upper bounds of ego blocks
    ab <- cumsum(c(0,tmp$lengths2))+bip # upper bounds of alter blocks
    w <- cumsum(tmp$lengths1*tmp$lengths2) # cumulative block weights ~ # dyads in the block
    w <- w/max(w)
    # Note that this automagically takes care of singleton blocks by giving them weight 0.
    out <- list(nblk=length(w),  b1pos=as.integer(eb), b2pos=as.integer(ab), cumwt=as.double(w), ndyads=sum(as.double(tmp$lengths1*tmp$lengths2)))
    ## rle() returns contigous runs of values.
    a <- rle(a)
    # If we have more runs than unique values, the blocks must not be all contiguous.
    if(length(a$lengths)!=length(unique(a$values))) return(NULL)
    b <- cumsum(c(0,a$lengths)) # upper bounds of blocks
    w <- cumsum(a$lengths*(a$lengths-1)) # cumulative block weights ~ # dyads in the block
    w <- w/max(w)
    # Note that this automagically takes care of singleton blocks by giving them weight 0.
    out <- list(nblk=as.integer(length(w)),  pos=as.integer(b), cumwt=as.double(w), ndyads=sum(as.double(a$lengths*(a$lengths-1)/(if(is.directed(nw)) 1 else 2))))
  structure(out, class="ergm_block_diag_samp_info")

#' @templateVar name blockdiag
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.blockdiag
#' @title A Metropolis--Hastings proposal for diagonal block constraints
#' @description Typically used for \eqn{constraints= ~blockdiag}. Select a diagonal
#'   block according to the weight, then randomly select a dayd within the
#'   block for the toggle proposal.
#' @template ergmProposal-general

InitErgmProposal.blockdiag <- function(arguments, nw){
  BDI <- ergm_block_diag_samp_info(nw, .get.blockdiag.attr(nw, arguments$constraints))
  if(is.null(BDI)) "The optimized block-diagonal TNT proposal requires the blocks to be contiguous."
  else list(name = "blockdiag", BDI = BDI, bd = ergm_bd_init(arguments, nw))

#' @templateVar name blockdiagTNT
#' @aliases InitErgmProposal.blockdiagTNT
#' @title A Metropolis--Hastings proposal for diagonal block constraints
#' @description Typically used for \eqn{constraints=
#'   ~blockdiag}. Similar to InitErgmProposal.blockdiag, except that
#'   it selects ties and non-ties for proposed toggles (in the block
#'   by construction) with equal probability.  Like the unconstrained
#'   TNT proposal, this is useful for improving performance in sparse
#'   networks.
#' @template ergmProposal-general

InitErgmProposal.blockdiagTNT <- function(arguments, nw){
  el <- as.edgelist(nw)
  a <- .get.blockdiag.attr(nw, arguments$constraints)

  ## This proposal does not work if there are any edges outside the blocks.
  if(any(a[el[,1]]!=a[el[,2]])) return("The optimized block-diagonal TNT proposal does not support networks with edges outside of the blocks.")

  BDI <- ergm_block_diag_samp_info(nw, a)

  if(is.null(BDI)) "The optimized block-diagonal TNT proposal requires the blocks to be contiguous."
  else list(name = "blockdiagTNT", BDI = BDI, bd = ergm_bd_init(arguments, nw))
statnet/ergm.multi documentation built on Dec. 4, 2024, 11:24 a.m.