
Defines functions temAR temCox temAM temSC reAM reCox reAR reSC

#' General estimating equation when the scale-change model is used to for regression process
#' Returns:
#' alpha: regression coefficietion with length 2 * p; p is the number of covaraites
#' conv: convergence code
#' log.muZ: log of mu_Z
#' zi: Z estimates for id i
#' @param DF is the data.frame from reReg
#' @param eqType is either logrank or gehan; if eqType = NULL, then do non-parametric
#' @param solver is the solver name; if solver = NULL, evaluate the estimating equations for
#' sandwich estimator
#' @param par1 is \alpha from Xu et al. (2019)
#' @param par2 is \theta from Xu et al. (2019)
#' @param trace trace or no?
#' @param numAdj constant for heuristic adjustment
#' @importFrom utils tail
#' @noRd
reSC <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par1, par2,
                 Lam0 = NULL, w1 = NULL, w2 = NULL, trace = FALSE, numAdj = 1e-3) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  df1 <- DF[DF$event > 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- rownames(df1) <- NULL
  m <- aggregate(event > 0 ~ id, data = DF, sum)[,2]
  xi <- as.matrix(df1[,-(1:6)])
  p <- ncol(xi)
  yi <- df0$time2
  yii <- rep(yi, m)
  ti <- df1$time2
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    ## Used for variance estimation; wgt assume to be a n by p matrix
    texa <- log(ti) + xi %*% par1
    yexa <- log(yii) + xi %*% par1
    yexa2 <- c(log(yi) + as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1)
    rate <- apply(w1, 2, function(e) reRate(texa, yexa, rep(e, m), yexa2))
    rate <- apply(rate, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    ind <- !duplicated(yexa2)
    Lam.lower <- approxfun(exp(yexa2)[ind], Lam[2, ind],
                           yleft = min(Lam[2, ]), yright = max(Lam[2, ]))
    Lam.upper <- approxfun(exp(yexa2)[ind], Lam[1, ind],
                           yleft = min(Lam[1, ]), yright = max(Lam[1, ]))
    return(list(Lam0.lower = Lam.lower, Lam0.upper = Lam.upper))
  if (is.null(w1)) w1 <- rep(1, length(m))
  if (is.null(w2)) w2 <- rep(1, length(m))
  txi <- t(xi)
  w1i <- rep(w1, m)
  n <- sum(m)
  if (eqType == "logrank") U1 <- function(a) as.numeric(reLog(a, txi, ti, yii, w1i))
  if (eqType == "gehan") U1 <- function(a) as.numeric(reGehan(a, txi, ti, yii, w1i))
  if (eqType == "gehan_s") U1 <- function(a)
    as.numeric(reGehan_s(a, xi, ti, yii, w1i, length(m)))
  Xi <- as.matrix(cbind(1, df0[,-(1:6)]))
  U2 <- function(b) as.numeric(re2(b, R, Xi, w1))
  if (is.null(solver)) {
    texa <- log(ti) + xi %*% par1
    yexa <- log(yii) + xi %*% par1
    yexa2 <- c(log(yi) + as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1)
    if (is.null(Lam0)) {
      rate <- c(reRate(texa, yexa, rep(w1, m), yexa2))
      Lam <- exp(-rate)
    } else {
      Lam <- Lam0(exp(yexa2))
    R <- m / Lam
    if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
      ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
      numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
    R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj)
    zi <- R2 / exp(Xi[,-1, drop = FALSE] %*% par2[-1])
    ## return(list(value = c(U1(par1), re2(par2, R, Xi, rep(1, length(m)))), zi = zi))
    return(list(value = c(U1(par1), re2(par2, R, Xi, w1)), zi = zi))
  } else {
    ## non-smooth version could be unstable when there are only a few binary covaraites
    ## a grid search can help in root search in this scenario
    ## if (sum(sapply(1:ncol(Xi), function(d) length(unique(Xi[,d])))) < 6) {
    ##     dtry <- expand.grid(lapply(par1, function(e) seq(e - 5, e + 5, length.out = 100)))
    ##     ## dtry <- expand.grid(rep(list(seq(-5, 5, length.out = 100)), length(par1)))
    ##     dtrysol <- t(apply(dtry, 1, U1))
    ##     par1 <- as.numeric(dtry[which.min(apply(dtrysol, 1, crossprod)),])
    ## }
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par1, U1, solver, trace)
    ahat <- fit.a$par
    texa <- log(ti) + xi %*% ahat
    yexa <- log(yii) + xi %*% ahat
    yexa2 <- c(log(yi) + as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% ahat)
    rate <- c(reRate(texa, yexa, rep(w1, m), yexa2))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    R <- m / Lam
    if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
      ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
      numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
    R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj)
    fit.b <- eqSolve(par2, U2, solver, trace)
    ind <- !duplicated(yexa2)
    return(list(par1 = fit.a$par,
                par2 = fit.b$par,
                par1.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                par2.conv = fit.b$convergence,
                ## alpha = c(fit.a$par, fit.b$par[-1] + fit.a$par),
                ## aconv = c(fit.a$convergence, fit.b$convergence),
                log.muZ = fit.b$par[1],
                zi = R2 / exp(Xi[,-1, drop = FALSE] %*% fit.b$par[-1]),
                Lam0 = function(x)
                  approx(x = yexa2[ind], y = Lam[ind], xout = log(x),
                         yleft = min(Lam), yright = max(Lam))$y))
    ## Lam0 = approxfun(exp(yexa2)[ind], Lam[ind],
    ##                  yleft = min(Lam), yright = max(Lam))))

reAR <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par1, Lam0 = NULL, w1 = NULL, trace = FALSE, numAdj = 1e-3) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  df1 <- DF[DF$event > 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- rownames(df1) <- NULL
  m <- aggregate(event > 0 ~ id, data = DF, sum)[,2]
  xi <- as.matrix(df1[,-(1:6)])
  yi <- df0$time2
  yii <- rep(yi, m)
  ti <- df1$time2
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    texa <- log(ti) + xi %*% par1
    yexa <- log(yii) + xi %*% par1
    yexa2 <- c(log(yi) + as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1)
    rate <- apply(w1, 2, function(e) reRate(texa, yexa, rep(e, m), yexa2))
    rate <- apply(rate, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    ind <- !duplicated(yexa2)
    Lam.lower <- approxfun(exp(yexa2)[ind], Lam[2, ind],
                           yleft = min(Lam[2,]), yright = max(Lam[2,]))
    Lam.upper <- approxfun(exp(yexa2)[ind], Lam[1, ind],
                           yleft = min(Lam[1,]), yright = max(Lam[1,]))
    return(list(Lam0.lower = Lam.lower, Lam0.upper = Lam.upper))
  if (is.null(w1)) w1 <- rep(1, length(m))
  if (eqType == "logrank") U1 <- function(a) as.numeric(reLog(a, t(xi), ti, yii, rep(w1, m)))
  if (eqType == "gehan") U1 <- function(a) as.numeric(reGehan(a, t(xi), ti, yii, rep(w1, m)))
  if (is.null(solver)) {
    texa <- log(ti) + xi %*% par1
    yexa2 <- c(log(yi) + as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1)
    if (is.null(Lam0)) {
      yexa <- log(yii) + xi %*% par1
      rate <- c(reRate(texa, yexa, rep(w1, m), yexa2))
      Lam <- exp(-rate)
    } else {
      Lam <- Lam0(exp(yexa2))
    R <- m / Lam
    if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
      ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
      numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
    R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj)
    zi <- R2 * exp(as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1)
    return(list(value = U1(par1) / length(m), zi = zi))
  } else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par1, U1, solver, trace)
    ahat <- fit.a$par
    texa <- log(ti) + xi %*% ahat
    yexa <- log(yii) + xi %*% ahat
    yexa2 <- c(log(yi) + as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% ahat)
    rate <- c(reRate(texa, yexa, rep(w1, m), yexa2))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    R <- m / Lam
    if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
      ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
      numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
    R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj)
    zi <- R2 * exp(as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)]) %*% fit.a$par)
    ind <- !duplicated(yexa2)
    return(list(par1 = fit.a$par,
                par1.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                log.muZ = log(mean(zi)), zi = zi,
                Lam0 = function(x)
                  approx(x = yexa2[ind], y = Lam[ind], xout = log(x),
                         yleft = min(Lam), yright = max(Lam))$y))
    ## approxfun(exp(yexa2)[!duplicated(yexa2)], Lam[!duplicated(yexa2)],
    ##                                  yleft = min(Lam), yright = max(Lam))))

#' @param par1 is \gamma in Huang et al (2004)
#' @param eqType is either logrank or gehan; if Null this only returns baseline estimate 
#' @param solver specifies the solver; if NULL evaluate the estimating equation instead of solving it
#' @param Lam0 is the estiamted cumulative baseline rate function; if NULL calculate here
#' @noRd
reCox <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par1, Lam0 = NULL, w1 = NULL, trace = FALSE, numAdj = 1e-3) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  df1 <- DF[DF$event > 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- rownames(df1) <- NULL
  m <- aggregate(event > 0 ~ id, data = DF, sum)[,2]
  ## yi <- rep(df0$time2, m)
  yi <- df0$time2
  ti <- df1$time2
  t0 <- sort(unique(c(ti, yi)))
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    rate <- apply(w1, 2, function(e) reRate(ti, rep(yi, m), rep(e, m), t0))
    rate <- apply(rate, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    Lam.lower <- approxfun(t0, Lam[2,], yleft = min(Lam[2,]), yright = max(Lam[2,]))
    Lam.upper <- approxfun(t0, Lam[1,], yleft = min(Lam[1,]), yright = max(Lam[1,]))
    return(list(Lam0.lower = Lam.lower, Lam0.upper = Lam.upper))
  if (is.null(w1)) w1 <- rep(1, length(m))
  if (is.null(Lam0)) {
    rate <- c(reRate(ti, rep(yi, m), rep(w1, m), t0))
    Lam0 <- exp(-rate)
    Lam <- Lam0[findInterval(yi, t0)]
  } else {
    Lam <- Lam0(yi)
  R <- m / Lam
  if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
    ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
    numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
  R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj) ## Used in borrow strength
  Xi <- as.matrix(cbind(1, df0[,-(1:6)]))
  U1 <- function(b) as.numeric(re2(b, R, Xi, w1))
  if (is.null(solver)) { 
    return(list(value = U1(par1),
                zi = R2 / exp(Xi[,-1, drop = FALSE] %*% par1[-1])))
  } else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par1, U1, solver, trace)
    return(list(par1 = fit.a$par, ## alpha = fit.a$par[-1],
                par1.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                log.muZ = fit.a$par[1],
                zi = R2 / exp(Xi[,-1, drop = FALSE] %*% fit.a$par[-1]),
                Lam0 = approxfun(t0, Lam0, yleft = min(Lam0), yright = max(Lam0))))

reAM <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par1, Lam0 = NULL, w1 = NULL, trace = FALSE, numAdj = 1e-3) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  df1 <- DF[DF$event > 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- rownames(df1) <- NULL
  m <- aggregate(event > 0 ~ id, data = DF, sum)[,2]
  xi <- as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)])
  yi <- df0$time2
  ti <- df1$time2
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    texa <- log(ti) + as.matrix(df1[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1
    yexa <- log(yi) + xi %*% par1
    rate <- apply(w1, 2, function(e) reRate(texa, rep(yexa, m), rep(e, m), yexa))
    rate <- apply(rate, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    ind <- !duplicated(yexa)
    Lam.lower <- approxfun(exp(yexa)[ind], Lam[2, ind],
                           yleft = min(Lam[2,]), yright = max(Lam[2,]))
    Lam.upper <- approxfun(exp(yexa)[ind], Lam[1, ind],
                           yleft = min(Lam[1,]), yright = max(Lam[1,]))
    return(list(Lam0.lower = Lam.lower, Lam0.upper = Lam.upper))
  if (is.null(w1)) w1 <- rep(1, length(m))
  U1 <- function(a) as.numeric(am1(a, ti, yi, w1, xi, m))
  if (is.null(solver)) {
    texa <- log(ti) + as.matrix(df1[,-(1:6)]) %*% par1
    yexa <- log(yi) + xi %*% par1
    if (is.null(Lam0)) {
      rate <- c(reRate(texa, rep(yexa, m), rep(w1, m), yexa))
      Lam <- exp(-rate)
    } else {
      Lam <- Lam0(exp(yexa))
    R <- m / Lam
    if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
      ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
      numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
    R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj)
    return(list(value = as.numeric(U1(par1)), zi = R2))
  } else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par1, U1, solver, trace)
    ahat <- fit.a$par
    texa <- log(ti) + as.matrix(df1[,-(1:6)]) %*% ahat
    yexa <- log(yi) + xi %*% ahat
    rate <- c(reRate(texa, rep(yexa, m), rep(w1, m), yexa))
    Lam <- exp(-rate)
    R <- m / Lam
    if (numAdj > min(Lam)) {
      ## warning("A smaller numAdj is recommended.")
      numAdj <- numAdj * min(Lam)
    R2 <- (m + numAdj) / (Lam + numAdj)
    return(list(par1 = fit.a$par,
                par1.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                log.muZ = log(mean(R2)), zi = R2,
                Lam0 = function(x)
                  approx(x = yexa[!duplicated(yexa)], y = Lam[!duplicated(yexa)],
                         xout = log(x), yleft = min(Lam), yright = max(Lam))$y))
    ## Lam0 = approxfun(exp(yexa)[!duplicated(yexa)], Lam[!duplicated(yexa)],
    ##                  yleft = min(Lam), yright = max(Lam))))

#' General estimating equation when the scale-change model is used for terminal event
#' Returns:
#' beta: regression coefficietion with length p or 2 * p depending on model;
#'       p is the number of covaraites
#' conv: convergence code
#' log.muZ: log of mu_Z
#' zi: Z estimates for id i
#' @noRd

#' @param par3 is \eta
#' @param par4 is \theta
temSC <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par3, par4, zi, wgt = NULL, trace = FALSE) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- NULL
  xi <- as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)])    
  di <- df0$terminal
  yi <- df0$time2
  p <- ncol(xi)
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    yi <- log(yi) + xi %*% par4
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- apply(wgt, 2, function(e)
      temHaz(par3, par4, xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, e, yi2))
    Haz <- apply(Haz, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    ind <- !duplicated(exp(yi2))
    Haz.lower <- approxfun(exp(yi2)[ind], Haz[1,ind], yleft = min(Haz[1,]), yright = max(Haz[1,]))
    Haz.upper <- approxfun(exp(yi2)[ind], Haz[2,ind], yleft = min(Haz[2,]), yright = max(Haz[2,]))
    return(list(Haz0.lower = Haz.lower, Haz0.upper = Haz.upper))
  if (is.null(wgt)) {
    wi <- rep(1, nrow(xi))
  } else {
    if (length(wgt) != nrow(xi)) stop("Weight length mismatch")
    wi <- wgt
  if (eqType == "logrank")
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temScLog(x[1:p], x[1:p + p], xi, yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (eqType == "gehan") 
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temScGehan(x[1:p], x[1:p + p], xi, yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (is.null(solver)) return(U1(c(par3, par4)))
  else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(c(par3, par4), U1, solver, trace)
    yi <- log(yi) + xi %*% fit.a$par[1:p + p]
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    ind <- !duplicated(exp(yi2))
    Haz <- c(temHaz(fit.a$par[1:p + p], fit.a$par[1:p], xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, wi, yi2))
    return(list(par3 = fit.a$par[1:p],
                par4 = fit.a$par[1:p + p],
                par3.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                par4.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                Haz0 = approxfun(exp(yi2)[ind], Haz[ind], yleft = min(Haz), yright = max(Haz))))

temAM <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par3, zi, wgt = NULL, trace = FALSE) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- NULL
  xi <- as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)])    
  di <- df0$terminal
  yi <- df0$time2
  p <- ncol(xi)
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    yi <- log(yi) + xi %*% par3
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- apply(wgt, 2, function(e) temHaz(par3, par3, xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, e, yi2))
    Haz <- apply(Haz, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Haz.lower <- approxfun(exp(yi2), Haz[1,], yleft = min(Haz[1,]), yright = max(Haz[1,]))
    Haz.upper <- approxfun(exp(yi2), Haz[2,], yleft = min(Haz[2,]), yright = max(Haz[2,]))
    return(list(Haz0.lower = Haz.lower, Haz0.upper = Haz.upper))
  if (is.null(wgt)) {
    wi <- rep(1, nrow(xi))
  } else {
    if (length(wgt) != nrow(xi)) stop("Weight length mismatch")
    wi <- wgt
  if (eqType == "logrank")
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temLog(x, x, xi, yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (eqType == "gehan") 
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temGehan(x, x, t(xi), yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (is.null(solver)) return(U1(par3))
  else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par3, U1, solver, trace)
    yi <- log(yi) + xi %*% fit.a$par
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- c(temHaz(fit.a$par, fit.a$par, xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, wi, yi2))
    ind <- !duplicated(exp(yi2))
    return(list(par3 = fit.a$par,
                par3.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                Haz0 = approxfun(exp(yi2)[ind], Haz[ind], yleft = min(Haz), yright = max(Haz))))

temCox <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par3, zi, wgt = NULL, trace = FALSE) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- NULL
  xi <- as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)])    
  di <- df0$terminal
  yi <- df0$time2
  p <- ncol(xi)
  ## zi <- zi / mean(zi)
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- apply(wgt, 2, function(e) temHaz(rep(0, p), par3, xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, e, yi2))
    Haz <- apply(Haz, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Haz.lower <- approxfun(yi2, Haz[1,], yleft = min(Haz[1,]), yright = max(Haz[1,]))
    Haz.upper <- approxfun(yi2, Haz[2,], yleft = min(Haz[2,]), yright = max(Haz[2,]))
    return(list(Haz0.lower = Haz.lower, Haz0.upper = Haz.upper))
  if (is.null(wgt)) {
    wi <- rep(1, nrow(xi))
  } else {
    if (length(wgt) != nrow(xi)) stop("Weight length mismatch")
    wi <- wgt
  if (eqType == "logrank")
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temLog(rep(0, p), x, xi, yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (eqType == "gehan") 
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temGehan(rep(0, p), x, t(xi), yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (is.null(solver)) return(U1(par3))
  else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par3, U1, solver, trace)
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- c(temHaz(rep(0, p), fit.a$par, xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, wi, yi2))
    return(list(par3 = fit.a$par,
                par3.conv = fit.a$convergence,
                Haz0 = approxfun(sort(unique(yi2)), Haz, yleft = min(Haz), yright = max(Haz))))

temAR <- function(DF, eqType, solver, par3, zi, wgt = NULL, trace = FALSE) {
  df0 <- DF[DF$event == 0,]
  rownames(df0) <- NULL
  xi <- as.matrix(df0[,-(1:6)])    
  di <- df0$terminal
  yi <- df0$time2
  p <- ncol(xi)
  if (is.null(eqType)) {
    yi <- log(yi) + xi %*% par3
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- apply(wgt, 2, function(e) temHaz(par3, rep(0, p), xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, e, yi2))
    Haz <- apply(Haz, 1, quantile, c(.025, .975))
    Haz.lower <- approxfun(exp(yi2), Haz[1,], yleft = min(Haz[1,]), yright = max(Haz[1,]))
    Haz.upper <- approxfun(exp(yi2), Haz[2,], yleft = min(Haz[2,]), yright = max(Haz[2,]))
    return(list(Haz0.lower = Haz.lower, Haz0.upper = Haz.upper))
  if (is.null(wgt)) {
    wi <- rep(1, nrow(xi))
  } else {
    if (length(wgt) != nrow(xi)) stop("Weight length mismatch")
    wi <- wgt
  if (eqType == "logrank")
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temLog(x, rep(0, p), xi, yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (eqType == "gehan") 
    U1 <- function(x) as.numeric(temGehan(x, rep(0, p), t(xi), yi, zi, di, wi))
  if (is.null(solver)) return(U1(par3))
  else {
    fit.a <- eqSolve(par3, U1, solver, trace)
    yi <- log(yi) + xi %*% fit.a$par
    yi2 <- sort(unique(yi))
    Haz <- c(temHaz(fit.a$par, rep(0, p), xi, yi, zi / mean(zi), di, wi, yi2))
    ind <- !duplicated(exp(yi2))
    list(par3 = fit.a$par,
         par3.conv = fit.a$convergence,
         Haz0 = approxfun(exp(yi2)[ind], Haz[ind], yleft = min(Haz), yright = max(Haz)))
stc04003/reReg documentation built on April 26, 2024, 1:32 p.m.