
Defines functions import_freemocap_csv import_optitrack_csv import_captury import_captury_csv

Documented in import_captury import_captury_csv import_freemocap_csv import_optitrack_csv

# Captury import of new export format
#' Import csv files exported by the Captury Live system version 0.0.168 or later
#' \code{import_captury_csv} takes the filepath and filename of a .csv file containg motion capture data captured and exported using the CapturyLive motion capture system. The
#' .csv file is then imported and cleaned and returned as a tibble. All joint angles and global joint center positions are in abreviated names (e.g. left knee flexion =
#' LKF, global Y coordinate of the right hip joint is RHY).\cr
#' Please see the GitHub README.me for a more detailed description.
#' @param filename Path and filename of a .csv file containg motion capture data from the Captury system
#' @param frames_pr_second Recorded frames pr. second used in the setup when capuring the data. Defaults to 50.
#' @return A tibble containg joint angles and global joint center positions of the: toes, ankles, knees, hips, center of gravity, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("examples", "SBJ_new_version.csv", package = "mocapr")
#' import_captury_csv(path)
import_captury_csv <- function(filename, frames_pr_second = 50){

  # Avoid "No visible binding for global variable ..." when performing check()
  X1 <- X3 <- X4 <- X5 <- X6 <- X7 <- X8 <- X9 <- NULL
  X13 <- X14 <- X15 <- X19 <- NULL
  X20 <- X21 <- X25 <- X26 <- X27 <- X31 <- X32 <- X33 <- X37 <- X38 <- X39 <- NULL
  X43 <- X44 <- X45 <- X49 <- X50 <- X51 <- X52 <- X54 <- X55 <- X56 <- X57 <- X58 <- X59 <-  NULL
  X60 <- X61 <- X62 <- X63 <- X64 <- X65 <- X66 <- X67 <- X68 <- X69 <- X73 <- X74 <- X75 <- X76 <- X78 <- X79 <- NULL
  X80 <- X81 <- X82 <- X83 <- X84 <- X85 <- X86 <- X87 <- X88 <- X89 <- X90 <- NULL
  X100 <- X101 <- X102 <- X103 <- X104 <- X105 <- X109 <- X110 <- X111 <- X112 <- X113 <- X114 <- X115 <- X116 <- NULL
  X117 <- X121 <- X122 <- X123 <- X127 <- X128 <- X129 <- X133 <- X134 <- X135 <- X139 <- X140 <- X141 <- X145 <- NULL
  X146 <- X147 <- X151 <- X152 <- X153 <- X91 <- X92 <- X93 <- X97 <- X98 <- X99 <- NULL

  df <- LKF <- RKF <- frame <- LHX <- RHX <- LHY <- RHY <- LHZ <- RHZ <- mocap_system <- time_seconds <- NULL

  # Test input

  # Function
    paste0(filename), ";", escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 5))) %>%
    #Captury exports containts camera positions on the last 10 rows of the first 13 columns
    #Remove rows with information on cameara positions
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() < dplyr::n()-9) %>%
    #Convert the remaing data in the columns into numeric
    dplyr::mutate_at(c("X1", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13"), list(as.numeric)) %>%
    #Select the columns of interest
    dplyr::select(X1,      #Frame
                  X3,      #Annotations
                  X4 :X6,  #CG
                  X7 :X9,  #Wrist Positions - left
                  X13:X15, #Elbow positions - left
                  X19:X21, #Shoulder Positions - left
                  X25:X27, #Wrist Positions - right
                  X31:X33, #Elbow positions - right
                  X37:X39, #Shoulder Positions - right
                  X43:X45, #Toe positions - left
                  X49:X51, #Ankle Positions - left
                  X52:X54, #Ankle Angles - left
                  X55:X57, #Knee Positions - left
                  X58:X60, #Knee Angles - left
                  X61:X63, #Hip Positions - left
                  X64:X66, #Hip Angles - left
                  X67:X69, #Toe Positions - right
                  X73:X75, #Annkle Positions - right
                  X76:X78, #Ankle Angles - right
                  X79:X81, #Knee Positions - right
                  X82:X84, #Knee Angles - right
                  X85:X87, #Hip Positions - right
                  X88:X90, #Hip Angles - right
                  # variables in the new format
                  X91:X93, #Clavicle positions - Left
                  X97:X99, #Finger positions - Left
                  X100:X102, #ToeEnd - Left
                  X103:X105, #Clavicle positions - right
                  X109:X111, #Finger positions - right
                  X112:X114, #ToeEnd positions - right,
                  X115:X117, #Spine1 positions
                  X121:X123, #Spine2 positions
                  X127:X129, #Spine3 positions
                  X133:X135, #Spine4 positions
                  X139:X141, #Spine5 positions
                  X145:X147, #Neck positions
                  X151:X153  #Head positions
    ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(frame = X1, marks = X3,
                  CGX = X4,  CGY = X5,  CGZ = X6,  #Center of Gravity
                  LWX = X7,  LWY = X8,  LWZ = X9,  #Left Wrist
                  LEX = X13, LEY = X14, LEZ = X15, #Left Elbow
                  LSX = X19, LSY = X20, LSZ = X21, #Left Shoulder
                  RWX = X25, RWY = X26, RWZ = X27, #Right Wrist
                  REX = X31, REY = X32, REZ = X33, #Right Elbow
                  RSX = X37, RSY = X38, RSZ = X39, #Right Shoulder
                  LTX = X43, LTY = X44, LTZ = X45, #Left Toe
                  LAX = X49, LAY = X50, LAZ = X51, #Left Ankle
                  LADF = X52,                      #Left Anle Dorsi Flexion
                  LKX = X55, LKY = X56, LKZ = X57, #Left Knee
                  LKF = X58, LKVarus = X59, LKRot = X60, #Left knee Flexion, Varus, and Roation
                  LHX = X61, LHY = X62, LHZ = X63, #Left Hip
                  LHF = X64, LHA = X65, LHRot = X66, #Left Hip Flexion, Abduction, Rotation
                  RTX = X67, RTY = X68, RTZ = X69, #Right Toe
                  RAX = X73, RAY = X74, RAZ = X75, #Right Ankle
                  RADF = X76,                      #Right Ankle Dorsi Flexion
                  RKX = X79, RKY = X80, RKZ = X81, #Right Knee
                  RKF = X82, RKVarus = X83, RKRot = X84, #Right knee flexion, Varus, roation
                  RHX = X85, RHY = X86, RHZ = X87, #Right Hip
                  RHF = X88, RHA = X89, RHRot = X90,
                  # variables in the new format
                  LCX = X91, LCY = X92, LCZ = X93, #Clavicle positions - Left
                  LFX = X97, LFY = X98, LFZ = X99, #Finger positions - Left
                  LTEX = X100, LTEY = X101, LTEZ = X102, #ToeEnd - Left
                  RCX = X103, RCY = X104, RCZ = X105, #Clavicle positions - right
                  RFX = X109, RFY = X110, RFZ = X111, #Finger positions - right
                  RTEX = X112, RTEY = X113, RTEZ = X114, #ToeEnd positions - right,
                  S1X = X115, S1Y = X116, S1Z = X117, #Spine1 positions
                  S2X = X121, S2Y = X122, S2Z = X123, #Spine2 positions
                  S3X = X127, S3Y = X128, S3Z = X129, #Spine3 positions
                  S4X = X133, S4Y = X134, S4Z = X135, #Spine4 positions
                  S5X = X139, S5Y = X140, S5Z = X141, #Spine5 positions
                  S6X = X145, S6Y = X146, S6Z = X147, #Neck positions
                  S7X = X151, S7Y = X152, S7Z = X153, #Head positions
    ) %>%
      #Add a collumn with the system name = "Captury" because this is the import_captury_csv() function
      mocap_system = "Captury",
      #Captury exports knee extension - change this to flexion, just because....
      LKF = LKF*(-1),
      RKF = RKF*(-1),
      #Calculate time in seconds
      time_seconds = frame/frames_pr_second) %>%
    dplyr::select(mocap_system, frame, time_seconds, dplyr::everything()) %>%

#captury import function----
#' import_captury
#' import_captury() takes the file path and file name of a .csv file containing motion capture data captured and exported using the CapturyLive motion capture system. The
#' .csv file is then imported and cleaned and returned as a tibble. All joint angles and global joint center positions are in abbreviated names (e.g. left knee flexion =
#' LKF, global Y coordinate of the right hip joint is RHY).\cr
#' Please see the GitHub README.me for a more detailed description.
#' @section Note:
#' This function imports Captury .csv files as they are exported from CapturyLive version 0.0.168 and earlier. Newer versions have a different layout
#' and should be imported using \code{import_captury_csv()}.
#' @param filename Path and file name of a .csv file containing motion capture data from the Captury system
#' @param frames_pr_second Recorded frames pr. second used in the setup when capturing the data. Defaults to 50.
#' @return A tibble containing joint angles and global joint center positions of the: toes, ankles, knees, hips, center of gravity, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("examples", "vertical_jump_old_cap_version.csv", package = "mocapr")
#' suppressMessages(import_captury(path))
import_captury <- function(filename, frames_pr_second = 50){
  message("This function imports captury data csv as it was exported prior to version 0.0.168, for newer exports use import_captury_csv()")

  # Avoid "No visible binding for global variable ..." when performing check()
  X1 <- X3 <- X4 <- X5 <- X6 <- X7 <- X8 <- X9 <- NULL
  X13 <- X14 <- X15 <- X19 <- NULL
  X20 <- X21 <- X25 <- X26 <- X27 <- X31 <- X32 <- X33 <- X37 <- X38 <- X39 <- NULL
  X43 <- X44 <- X45 <- X49 <- X50 <- X51 <- X52 <- X54 <- X55 <- X56 <- X57 <- X58 <- X59 <-  NULL
  X60 <- X61 <- X62 <- X63 <- X64 <- X65 <- X66 <- X67 <- X68 <- X69 <- X73 <- X74 <- X75 <- X76 <- X78 <- X79 <- NULL
  X80 <- X81 <- X82 <- X83 <- X84 <- X85 <- X86 <- X87 <- X88 <- X89 <- X90 <- NULL
  LKF <- RKF <- frame <- LHX <- RHX <- LHY <- RHY <- LHZ <- RHZ <- mocap_system <- time_seconds <- NULL

  #Name Variables----
  df <-
        paste0(filename), ";", escape_double = FALSE, col_names = FALSE, trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 6))) %>%
    #Captury exports containts camera positions on the last 10 rows of the first 13 columns
    #Remove rows with information on cameara positions
    dplyr::filter(dplyr::row_number() < dplyr::n()-10) %>%
    #Convert the remaing data in the columns into numeric
    dplyr::mutate_at(c("X1", "X4", "X5", "X6", "X7", "X8", "X9", "X10", "X11", "X12", "X13"), list(as.numeric)) %>%
    #Select the columns of interest
    dplyr::select(X1,      #Frame
                  X3,      #Annotations
                  X4 :X6,  #CG
                  X7 :X9,  #Wrist Positions - left
                  X13:X15, #Elbow positions - left
                  X19:X21, #Shoulder Positions - left
                  X25:X27, #Wrist Positions - right
                  X31:X33, #Elbow positions - right
                  X37:X39, #Shoulder Positions - right
                  X43:X45, #Toe positions - left
                  X49:X51, #Ankle Positions - left
                  X52:X54, #Ankle Angles - left
                  X55:X57, #Knee Positions - left
                  X58:X60, #Knee Angles - left
                  X61:X63, #Hip Positions - left
                  X64:X66, #Hip Angles - left
                  X67:X69, #Toe Positions - right
                  X73:X75, #Annkle Positions - right
                  X76:X78, #Ankle Angles - right
                  X79:X81, #Knee Positions - right
                  X82:X84, #Knee Angles - right
                  X85:X87, #Hip Positions - right
                  X88:X90  #Hip Angles - right
    ) %>%
    dplyr::rename(frame = X1, marks = X3,
                  CGX = X4,  CGY = X5,  CGZ = X6,  #Center of Gravity
                  LWX = X7,  LWY = X8,  LWZ = X9,  #Left Wrist
                  LEX = X13, LEY = X14, LEZ = X15, #Left Elbow
                  LSX = X19, LSY = X20, LSZ = X21, #Left Shoulder
                  RWX = X25, RWY = X26, RWZ = X27, #Right Wrist
                  REX = X31, REY = X32, REZ = X33, #Right Elbow
                  RSX = X37, RSY = X38, RSZ = X39, #Right Shoulder
                  LTX = X43, LTY = X44, LTZ = X45, #Left Toe
                  LAX = X49, LAY = X50, LAZ = X51, #Left Ankle
                  LADF = X52,                      #Left Anle Dorsi Flexion
                  LKX = X55, LKY = X56, LKZ = X57, #Left Knee
                  LKF = X58, LKVarus = X59, LKRot = X60, #Left knee Flexion, Varus, and Roation
                  LHX = X61, LHY = X62, LHZ = X63, #Left Hip
                  LHF = X64, LHA = X65, LHRot = X66, #Left Hip Flexion, Abduction, Rotation
                  RTX = X67, RTY = X68, RTZ = X69, #Right Toe
                  RAX = X73, RAY = X74, RAZ = X75, #Right Ankle
                  RADF = X76,                      #Right Ankle Dorsi Flexion
                  RKX = X79, RKY = X80, RKZ = X81, #Right Knee
                  RKF = X82, RKVarus = X83, RKRot = X84, #Right knee flexion, Varus, roation
                  RHX = X85, RHY = X86, RHZ = X87, #Right Hip
                  RHF = X88, RHA = X89, RHRot = X90) %>% #Right Hip flexion, abduction, rotation
      #Add a collumn with the system name = "Captury" because this is the Import_Captury() function
      mocap_system = "Captury",
      #Captury exports knee extension - change this to flexion, just because....
      LKF = LKF*(-1),
      RKF = RKF*(-1),
      #Calculate time in seconds
      time_seconds = frame/frames_pr_second,
      #Create average postions of the Hips, we need these to create the jump direction later
      HAX = (LHX+RHX)/2,
      HAY = (LHY+RHY)/2,
      HAZ = (LHZ+RHZ)/2) %>%
    dplyr::select(mocap_system, frame, time_seconds, dplyr::everything())

# Optitrack import
#' Import csv files exported by the Optitrack system
#' \code{import_optitrack_csv} takes the filepath and filename of a .csv file containg motion capture data captured and exported using the Optitrack motion capture system. The
#' .csv file is then imported and cleaned and returned as a tibble. All joint angles and global joint center positions are in abreviated names (e.g. left knee flexion =
#' LKF, global Y coordinate of the right hip joint is RHY).\cr
#' Please see the GitHub README.me for a more detailed description.
#' @param filename Path and filename of a .csv file containg motion capture data from the Optitrack system
#' @param keep_rotations A logical. Should columns with joint rotations be kept if they exist in the data? Defaults to TRUE
#' @param keep_finger_coords A logical. Should finger coordinates be kept if they exist in the data? Defaults to FALSE
#' @param keep_marker_coords A logical. Should marker coordinate be kept if they exist in the data? Columns with Bone Marker data will start with a "BM". Columna with Marker data will start with a "M". Defaults to FALSE
#' @return A tibble containing joint angles and global joint center positions of the: toes, ankles, knees, hips, center of gravity, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("examples", "optitrack.csv", package = "mocapr")
#' import_optitrack_csv(path)
import_optitrack_csv <- function(filename,
                                 keep_rotations = TRUE,
                                 keep_finger_coords = FALSE,
                                 keep_marker_coords = FALSE){

  # Avoid "No visible binding for global variable ..." when performing check()
  df <- LKF <- RKF <- frame <- LHX <- RHX <- LHY <- RHY <- LHZ <- RHZ <- mocap_system <- time_seconds <- NULL

  # Function
   df <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(readr::read_csv(
    paste0(filename), skip = 2, col_names = FALSE)))

   # Drop all columns with markers if keep_marker_coords is FALSE
     df <- df[, !grepl("Marker", df[1,])]

   # Clean names
   # This is done by combining information from the first row 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the dataframe
   df <- as.data.frame(df)

   row1 <- df[1,] %>%
     stringr::str_remove("Bone$") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("Bone Marker", "BM_") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("Marker", "M_")

   row2 <- df[2,] %>%
     stringr::str_remove_all("Skeleton") %>%
     stringr::str_remove(":") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("UArm", "S")  %>%   # Shoulder
     stringr::str_replace("FArm", "E")  %>%   # Elbow
     stringr::str_replace("Hand", "W")  %>%   # Wrist
     stringr::str_replace("Thigh", "H") %>%   # Hip
     stringr::str_replace("Shin", "K")  %>%   # Knee
     stringr::str_replace("Foot", "A")  %>%   # Ankle
     stringr::str_replace("Toe", "T")         # Toe

   row4 <- df[4,] %>% stringr::str_remove("Position") %>% stringr::str_replace("Rotation", "_rot_")

   row5 <- df[5,]
   row5 <- gsub("Y", "temp", row5)
   row5 <- gsub("Z", "Y", row5)
   row5 <- gsub("temp", "Z", row5)

   # Create the new names
   newnames <- paste0(row1, row2, row4, row5)

   # Drop the first 5 rows
   df <- df[-(1:5), ]

   # Assign the new names to the dataframe
   names(df) <- newnames

   # Remove columns?
   df <- df %>% tibble::as_tibble()

   # Remove rotations if keep_rotations is FALSE
     df <- df %>%

   # Remove finger coords if keep_finger_coords is FALSE
     df <- df %>%

   # Finish clean up
   df %>%
       "frame" = 1,
       "time_seconds" = 2,
       "CGX" = "X",
       "CGY" = "Y",
       "CGZ" = "Z"
       ) %>%

     # Change all columns to numeric
                     as.numeric)) %>%

     #Add a column with the system name = "Optitrack" because this is the import_optitrack_csv() function
     dplyr::mutate(mocap_system = "Optitrack") %>%
     dplyr::select(mocap_system, frame, time_seconds, dplyr::everything())


#' FreeMoCap import
#' \code{import_freemocap_csv} takes the filepath and filename of a .csv file containing motion capture data captured and exported using the FreeMoCap motion capture system. The
#' .csv file is then imported and cleaned and returned as a tibble. All global joint center positions are in abbreviated names (e.g. global Y coordinate of the right hip joint is RHY).\cr
#' Please see the GitHub README.me for a more detailed description.
#' @param filename Path and filename to a .csv file with MoCap data from the FreeMoCap software
#' @param keep_face_coords  A logical(TRUE/FALSE). Should coordinates from ears, mouth, eyes, and nose be kept if they exist in the dataframe? Defaults to FALSE
#' @param keep_finger_coords A logical(TRUE/FALSE). Should coordinates from fingers be kept if they exist in the dataframe? Defaults to FALSE
#' @return A tibble
#' @export
#' @examples
#' path <- system.file("examples", "freemocap_sit_to_stand.csv", package = "mocapr")
#' import_freemocap_csv(path)
import_freemocap_csv <- function(filename,
                                 keep_face_coords = FALSE,
                                 keep_finger_coords = FALSE){

  # Avoid "No visible binding for global variable ..." when performing check()
  df <- LKF <- RKF <- frame <- LHX <- RHX <- LHY <- RHY <- LHZ <- RHZ <- mocap_system <- time_seconds <- NULL

  # Function
   df <- suppressMessages(suppressWarnings(readr::read_csv(
    paste0(filename), skip = 0, col_names = TRUE)))

   # Drop all face columns if face is FALSE
     df <- df %>%

   # Drop all finger columns if fingers is FALSE
     df <- df %>%

   # Clean names
   names(df) <- names(df) %>%
     stringr::str_replace("left", "L") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("right", "R") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("shoulder", "S") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("elbow", "E") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("wrist", "W") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("hip", "H") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("knee", "K") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("ankle", "A") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("heel", "HE") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("foot_index", "T") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("_x", "_X") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("_y", "_Y") %>%
     stringr::str_replace("_z", "_Z") %>%
     stringr::str_remove("(?<=^[A-Z])_") %>%

   # Finish clean up
   df %>%
     tibble::as_tibble() %>%
       frame = dplyr::row_number()
       ) %>%

     # Change all columns to numeric
       dplyr::across(dplyr::ends_with("Y"), ~ .x*-1)) %>%

     #Add a column with the system name = "FreeMoCap" because this is the import_freemocap_csv() function
     dplyr::mutate(mocap_system = "FreeMoCap") %>%
     dplyr::select(mocap_system, frame, dplyr::everything())

steenharsted/mocapr documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 1:49 p.m.