
Defines functions sun_local sun_times sun_assume sun_filter sun_detect

Documented in sun_detect sun_times

#' Detect patterns of sunrise and sunset
#' Detects patterns of sunrise and sunset in geolocator data.
#' @param data Data frame. Raw light data. Requires two columns: "time" and
#'   "light"
#' @param n Numeric. Number of light observations to use when assessing a
#'   sunrise/sunset event
#' @param range Numeric. Minimum lux difference between minimum and maximum
#'   light levels in sunrise and sunset event
#' @param cutoff Numeric. R-Squared cutoff value to assess the model fit to
#'   sunrise and sunset. Higher values are more stringent, lower values are
#'   less.
#' @param loc Numeric vector. Longitude and Latitude of the observations (if not
#'   in the data, this must be provided).
#' @param local Logical. Restrict data to expect windows of sunrise/sunset based
#'   on coordinates (will speed up the function, but may result in problems if
#'   sunrise/sunset occur close to midnight)
#' @param window Numeric. Number of hours around expected sunrise/sunset to
#'   look for evidence of actual sunrise/sunset. Only applies if `local = TRUE`.
#' @param filter_problems Logical. Remove problematic sunrise/sunset events?
#'   Problematic events are defined as those which are preceded/proceeded by
#'   unexpectedly variable light levels (True sunrise/sunset events should only
#'   be preceded/proceeded by darkness)
#' @param thresh_dark Numeric. Light levels below which are considered 'dark'
#' @param ambig_dark Numeric. Light levels below which are considered 'darkish'
#' @param poly_order Numeric. Polynomial order for modelling sunrise and sunset.
#'   For low resolution data (e.g. >=5min intervals), use 2, for higher
#'   resolution data (e.g., <=2min intervals) use 3. Play with this if
#'   sunrise/sunsets are consistently missclassified.
#' @param max_light Numeric. Light levels to consider full brightness. Fixes
#'   problems with high resolution geolocators that record light into the 1000s
#' @details This function looks for sunrise/sunset events by matching \code{n}
#'   points to a cubic polynomial regression. Events with a high degree of model
#'   fit (determined by an R-squared cutoff of \code{cutoff} are returned.
#'   Because this essentially fits models to every point in the data, it can be
#'   very time consuming. \code{local = TRUE} attempts to reduce this time by
#'   first filtering the data to blocks of time which should contain
#'   sunrise/sunset, based on the coordinates of the data.
#'   Only one sunrise and one sunset event are allowed per day. If
#'   \code{filter_problems = TRUE}, then sunrise events that are preceded by
#'   variable light levels and sunset events proceeded by variable light levels
#'   are omitted (before sunrise and after sunset, it should be dark).
#' @return Data frame containing sunrise and sunset events
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Calibration data should have perfect sunrise/sunset event detection
#' s <- sun_detect(calib)
#' cavity_plot(calib, sun =s)
#' # Sunrise/sunset events missed with extra stringent cutoff values
#' s <- sun_detect(calib, cutoff = 0.9995)
#' cavity_plot(calib, sun = s)
sun_detect <- function(data, n = 10, range = 10, cutoff = 0.95, loc = NULL,
                       local = TRUE, window = 3, filter_problems = TRUE,
                       thresh_dark = 1, ambig_dark = 10, poly_order = 3,
                       max_light = 64) {

  check_cols(data, c("time", "light"))
  check_class(data$light, "numeric")
  check_class(window, "numeric")

  loc <- check_loc(data, loc)

  tz_offset <- tz_find_offset(loc[1], loc[2])
  data <- tz_apply_offset(data, tz_offset)

  data <- check_date(data)

  # Need to think about range cut off (what is an appropriate value?)

  # angle = 6 Civil
  # angle = 12 Nautical
  # angle = 18 Astronomical
  interval <- res(data$time)
  s <- data

  s <- dplyr::mutate(s, light = dplyr::if_else(.data$light > .env$max_light,
                                               .env$max_light, .data$light))

  # Confine to actual local sunset/sunrise times
  if(local) {
    sun_local <- sun_local(loc = loc, date = unique(s$date))
    half_win <- lubridate::minutes(window / 2 * 60)

    s <- s %>%
      dplyr::left_join(sun_local, by = c("date", "offset_applied")) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(type = dplyr::case_when(
        .data$time >= .data$sunrise - half_win &
          .data$time <= .data$sunrise + half_win ~ "sunrise",
        .data$time <= .data$sunset + half_win &
          .data$time >= .data$sunset - half_win ~ "sunset")) %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$type)) %>%
      dplyr::select(-.data$sunrise, -.data$sunset)

  s <- s %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$date) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(forward = n_lag(.data$light, n, dir = "forward",
                                  return = "list")) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n_na = purrr::map_dbl(.data$forward, ~sum(is.na(.x))),
                  min_light = purrr::map_dbl(.data$forward, ~min(.x, na.rm = TRUE)),
                  max_light = purrr::map_dbl(.data$forward, ~max(.x, na.rm = TRUE))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$n_na == 0) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n_unique = purrr::map_dbl(.data$forward,
                                            ~length(unique(.x)))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$n_unique > 4) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n_range = purrr::map_dbl(.data$forward,
                                           ~as.integer(max(.x) - min(.x)))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$n_range >= range) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n_step = purrr::map_dbl(.data$forward,
                                          ~stats::median(diff(.x)))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(abs(.data$n_step) < 12) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(df = purrr::map(.data$forward,
                                  ~data.frame(y = .x, x = 1:length(.x))),
                  model = purrr::map(.data$df, ~stats::lm(y ~ poly(x, poly_order), data = .x)),
                  coef = purrr::map(.data$model, ~suppressWarnings(broom::glance(.x))),
                  dir = purrr::map_dbl(.data$model, ~stats::coef(.x)[2]))

  if(nrow(s) > 0) {
    s <- dplyr::select(s, .data$date, .data$time, .data$light,
                       .data$n_range, .data$coef, .data$dir, .data$type,
                       .data$offset_applied, .data$min_light, .data$max_light) %>%
      tidyr::unnest(.data$coef) %>%
      dplyr::select(-.data$df, -.data$logLik, -.data$AIC, -.data$BIC,
                    -.data$deviance, -.data$df.residual) %>%
                    .data$adj.r.squared > cutoff) %>%
      dplyr::mutate(dir = dplyr::if_else(.data$dir < 0, "sunset", "sunrise"),
                    n = as.integer(n),
                    dur = as.integer(n * interval/60)) %>%
      # i.e. sunrise must be in sunrise time
      dplyr::filter(.data$dir == .data$type) %>%
      # Must have some darkish points
      dplyr::filter(.data$min_light <= ambig_dark)

    # If more than one in a day keep best performer
    if(nrow(s) > 0) {
      s <- s %>%
        dplyr::group_by(.data$date, .data$dir) %>%
                       .data$statistic, .data$p.value, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
        dplyr::slice(1) %>%

    s <- dplyr::select(s, .data$date, .data$time, .data$dir,
                       .data$n_range, .data$n, .data$dur,

    # Expect to start or end in dark/light (but not necessarily?)
    # Expect to vary by at least X levels of light

    # If light activity before sunrise or after sunset, not a true sunrise/set detection
    if(filter_problems && nrow(s) > 0) s <- sun_filter(data, s, thresh_dark)
  } else {
    s <- dplyr::tibble(date = lubridate::as_date(NA),
                       time = lubridate::as_datetime(NA),
                       dir = NA_character_,
                       n_range = NA_real_,
                       n = NA_integer_,
                       dur = NA_real_,
                       offset_applied = NA, .rows = 0)


sun_filter <- function(data, times, thresh_dark) {

  sun_n <- times$n[1]

  data <- times %>%
    dplyr::mutate(id = .data$time) %>%
    dplyr::select(.data$time, .data$dir, .data$id) %>%
    tidyr::spread(.data$dir, .data$id) %>%
    dplyr::right_join(data, by = "time") %>%

  if(!"sunrise" %in% names(data)) data$sunrise <- lubridate::ymd_hms(NA, tz = "UTC")
  if(!"sunset" %in% names(data)) data$sunset <-  lubridate::ymd_hms(NA, tz = "UTC")

  # Check for problematic sunrise/sets
  # Look for activity before/after rise/set
  sr <- which(!is.na(data$sunrise))
  ss <- which(!is.na(data$sunset))

  # Mark the two hours before sunrise and after set

  # Get median time between observations (sec)
  i <- res(data$time)/60

  for(s in sr) {
    n <- s - (1:(120/i))
    n <- n[n >= 0 & n <= nrow(data)]
    data$sunrise[n] <- data$sunrise[s]

  for(s in ss) {
    n <- s + (1:(120/i))
    n <- n[n >= 0 & n <= nrow(data)]
    data$sunset[n] <- data$sunset[s]

  # Look for activity in these two hours
  problems <- data %>%
    tidyr::gather("dir", "id", .data$sunrise, .data$sunset) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$id)) %>%
    dplyr::group_by(.data$dir, .data$id) %>%

  if(nrow(problems) > 0) {
    problems <- problems %>%
      dplyr::summarize(n_light = sum(.data$light > thresh_dark),
                       max_light = max(.data$light)) %>%
      # No more than 20 min of light events
      dplyr::filter(.data$n_light > (30/i))

  dplyr::filter(times, !.data$time %in% problems$id)

sun_assume <- function(dates, loc) {
  # Function to create sunrise/sunset times for assuming nighttime
  # Or should the user ALWAYS calculate sunset/sunrise?

#' Get sunrise/sunset times
#' Calculate times of sunrise and sunset depending on the location and the date.
#' @param loc Vector/Data frame. Longitude and Latitude coordinates for location
#'   of sun rise/set
#' @param date Vector. Date(s) to calculate sun rise/set for.
#' @param angle Numeric. For type = "riseset" the angle of the sun (6 = civil
#'   twilight)
#' @param interval Character. How to organize the sunrise/sunset times
#' @param type Character. What kind of sunrise/sunset to calculate
sun_times <- function(loc, date, angle = 6,
                      interval = "none", type = "riseset") {

    loc <- matrix(loc, nrow = 1)
  } else if(is.data.frame(loc)) {
    loc <- as.matrix(loc)

  date1 <- lubridate::as_datetime(date)
  if(interval == "night") date2 <- date1 - lubridate::days(1) else date2 <- date1

  if(type == "riseset") {
    sunrise <- maptools::sunriset(loc, date1,
                                  direction = "sunrise",
                                  POSIXct.out = TRUE)$time
    sunset <- maptools::sunriset(loc, date2,
                                 direction = "sunset",
                                 POSIXct.out = TRUE)$time
  } else if (type == "dawndusk") {
    sunrise <- maptools::crepuscule(loc, date1,
                                    direction = "dawn",
                                    solarDep = angle, POSIXct.out = TRUE)$time
    sunset <- maptools::crepuscule(loc, date2,
                                   direction = "dusk",
                                   solarDep = angle, POSIXct.out = TRUE)$time

  # Get the times as offset times
  tz_offset <- tz_find_offset(loc[1], loc[2])
  sunrise <- sunrise + lubridate::hours(tz_offset)
  sunset <- sunset + lubridate::hours(tz_offset)

  if(interval == "none") s <- data.frame(sunrise = sunrise,
                                         sunset = sunset,
                                         offset_applied = tz_offset)
  if(interval == "day") s <- lubridate::interval(sunrise, sunset)
  if(interval == "night") s <- lubridate::interval(sunset, sunrise)

sun_local <- function(loc, date, type = "dawndusk", angle = 12) {

  sun_times(loc = c(loc[1], loc[2]), date = date,
            type = type, angle = angle) %>%
      date = !!date,
      sunrise = dplyr::if_else(is.na(.data$sunrise),
      sunset = dplyr::if_else(is.na(.data$sunset),
                              lubridate::as_datetime(.data$date) +
                                lubridate::hours(23) +
                                lubridate::minutes(59) +
steffilazerte/cavityuse documentation built on Aug. 4, 2022, 11:22 p.m.