Man pages for steinbaugh/pfgsea
Acid Genomics GSEA

AcidGseaTestsUrlAcidGSEA test data URL
alphaThresholdAlpha threshold
collectionNamesGene set collection names
combineCombine multiple objects
contrastNamesContrast names
convertToHumanConvert data set by mapping to human orthologs
enrichedGeneSetsEnriched gene sets
exportExport data from R
fgseaFgseaList example data
FgseaListParameterized fast gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
FgseaList-classFast GSEA list
geneSetGene set
geneSetNamesGene set names
geneSetResultsGene set results
GeneToSymbolGene-to-symbol mappings
leadingEdgeLeading edge genes
markdownTablesMarkdown tables
nesThresholdNormalized enrichment score (NES) threshold
plotEnrichedGeneSetsPlot enriched gene sets
plotEnrichedUpsetUpSet plot of directional enriched pathway intersections...
plotGeneSetPlot gene set enrichment
plotLfcPlot log2 fold change distributions
plotNesPlot normalized enrichment score
prepareGeneSetFilesPrepare gene set files
RankedListRanked list of genes
RankedList-classRanked list of genes
showShow an object
updateObjectUpdate object
steinbaugh/pfgsea documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 11:24 a.m.