
Defines functions setup_convolved_lm_NON_hierarchical

Documented in setup_convolved_lm_NON_hierarchical

#' ARMET-tc main
#' @description This function calls the stan model.
#' @import dplyr
#' @import purrr
#' @importFrom tidybulk aggregate_duplicates
#' @importFrom tidybulk scale_abundance
#' @importFrom tidybulk as_matrix
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @importFrom rlang enquo
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidybayes gather_draws
#' @importFrom tidybayes gather_samples
#' @importFrom tidybayes median_qi
#' @importFrom magrittr equals
#' @importFrom magrittr %$%
#' @import data.tree
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .formula A formula
#' @param .sample A column symbol
#' @param .transcript A column symbol
#' @param .abundance A column symbol
#' @param reference A tibble
#' @param approximate_posterior A boolean for variational Bayes
#' @param prior_survival_time An array
#' @param transform_time_function transformation of the time covariate
#' @param reference A tibble
#' @rdname setup_convolved_lm
#' @name setup_convolved_lm
#' @return An ARMET object
#' @export

setup_convolved_lm_NON_hierarchical = function(.data,
																							 .formula = ~ 1,
																							 .sample = NULL,
																							 .transcript = NULL,
																							 .abundance = NULL,
																							 approximate_posterior = F,
																							 prior_survival_time = c(),
																							 transform_time_function = sqrt,
																							 reference = NULL,
																							 iterations_warmup = 1200,
																							 iterations_sampling = 200,
																							 ...) {
	# At the moment is not active
	full_bayesian = F
	.n_markers = n_markers
	do_regression = T
	cores = 4
	shards = cores 
	iterations = iterations_warmup
	sampling_iterations = iterations_sampling
	model = stanmodels$ARMET_tc_fix
	input = c(as.list(environment()))
	input$.formula = .formula
	# Get column names
	.sample = enquo(.sample)
	.transcript = enquo(.transcript)
	.abundance = enquo(.abundance)
	col_names = get_sample_transcript_counts(.data, .sample, .transcript, .abundance)
	.sample = col_names$.sample
	.transcript = col_names$.transcript
	.abundance = col_names$.abundance
	# Rename columns mix
	.data = .data |> rename( sample = !!.sample, symbol = !!.transcript ,  count = !!.abundance)
	input$.data = .data
	# Warning is sensitive names in columns
	names_taken = c("level") 
	if(.data |> colnames() %in% names_taken |> any()) stop(sprintf("ARMET says: your input data frame includes reserved column names: %s", names_taken))
	# Check if count is integer
	if(.data |> select(count) |> lapply(class) |> unlist() |> equals("integer") |> not())
		stop(sprintf("ARMET says: the %s column must be integer as the deconvolution model is Negative Binomial", quo_name(.abundance)))
	# Covariate column
	if(do_regression & paste(as.character(.formula), collapse="")  != "~1"){
		formula_df = parse_formula(.formula)
		# Censoring column
		if(do_regression && length(formula_df$censored_column) == 1) {
			cens = .data |> select(sample, formula_df$censored_column) |> distinct() |> arrange(sample) |> pull(2)
			# Check cens right type
			if(typeof(cens) %in% c("integer", "logical") |> any() |> not()) stop("ARMET says: censoring variable should be logical of integer (0,1)")
			if(length(prior_survival_time) == 0) stop("ARMET says: you really need to provide third party survival time for your condition/disease")
			sd_survival_months = .data |>  select(sample, formula_df$censored_value_column) |> distinct() |> pull(formula_df$censored_value_column) |> sd()
			prior_survival_time = transform_time_function( when(min(prior_survival_time)==0, ~ prior_survival_time + 1, prior_survival_time)) 
			time_column = formula_df$censored_value_column 
			X =
					object = 	formula_df$formula_formatted,
					data = 
						.data |> 
						select(sample, one_of(formula_df$covariates_formatted)) |> 
						distinct() |> 
						arrange(sample) |>
						mutate(!!as.symbol(formula_df$censored_value_column ) := transform_time_function(!!as.symbol(formula_df$censored_value_column )) )
			columns_idx_including_time = 
				which(grepl(time_column, colnames(X))) |> 
				as.array() %>%
				# Fix if NULL
				when(is.null(.) ~ c(), ~ (.))
			X =
					object = 	formula_df$formula_formatted,
					data = 
						.data |> 
						select(sample, one_of(formula_df$covariates_formatted)) |> 
						distinct() |> 
			cens = NULL
			columns_idx_including_time = array(0)[0]
	}	else {
		formula_df = cens  = NULL	
		columns_idx_including_time = array(0)[0]
		X =
				object = 	~ 1,
				data = .data |> select(sample) |> distinct() |> arrange(sample)
	# Do regression
	#if(length(formula_df$covariates_formatted) > 0 & (formula_df$covariates_formatted |> is.na() |> not())) do_regression = T
	# distinct_at is not released yet for dplyr, thus we have to use this trick
	df_for_edgeR <- .data |>
		# Stop if any counts is NA
		error_if_counts_is_na(count) |>
		# Stop if there are duplicated transcripts
		error_if_duplicated_genes(sample,symbol,count) |>
		# Prepare the data frame
					 one_of(formula_df$covariates_formatted)) |>
		distinct() |>
		# Check if data rectangular
			check_if_data_rectangular(., sample,symbol,count) |> not() &
				TRUE	~ eliminate_sparse_transcripts(., symbol),
			~ (.)
		) |>
			do_regression && length(formula_df$censored_column) == 1 ~ 
				mutate(., !!formula_df$censored_value_column := !!as.symbol(formula_df$censored_value_column) / sd_survival_months),
			~ (.)
	mix =
		.data |>
		select(sample, symbol, count, one_of(formula_df$covariates_formatted)) |>
	# Print overlap descriptive stats
	#get_overlap_descriptive_stats(mix |> slice(1) |> gather(symbol, count, -sample), reference)
	# Prepare data frames -
	# For Q query first
	# For G house keeing first
	# For GM level 1 first
	Q = mix |> distinct(sample) |> nrow()
	if(!check_if_data_rectangular(reference, cell_type, symbol, count)){
		warning("tidybulk says: the data does not have the same number of transcript per sample. The data set is not rectangular.")
		reference = 
			reference |>
			# Filter genes common to all cell types
			add_count(symbol) |>
			filter(n==max(n))  |> 
	reference_filtered = reference |> mutate(C = cell_type  |> as.factor() |> droplevels() |> as.numeric())
	# Find normalisation
	sample_scaling = 
		reference_filtered |>
		mutate(sample = "reference") |> 
		tidybulk::aggregate_duplicates(sample, symbol, count, aggregation_function = median) |>
		bind_rows(mix) |>
		tidybulk::identify_abundant(sample, symbol, count) |>
		tidybulk::scale_abundance(sample, symbol, count, reference_sample = "reference", action ="get", .subset_for_scaling = .abundant) |>
		distinct(sample, multiplier) |>
		mutate(exposure_rate = -log(multiplier)) |>
		mutate(exposure_multiplier = exp(exposure_rate)) 
	# Default internals
		internals = list(
			prop = NULL,
			fit = NULL,
			df = NULL,
			#prop_posterior = get_null_prop_posterior(tree_propeties$ct_in_nodes),
			alpha = NULL,
			Q = Q,
			reference_filtered = reference_filtered,
			mix = mix,
			X = X,
			cens = cens,
			#tree_properties = tree_propeties,
			prior_survival_time = prior_survival_time,
			formula_df = formula_df,
			sample_scaling = sample_scaling,
			columns_idx_including_time = columns_idx_including_time,
			approximate_posterior = approximate_posterior,
			transform_time_function = transform_time_function,
			shards = shards,
			full_bayesian = full_bayesian,
			iterations = iterations,
			sampling_iterations = sampling_iterations	,
			do_regression = do_regression,
			.formula = .formula,
			model = model
		input = input

median_qi_nest_draws_NO_hierarchical = function(d){
	# Anonymous function to add the draws to the summary
		d |>
			#group_by(.variable,  Q,  C) |>
			tidybayes::median_qi() |>
		# Reattach draws as nested
		d |>
			ungroup() |>
			nest(.draws = c(.chain, .iteration, .draw , .value, .value_relative)),
		by = c(".variable", "Q", "sample", "C")

# @description Parse the stan fit object and check for divergences
parse_summary_check_divergence_NO_hierarchical = function(draws) {
	draws |>
		group_by(.variable,  Q, sample,  C) |>
		# If not converged choose the majority chains
		mutate(converged = diptest::dip.test(`.value_relative`) %$%	`p.value` > 0.05) %>%
		# Anonymous function - add summary fit to converged label
	# input: tibble
	# output: tibble
			(.) |> select(-converged) |> median_qi_nest_draws_NO_hierarchical(),
			(.) |> distinct(converged),
			by = c( ".variable", "Q", "sample", "C")
	} |>

get_generated_quantities_standalone_NO_hierarchy = function(fit, internals){
		fit |>
			draws_to_tibble("prop_", "Q", "C") |>
			mutate(Q = as.integer(Q)) |>
			mutate(.variable = gsub("_rng", "", .variable)) |>
			separate(.variable, c("par", "node"), remove = F)  |>
			select(-par) |>
			nest(rng_prop = -c(node, C)) |>
			mutate(C = 1:n()),
		fit |>
			draws_to_tibble("mu_", "Q", "C") |>
			mutate(Q = as.integer(Q)) |>
			mutate(.variable = gsub("_rng", "", .variable)) |>
			separate(.variable, c("par", "node"), remove = F)  |>
			select(-par) |>
			nest(rng_mu = -c(node, C)) |>
			mutate(C = 1:n()),
		by=c("C", "node")

get_generated_quantities_standalone_NO_hierarchy_cmdstanr = function(fit, internals, model_data){
		fit$draws("prop_1_rng", format = "draws_df") |> 
				names_to = c( ".variable", "C", "Q"),  
				cols = contains("prop_1_rng"), 
				names_sep = "\\[|,|\\]|:",
				values_to = ".value"
			) |> 
			suppressWarnings() |> 
			mutate(Q = as.integer(Q), C = as.integer(C)) |> 
			nest(rng_prop = -C),
		fit$draws("mu_1_rng", format = "draws_df") |> 
				names_to = c( ".variable", "Q", "C"),  
				cols = contains("mu_1_rng"), 
				names_sep = "\\[|,|\\]|:",
				values_to = ".value"
			) |> 
			suppressWarnings() |> 
			mutate(Q = as.integer(Q), C = as.integer(C)) |> 
			nest(rng_mu = -C),
		by = "C"
	) |> 
		mutate(node = "1")

get_alpha_NO_hierarchy = function(fit){
	fit %>%
		draws_to_tibble("alpha_", "A", "C") %>%
		filter(!grepl("_raw" ,.variable)) %>%
		# rebuild the last component sum-to-zero
		#rebuild_last_component_sum_to_zero() %>%
		arrange(.chain, .iteration, .draw,     A) %>%
		nest(draws = -c(C, .variable)) %>%
		# Attach convergence information
			fit %>% 
				summary_to_tibble("alpha_", "A", "C") %>% 
				filter(!grepl("_raw" ,.variable)) %>%
				filter(A == 2) %>% 
				select(.variable, C, one_of("Rhat")),
			by = c(".variable", "C")
		) %>%
		mutate(C = 1:n()) %>% 
		# Attach generated quantities
		separate(.variable, c("par", "node"), remove = F)

get_alpha_NO_hierarchy_cmdstanr = function(fit){
	fit$draws("alpha_1", format = "draws_df") |> 
		# rebuild the last component sum-to-zero
		#rebuild_last_component_sum_to_zero() %>%
			names_to = c( ".variable", "A", "C"),  
			cols = contains("alpha_1"), 
			names_sep = "\\[|,|\\]|:",
			values_to = ".value"
		) |> 
		suppressWarnings() |> 
		mutate(A = as.integer(A), C = as.integer(C)) |> 
		arrange(.chain, .iteration, .draw,     A) %>%
		nest(draws = -c(C, .variable)) %>%
		# Attach convergence information
			fit$summary("alpha_1") %>% 
				tidyr::extract(variable, c(".variable", "A", "C"), "([a-z0-9_]+)\\[([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\\]") |> 
				mutate(A = as.integer(A), C = as.integer(C)) |> 
				filter(A == 2) |> 
				rename(Rhat = rhat) |> 
				select(.variable, C, one_of("Rhat")),
			by = c(".variable", "C")
		) %>%
		mutate(C = 1:n()) %>% 
		# Attach generated quantities
		separate(.variable, c("par", "node"), remove = F)

#' estimate_convoluted_lm
#' @description This function does inference for higher levels of the hierarchy
#' @rdname estimate_convoluted_lm
#' @name estimate_convoluted_lm
#' @param armet_obj An ARMET object
#' @export
estimate_convoluted_lm = function(armet_obj, use_data = TRUE, use_cmdstanr = FALSE){
	internals = 
			iterations = armet_obj$internals$iterations,
			sampling_iterations = armet_obj$internals$sampling_iterations	,
			do_regression = armet_obj$internals$do_regression,
			.formula = armet_obj$internals$.formula,
			model = armet_obj$internals$model,
			use_data = use_data,
			use_cmdstanr = use_cmdstanr

	proportions =	
		armet_obj$input$.data %>%
		select(c(sample, (.) %>% get_specific_annotation_columns(sample))) |>
		distinct() |>
		left_join(internals$prop, by="sample") |>
		# Attach alpha if regression
			internals$do_regression, # && paste(as.character(internals$.formula), collapse="")  != "~1" ,
			~ .x |>
				nest(proportions = -c( C)) |>
					internals$alpha |>	select( C, contains("alpha"), draws, rng_prop, rng_mu, .variable, one_of("Rhat")),
					by = c("C")
		) |> 
		# Add cell type
		left_join(internals$reference_filtered |> distinct(cell_type, C), by="C") |> 
		select(-C) |> 
		select(cell_type, everything())
	attrib = 
			# Matrix of proportions
			proportions = proportions,
			# # Return the input itself
			input = armet_obj$input,
			# Return the fitted object
			internals = internals
	proportions |> 
		get_estimates_NO_hierarchy(X = attrib$internals$X) |> 
		add_attr(attrib, "full_results")

run_lv = function(internals,
									iterations = iterations,
									sampling_iterations = sampling_iterations,
									do_regression = do_regression,
									.formula = .formula, model = stanmodels$ARMET_tc_fix, use_data = TRUE,  use_cmdstanr = FALSE){
	reference_filtered = internals$reference_filtered
	mix = internals$mix
	prop_posterior = internals$prop_posterior
	X = internals$X
	cens = internals$cens
	Q = internals$Q
	model = stanmodels$ARMET_tc_fix
	prior_survival_time = internals$prior_survival_time
	sample_scaling = internals$sample_scaling
	columns_idx_including_time = internals$columns_idx_including_time

# Inference
	# Global properties - derived by previous analyses of the whole reference dataset
	sigma_intercept = 1.3420415
	sigma_slope = -0.3386389
	sigma_sigma = 1.1720851
	lambda_mu_mu = 5.612671
	lambda_sigma = 7.131593
	# Non centred
	lambda_mu_prior = c(6.2, 1)
	lambda_sigma_prior =  c(3.3 , 1)
	lambda_skew_prior =  c(-2.7, 1)
	sigma_intercept_prior = c(1.9 , 0.1)
	# Filter on level considered
	my_genes = reference_filtered |> filter(is_marker) |> pull(symbol) |> unique()
	reference_filtered = reference_filtered |> filter(symbol %in% my_genes)
	# Number of cell types
	number_of_cell_types = reference_filtered |> distinct(cell_type) |> nrow()
	# Format
	df = ref_mix_format(reference_filtered, mix)
	GM = df  |> distinct(symbol) |> nrow()
	y_source =
		df |>
		filter(`query`) |>
		select(S, Q, symbol, count, GM, sample) 
	# Dirichlet regression
	A = X |> ncol()
	# library(rstan)
	# fileConn<-file("~/.R/Makevars")
	# writeLines(c( "CXX14FLAGS += -O2","CXX14FLAGS += -DSTAN_THREADS", "CXX14FLAGS += -pthread"), fileConn)
	# close(fileConn)
	# ARMET_tc_model = rstan::stan_model("~/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/inst/stan/ARMET_tc_fix.stan", auto_write = F)
	exposure_multiplier = 
		sample_scaling |> 
		filter(sample %in% (y_source |> pull(sample))) |> 
		arrange(sample) |> 
		pull(exposure_multiplier) |>
	init_list = list(	
		lambda_UFO = rep(6.2, GM), 
		prop_1 = matrix(rep(1.0/number_of_cell_types, number_of_cell_types*Q), nrow = Q	),
		phi = rep(5, number_of_cell_types)
	ref = 
		df |>
		# Eliminate the query part, not the house keeping of the query
		filter(!`query`)  |>
		select(C, GM, count ) |> 
		distinct() |>
		arrange(C, GM) |> 
		spread(GM, count) |> 
		tidybulk::as_matrix(rownames = "C") 
	y = 
		y_source |>
		select(Q, GM, count) |> 
		distinct() |>
		arrange(Q, GM) |> 
		spread(GM, count) |> 
		tidybulk::as_matrix(rownames = "Q") 
	max_y = max(y)
	Sys.setenv("STAN_NUM_THREADS" = shards)
	if(cens |> is.null()) cens =  rep(0, Q)
	which_cens = which(cens == 1)  |> as.array()
	which_not_cens = which(cens == 0) |> as.array()
	how_many_cens = length(which_cens)
	max_unseen = ifelse(how_many_cens>0, max(X[,2]), 0 )
	if(is.null(prior_survival_time)) prior_survival_time = array(1)[0]
	spt = length(prior_survival_time)
	CIT = length(columns_idx_including_time)
	model_data = list(
		shards = shards,
		GM = GM,
		sigma_slope = sigma_slope,
		sigma_sigma = sigma_sigma,
		Q = Q,
		number_of_cell_types = number_of_cell_types,
		y = y,
		max_y = max_y,
		ref = ref,
		A = A,
		X = X,
		do_regression = do_regression,
		how_many_cens = how_many_cens,
		which_cens = which_cens,
		which_not_cens = which_not_cens,
		max_unseen = max_unseen,
		spt = spt,
		prior_survival_time = prior_survival_time,
		CIT = CIT,
		columns_idx_including_time = columns_idx_including_time,
		exposure_multiplier = exposure_multiplier,
		use_data = use_data
	if( use_cmdstanr ){
		# Lad model code
			mod = readRDS("ARMET_tc_fix_cmdstanr.rds")
		else {
			readr::write_file(ARMET_tc_fix_cmdstanr, "ARMET_tc_fix_cmdstanr.stan")
			mod = cmdstanr::cmdstan_model( "ARMET_tc_fix_cmdstanr.stan") #, cpp_options = list(stan_threads = TRUE) )
			mod  %>% saveRDS("ARMET_tc_fix_cmdstanr.rds")
			fit = 
					data = model_data ,
					init = function ()	init_list
				) %>%
			fit = 
					data = model_data ,
					init = function ()	init_list,
					iter_warmup = iterations - sampling_iterations,
					iter_sampling = sampling_iterations, 
					parallel_chains = 3, chains = 3, 
					threads_per_chain = ceiling(shards / 3)
				) %>%
		fit$summary() |>  arrange(rhat |> desc()) |> filter(rhat > 1.2) |> print()
		fit_prop_parsed = 
			fit$draws("prop_1", format = "draws_df") |> 
					names_to = c( ".variable", "C", "Q"),  
					cols = contains("prop_1"), 
					names_sep = "\\[|,|\\]|:",
					values_to = ".value"
				) |> 
				suppressWarnings() |> 
				mutate(Q = as.integer(Q), C = as.integer(C))
		if (do_regression) # && paste(as.character(.formula), collapse="")  != "~1" ) 
			internals$alpha = 
			get_alpha_NO_hierarchy_cmdstanr(fit) |> 
				get_generated_quantities_standalone_NO_hierarchy_cmdstanr(fit, internals, model_data),
				by = c("node", "C")
	else {
		fit = 
			approximate_posterior |>
				(.) ~ vb_iterative(model,
													 # rstan::stan_model("~/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/inst/stan/ARMET_tc_fix_hierarchical.stan", auto_write = F),
													 iter = 50000,
													 tol_rel_obj = 0.0005,
													 init = function () init_list
				~ 	sampling(
					#rstan::stan_model("~/PhD/deconvolution/ARMET/inst/stan/ARMET_tc_fix_hierarchical.stan", auto_write = F),
					chains = 3,
					cores = 3,
					iter = iterations,
					warmup = iterations - sampling_iterations,
					data = ,
					#data = prop_posterior |> c(tree_properties),
					# pars=
					# 	c("prop_1", "prop_2", "prop_3", sprintf("prop_%s", letters[1:9])) |>
					# 	c("alpha_1", sprintf("alpha_%s", letters[1:9])) |>
					# 	c("exposure_rate") |>
					# 	c("lambda_UFO") |>
					# 	c("prop_UFO") |>
					# 	c(additional_par_to_save),
					init = function ()	init_list,
					save_warmup = FALSE
					# ,
					# control=list( adapt_delta=0.9,stepsize = 0.01,  max_treedepth =10  )
				)) %>%
				(.)  |> rstan::summary() %$% summary |> as_tibble(rownames = "par") |> arrange(Rhat |> desc()) |> filter(Rhat > 1.5) |> ifelse_pipe(nrow(.) > 0, ~  print(.x))
		fit_prop_parsed = 
			fit |>
			draws_to_tibble("prop_1", "C", "Q") |>
			filter(!grepl("_UFO|_rng", .variable))  |>
			mutate(Q = Q |> as.integer())
		if (do_regression) # && paste(as.character(.formula), collapse="")  != "~1" ) 
			internals$alpha = 
			get_alpha_NO_hierarchy(fit) |> 
				get_generated_quantities_standalone_NO_hierarchy(fit, internals),
				by = c("node", "C")
	# Parsing

	draws =
		fit_prop_parsed |>
		ungroup() |>
		select(-.variable) |>
		mutate(.value_relative = .value)
	prop =
		fit_prop_parsed |> 
		drop_na()  |>
		ungroup() |>
		# Add relative proportions
		mutate(.value_relative = .value) |> 
		# add sample annotation
		left_join(df |> distinct(Q, sample), by = "Q")	|>
		# If MCMC is used check divergences as well
		parse_summary_check_divergence_NO_hierarchical() |>
		# Parse
		separate(.variable, c(".variable", "level"), convert = T) |>
		# Add sample information
		left_join(df |>
								filter(`query`) |>
								distinct(Q, sample),
							by = c("Q", "sample")

	internals$prop = prop
	internals$fit = list(fit)
	internals$df = list(df)
	internals$draws = list(draws)
	internals$prop_posterior[[1]] = fit_prop_parsed |> group_by(.variable, Q, C) |> prop_to_list() %>% `[[` ("prop_1") 

get_estimates_NO_hierarchy = function(.data, X) {
	.data %>% 
		filter(.variable %>% is.na %>% `!`) %>%
		select(cell_type, draws) %>% 
		mutate(regression = map(draws,
														~ .x %>%
															group_by(A) %>%
															summarise(.median = median(.value), .sd = sd(.value)) %>% 
															#tidybayes::median_qi(.width = credible_interval) %>%
															left_join(tibble(A=1:ncol(X), A_name = colnames(X)) ,  by = "A") %>% 
															select(-A) %>% 
																names_from = A_name,
																values_from = c(.median, .sd)
															))) %>% 
		select(-draws) %>% 
stemangiola/ARMET documentation built on July 9, 2022, 1:25 a.m.