
Defines functions add_scaled_counts_bulk.get_low_expressed

#' Drop lowly transcribed genes for TMM normalization
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom tidyr spread
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom purrr when
#' @importFrom rlang quo_is_symbol
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .sample The name of the sample column
#' @param .transcript The name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param .abundance The name of the transcript/gene abundance column
#' @param factor_of_interest The name of the column of the factor of interest
#' @param minimum_counts A positive integer. Minimum counts required for at least some samples.
#' @param minimum_proportion A real positive number between 0 and 1. It is the threshold of proportion of samples for each transcripts/genes that have to be characterised by a cmp bigger than the threshold to be included for scaling procedure.
#' @return A tibble filtered
add_scaled_counts_bulk.get_low_expressed <- function(.data,
																										 .sample = `sample`,
																										 .transcript = `transcript`,
																										 .abundance = `count`,
																										 factor_of_interest = NULL,
																										 minimum_counts = 10,
																										 minimum_proportion = 0.7) {
	# Get column names
	.sample = enquo(.sample)
	.transcript = enquo(.transcript)
	.abundance = enquo(.abundance)

	factor_of_interest = enquo(factor_of_interest)

	# Check if factor_of_interest is continuous and exists
	string_factor_of_interest =

		factor_of_interest %>%
			quo_is_symbol(.) &&
				select(.data, !!(.)) %>% lapply(class) %>%	as.character() %in% c("numeric", "integer", "double") 	~ {
					message("ppcseq says: The factor of interest is continuous (e.g., integer,numeric, double). The data will be filtered without grouping.")
			quo_is_symbol(.) ~ .data %>%
				distinct(!!.sample, !!factor_of_interest) %>%
				arrange(!!.sample) %>%
			~ NULL

	if (minimum_counts < 0)
		stop("The parameter minimum_counts must be > 0")
	if (minimum_proportion < 0 |	minimum_proportion > 1)
		stop("The parameter minimum_proportion must be between 0 and 1")

	.data %>%
		select(!!.sample,!!.transcript, !!.abundance) %>%
		spread(!!.sample, !!.abundance) %>%

		# Drop if transcript have missing value
		drop_na() %>%

		# If I don't have any transcript with all samples give meaningful error
			nrow(.) == 0 ~ stop("ppcseq says: you don't have any transcript that is in all samples. Please consider using impute_missing_abundance."),
			~ (.)
		) %>%

		# Call edgeR
		as_matrix(rownames = !!.transcript) %>%
			min.count = minimum_counts,
			group = string_factor_of_interest,
			min.prop = minimum_proportion
		) %>%
		not() %>%
		which %>%

# Set internal
.identify_abundant = 		function(.data,
																.sample = NULL,
																.transcript = NULL,
																.abundance = NULL,
																factor_of_interest = NULL,
																minimum_counts = 10,
																minimum_proportion = 0.7)
	# Get column names
	.sample = enquo(.sample)
	.transcript = enquo(.transcript)
	.abundance = enquo(.abundance)

	factor_of_interest = enquo(factor_of_interest)

	.data %>%

		# Filter

			# If column is present use this instead of doing more work
			".abundant" %in% colnames(.) %>% not ~  {
				gene_to_exclude =
						.sample = !!.sample,
						.transcript = !!.transcript,
						.abundance = !!.abundance,
						factor_of_interest = !!factor_of_interest,
						minimum_counts = minimum_counts,
						minimum_proportion = minimum_proportion

				dplyr::mutate(., .abundant := !!.transcript %in% gene_to_exclude %>% not())
			~ (.)

#' Get a tibble with scaled counts using TMM
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom magrittr equals
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @importFrom utils install.packages
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param .sample The name of the sample column
#' @param .transcript The name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param .abundance The name of the transcript/gene abundance column
#' @param method A character string. The scaling method passed to the backend function (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile")
#' @param reference_sample A character string. The name of the reference sample. If NULL the sample with highest total read count will be selected as reference.
#' @return A tibble including additional columns
get_scaled_counts_bulk <- function(.data,
																	 .sample = NULL,
																	 .transcript = NULL,
																	 .abundance = NULL,
																	 method = "TMM",
																	 reference_sample = NULL,
																	 .library_size = NULL) {
	# Get column names
	.sample = enquo(.sample)
	.transcript = enquo(.transcript)
	.abundance = enquo(.abundance)

	.library_size = enquo(.library_size)

	# # Check if package is installed, otherwise install
	# if (find.package("edgeR", quiet = TRUE) %>% length %>% equals(0)) {
	# 	message("ppcseq says: Installing edgeR needed for analyses")
	# 	if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
	# 		install.packages("BiocManager", repos = "https://cloud.r-project.org")
	# 	BiocManager::install("edgeR", ask = FALSE)
	# }

	# Set factors
	.data =
		.data %>%
		dplyr::mutate(!!.sample := factor(!!.sample),!!.transcript := factor(!!.transcript)) %>%

	# Get reference
	reference <-
		reference_sample %>%
			!is.null(.) ~ (.),

			# If not specified take most abundance sample
			.data %>%
				group_by(!!.sample) %>%
				summarise(sum = median(!!.abundance)) %>%
				mutate(med = max(sum)) %>%
				mutate(diff = abs(sum - med)) %>%
				arrange(diff) %>%
				head(n = 1) %>%
				pull(!!.sample) %>%

	nf_obj <-
			.sample = !!.sample,
			.transcript = !!.transcript,
			.abundance = !!.abundance,
			.library_size = !!.library_size

	# Calculate normalization factors
	nf_obj$nf %>%
			.data %>%
				group_by(!!.sample) %>%
				summarise(tot = sum(!!.abundance, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
				ungroup() %>%
				dplyr::mutate(!!.sample := as.factor(as.character(!!.sample))),
			by = quo_name(.sample)
		) %>%
		mutate(multiplier =
					 	1 /
					 	(tot_filt * nf) *

					 	# Put everything to the reference sample scale
					 	((.) %>% filter(!!.sample == reference) %>% pull(tot))) %>%

		# I have correct the strange behaviour of edgeR of reference
		# sample not being 1
		# {
		# 	mult_ref = (.) %>%  filter(!!.sample == reference) %>% pull(multiplier)
		# 	(.) %>%  mutate(
		# 		multiplier =
		# 			multiplier /mult_ref
		# 	)
		# } %>%

	dplyr::select(-tot,-tot_filt) %>%
		dplyr::rename(TMM = nf)


#' Calculate the norm factor with calcNormFactor from limma
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tibble
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @param .data A tibble
#' @param reference A reference matrix, not sure if used anymore
#' @param .sample The name of the sample column
#' @param .transcript The name of the transcript/gene column
#' @param .abundance The name of the transcript/gene abundance column
#' @param method A string character. The scaling method passed to the backend function (i.e., edgeR::calcNormFactors; "TMM","TMMwsp","RLE","upperquartile")
#' @return A list including the filtered data frame and the normalization factors
add_scaled_counts_bulk.calcNormFactor <- function(.data,
																									reference = NULL,
																									.sample = `sample`,
																									.transcript = `transcript`,
																									.abundance = `count`,
																									.library_size = NULL) {
	.sample = enquo(.sample)
	.transcript = enquo(.transcript)
	.abundance = enquo(.abundance)

	.library_size = enquo(.library_size)

	# Force or not library size
	lib.size =
		.data %>%
			!quo_is_null(.library_size) ~ distinct(., !!.sample, !!.library_size) %>% arrange(!!.sample) %>% pull(!!.library_size),
			~ NULL

	# Get data frame for the highly transcribed transcripts
	df.filt <-	.data %>%	select(!!.sample, !!.transcript, !!.abundance)

	# scaled data set
	nf =

			# Sample factor
			sample = factor(levels(df.filt %>% pull(!!.sample))),

			# scaled data frame
			nf = edgeR::calcNormFactors(
				df.filt %>%
					tidyr::spread(!!.sample,!!.abundance) %>%
					tidyr::drop_na() %>%
				refColumn = which(reference == factor(levels(
					df.filt %>% pull(!!.sample)
				method = method,
				lib.size = lib.size
		) %>%

		setNames(c(quo_name(.sample), "nf")) %>%

		# Add the statistics about the number of genes filtered
			df.filt %>%
				dplyr::group_by(!!.sample) %>%
				dplyr::summarise(tot_filt = sum(!!.abundance, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
				dplyr::mutate(!!.sample := as.factor(as.character(!!.sample))),
			by = quo_name(.sample)

	# Return
		# gene_to_exclude = gene_to_exclude,
		nf = nf
stemangiola/ppcSeq documentation built on Sept. 19, 2023, 6:30 p.m.