
# Tabulate a \code{dscr} scenario.
# Given a scenario, return a data frame tabulating a scenario's name
# in one column and its set of seeds in another column.
# @param scenario Scenario to be expanded, with \code{scenario$name}
#   giving a string for the scenario's name and \code{scenario$seed}
#   giving an integer vector of random seeds.
# @return Data frame with columns \code{scenarioname} and
#   \code{seed}. The column \code{scenarioname} is coerced to a
#   character vector.
expand_scenario <- function(scenario) {
    return(data.frame(scenarioname = scenario$name,
                      seed = scenario$seed,
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

# @title Comprehensively tabulate a phase of \code{dscr} execution.
# @description Depending on the phase of execution requested, starting
# from
# \enumerate{
#   \item The set of scenario-seed combinations (as specified
#     in \code{dsc$scenarios}),
#   \item The set of methods (as specified in
#     \code{dsc$methods}), and
#   \item The set of scores (as specified in
#     \code{dsc$scores}),
# }
# compute (1), the Cartesian product of (1) and (2), or the Cartesian
# product of (1), (2), and (3).
# @param dsc The \code{dscr} data structure to expand.
# @param phase The phase of execution to tabulate, either
#   'scenarios', 'scenarios_methods', or 'scenarios_methods_scores'.
# @return Data frame with columns \code{scenarioname}, \code{seed},
#   \code{methodname} (if one of the latter two phases is requested),
#   and \code{scorename} (if the last phase is selected).
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
#' @importFrom plyr ldply
expand_dsc <- function(dsc, phase) {
    assert_that(phase %in% c('scenarios',

    # Scenarios stage.
    result <- ldply(dsc$scenarios,expand_scenario,.id = 'scenarioname')

    # Methods stage.
    if (grepl('methods', phase)) {
        result <- merge(result, data.frame(methodname = names(dsc$methods),
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

    # Scores stage.
    if (grepl('scores', phase)) {
        result <- merge(result, data.frame(scorename = names(dsc$scores),
                                           stringsAsFactors = FALSE))


# @title  Apply multiple filters to a data frame.
# @description Build and execute a \code{dplyr::filter} call against a
#   data frame with an arbitrary number of filtering clauses, some of
#   which can be inactive by being set to \code{NULL}. For example,
#   \code{multiple_filter(df, some_col = c(1, 2), other_col = NULL)}
#   returns the value of \code{dplyr::filter(df, some_col \%in\% c(1,
#   2))}. Return the data frame unchanged if there are no active
#   filters.
# @param df Data frame to filter.
# @param ... Set of filters to apply to the data frame. The names of
#     the list elements correspond to column names in \code{df},
#     while the values of the list elements correspond to the values
#     that the column will be restricted to.
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that
multiple_filter <- function(df, ...) {
    # Basic sanity check.
    filter_list <- list(...)
    assert_that(all(names(filter_list) %in% names(df)))

    active_filter_list <- Filter(Negate(is.null), filter_list)

    if (length(active_filter_list) == 0) {
    } else {
        # We execute the filter call against a custom environment to
        # avoid scoping issues.
        filter_env <- new.env()
        filter_env$df <- df
        filter_env$arg_list <- active_filter_list

        clauses <- lapply(names(active_filter_list),
                          function(name) paste0(name, ' %in% arg_list$', name))
        clauses_text <- paste(clauses, collapse = ', ')
        filter_call <- paste0('dplyr::filter(df, ', clauses_text, ')')

        return(eval(parse(text = filter_call), filter_env))
stephens999/dscr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 3:20 p.m.