#' Initialize VEB-Boost Tree structure
#' Initializes a VEB-Boost tree object as the sum of products of nodes,
#' where you can specify how many learners to add, and the multiplicative depth of each learner.
#' @param learners is either a single "learner" object, or a list of k "learner" objects
#' A learner object is comprised of:
#' 1. a fit function $fitFunction: (X, Y, sigma2, currentFit) -> newFit (where a fit is a list that must contain $mu1, $mu2, and $KL_div)
#' 2. a prediction function $predFunction: (X, fit, moment) -> posterior moment (1 or 2)
#' 3. a constant check function $constCheckFunction: (fit) -> (TRUE/FALSE) to check if a fit is essentially constant
#' 4. a current fit $currentFit: must contain $mu1 (first posterior moments), $mu2 (second posterior moments), and $KL_div (KL-divergence from q to prior) (can be NULL, at least to start)
#' 5. a predictor object $X (whatever the $fitFunction and $predFunction take in), used for training (can be NULL, e.g. if using constLearner)
#' 6. a predictor object $X_test (whatever the $fitFunction and $predFunction take in), used for testing (can be NULL)
#' @param Y is a numeric vector response
#' @param k is an integer, or a vector of integers of length \code{length(learners)}, for how many terms are in the sum of nodes (for each learner)
#' @param d is either an integer, or an integer vector of length \code{k}, or a list of integer vectors of length \code{length(learners)}
#' (each element either an integer, or a vector of length \code{k}) for the multiplicative depth of each of the k terms
#' NOTE: This can be dangerous. For example, if the fit starts out too large, then entire branhces will be fit to be exactly
#' zero. When this happens, we end up dividing by 0 in places, and this results in NAs, -Inf, etc. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK
#' @param weights is a vector of the same length as Y weighting the observations. Relative weights are used and we take care of the scaling for you
#' @param family is what family the response is
initialize_veb_boost_tree = function(learners, Y, k = 1, d = 1, weights = 1,
family = c("gaussian", "binomial", "negative.binomial", "poisson.log1pexp", "aft.loglogistic", "ordinal.logistic", "multinomial.titsias"), exposure = NULL, my_class_index = NULL) {
family = match.arg(family)
if (length(k) == 1) {
k = rep(k, length(learners))
} else if (length(k) != length(learners)) {
stop("'k' must be of length 1 or 'length(learners)'")
if (!inherits(d, "list")) {
if (length(d) == 1) {
d = lapply(k, function(j) rep(d, j))
} else {
d = lapply(1:length(k), function(x) d)
} else {
if (length(d) == 1) {
d = rep(d, length(k))
if (length(d) != length(k)) {
stop("If 'd' is a list, it must be of length 1 or length(k)")
for (i in 1:length(d)) {
if (length(d[[i]]) != k[i]) {
if (length(d[[i]]) == 1) {
d[[i]] = rep(d[[i]], k[i])
} else {
stop("d[[i]] must be of length 1 or k[i] for all i")
if (length(learners) == 1) {
learners = rep(learners, k)
# 1/k of approximate average
if (family == "gaussian") {
mu_init = mean(Y) / sum(k)
} else if (family == "binomial") {
mu_init = log(mean(Y) / (1 - mean(Y))) / sum(k)
} else if (family == "negative.binomial") {
mu_init = log(mean(Y / exposure)) / sum(k)
} else if (family == "poisson.log1pexp") {
mu_init = mean(Y / exposure) / sum(k)
# mu_init = 0
} else if (family == "aft.loglogistic") {
mu_init = mean(log(Y), na.rm = TRUE) / sum(k)
} else {
mu_init = 0
# start by making overall addition of k learners structure
veb_boost_learner = VEBBoostNode$new("mu_0", learner = learners[[1]])
if (is.null(veb_boost_learner$learner$currentFit)) {
veb_boost_learner$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = mu_init, mu2 = mu_init^2, KL_div = 0)
# also add family and response
#veb_boost_learner$family = family
veb_boost_learner$Y = Y
veb_boost_learner$my_class_index = my_class_index
#veb_boost_learner$weights = weights
for (i in 1:ceiling(log2(k[1]))) {
base_learners = veb_boost_learner$leaves
for (base_learner in base_learners) {
if (base_learner$root$leafCount >= k[1]) {
add_learner = VEBBoostNode$new(paste("mu_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = ""), learner = learners[[1]])
if (is.null(add_learner$learner$currentFit)) {
add_learner$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = mu_init, mu2 = mu_init^2, KL_div = 0)
base_learner$AddSiblingVEB(add_learner, "+", paste("combine_", base_learner$root$leafCount, sep = ""))
# and add exposure
#veb_boost_learner$exposure = exposure
# now, add multiplicative components, where left-most moments are initialized to 0, and others are initialized to 1 (to avoid infinite variance issue)
base_learners = veb_boost_learner$leaves
for (branch in base_learners) {
# if (branch$isLocked) {
# next
# }
j = as.numeric(gsub("mu_", "", branch$name)) + 1 # index of inputs to use for this learner
depth = d[[1]][j]
mult_count = 1
for (i in 1:ceiling(log2(depth))) {
branch_learners = branch$leaves
for (branch_learner in branch_learners) {
if (mult_count >= depth) { # if we've added all multiplicative nodes for this branch, go to the next branch
mult_learner = VEBBoostNode$new(paste("mu_", branch_learner$root$leafCount, sep = ""), learner = learners[[1]])
mult_learner$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = 1, mu2 = 1, KL_div = 0)
branch_learner$AddSiblingVEB(mult_learner, "*", paste("combine_", branch_learner$root$leafCount, sep = ""))
mult_count = mult_count + 1
veb_boost_cur = veb_boost_learner
if (length(k) > 1) {
for (kk in 2:length(k)) {
veb_boost_learner_kk = VEBBoostNode$new(paste("mu_", cumsum(k)[kk-1], sep = ""), learner = learners[[kk]])
if (is.null(veb_boost_learner_kk$learner$currentFit)) {
veb_boost_learner_kk$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = mu_init, mu2 = mu_init^2, KL_div = 0)
# also add family and response
#veb_boost_learner$family = family
veb_boost_learner_kk$Y = Y
#veb_boost_learner$weights = weights
for (i in 1:ceiling(log2(k[kk]))) {
base_learners = veb_boost_learner_kk$leaves
for (base_learner in base_learners) {
if (base_learner$root$leafCount >= k[kk]) {
add_learner = VEBBoostNode$new(paste("mu_", base_learner$root$leafCount + cumsum(k)[kk-1], sep = ""), learner = learners[[kk]])
if (is.null(add_learner$learner$currentFit)) {
add_learner$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = mu_init, mu2 = mu_init^2, KL_div = 0)
base_learner$AddSiblingVEB(add_learner, "+", paste("combine_", base_learner$root$leafCount + cumsum(k)[kk-1], sep = ""))
# and add exposure
#veb_boost_learner$exposure = exposure
# now, add multiplicative components, where left-most moments are initialized to 0, and others are initialized to 1 (to avoid infinite variance issue)
base_learners = veb_boost_learner_kk$leaves
for (branch in base_learners) {
# if (branch$isLocked) {
# next
# }
j = as.numeric(gsub("mu_", "", branch$name)) + 1 - cumsum(k)[kk-1] # index of inputs to use for this learner
depth = d[[kk]][j]
mult_count = 1
for (i in 1:ceiling(log2(depth))) {
branch_learners = branch$leaves
for (branch_learner in branch_learners) {
if (mult_count >= depth) { # if we've added all multiplicative nodes for this branch, go to the next branch
mult_learner = VEBBoostNode$new(paste("mu_", branch_learner$root$leafCount + cumsum(k)[kk-1], sep = ""), learner = learners[[kk]])
mult_learner$learner$currentFit = list(mu1 = 1, mu2 = 1, KL_div = 0)
branch_learner$AddSiblingVEB(mult_learner, "*", paste("combine_", branch_learner$root$leafCount + cumsum(k)[kk-1], sep = ""))
mult_count = mult_count + 1
veb_boost_learner = VEBBoostNode$new(paste("combine_full_", kk-2, sep = ""), operator = "+")
veb_boost_cur$Y = NULL
veb_boost_learner_kk$Y = NULL
veb_boost_learner$Y = Y
veb_boost_learner$my_class_index = my_class_index
veb_boost_cur = veb_boost_learner
veb_boost_cur$family = family
veb_boost_cur$weights = weights
veb_boost_cur$exposure = exposure
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