
Defines functions flash_subset_f flash_subset_l flash_transpose flash_combine zero_out_factor flash_zero_out_factor flash_fill

Documented in flash_fill flash_zero_out_factor

#' @title Use a flash fit to fill in missing entries
#' @description Fills in missing entries of Y by using the relevant
#'   entries of the estimated LDF' from the flash fit.
#' @inheritParams flash
#' @param f A fitted flash object obtained from running \code{flash} on
#'   \code{data}.
#' @return A matrix with non-missing entries the same as Y, and
#'   missing entries imputed from the flash fit.
#' @export
flash_fill = function(data, f) {
  f = handle_f(f)
  data = handle_data(data, f, output = "matrix")

  data[is.na(data)] = flash_get_fitted_values(f)[is.na(data)]


#' @title Zero out factor from flash object
#' @description The factor and loadings of the kth factor of \code{f}
#'   are made to be zero (except for elements of the factor/loading that
#'   are designated to be fixed). This effectively reduces the rank by 1,
#'   but the zero factor/loading is retained in \code{f} so that
#'   the number and indexing of factor/loading matrices in \code{f}
#'   remain the same.
#' @inheritParams flash
#' @param k The index of the factor/loading pair to zero out.
#' @return The flash object with the kth factor/loading zeroed out.
#' @export
flash_zero_out_factor = function(data, f_init, k) {
  f = handle_f(f_init, allow_null = FALSE)
  k = handle_k(k, f)

  f = zero_out_factor(f, k)

  # The objective will be valid afterwards if and only if it was
  #   valid beforehand:
  compute_obj = !is.na(f_init$objective)

  flash_object = construct_flash_object(data = data,
                                        fit = f,
                                        history = NULL,
                                        f_init = f_init,
                                        compute_obj = compute_obj)


# "Private" function that returns flash fit object rather than full
#   flash object.
zero_out_factor = function(f, k) {
  f$EL[!f$fixl[, k], k] = 0
  f$EL2[!f$fixl[, k], k] = 0
  f$EF[!f$fixf[, k], k] = 0
  f$EF2[!f$fixf[, k], k] = 0
  f$fixf[, k] = TRUE
  f$fixl[, k] = TRUE
  f$gl[[k]] = list(NULL)
  f$gf[[k]] = list(NULL)
  f$KL_l[[k]] = 0
  f$KL_f[[k]] = 0


# @title Combine two flash fit objects
# @param f1 The first flash fit object.
# @param f2 The second flash fit object.
# @return A flash fit object whose factors are concatenations of f1
#   and f2. If both precision matrices (tau) are nonnull, then the
#   combined fit inherits tau from f2.
flash_combine = function(f1, f2) {
  if (is.null(f2$tau)) {
    tau = f1$tau
  } else {
    tau = f2$tau

  f = list(EL = cbind(f1$EL, f2$EL),
           EF = cbind(f1$EF, f2$EF),
           EL2 = cbind(f1$EL2, f2$EL2),
           EF2 = cbind(f1$EF2, f2$EF2),
           fixl = cbind(f1$fixl, f2$fixl),
           fixf = cbind(f1$fixf, f2$fixf),
           gl = c(f1$gl, f2$gl),
           gf = c(f1$gf, f2$gf),
           ebnm_fn_l = c(f1$ebnm_fn_l, f2$ebnm_fn_l),
           ebnm_fn_f = c(f1$ebnm_fn_f, f2$ebnm_fn_f),
           ebnm_param_l = c(f1$ebnm_param_l, f2$ebnm_param_l),
           ebnm_param_f = c(f1$ebnm_param_f, f2$ebnm_param_f),
           KL_l = c(f1$KL_l, f2$KL_l),
           KL_f = c(f1$KL_f, f2$KL_f),
           tau = tau)
  class(f) = "flash_fit"


# @title Transpose a flash fit object
# @param f A flash fit object.
# @return A new flash fit object, with the factors and loadings of the
#   original flash fit object interchanged.
flash_transpose = function(f) {
  if (is.null(f)) {

  tmp = names(f)
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "EL"), which(tmp == "EF"))] = c("EF", "EL")
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "EL2"), which(tmp == "EF2"))] = c("EF2", "EL2")
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "fixl"), which(tmp == "fixf"))] = c("fixf", "fixl")
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "gl"), which(tmp == "gf"))] = c("gf", "gl")
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "KL_l"), which(tmp == "KL_f"))] = c("KL_f", "KL_l")
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "ebnm_fn_l"),
        which(tmp == "ebnm_fn_f"))] = c("ebnm_fn_f", "ebnm_fn_l")
  tmp[c(which(tmp == "ebnm_param_l"),
        which(tmp == "ebnm_param_f"))] = c("ebnm_param_f", "ebnm_param_l")
  names(f) = tmp

  if (is.matrix(f$tau)) {
    f$tau = t(f$tau)


# @title Subset a flash object with respect to its loadings
# @param f A flash fit object.
# @param subset The subset of loading elements to be retained.
# @return A subsetted flash fit object.
flash_subset_l = function(f, subset) {
  subf = f
  subf$EL = subf$EL[subset, , drop = F]
  subf$EL2 = subf$EL2[subset, , drop = F]
  subf$fixl = subf$fixl[subset, , drop = F]
  if (is.matrix(subf$tau)) {
    subf$tau = subf$tau[subset, , drop = F]
  subf$KL_l = list(NULL)
  subf$KL_f = list(NULL)


# @title Subset a flash object with respect to its factors
# @param f A flash fit object.
# @param Subset the subset of factor elements to be retained.
# @return A subsetted flash fit object.
flash_subset_f = function(f, subset) {
  subf = f
  subf$EF = subf$EF[subset, , drop = F]
  subf$EF2 = subf$EF2[subset, , drop = F]
  subf$fixf = subf$fixf[subset, , drop = F]
  if (is.matrix(subf$tau)) {
    subf$tau = subf$tau[, subset, drop = F]
  subf$KL_l = list(NULL)
  subf$KL_f = list(NULL)

stephenslab/flashr2 documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 5:21 a.m.