
Defines functions add_ebnm_pn_defaults add_ebnm_ash_defaults add_ebnm_fn_defaults handle_ebnm_param handle_ebnm_fn handle_fix handle_LL handle_init_fn handle_var_type handle_kset handle_k handle_data handle_f

# @title Handle flash object parameter
# @description Checks that input to f is valid and initializes a null
#   flash fit object when necessary.
# @param f A flash fit object.
# @param allow_null If TRUE, accepts NULL as a valid argument.
# @param init_null_f If TRUE and f is NULL, initializes a flash object
#   via a call to flash_init_null().
# @return f The flash object.
handle_f = function(f, allow_null = TRUE, init_null_f = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(f) && class(f) == "flash") {
  if (!allow_null && class(f) != "flash_fit") {
    stop("f must be a flash object or a flash fit object.")
  if (!is.null(f) && class(f) != "flash_fit") {
    stop("f must be NULL, a flash object, or a flash fit object.")
  if (init_null_f && is.null(f)) {
    f = flash_init_null()


# @title Handle data parameter
# @description If data is a matrix, calls flash_set_data.
# @param data An n by p matrix or a flash data object.
# @param f A flash fit object.
# @param output If "flash_data", returns a flash data object. If
#   "matrix", returns a matrix.
# @return A matrix or flash data object.
handle_data = function(data, f, output = "flash_data") {
  if (!is.matrix(data) && class(data) != "flash_data") {
    stop("Data must be a matrix or a flash data object.")
  if (is.matrix(data) && output == "flash_data") {
    data = flash_set_data(data)
  if (class(data) == "flash_data" && output == "matrix") {
    data = get_Yorig(data)

  if (!is.null(f)) {
    n = ifelse(is.matrix(data), nrow(data), nrow(data$Y))
    p = ifelse(is.matrix(data), ncol(data), ncol(data$Y))

    if ((!is.null(f$EL) && nrow(f$EL) != n) ||
        (!is.null(f$EF) && nrow(f$EF) != p) ||
        (!is.null(f$tau) && is.matrix(f$tau) &&
         !identical(dim(f$tau), c(n, p)))) {
      stop("Dimensions of data and f do not agree.")


# @title Handle k parameter
# @description Checks that factor k exists.
# @param k The factor index.
# @param f A fitted flash object.
# @return k
handle_k = function(k, f) {
  if (flash_get_k(f) < k) {
    stop("Factor k does not exist.")


# @title Handle kset parameter
# @description Checks that kset is numeric and not out of bounds for the
#   flash object. Defaults to kset = 1:flash_get_k(f).
# @param kset A vector of factor indices.
# @param f A fitted flash object.
# @return kset (with values possibly defaulted in).
handle_kset = function(kset, f) {
  if (flash_get_k(f) == 0) {
    stop("No factors have been added to the flash object yet.")

  if (is.null(kset)) {
    # Default:
    kset = 1:flash_get_k(f)
  } else if (!is.numeric(kset) || max(kset) > flash_get_k(f)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid kset. Kset should be a vector containing the",
               "indices of the factors to be optimized."))


handle_var_type = function(var_type, data) {
  if (!(var_type %in% c("by_column", "by_row", "constant", "zero"))) {
    stop("That var_type has not yet been implemented.")

  if (var_type == "zero" & is.null(data$S)) {
    stop(paste("Flash data object must include standard errors when",
               "var_type is zero."))
  if (!is.null(data$S) & var_type != "zero") {
    stop("Standard errors are currently only used when var_type is zero.")


# @title Handle init_fn parameter
# @description Checks that init_fn is a valid function.
# @param init_fn An initialization function. Either the name of a
#   function or the function itself (as a character string) are
#   acceptable arguments.
# @return init_fn
handle_init_fn = function(init_fn) {
  if (!is.function(init_fn) && !exists(init_fn, mode="function")) {
    stop("The specified init_fn does not exist.")


# @title Handle LL parameter (and FF)
# @description Checks that LL has the correct dimensions and converts
#   it from a vector to a matrix if necessary.
# @param LL A matrix of loadings. A vector can also be passed in (and is
#   treated as a single loading).
# @param expected_nrow The expected number of rows (can be NULL if no
#   flash object has yet been initialized).
# @return LL
handle_LL = function(LL, expected_nrow) {
  if (is.vector(LL)) {
    LL = matrix(LL, ncol = 1)

  if (!is.null(expected_nrow) && nrow(LL) != expected_nrow) {
    stop(paste("The matrix of loadings/factors does not have the",
               "correct dimensions."))


# @title Handle parameter fixl (and fixf)
# @description Checks that fixl has the correct dimensions and converts
#   it from a vector to a matrix if necessary.
# @param fixl A matrix of TRUE/FALSE values indicating which entries of
#   LL are to be considered fixed.
# @param LL A matrix of loadings.
# @param default_val Indicates whether fixl should default to TRUE or
#   FALSE. If TRUE, then only NA values will not be considered fixed.
# @return fixl
handle_fix = function(fixl, LL, default_val) {
  if (default_val == FALSE && is.null(fixl)) {
    fixl = matrix(FALSE, nrow = nrow(LL), ncol = ncol(LL))
  if (default_val == TRUE && is.null(fixl)) {
    fixl = !is.na(LL)

  if (is.vector(fixl)) {
    fixl = matrix(fixl, nrow = nrow(LL), ncol = ncol(LL))

  if (!identical(dim(fixl), dim(LL))) {
    stop("The dimensions of LL/FF and fixl/fixf do not match.")


# @title Handle ebnm_fn parameter
# @description Checks that the argument to ebnm_fn refers to a valid
#   function. If ebnm_pn is used, checks that package ebnm is installed.
#   If not, returns "ebnm_ash" instead (with a message to the user).
# @param ebnm_fn The function used to solve the empirical Bayes normal
#   means problem. Either a single character string (giving the name of
#   of the function) or a list with fields l and f (specifying
#   different functions to be used for loadings and factors) are
#   acceptable arguments.
# @return ebnm_fn as a list with fields l and f (if a single function is
#   passed in, then it will be the value for both fields).
handle_ebnm_fn = function(ebnm_fn) {
  if (!is.list(ebnm_fn)) {
    if (length(ebnm_fn) != 1) {
      stop(paste("Either a single character string or a list with fields",
                 "l and f must be specified for parameter ebnm_fn."))
    ebnm_fn_l = ebnm_fn
    ebnm_fn_f = ebnm_fn
  } else if (is.null(ebnm_fn$l) || is.null(ebnm_fn$f)) {
    stop(paste("If a list is specified for parameter ebnm_fn, then it",
               "must include fields l and f."))
  } else {
    ebnm_fn_l = ebnm_fn$l
    ebnm_fn_f = ebnm_fn$f

  if (is.function(ebnm_fn_l) || is.function(ebnm_fn_f)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument for parameter ebnm_fn. Please supply a",
               "character string such as \"ebnm_pn\" or \"ebnm_ash\".",
               "If using a custom function then enclose the name of the",
               "function in quotes."))

  if (ebnm_fn_l == "ebnm_pn" || ebnm_fn_f == "ebnm_pn") {
    if (!requireNamespace("ebnm", quietly = TRUE)) {
      message(paste("ebnm package not installed. ebnm_ash will be used",
                    "instead of ebnm_pn."))
      if (ebnm_fn_l == "ebnm_pn") {
        ebnm_fn_l = "ebnm_ash"
      if (ebnm_fn_f == "ebnm_pn") {
        ebnm_fn_f = "ebnm_ash"

  if (!exists(ebnm_fn_l, mode="function")
      || !exists(ebnm_fn_f, mode="function")) {
    stop("The specified ebnm function does not exist.")

  return(list(l = ebnm_fn_l, f = ebnm_fn_f))

# @title Handle ebnm_param parameter
# @description Checks that the argument to ebnm_param makes sense and
#   adds default parameters when available.
# @param ebnm_param The parameters to be passed into ebnm_fn. Several
#   types of argument are possible. NULL will return default parameters
#   (or empty lists when no defaults are available). A single named list
#   will supply the parameters for both EBNM functions. A list with
#   fields l and f will separately supply parameters for the functions
#   used for loadings and factors. A list of n named lists will
#   separately specify parameters for each factor/loading combination.
#   Finally, the latter two types of argument can be combined, so that
#   the user may supply a list with fields l and f, each of which is a
#   list of n named lists.
# @param ebnm_fn A list with fields l and f specifying the functions
#   used to solve the EBNM problem for loadings and factors. The output
#   of handle_ebnm_fn will be the usual input here.
# @param n_expected The number of lists to expect if separate parameters
#   are used for each factor/loading combination. (That is, the number
#   of distinct factor/loadings to which ebnm_fn will be applied.)
# @return ebnm_param as a list with fields l and f, each of which is a
#   list of n_expected lists. When available, default parameters are
#   added.
handle_ebnm_param = function(ebnm_param, ebnm_fn, n_expected) {
  if (!is.null(ebnm_param) && !is.list(ebnm_param)) {
    stop(paste("Invalid argument for parameter ebnm_param. A list (or",
               "NULL) was expected."))

  # Check to see whether parameters are specified separately for loadings
  #   and factors:
  if (xor(is.null(ebnm_param[["l"]]), is.null(ebnm_param[["f"]]))) {
    stop(paste("if ebnm_param is specified for either loadings or",
               "factors then it must be specified for both. (Use an",
               "empty list to specify no parameters.)"))
  } else if (!is.null(ebnm_param[["l"]])) {
    ebnm_param_l = ebnm_param$l
    ebnm_param_f = ebnm_param$f
  } else {
    ebnm_param_l = ebnm_param
    ebnm_param_f = ebnm_param

  # Check to see whether there are different parameters for each
  #   subsequent loading/factor (n_expected of them are required):
  if (length(ebnm_param_l) == 0) {
    # NULL or empty list
    ebnm_param_l = rep(list(list()), n_expected)
  # If the list is named, it gives parameters for all loadings:
  else if (!is.null(names(ebnm_param_l))) {
    ebnm_param_l = rep(list(ebnm_param_l), n_expected)
  # And an unnamed list gives parameters separately for each loading:
  else if (length(ebnm_param_l) != n_expected) {
    stop(paste("If different ebnm parameters are used for each loading",
               "then ebnm_param$l must be a list of", n_expected,
  if (length(ebnm_param_f) == 0) {
    ebnm_param_f = rep(list(list()), n_expected)

  } else if (!is.null(names(ebnm_param_f))) {
    ebnm_param_f = rep(list(ebnm_param_f), n_expected)
  else if (length(ebnm_param_f) != n_expected) {
    stop(paste("If different ebnm parameters are used for each factor",
               "then ebnm_param$f must be a list of", n_expected,

  # Add defaults:
  ebnm_param_l = lapply(ebnm_param_l,
                        function(x) {add_ebnm_fn_defaults(x, ebnm_fn$l)})
  ebnm_param_f = lapply(ebnm_param_f,
                        function(x) {add_ebnm_fn_defaults(x, ebnm_fn$f)})
  return(list(l = ebnm_param_l, f = ebnm_param_f))

# @title Add defaults to ebnm_param
# @description Adds default parameters to ebnm_param, depending on
#   which function is used for the EBNM problem. At present, defaults
#   are only added when ebnm_ash is used.
# @param ebnm_param The parameters to be passed into ebnm_fn, given as
#   a single list.
# @param ebnm_fn The name of the function used to solve the EBNM
#   problem, given as a character string.
# @return ebnm_param, with defaults added when available.
add_ebnm_fn_defaults = function(ebnm_param, ebnm_fn) {
  if (ebnm_fn == "ebnm_ash") {
  } else if (ebnm_fn == "ebnm_pn") {


# @title Add ebnm_ash defaults to ebnm_param
# @description Adds default ebnm_ash parameters to ebnm_param.
# @param ebnm_param The parameters to be passed into ebnm_fn, given as
#   a single list.
# @return ebnm_param, with ash defaults added (when not specified by the
#   user).
add_ebnm_ash_defaults = function(ebnm_param) {
  if (is.null(ebnm_param$mixcompdist)) {
    ebnm_param$mixcompdist = "normal"
  if (is.null(ebnm_param$method)) {
    ebnm_param$method = "shrink"

# @title Add ebnm_pn defaults to ebnm_param
# @description Adds default ebnm_pn parameters to ebnm_param.
# @param ebnm_param The parameters to be passed into ebnm_fn, given as
#   a single list.
# @return ebnm_param, with point-normal defaults added (when not
#   specified by the user).
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
add_ebnm_pn_defaults = function(ebnm_param) {
  if (packageVersion("ebnm") < "0.1.13"
      && (is.null(ebnm_param$warmstart)
          || ebnm_param$warmstart == TRUE)) {
    ebnm_param$warmstart = FALSE
    warning(paste("Setting warmstart = FALSE. Please update ebnm to the",
                  "latest version to use warmstarts."))
  } else if (is.null(ebnm_param$warmstart)) {
    ebnm_param$warmstart = TRUE
stephenslab/flashr2 documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 5:21 a.m.