
## Let us consider an SIR model in a closed population with N = 100
## individuals of whom one is initially infectious and the rest are
## susceptible. First, generate one realisation (with a specified
## seed) from the model with known parameters \code{beta = 0.16} and
## \code{gamma = 0.077}. Then, use \code{abc} to infer the (known)
## parameters from the simulated data.
model <- SIR(u0 = data.frame(S = 99, I = 1, R = 0),
             tspan = 1:100,
             beta = 0.16,
             gamma = 0.077)

## Run the SIR model and plot the number of infectious.
infectious <- trajectory(run(model), "I")$I
plot(infectious, type = "s")

## The distance function to accept or reject a proposal. Each node
## in the simulated trajectory (contained in the 'result' object)
## represents one proposal.
distance <- function(result, ...) {
    ## Extract the time-series of infectious in each node as a
    ## data.frame.
    sim <- trajectory(result, "I")

    ## Split the 'sim' data.frame by node and calculate the sum of the
    ## squared distance at each time-point for each node.
    dist <- tapply(sim$I, sim$node, function(sim_infectious) {
        sum((infectious - sim_infectious)^2)

    ## Return the distance for each node. Each proposal will be
    ## accepted or rejected depending on if the distance is less than
    ## the tolerance for the current generation.

## Fit the model parameters using ABC-SMC and adaptive tolerance
## selection. The priors for the parameters are specified using a
## formula notation. Here we use a uniform distribtion for each
## parameter with lower bound = 0 and upper bound = 1. Note that we
## use a low number particles here to keep the run-time of the example
## short. In practice you would want to use many more to ensure better
## approximations.
fit <- abc(model = model,
           priors = c(beta ~ uniform(0, 1), gamma ~ uniform(0, 1)),
           npart = 100,
           ninit = 1000,
           distance = distance,
           verbose = TRUE)

## Print a brief summary.

## Display the ABC posterior distribution.
stewid/SimInf documentation built on July 1, 2024, 2:29 a.m.