
Defines functions ilr.predict ilr bigLMStats

Documented in bigLMStats ilr ilr.predict

#' Efficiently compute basic statistical inference from regressions with
#' multiple outcomes
#' This function simplifies calculating p-values from linear models in which
#' there are many outcome variables, such as in voxel-wise regressions.  To
#' perform such an analysis in R, you can concatenate the outcome variables
#' column-wise into an n by p matrix \code{y}, where there are n subjects and p
#' outcomes (see \code{Examples}).  Calling \code{lm(y~x)} calculates the
#' coefficients, but statistical inference is not provided.  This function
#' provides basic statistical inference efficiently.
#' @param mylm Object of class \code{lm}.
#' @param lambda Value of ridge penalty for inverting ill-conditioned matrices.
#' @param includeIntercept Whether or not to include p-values for intercept
#' term in result.
#' @return A list containing objects: \item{fstat}{F-statistic of whole model
#' (one value per outcome).} \item{pval.model}{p-value of model (one value per
#' outcome).} \item{beta}{Values of coefficients (one value per predictor per
#' outcome).} \item{beta.std}{Standard error of coefficients.}
#' \item{beta.t}{T-statistic of coefficients.} \item{beta.pval}{p-value of
#' coefficients.}
#' @author Kandel BM.
#' @examples
#' nsub <- 100
#' set.seed(1500)
#' x <- 1:nsub
#' y <- matrix(c(x + rnorm(nsub), sin(x)), nrow = nsub)
#' x <- cbind(x, x^2)
#' y1 <- y[, 1]
#' y2 <- y[, 2]
#' lm1 <- lm(y1 ~ x)
#' lm2 <- lm(y2 ~ x)
#' mylm <- lm(y ~ x)
#' myest <- bigLMStats(mylm)
#' print(paste(
#'   "R beta estimates for first outcome is", summary(lm1)$coefficients[-1, 1],
#'   "and for second outcome is", summary(lm2)$coefficients[-1, 1]
#' ))
#' print(paste("and our estimate is", as.numeric(myest$beta[, 1]), as.numeric(myest$beta[, 2])))
#' print(paste(
#'   "R std error estimate for first outcome is", summary(lm1)$coefficients[-1, 2],
#'   "and for second outcome is", summary(lm2)$coefficients[-1, 2],
#'   "and our estimate is", myest$beta.std[, 1], myest$beta.std[, 2]
#' ))
#' print(paste(
#'   "R t value estimate for first outcome is", summary(lm1)$coefficients[-1, 3],
#'   "and for second outcome is", summary(lm2)$coefficients[-1, 3],
#'   "and our estimate is", myest$beta.t[, 1], myest$beta.t[, 2]
#' ))
#' print(paste(
#'   "R pval for first outcome is", summary(lm1)$coefficients[-1, 4],
#'   "and for second outcome is", summary(lm2)$coefficients[-1, 4],
#'   "and our estimate is", myest$beta.pval[, 1], myest$beta.pval[, 2]
#' ))
#' @export bigLMStats
bigLMStats <- function(mylm, lambda = 0, includeIntercept = FALSE) {
  veccoef <- FALSE
  if (is.null(dim(mylm$coefficients))) {
    veccoef <- TRUE
  if (!includeIntercept) {
    if (veccoef) {
      beta <- mylm$coefficients[-1]
    } else {
      beta <- mylm$coefficients[-1, ]
  } else {
    beta <- mylm$coefficients
  myresponse <- model.response(model.frame(mylm))
  X <- model.matrix(mylm)
  dfr <- dim(X)[2] - 1
  dfe <- dim(X)[1] - dfr - 1
  if (is.vector(myresponse)) {
    msm <- sum((t(t(mylm$fitted.values) - mean(myresponse)))^2) / dfr
    mse <- sum((mylm$residuals)^2) / dfe
    fstat <- msm / mse
  } else {
    msm <- colSums((t(t(mylm$fitted.values) - colMeans(myresponse)))^2) / dfr
    mse <- colSums((mylm$residuals)^2) / dfe
    fstat <- msm / mse
  pval.model <- pf(fstat, dfr, dfe, lower.tail = F)
  XtXinv <- solve(t(X) %*% X + diag(ncol(X)) * lambda)
  if (!includeIntercept) {
    if (dim(X)[2] > 2) {
      mycoefs <- diag(XtXinv[2:dim(X)[2], 2:dim(X)[2]])
    } else {
      mycoefs <- XtXinv[2, 2]
  } else {
    mycoefs <- diag(XtXinv[1:dim(X)[2], 1:dim(X)[2]])
  if (is.vector(mylm$residuals)) {
    beta.std <- sqrt(sum((mylm$residuals)^2) / mylm$df.residual * mycoefs)
  } else {
    beta.std <- t(sqrt(as.vector(colSums((mylm$residuals)^2) / mylm$df.residual) %o%
  if (!includeIntercept) {
    if (veccoef) {
      beta.t <- mylm$coefficients[-1] / beta.std
    if (!veccoef) {
      beta.t <- mylm$coefficients[-1, ] / beta.std
  } else {
    beta.t <- mylm$coefficients / beta.std
  beta.pval <- 2 * pt(-abs(beta.t), df = mylm$df.residual)
    fstat = fstat, pval.model = pval.model, beta = beta, beta.std = beta.std,
    beta.t = beta.t, beta.pval = beta.pval

#' Efficiently compute an image-based linear regression model (ilr)
#' This function simplifies calculating p-values from linear models in which
#' there is a similar formula that is applied many times with a change in
#' image-based predictors.  Image-based variables are stored in the input
#' matrix list. They should be named consistently in the input formula and
#' in the image list.  If they are not, an error will be thrown.  All input
#' matrices should have the same number of rows and columns.
#' @param dataFrame This data frame contains all relevant predictors except for
#' the matrices associated with the image variables.
#' @param voxmats The named list of matrices that contains the changing predictors.
#' @param myFormula This is a character string that defines a valid regression formula.
#' @return A list of different matrices that contain names derived from the
#' formula and the coefficients of the regression model.
#' @author BB Avants.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1500)
#' nsub <- 100
#' outcome <- rnorm(nsub)
#' covar <- rnorm(nsub)
#' mat <- replicate(nsub, rnorm(nsub))
#' mat2 <- replicate(nsub, rnorm(nsub))
#' myform <- " outcome ~ covar + vox "
#' df <- data.frame(outcome = outcome, covar = covar)
#' result <- ilr(df, list(vox = mat), myform)
#' print(names(result))
#' print(rownames(result$pValue))
#' myform <- " vox2 ~ covar + vox "
#' df <- data.frame(outcome = outcome, covar = covar)
#' result <- ilr(df, list(vox = mat, vox2 = mat2), myform)
#' print(names(result))
#' print(rownames(result$pValue))
#' @export ilr
ilr <- function(dataFrame, voxmats, myFormula) {
  vdf <- data.frame(dataFrame)
  matnames <- names(voxmats)
  if (length(matnames) == 0) stop("please name the input list entries")
  p <- ncol(voxmats[[1]])
  for (k in 1:length(voxmats)) {
    vdf <- cbind(vdf, voxmats[[k]][, 1])
    names(vdf)[ncol(vdf)] <- matnames[k]
    if (ncol(voxmats[[k]]) != p) {
      stop(paste("matrix ", matnames[k], " does not have ", p, "entries"))
  # get names from the standard lm
  temp <- summary(lm(myFormula, data = vdf))
  myModelMatrix <- model.matrix(lm(myFormula, data = vdf))
  myrownames <- rownames(temp$coefficients)
  mypvs <- matrix(rep(NA, p * length(myrownames)),
    nrow = length(myrownames)
  myestvs <- mypvs
  myervs <- mypvs
  mytvs <- mypvs
  mylm <- lm(myFormula, data = vdf)
  #  colnames( myestvs ) = colnames( myervs ) = colnames( mypvs ) = colnames( mytvs ) = paste('v',1:p,sep='')
  rownames(myestvs) <- rownames(myervs) <- rownames(mypvs) <- rownames(mytvs) <- myrownames
  mypredictions <- matrix(nrow = nrow(voxmats[[1]]), ncol = ncol(voxmats[[1]]))
  mymodels <- list()
  if (!usePkg("RcppEigen")) {
    print("Need RcppEigen package")
  } else {
    lvx <- length(voxmats)
    loform <- as.formula(myFormula)
    for (n in 1:ncol(voxmats[[1]])) {
      for (k in 1:lvx) {
        vdf[, matnames[k]] <- voxmats[[k]][, n]
      flmmod <- RcppEigen::fastLm(loform, data = vdf)
      mysumm <- summary(flmmod)
      mycoef <- coefficients(mysumm)
      myestvs[, n] <- mycoef[, 1]
      myervs[, n] <- mycoef[, 2]
      mytvs[, n] <- mycoef[, 3]
      mypvs[, n] <- mycoef[, 4]
      mypredictions[, n] <- predict(flmmod)
      #      mymodels[[ n ]] = flmmod
      estimate = myestvs,
      stdError = myervs,
      tValue = mytvs,
      pValue = mypvs,
      predictions = mypredictions,
      modelMatrix = myModelMatrix
  #      models = mymodels ) )

#' Predict from ilr output
#' This function computes a prediction given \code{ilr} output.
#' @param ilrResult This output form ilr
#' @param dataFrame This data frame contains all relevant predictors except for
#' the matrices associated with the image variables.
#' @param voxmats The named list of matrices that contains the changing predictors.
#' @param myFormula This is a character string that defines a valid regression formula.
#' @return the predicted matrix.
#' @author BB Avants.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1500)
#' nsub <- 100
#' trte <- sample(1:nsub)[1:70]
#' covarIn <- rnorm(nsub)
#' mat <- replicate(nsub, rnorm(nsub))
#' mat2 <- replicate(nsub, rnorm(nsub))
#' outcomeAtVox <- mat[, 2]
#' # also try myform = " vox ~ covar + vox2 "
#' myform <- "outcome ~ covar + vox + vox2"
#' df <- data.frame(outcome = outcomeAtVox, covar = covarIn)
#' result <- ilr(df[trte, ], list(vox = mat[trte, ], vox2 = mat2[trte, ]), myform)
#' df2 <- data.frame(covar = covarIn[-trte])
#' pred <- ilr.predict(result, df2, list(vox = mat[-trte, ], vox2 = mat2[-trte, ]), myform)
#' max(cor(pred, outcomeAtVox[-trte]))
#' @seealso \code{\link{ilr}}
#' @export ilr.predict
ilr.predict <- function(
    myFormula) {
  vdf <- data.frame(dataFrame)
  loform <- as.formula(myFormula)
  matnames <- names(voxmats)
  if (length(matnames) == 0) stop("please name the input list entries")
  outcomevarname <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(myFormula, "~"))[1])
  outcomevarum <- which(outcomevarname == matnames)
  outcomeisconstant <- FALSE
  if (length(outcomevarum) == 0) {
    outcomeisconstant <- TRUE
    outcomevarum <- which(colnames(vdf) == outcomevarname)
  if (!(outcomevarname %in% names(vdf))) {
    vdf <- data.frame(vdf, rnorm(nrow(voxmats[[1]])))
    names(vdf)[ncol(vdf)] <- outcomevarname
  p <- ncol(voxmats[[1]])
  for (k in 1:length(voxmats)) {
    vdf <- cbind(vdf, voxmats[[k]][, 1])
    names(vdf)[ncol(vdf)] <- matnames[k]
    if (ncol(voxmats[[k]]) != p) {
      stop(paste("matrix ", matnames[k], " does not have ", p, "entries"))
  # get names from the standard lm
  refmdl <- RcppEigen::fastLm(loform, data = vdf)
  mypredictions <- matrix(nrow = nrow(voxmats[[1]]), ncol = ncol(voxmats[[1]]))
  if (!usePkg("RcppEigen")) {
    stop("Need RcppEigen package")
  } else {
    lvx <- length(voxmats)
    loform <- as.formula(myFormula)
    for (n in 1:ncol(voxmats[[1]])) {
      for (k in 1:lvx) {
        vdf[, matnames[k]] <- voxmats[[k]][, n]
      mycoef <- ilrResult$estimate[, n]
      x <- model.matrix(refmdl$formula, vdf)
      mypredictions[, n] <- as.vector(x %*% mycoef)
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.