
Defines functions geoSeg

Documented in geoSeg

#' brain segmentation based on geometric priors
#' uses topological constraints to enhance accuracy of brain segmentation
#' @param img input image or list of images (multiple features) where 1st image
#' would typically be the primary constrast
#' @param brainmask binary image
#' @param priors spatial priors, assume first is csf, second is gm, third is wm
#' @param seginit a previously computed segmentation which should have the structure of \code{atropos} or \code{kmeansSegmentation} output
#' @param vesselopt one of bright, dark or none
#' @param vesselk integer for kmeans vessel-based processing
#' @param gradStep scalar for registration
#' @param mrfval e.g. 0.05 or 0.1
#' @param atroposits e.g. 5 iterations
#' @param jacw precomputed diffeo jacobian
#' @param beta for sigma transformation ( thksig output variable )
#' @return list of segmentation result images
#' @author Brian B. Avants
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' img <- antsImageRead(getANTsRData("simple"), 2)
#' img <- n3BiasFieldCorrection(img, 4)
#' img <- n3BiasFieldCorrection(img, 2)
#' bmk <- getMask(img)
#' segs <- kmeansSegmentation(img, 3, bmk)
#' priors <- segs$probabilityimages
#' seg <- geoSeg(img, bmk, priors)
#' }
#' @export geoSeg
geoSeg <- function(img, brainmask, priors, seginit,
                   vesselopt = "none", vesselk = 2,
                   gradStep = 1.25, mrfval = 0.1, atroposits = 10, jacw = NULL, beta = 0.9) {
  if (typeof(img) == "S4") img <- list(img)
  if (!exists("vesselopt")) vesselopt <- "none"
  idim <- img[[1]]@dimension

  mrfterm <- paste("[", mrfval, ",", paste(rep(1, idim), collapse = "x"), "]")
  atroposits <- paste("[", atroposits, ",0]")

  # 1 vessels via bright / dark
  if (vesselopt == "bright" | vesselopt == "dark") {
    vseg <- kmeansSegmentation(img[[1]], vesselk, brainmask)
    if (vesselopt == "bright") {
      mask <- thresholdImage(vseg$segmentation, 1, (vesselk - 1))
    if (vesselopt == "dark") {
      mask <- thresholdImage(vseg$segmentation, 2, vesselk)
  } else {
    mask <- antsImageClone(brainmask)

  # 2 wm / gm use topology to modify wm
  if (missing(seginit)) {
    seginit <- atropos(
      d = idim, a = img, m = mrfterm, priorweight = 0.25,
      c = atroposits, i = priors, x = mask
  wm <- thresholdImage(seginit$segmentation, 3, 3)
  wm <- wm %>%
    iMath("GetLargestComponent") %>%
    iMath("MD", 1)
  wmp <- wm * seginit$probabilityimages[[3]]
  cort <- thresholdImage(seginit$segmentation, 2, 2)
  gm <- seginit$probabilityimages[[2]]
  gmp <- gm + wmp

  # 3 wm / gm use diffeo to estimate gm
  if (is.null(jacw)) {
    tvreg <- antsRegistration(gmp, wmp,
      typeofTransform = "TVMSQ",
      gradStep = gradStep, mask = cort

    # 4 wm / gm / csf priors from jacobian
    #  jac    = createJacobianDeterminantImage( wmp, tvreg$fwdtransforms[[1]], 0)
    jacinv <- createJacobianDeterminantImage(wmp, tvreg$invtransforms[[1]], 0)
    jacw <- antsApplyTransforms(
      fixed = wmp, moving = jacinv,
      transformlist = tvreg$fwdtransforms
  thkj <- jacw * gm

  # 5 resegment with new priors begin #
  # gm topology constraint based on gm/wm jacobian
  thksig <- antsImageClone(thkj)
  # sigmoid transformation below ... 1 / ( 1 + exp(  - w / a ) )
  # where w = thkj - beta ...
  smv <- 0
  a <- 0.05
  thksig[mask == 1] <- 1.0 /
    (1 + exp(-1.0 * (thkj[mask == 1] - beta) / a))
  seginit$probabilityimages[[2]] <- priors[[2]] + thksig
  seginit$probabilityimages[[2]][seginit$probabilityimages[[2]] > 1] <- 1
  seginit$probabilityimages[[2]] <- seginit$probabilityimages[[2]] * thksig %>%
  negateImage <- function(x) {
    return(max(x) - x)
  # csf topology constraint based on gm/wm jacobian
  if (length(priors) > 3) {
    thkcsf <- negateImage(thksig) * negateImage(wm) *
  if (length(priors) <= 3) {
    thkcsf <- negateImage(thksig) * negateImage(wm)
  thkcsf <- smoothImage(thkcsf, 0.1)
  temp <- priors[[1]] + thkcsf
  temp[temp > 1] <- 1
  #  temp = priors[[1]] * thkcsf
  seginit$probabilityimages[[1]] <- temp %>% smoothImage(smv)
  # wm topology constraint based on largest connected component
  # and excluding high gm-prob voxels
  seginit$probabilityimages[[3]] <- priors[[3]] * wm %>% smoothImage(smv)
  seginit$probabilityimages[[3]] <- priors[[3]] * negateImage(thksig)
  if (length(seginit$probabilityimages) > 3) {
    seginit$probabilityimages[[4]] <- seginit$probabilityimages[[4]] *
      thresholdImage(seginit$probabilityimages[[4]], 0.25, Inf)
  # now let's renormalize the priors
  modmat <- imageListToMatrix(seginit$probabilityimages, mask)
  modmatsums <- colSums(modmat)
  for (k in 1:ncol(modmat)) modmat[, k] <- modmat[, k] / modmatsums[k]
  seginit$probabilityimages <- matrixToImages(modmat, mask)
  # now resegment with topology-modified priors
  s3 <- atropos(
    d = idim, a = img, m = mrfterm, priorweight = 0.25,
    c = atroposits, i = seginit$probabilityimages, x = mask
  # 5 resegment with new priors end #
    segobj = s3, seginit = seginit, thksig = thksig,
    thkj = thkj, jacw = jacw

# 5 curvature seg - use results of 4 to segment based on
# 5.1 gm/wm  image
# 5.2 gm/csf image
# done!
stnava/ANTsR documentation built on April 16, 2024, 12:17 a.m.