
Defines functions informed_matreorder

Documented in informed_matreorder

#' Infer longitudinal hierarchy using informed matrix reordering
#' Implements the Informed MatReorder method described in Strauss & Holekamp (in revision)
#' to infer a dominance hierarchy over multiple study periods. For each
#' study period, ranks are inferred as modifications of the ranks from the previous
#' study period. First, new contestants are added according to the convention specified
#' by the user, and emigrated/dead contestants are removed. Then, matrix reordering is used
#' to change the position of contestants for whom data from the current study period
#' are inconsistent with this ordering. The optimal order is selected as the order 
#' that is most consistent with the data from the current period and is minimally 
#' changed from the previous study period.
#' @param contestants A dataframe with the identities of the contestants for 
#'                    each study period along with the relevant data for 
#'                    adding them to the hierarchy. There should be one row per
#'                    contestant per study period.
#'                    Periods should appear in chronological order.
#'                    The dataframe should contain the following columns: 
#'                    \describe{
#'                      \item{period}{Study period.}
#'                      \item{id}{Identity of contestant.}
#'                      \item{convention1}{The primary convention by which new
#'                      individuals are added to the hierarchy. Interpretation
#'                      of this column varies depending on the value of the 
#'                      \strong{convention} argument.}
#'                      \item{convention2}{Optional. The secondary data for 
#'                      resolving ties in convention1. Interpretation
#'                      of this column varies depending on the value of the 
#'                      \strong{convention} argument.}
#' }
#' @param convention A flag determining how new individuals are added to the
#'                   hierarchy. The value of this flag influences how the convention1
#'                   and convention2 columns of the contestants argument are interpreted.
#'                   Currently this function supports four options:
#'                   \describe{
#'                    \item{mri}{New contestants are added to the hierarchy
#'                    according to maternal rank inheritance with youngest
#'                    ascendancy. \strong{convention1} should be a vector of 
#'                    mother identities for each contestant. \strong{convention2}
#'                    should be an optional vector of intra-litter ranks (lower 
#'                    numbers = higher rank) for resolving the order of 
#'                    contestants from the same mother
#'                    joining the hierarchy in the same study period.}
#'                    \item{tenure}{New contestants are added to the hierarchy
#'                    according their tenure in the group. \strong{convention1} should be a vector of 
#'                    dates on which each contestant joined the group. \strong{convention2} should be an
#'                    optional vector of numerical data for resolving ties
#'                    in convention1 (e.g., body size). Higher values are 
#'                    considered higher rank.}
#'                    \item{age}{New contestants are added to the hierarchy
#'                    according their age (older = higher rank).
#'                    \strong{convention1} should be a vector of birthdates or 
#'                    numerical age classes. \strong{convention2} should be an
#'                    optional vector of numerical data for resolving ties
#'                    in convention1 (e.g., body size). Higher values are 
#'                    considered higher rank.}
#'                    \item{phys_attr}{New contestants are added to the hierarchy
#'                    according to some physical attribute (larger value = higher rank). 
#'                    \strong{convention1} should be a vector of numerical attribute
#'                    measurements. \strong{convention2} should be an
#'                    optional vector of numerical data for resolving ties
#'                    in convention1. Higher values are 
#'                    considered higher rank.}
#'                   }
#' @param n Number of separate reordering attempts per study period. Recommended 100. 
#' @param shuffles Number of reshuffling steps per reordering attempt. Recommended at least 10. 
#' @param require.corroboration A logical indicating whether to require corroborating
#'        evidence from multiple study periods before changing a contestant's position
#'        in the order. Useful for reducing the sensitivity of the method to aberrant
#'        observations that don't reflect a lasting change in the true latent hierarchy.
#'        If true, evidence indicating a change in status must be corroborated by
#'        an additional observation in the following periods. See Strauss & Holekamp
#'        (in revision) for full details. 
#' @param initial.ranks The initial ordering of individuals for the first study
#'        period. Required if using maternal rank inheritance as the convention.
#'        For other conventions, if initial.ranks is not specified,
#'         the order determined by convention1 is used to create the initial order. 
#' @param interactions A dataframe of interaction data with the following columns:
#'         \describe{
#'          \item{winner}{Identities of winners.}
#'          \item{loser}{Identities of losers.}
#'          \item{period}{Study period in which interactions occurred.}}
#' @return Produces a dataframe with the following columns: 
#'          \describe{
#'          \item{period}{Study period.}
#'          \item{id}{Identity of contestant.}
#'          \item{rank}{Ordinal rank of contestant in study period. Lower numbers
#'          equal higher rank.}
#'          \item{stan.rank}{Rank of contestant standardized for group size.
#'          Values range from 1 (highest rank) to -1 (lowest rank).}
#'          \item{old.order}{Identity of contestants arranged in the previous order (the order they
#'          were in before updating the order based on observations from current
#'          study period).}
#'        }
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @examples 
#' conts <- C.crocuta.female$contestants[C.crocuta.female$contestants$period <= 1990,]
#' female.ranks <- informed_matreorder(contestants = conts, 
#' convention = 'mri', n =1, shuffles = 10, require.corroboration = TRUE, 
#' initial.ranks = C.crocuta.female$initial.ranks,
#' interactions = C.crocuta.female$interactions)
#' @references Strauss ED & Holekamp KE (in revision). Journal of Animal Ecology.
#' @export
informed_matreorder <- function(contestants, convention, n=50, shuffles=10, require.corroboration = FALSE, 
                     initial.ranks = NULL, interactions){
  periods <- unique(contestants$period)
  if(convention == 'mri'){
      stop('initial.ranks must be provided if convention = mri')
    missing.moms <- unique(contestants$convention1[which(!contestants$convention1 %in% contestants$id &
                                                           !contestants$id %in% initial.ranks)])
      stop('some moms not included in contestants. Missing moms: ', paste(missing.moms, collapse = ', '))
  if(!is.null(contestants$convention2) & all(is.na(contestants$convention2))){
    contestants$convention2 <- as.numeric(contestants$convention2)
    contestants$convention2 <- as.numeric(contestants$convention2)
  if(is.null(initial.ranks) & convention %in% c('age', 'tenure')){
    if('convention2' %in% names(contestants)){
      initial.ranks <- dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == periods[1]) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(.data$convention1, dplyr::desc(.data$convention2)) %>%
      initial.ranks <- dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == periods[1]) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(.data$convention1) %>% 
  }else if(is.null(initial.ranks) & convention %in% c('phys_attr')){
    if('convention2' %in% names(contestants)){
      initial.ranks <- dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == periods[1]) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$convention1), dplyr::desc(.data$convention2)) %>%
      initial.ranks <- dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == periods[1]) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$convention1)) %>% 
  if(!convention %in% c('mri','tenure','age','phys_attr'))
    stop('convention not recognized. Must be one of: \'mri\', \'tenure\', \'age\', \'phys_attr\'')
  if(any(!c('period', 'id', 'convention1') %in% names(contestants)))
    stop('contestants dataframe missing \'period\', \'id\', or \'convention1\' column')
  if(any(!c('winner', 'loser', 'period') %in% names(interactions)))
    stop('interactions dataframe missing \'winner\', \'loser\', or \'period\' column')
  ##initialize ranks 
  ranks <- contestants
  ranks$id <- NA
  ranks$rank <- NA
  ranks$old.order <- NA
  ranks <-ranks[,c('period', 'id', 'rank', 'old.order')]
  ##First period
  cat(paste0('\nWorking on period ', periods[1],' (1 of ', length(periods), ' periods)'))
  ##Ensure no individuals in initial.ranks that aren't in contestants
  initial.ranks <- initial.ranks[initial.ranks %in% dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == periods[1])$id]
  working.ranks <- initial.ranks

  ## filter interactions to only those in this period and with these contestants
  intx.matrix <- dplyr::filter(interactions, .data$period == periods[1])[,c(1,2)] %>%
    edgelist_to_matrix(identities = working.ranks)

  if(require.corroboration == TRUE){
    intx.matrix <- corroborate_inconsistencies(intx.matrix, period = periods[1],
                                               interactions  = interactions, 
                                               periods = periods)
  ## filter interactions from future periods. save as future.intx.matrix
  future.intx.matrix <- interactions %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$period %in% periods[2:length(periods)],
                  .data$winner %in% working.ranks,
                  .data$loser %in% working.ranks) %>%
    dplyr::select(names(interactions)[c(1,2)]) %>%
    edgelist_to_matrix(identities = working.ranks)
  working.ranks <- colnames(i_dist(intx.matrix, n, shuffles, future.intx.matrix, periods[1])[[1]])
  ## save to ranks object
  ranks[ranks$period == periods[1],]$id <- working.ranks
  ranks[ranks$period == periods[1],]$rank <- 1:length(working.ranks)
  ranks[ranks$period == periods[1],]$old.order <- initial.ranks
  for(current.period in periods[-1]){
    cat(paste0('\nWorking on period ', current.period,' (', which(periods == current.period), ' of ', length(periods), ' periods)'))
    ## Identify new individuals
    new.ids <- dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == current.period, 
                      !.data$id %in% working.ranks)$id
    ## Add new ids according to convention
      working.ranks <- switch(convention,
                              mri = add_new_ids_mri(new.ids, working.ranks, contestants, current.period, periods, ranks),
                              tenure = add_new_ids_tenure(new.ids, working.ranks, contestants, current.period),
                              age = add_new_ids_age(new.ids, working.ranks, contestants, current.period),
                              phys_attr = add_new_ids_phys_attr(new.ids, working.ranks, contestants, current.period))
      new.ids <- NULL
    ## Remove dead or emigrated individuals
    dead <- which(!working.ranks %in% dplyr::filter(contestants, .data$period == current.period)$id)
    if(length(dead)){working.ranks <- working.ranks[-dead]}
    initial.ranks <- working.ranks
    ## filter interactions to only those in this period and with these contestants
    current.intx <- interactions %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$period %in% current.period,
                    .data$winner %in% working.ranks,
                    .data$loser %in% working.ranks) 
      intx.matrix <- current.intx %>%dplyr::select(names(interactions)[c(1,2)]) %>%
        edgelist_to_matrix(identities = working.ranks)
      warning('No interaction supplied for period ', current.period)
      intx.matrix <- matrix(data = 0, dimnames = list(working.ranks, working.ranks),
                            ncol = length(working.ranks), nrow = length(working.ranks))
    if(require.corroboration == TRUE){
      intx.matrix <- corroborate_inconsistencies(intx.matrix, period = current.period,
                                                 interactions  = interactions, 
                                                 periods = periods)
    ## filter interactions from future periods. save as future.intx.matrix
    future.intx <- interactions %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$period %in% periods[(which(periods == current.period)+1):length(periods)],
                    .data$winner %in% working.ranks,
                    .data$loser %in% working.ranks) %>%
      future.intx.matrix <- future.intx %>%
        edgelist_to_matrix(identities = working.ranks)
      future.intx.matrix <- matrix(data = 0, dimnames = list(working.ranks, working.ranks),
                                   ncol = length(working.ranks), nrow = length(working.ranks))
    working.ranks <- colnames(i_dist(mat = intx.matrix, n = n, shuffles = shuffles, 
                                     future_intx = future.intx.matrix, current.period = current.period)[[1]])
    ## save to ranks object
    ranks[ranks$period == current.period,]$id <- working.ranks
    ranks[ranks$period == current.period,]$rank <- 1:length(working.ranks)
    ranks[ranks$period == current.period,]$old.order <- initial.ranks
  ranks <- ranks %>% 
    dplyr::group_by(.data$period) %>% 
    dplyr::mutate(stan.rank = -2*(.data$rank-1)/(max(.data$rank)-1) + 1) %>% 
    dplyr::select(.data$period, .data$id, .data$rank, .data$stan.rank, .data$old.order) %>% 
straussed/LongiDom documentation built on Feb. 14, 2020, 2:34 p.m.