
Defines functions synchrony receptivityByDay overlap matingSummary

Documented in matingSummary overlap receptivityByDay synchrony

##' Summarize a Mating Scene
##' Create a summary of information contained within a matingScene object.
##' @param scene a matingScene object
##' @param type character. whether to do a temporal (t), spatial (s), or mating
##' type (mt) summary. The default is "auto" which will automatically summarize
##' all mating information in scene
##' @param k integer. Which nearest neighbor to calculate (only for type == "s")
##' @param compatMethod character indicating the method to use when calculating
##' compatiblity. Defaults to "si_echinacea"
##' @param as.data.frame logical. If TRUE, returns summary as a dataframe.
##' @return a list, list of lists, or dataframe containing summary information
##' including:\cr
##' temporal - year (year), population start date (popSt), mean individual start date
##' (meanSD), standard deviation of start (sdSD), mean duration (meanDur),
##' standard deviation of duration (sdDur), peakDay - day(s) on which highest
##' number of individuals were receptive (peak), mean end date (meanED),
##' standard deviation of end date (sdED), population end date (popEnd)\cr
##' spatial - minimum x (minX), minimum y (minY), maximum x (maxX),
##' maximum y (maxY), average distance to kth nearest neighbor as specified
##' by k (k<n> where n is the input for k)\cr
##' compatibility - number of mating types (nMatType), average number of
##' compatible mates (meanComp)\cr
##' If scene is a multi-year matingScene, then the output will be a list
##' of lists, one list for each year.
##' If \code{as.data.frame = TRUE}, the output will be a dataframe with columns containing summary information and, if applicable, an 'id' column identifying what portion of the matingSummary object it summarized. If the scene is a multi-year matingScene, then the output will be a list of dataframes, one list for each year.
##' @examples
##' eelr <- makeScene(ech2012, startCol = "firstDay", endCol = "lastDay",
##'   xCol = "Ecoord", yCol = "Ncoord", idCol = "tagNo")
##' eelrSum <- matingSummary(eelr)
##' eelrSum[c("minX", "minY", "maxX", "maxY")]
matingSummary <- function(scene, type = "auto", k = 1,
                          compatMethod = "si_echinacea",
                          as.data.frame = FALSE) {
  if (is.list(scene) & !is.data.frame(scene)) {
    matSum <- lapply(scene, matingSummary, type = type, k = k, compatMethod = compatMethod)
  } else {
    type <- match.arg(type, c("auto", "t", "s", "mt"))
    matSum <- list()
    if (type == "auto") {
      temp <- attr(scene, "t")
      spat <- attr(scene, "s")
      comp <- attr(scene, "mt")
    } else {
      temp <- F
      spat <- F
      comp <- F
      if (type == "t") {
        temp <- TRUE
      } else if (type == "s") {
        spat <- TRUE
      } else if (type == "mt") {
        comp <- TRUE
    if (temp) {
      org <- attr(scene, "origin")
      matSum$year <- as.numeric(format(org, "%Y"))
      matSum$popSt <- as.Date(1, org)
      matSum$meanSD <- as.Date(mean(scene$start), org)
      matSum$sdSD <- sd(scene$start)
      matSum$meanDur <- mean(scene$duration)
      matSum$sdDur <- sd(scene$duration)
      matSum$peak <-
        as.Date(as.integer(which.max(colSums(receptivityByDay(scene)))), org)
      matSum$meanED <- as.Date(mean(scene$end), org)
      matSum$sdED <- sd(scene$end)
      matSum$popEnd <- as.Date(max(scene$end), org)
    if (spat) {
      matSum$minX <- min(scene$x)
      matSum$minY <- min(scene$y)
      matSum$maxX <- max(scene$x)
      matSum$maxY <- max(scene$y)
      matSum[[paste("k", k, sep = "")]] <-
        mean(kNearNeighbors(scene, k)[k])
    if (comp) {
      matSum$nMatType <- length(union(levels(scene$s1), levels(scene$s2)))
      matSum$meanComp <- compatibility(scene, compatMethod)$pop * 100
    matSum$n <- nrow(scene)
    matSum <- matingSummary.df(matSum)

##' Pairwise Mating Timing Comparison
##' Get comparisons of mating timing between all pairs
##' @param scene a matingScene object
##' @param overlapOrTotal whether to calculate the number of days that each
##' pair was overlapping in mating receptivity or the total number of days
##' that either individual was receptive
##' @param compareToSelf whether or not to include self comparisons in the
##' return value
##' @return a matrix containing all pairwise comparisons. If compareToSelf
##' is FALSE then there will be n rows and n-1 columns. \cr
##' To index result[i,j] where j > i, use \code{result[i,j-1]}, where \code{result}
##' is the return value of overlap. There is one attribute "idOrder"
##' which holds the order of the id column in scene at the time of the function call.
##' This can be useful to find certain elements in the matrix (see examples). \cr
##' If scene is a multi-year matingScene, then overlap will return a list of matrices
##' (as described above) where each matrix represents one year.
##' @author Danny Hanson
##' @examples
##' pop <- simulateScene()
##' pop <- pop[order(pop$start),]
##' daysSync <- overlap(pop)
##' indices <- which(attr(daysSync, "idOrder") %in% c(1, 4))
##' if (indices[1] <= indices[2]) {
##'   daysSync[indices[1], indices[2]]
##' } else {
##'   daysSync[indices[1], indices[2]-1]
##' }
overlap <- function(scene, overlapOrTotal = c("overlap", "total"),
                    compareToSelf = FALSE) {
  if (is.list(scene) & !is.data.frame(scene)) {
    overlapMatrix <- lapply(scene, overlap)
  } else {
    n <- nrow(scene)
    overlapOrTotal <- match.arg(overlapOrTotal)

    if (overlapOrTotal == "overlap") {
      if (compareToSelf) {
        overlapMatrix <- daysSync_self(scene$start, scene$end, n)
      } else {
        overlapMatrix <- daysSync_noself(scene$start, scene$end, n)
    } else if (overlapOrTotal == "total") {
      if (compareToSelf) {
        overlapMatrix <- daysEither_self(scene$start, scene$end, n)
      } else {
        overlapMatrix <- daysEither_noself(scene$start, scene$end, n)
    attr(overlapMatrix, "idOrder") <- scene$id

##' Mating Receptivity by Day
##' Create a matrix showing which individuals are receptive on a given day.
##' @param scene a matingScene object
##' @param summary logical, summarizes number of receptive individuals on each day
##' @param nameDate logical, if summary = TRUE, option to name indices of the vector by the date they represent (rather than named relative to first day of receptivity in a season)
##' @return if summary = FALSE (default), a matrix where the columns represent all mating days and the rows
##' represent all individuals in the population. If summary = TRUE, a named vector where each index gives the
##' number of receptive individuals on a given day and is named by the day it represents. If a matrix, the value at position
##' [i,j] will be TRUE if individual j was receptive on day i \cr
##' If scene is a multi-year matingScene, then receptivityByDay will return a list of matrices
##' (as described above) where each matrix represents one year.
##' @author Danny Hanson, Amy Waananen
##' @examples
##' pop <- simulateScene(size = 10)
##' receptivityByDay(pop)
receptivityByDay <- function(scene, summary = FALSE, nameDate = TRUE) {
  if (is.list(scene) & !is.data.frame(scene)) {
    dailyReceptivity <- lapply(scene, receptivityByDay, summary, nameDate)
  } else {
    # get ids and days that flowering occurred
    ids <- scene$id
    days <- seq(min(scene$start), max(scene$end), 1)
    nID <- length(ids)
    nDay <- length(days)

    dailyMatrix <- matrix(FALSE, nrow = nID, ncol = nDay)
    # for a given individual, say what days it was flowering on
    for (i in 1:nID) {
      dailyMatrix[i, scene[i, "start"]:scene[i, "end"]] <- TRUE

    rownames(dailyMatrix) <- ids
    colnames(dailyMatrix) <- days
    attr(dailyMatrix,'origin') <- attr(scene,'origin')

      dailyVector <- colSums(dailyMatrix)
      if (nameDate){
        names(dailyVector) <- as.numeric(names(dailyVector)) + as.Date(attr(dailyMatrix,'origin'), format = '%Y-%m-%d')
      dailyReceptivity <- dailyVector
    } else{
      dailyReceptivity <- dailyMatrix

##' Calculate one of a variety of measures of mating synchrony.
##' @title Make potentials object--mating synchrony
##' @param scene a matingScene object that includes the flowering schedule for the
##' scene of interest.
##' @param method character, partial matching allowed, describing what type
##' of synchrony will be calculated. "augspurger" is based on the method
##' described in Augspurger (1983). "kempenaers" is based on the method
##' described in Kempenaers (1993). "sync_prop" will calculate individual
##'  synchrony based on the proportion of the sum of all individuals' days
##'  available to mate that coincided with the individual's days available for mating.
##' "overlap" is based on the method described in Ison et al. (2014) and will
##' calculate a synchrony value based on the number of days both
##' individuals were flowering divided by the number of days either individual
##' was available for mating. "sync_nn" gives the average of the kth nearest
##' neighbor, or rather the kth most synchronous individual. "peak-n" will
##' calculate the number of individuals receptive on the peak day
##' (day with highest mating receptivity) divided by the number of individuals
##' in the population. "peak-observations" will calculate the number of individuals
##' receptive on the peak day divided by the total number of observations -
##' this method is useful for comparing to data that has no information on
##' individuals. "average-peak" calculates the average (determined by argument
##' \code{averageType}) number of individuals receptive
##' per day divided by the maximum number of individuals receptive per day.
##' All "simple" methods do not have pairwise or individual values. "mean_interactions" gives the mean number of potential mating interactions an individual obtains per unit time for the period that the individual was flowering.
##' @param subject one of "population", "pairwise", "individual", or "all"
##' - see Value for more details.
##' @param averageType character. Identifies whether to take the mean or median
##' when calculating averages
##' @param syncNN integer between 1 and n-1 (inclusive) or numeric between 0 and 1
##' (exclusive). The kth nearest neighbor to be averaged when
##' calculating population synchrony. If k is in (0,1) then the k*nth nearest neighbor
##' will be found
##' @param compareToSelf logical. Whether or not to include self comparisons
##' when calculation synchrony. Defaults to FALSE.
##' @param frame the timeframe that synchrony is to be calculated over; options are 'within,'
##' for synchrony within a season, or 'between,' for synchrony across multiple seasons.
##' Defaults to 'within'.
##' @param resolution if \code{method = sync_prop}, indicates whether temporal resolution
##' should be yearly or daily
##' @return A potentials object containing one more more of the following, depending the
##' input for \code{subject}: \cr
##' If \code{subject} is "population" \code{synchrony} will return a numeric
##' value that has a range depending on the \code{method}. If
##' \code{subject} is "pairwise" \code{synchrony} will return a matrix
##' with all pairwise synchrony comparisons. It is important to note two things:
##' [1] if \code{method} is set to "sync_nn" then the pairwise comparisons will
##' be in descending order and cannot be indexed by ID order. [2] if
##' \code{compareToSelf} is set to FALSE, the matrix will have dimensions 100
##' rows by 99 columns. Similar to \code{\link{overlap}}, indexing will be
##' affected. If \code{subject} is "individual" \code{synchrony} will
##' returns a data frame with a row for id and a row for individual synchrony.
##' If \code{subject} is "all" \code{synchrony} will return a list
##' containing the values described above for population, pairwise, and
##' individual synchrony.
##' @details Measures of synchrony are based on methods described in Augspurger (1983),
##' Kempenaers (1983), and from Ison et al. (2014), as well
##' as variations on different factors of those measures.
##' @export
##' @author Danny Hanson, Amy Waananen
##' @references Augspurger, C.K. (1983) Phenology, flowering synchrony, and fruit set of
##' six neotropical shrubs. \emph{Biotropica} \strong{15}, 257-267. \cr\cr
##' Ison, J.L., S. Wagenius, D. Reitz., M.V. Ashley. (2014) Mating between
##' \emph{Echinacea angustifolia} (Asteraceae) individuals increases with
##' their flowering synchrony and spatial proximity.
##' \emph{American Journal of Botany} \strong{101}, 180-189 \cr\cr
##' Kempenaers, B. (1993) The use of a breeding synchrony index.
##' \emph{Ornis Scandinavica}, \strong{24}, 1.
##' @examples
##' pop <- simulateScene(size = 150)
##' synchrony(pop, "augs")
##' pop2 <- simulateScene(size = 1234, sdDur = 5, sk = 1)
##' syncVals <- synchrony(pop2, "sync_nn", "all", "median", 123)
synchrony <- function(scene, method, subject = "all", averageType = "mean",
                      syncNN = 1, compareToSelf = FALSE,
                      frame = 'within', resolution = 'daily') {

  method <- match.arg(method, c("augspurger", "kempenaers", "sync_prop",
                                "overlap", "sync_nn", "peak-n", "peak-observations",
                                "average-peak", 'mean_interactions'))
  subject <- match.arg(subject, c("population", "pairwise",
                                  "individual", "all"),
                       several.ok = TRUE)
  averageType <- match.arg(averageType, c("mean", "median"))

  if (averageType == "mean") {
    average <- mean
  } else if (averageType == "median") {
    average <- median

  if (is.list(scene) & !is.data.frame(scene)) {
    if(frame == 'between'){
      if(method =='sync_prop' | method == 'mean_interactions'){
        if(resolution =='yearly'){
          ids <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(scene, function(x)x$id))))
          fl <- matrix(nrow = length(ids),ncol = length(scene))
          for (i in 1:length(ids)){
            id <- ids[i]
            fl[i,] <- unlist(lapply(scene, function(l) ifelse(id %in% l$id, TRUE, FALSE)))
        } else {
          minStart <- function(x) min(x$start) + attr(x,'origin')
          maxEnd <- function(x) max(x$end) + attr(x,'origin')
          allDays <- as.Date(min(unlist(lapply(scene, minStart))), origin = '1970-01-01'):as.Date(max(unlist(lapply(scene, maxEnd))), origin = '1970-01-01')
          ids <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(scene,function(x)unique(x$id)))))
          fl <- matrix(nrow = length(ids), ncol = length(allDays),dimnames = list(ids,allDays))

          l2df <- function(x,id){
            out <- x[x$id == id,]
            out$start <- out$start+attr(x,'origin')
            out$end <- out$end + attr(x, 'origin')
          for (i in 1:length(ids)){
            id <- ids[i]
            l <- do.call('rbind',lapply(scene,l2df,id = id))
            for (j in 1:nrow(l)){
              dfl <- l[j,'start']:l[j,'end']
              index <- dfl-min(allDays)+1
              fl[i,index] <- T
        n <- sum(fl, na.rm = TRUE) # number of flowering days/years for all individuals
        nind <- apply(fl,1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) # number of flowering days/years per individual
        if(method == 'sync_prop'){
          prop <- apply(fl,2,function(x){(sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)-1)/n}) # proportion of all flowering that occured each day/year, minus one (individual cannot mate with self)
          indProp <- t(apply(fl,1,function(x){x*prop}))
          totalIndProp <- apply(indProp,1,sum, na.rm = TRUE) # proportion of all flowering that occured on the days/years an individual was flowering
          indSync <- data.frame(id = ids, synchrony = totalIndProp, time = nind)
        if(method == 'mean_interactions'){
          tot <- apply(fl,2,function(x){sum(x, na.rm = TRUE)}) # number of flowering individuals per day
          indInt <- apply(fl,1,function(x){sum(x*tot, na.rm = TRUE)})
          intPerDay <- indInt/nind
          indSync <- data.frame(id = ids, synchrony = intPerDay, time = nind)
        pairSync <- NULL
        popSync <- average(indSync[,2])

      potential <- list()
      if ("population" %in% subject) {
        potential$pop <- popSync
      if ("individual" %in% subject) {
        potential$ind <- indSync
      if ("pairwise" %in% subject) {
        potential$pair <- pairSync
      if ("all" %in% subject) {
        potential$pop <- popSync
        potential$ind <- indSync
        potential$pair <- pairSync
      attr(potential, "t") <- TRUE
      attr(potential, "s") <- FALSE
      attr(potential, "c") <- FALSE

    } else {
      potential <- lapply(scene, synchrony, method, subject, averageType, syncNN, compareToSelf)
  } else {
    n <- nrow(scene) # population size
    if (n < 2) {
      warning("Can't calculate synchrony for population size less than 2")
      indSync <- NA
      pairSync <- NA
      popSync <- NA
    } else if (method == "augspurger") {
      if (subject %in% c("pairwise", "all")) {
        syncMatrix <- overlap(scene, "overlap", compareToSelf = TRUE)
        pairSync <- syncMatrix/scene$duration

      syncMatrix2 <- overlap(scene, "overlap", compareToSelf)
      pairSync2 <- syncMatrix2/scene$duration

      indSync <- data.frame(id = scene$id, synchrony = -1)
      if (averageType == "mean") {
        indSync$synchrony <- rowMeans(pairSync2)
      } else if (averageType == "median") {
        indSync$synchrony <- row_medians(pairSync2)

      popSync <- average(indSync[,2])

    } else if (method == "kempenaers") {
      indDaily <- receptivityByDay(scene)

      pairSync <- NULL

      indCols <- colSums(indDaily)
      indSync <- data.frame(id = scene$id, synchrony = -1)
      indSync$synchrony <- kemp_ind(indCols, scene$start, scene$end, scene$duration,
      #     indSync$synchrony <- sapply(1:n, FUN = function(i) {
      #       inds <- as.character(scene[i, "start"]:scene[i, "end"])
      #       sum(indDaily[,inds]) - scene[i,"duration"]
      #     })/(scene[,"duration"]*(n-1))

      popSync <- average(indSync[,2])

    } else if (method == 'sync_prop' | method == 'mean_interactions') {
      fl <- receptivityByDay(scene)
      if(method == "sync_prop"){
        n <- sum(fl)
        prop <- apply(fl, 2, function(x){(sum(x)-1)/n})
        daily<- t(apply(fl,1,function(x){x*prop}))
        sync <- rowSums(daily)
      } else{
        tot <- apply(fl, 2, function(x){sum(x)})
        daily<- t(apply(fl,1,function(x){x*tot}))
        sync <- rowSums(daily)
      pairSync <- NULL
      indSync <- data.frame(id = scene$id, synchrony = sync)
      popSync <- average(indSync[,2])

    } else if (method == "overlap") {
      if (subject %in% c("pairwise", "all")) {
        syncMatrix <- overlap(scene, "overlap", compareToSelf = TRUE)
        eitherMatrix <- overlap(scene, "total", compareToSelf = TRUE)
        pairSync <- syncMatrix/eitherMatrix

      syncMatrix2 <- overlap(scene, "overlap", compareToSelf)
      eitherMatrix2 <- overlap(scene, "total", compareToSelf)
      pairSync2 <- syncMatrix2/eitherMatrix2

      indSync <- data.frame(id = scene$id, synchrony = -1)
      if (averageType == "mean") {
        indSync$synchrony <- rowMeans(pairSync2)
      } else if (averageType == "median") {
        indSync$synchrony <- row_medians(pairSync2)

      popSync <- average(indSync[,2])

    } else if (method == "sync_nn") {
      if (syncNN > 0 & syncNN < 1) {
        syncNN <- ceiling(syncNN * n)
      } else if (syncNN >= n) {
        stop("syncNN must be an integer between 1 and n-1 or a numeric in (0,1)")
      } else if (syncNN <= 0) {
        stop("syncNN must be an integer between 1 and n-1 or a numeric in (0,1)")
      } else {
        if (round(syncNN) != syncNN) {
          stop("syncNN must be an integer between 1 and n-1 or a numeric in (0,1)")

      if (subject %in% c("pairwise", "all")) {
        syncMatrix <- overlap(scene, "overlap", compareToSelf = TRUE)
        eitherMatrix <- overlap(scene, "total", compareToSelf = TRUE)
        pairSyncInit <- syncMatrix/eitherMatrix
        pairSync <- matrix(nrow = n, ncol = n)
        for (i in 1:n) {
          pairSync[i,] <- sort(pairSyncInit[i,], decreasing = TRUE)

      syncMatrix2 <- overlap(scene, "overlap", compareToSelf)
      eitherMatrix2 <- overlap(scene, "total", compareToSelf)
      pairSync2 <- syncMatrix2/eitherMatrix2

      m <- ifelse(compareToSelf, n, n-1)
      indSync <- data.frame(id = scene$id, synchrony = -1)
      indSync$synchrony <- row_kth(pairSync2, (m-syncNN)-1)

      popSync <- average(indSync[,2])

    } else if (method == "peak-n") {
      pairSync <- NULL
      indSync <- NULL

      indCols <- colSums(receptivityByDay(scene))
      popSync <- max(indCols)/n

    } else if (method == "peak-observations") {
      pairSync <- NULL
      indSync <- NULL

      indCols <- colSums(receptivityByDay(scene))
      popSync <- max(indCols)/sum(indCols)

    } else if (method == "average-peak") {
      pairSync <- NULL
      indSync <- NULL

      indCols <- colSums(receptivityByDay(scene))
      popSync <- average(indCols)/max(indCols)


    # return
    if (length(subject) > 1 | "all" %in% subject){
      potential <- list()
      if ("population" %in% subject) {
        potential$pop <- popSync
      if ("individual" %in% subject) {
        potential$ind <- indSync
      if ("pairwise" %in% subject) {
        potential$pair <- pairSync
      if ("all" %in% subject) {
        potential$pop <- popSync
        potential$ind <- indSync
        potential$pair <- pairSync
    } else{
      if ("population" %in% subject) {
        potential <- popSync
      if ("individual" %in% subject) {
        potential <- indSync
      if ("pairwise" %in% subject) {
        potential <- pairSync

    attr(potential, "t") <- TRUE
    attr(potential, "s") <- FALSE
    attr(potential, "c") <- FALSE
stuartWagenius/mateable documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 2:33 p.m.