
Defines functions gp_sim gp_conditional gp_fit gp_lagMatrix gp_logPosterior gp_logLikelihood

Documented in gp_conditional gp_fit gp_lagMatrix gp_logLikelihood gp_logPosterior gp_sim

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# History:
#  16/12/13 - v0.1 - First working version
#  04/07/16 - v0.2 - Major ewrite
# Simon Vaughan, University of Leicester
# -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Compute log likelihood function for Gaussian Process model.
#' \code{gp_logLikelihood} returns the log likelihood for a GP model.
#' @param theta     (vector) parameters for covariance function
#'                   the first element is the mean value mu
#' @param acv.model (name) name of the function to compute ACV(tau | theta)
#' @param tau       (matrix) N*N matrix of lags at which to compute ACF
#' @param dat       (matrix) an N * 3 matrix of data: 3 columns
#                    (time, measurement, error) over N data point.
#' @param PDcheck   (logical) use Matrix::nearPD to coerse the matrix
#                     C to be positive definite
#' @param chatter   (integer) higher values give more run-time feedback
#' @return
#'  scalar value of log[likelihood(theta)]
#' @section Notes:
#'  Compute the log likelihood for Gaussian Process model with parameters theta
#'  given data \eqn{\{t, y, dy\}} and an (optional) N*N matrix of lags, tau. See
#'  algorithm 2.1 of Rasmussen & Williams (2006). The input data matrix \code{dat}
#'  should contain three columns: \code{t}, \code{y}, \code{dy}. \code{t[i]} and
#'  \code{y[i]} give the times and the measured values at those times. \code{dy}
#'  gives the 'error' on the measurements \code{y}, assumed to be independent
#'  Gaussian errors wih standard deviation \code{dy}. If \code{dy} is not
#'  present we assumine \code{dy[i] = 0} for all \code{i}. The columns \code{t},
#'  \code{y}, and \code{dy} are all \code{n}-element vectors.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gp_logPosterior}}
#' @export
gp_logLikelihood <- function(theta,
                             acv.model = NULL,
                             tau = NULL,
                             dat = NULL,
                             PDcheck = FALSE,
                             chatter = 0) {

  # For multivariate normal distribution the likelihood is
  #   L(\theta) = (2\pi)^{-N/2} * det(C)^{-1/2} *
  #                      exp(-1/2 * (y-\mu)^T C^{-1} (y-\mu))}
  # where y is an N-element vector of data and C is an N*N covariance matrix
  # (positive, symmetric, semi-definite). We compute \eqn{l = log(L)} which can
  # be written:
  # l(\theta) = -(n/2) * log(2\pi) - (1/2) log(det(C))
  #                      - (1/2) ((y-mu)^T C^{-1} (y-mu)}
  # The N*N matrix inverse \eqn{C^{-1}} is slow. Cholesky decomposition allows a
  # faster calculation of l: C = LL^T.
  # So
  #  \det(C) = \prod L_{ii}^2
  #  \log(\det(C)) = 2 \sum \log L_{ii} = 2 \sum diag(L)
  #  and
  #  C^{-1} = (L L^T)^{-1} = (L^{-1})^T (L^{-1})
  #  Q = (y-mu)^T C^{-1} (y-mu)
  #    = (y')^T (L^{-1})^T (L^{-1}) (y')
  #    = [(L^{-1}) (y')]^T [(L^{-1}) (y')]
  #    = z^T z
  #  where z = L^{-1} y', and y' = Lz. We can find z using
  #   z = solve(L,y') where y' = y - mu.

  # check arguments
  if (missing(theta)) {stop('** Missing theta input.')}
  if (!all(is.finite(theta))) {stop('** Non-finite values in theta.')}
  if (is.null(dat)) {stop('** Missing dat.')}
  if (NCOL(dat) < 2) {stop('** Missing columns in dat.')}
  if (missing(acv.model)) stop('Must specify name of ACV function')
  if (!exists('acv.model')) stop('The specified ACV function does not exist.')

  # extract data
  t <- dat[, 1]
  y <- dat[, 2]
  n <- length(y)

  # if there are no errors, and the dy column is
  # missing, make a column of zeroes.
  if (NCOL(dat) == 2) {
    dy <- array(0, n)
  } else {
    dy <- dat[, 3]

  # if n * n array tau is not present then make one
  if (is.null(tau)) {
    tau <- gp_lagMatrix(t)

  # make sure y and tau have matching lengths
  if (ncol(tau) != n) {
    stop('** y and tau do not have matching dimensions.')

  # first, extract the mean (mu) from the parameter vector theta,
  # the extract the error scaling parameter (nu) from the vector theta,
  # Then remove these the theta, so now these only contains parameter for
  # the ACV function
  if (chatter > 1) { cat('-- ', theta) }
  mu <- theta[1]
  nu <- abs(theta[2])
  theta <- theta[c(-1, -2)]

  # now subtract the mean from the data: y <- (y - mu)
  y <- y - mu

  # compute the covariance matrix C as C[i,j] = ACV(tau[i,j])
  # using the remaining parameters
  C <- acv.model(theta, tau)

  # check there aren't any non-finite values. If there are then we set the log
  # likelihood to = -Inf.
  if (!all(is.finite(C))) {
    cat('Non-finite values in model covariance matrix.')

  # add the error matrix diag(dy^2)
  diag(C) <- diag(C) + nu*dy*dy

  # enforce for positive-definiteness (PD) and symmetry The covariance matrix
  # should be a PD matrix but numerical errors may mean this is not exactly
  # true. We use the nearPD function from the Matrix package to find the nearest
  # PD matrix and use his.
  if (PDcheck == TRUE) {
    pd <- Matrix::nearPD(C)
    if (pd$converged == FALSE) {
      warning('** nearPD failed to converge.')
    C <- pd$mat
    C <- matrix(C, nrow = n)

  # compute the easy (constant) part of the log likelihood.
  l.1 <- -(n/2) * log(2*pi)

  # find the Cholesky decomposition (lower left)
  L <- t( chol(C) )

  # first, compute the log|C| term
  l.2 <- -sum( log( diag(L) ) )

  # then compute the quadratic form -(1/2) * (y-mu)^T C^-1 (y-mu)
  z <- as.vector( solve(L, y) )
  l.3 <- -0.5 * (z %*% z)[1]

  # combine all three terms for give the log[likelihood]
  llike <- l.1 + l.2 + l.3
  if (chatter > 1) { cat(' ', llike, fill = TRUE) }

# -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Compute a posterior density given likelihood and prior.
#' \code{gp_logPosterior} compute posterior density for GP model.
#' Calculate posterior density for a Gaussian Process (GP) model given some data
#' (day) and functions for the AutoCovariance (ACV) of the GP, the log
#' likelihood, and the log prior (both log densities).
#' Simply computes log(posterior) = log(likelihood) + log(prior), where
#' log(likelihood) is a function of the data and a ACV (and its parameters), and
#' log(prior) is a function of the ACV parameters only.
#' @param logPrior (name) Name of the function returning the log Prior density.
#' @inheritParams gp_logLikelihood
#' @return
#'   log posterior density (scalar)
#' @seealso \code{\link{gp_logLikelihood}}
#' @export
gp_logPosterior <- function(theta,
                            acv.model = NULL,
                            tau = NULL,
                            dat = NULL,
                            PDcheck = TRUE,
                            chatter = 0,
                            logPrior = NULL) {

  # check arguments
  if (missing(theta)) {stop('** Missing theta input.')}
  if (!all(is.finite(theta))) {stop('** Non-finite values in theta.')}

  if (!exists('gp_logLikelihood'))
    stop('The gp_logLikelihood function does not exist.')

  # compute prior
  if (is.null(logPrior)) {
    lprior <- 0
  } else {
    if (!exists('logPrior')) stop('The logPrior function does not exist.')
    lprior <- logPrior(theta)

  # check if prior = 0; if so, no need to compuite gp_logLikelihood
  if (lprior == -Inf) {
    llike <- 0
  } else {
    llike <- gp_logLikelihood(theta, acv.model, tau = tau,
                              dat = dat, PDcheck = PDcheck,
                              chatter = chatter)

  # posterior ~ likelihood * prior
  lpost <- llike + lprior

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Build the matrix of lags tau[i, j] = |t.i - t.j|
# (c) Simon Vaughan, University of Leicester
# -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Compute a matrix of differences given two vectors.
#' \code{gp_lagMatrix} returns a matrix of differences between two vectors.
#' Given two vectors - \code{x} (length \code{M}) and \code{y} (length \code{N}) - as
#' input, return the \code{N*M} matrix of differences \code{result[i,j] = x[i] - y[j]}.
#' @param x vector 1
#' @param y vector 2 (default to vector 1 if not specified)
#' @return
#' \code{N*M} array of absolute differences, \code{result[i,j] = |x[i] - y[j]|}
#' @section Notes:
#' Note that in the special case that \code{x=y} we have a square symmetric
#' matrix: \code{result[i,j] = result[j,i]}. In the even more special case that
#' the two vectors are synchronous and evenly spaced (\code{x[i] = y[i] = i *
#' delta + const}) then we have a circulant matrix; the \code{j}th column
#' \code{result[,j]} is the \code{(j-1)}th cyclic permutation of the first
#' column. This matrix is symmetric, Toeplitz and circulant.
#' @examples
#' result <- gp_lagMatrix(c(1,2,3), c(2,3,4,5,6))
#' print(result)
#' @export
gp_lagMatrix <- function(x, y) {

  # check arguments
  if (missing(x)) stop('Missing input vector.')
  if (missing(y)) y <- x

  # compute x.0, an arbitrary start point for vector x.
  # This improves accuracy if the offset is large
  # compared to the range of values
  x.0 <- min(x, y)
  x <- x - x.0
  y <- y - x.0

  # compute the time lag matrix
  tau <- abs(outer(x, y, "-"))

  # return to calling function

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# optimise the deviance (-2*log[likelihood])
# History:
#  16/12/13 - v0.1 - First working version
#  05/07/16 - v0.2 - Major re-write
# Simon Vaughan, University of Leicester
# -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Find Maximum Posterior solution for a Gaussian Process model.
#' \code{gp_fit} returns the posterior mode for a Gaussian Process model.
#' @param method - choice of method for \code{optim}
#' @param theta.scale - passed as \code{parscale} to \code{optim}.
#' @param maxit  - passed to \code{optim}.
#' @inheritParams gp_logLikelihood
#' @inheritParams gp_logPosterior
#' @return
#'  A list with components (similar to \code{optim}):
#'   \item{par}{parameter values (maximum likelihood estimates)}
#'   \item{err}{std. dev. of MLEs (based on Hessian matrix)}
#'   \item{acv.model}{name of function used to compute ACV}
#'   \item{value}{value of \code{gp_logLikelihood} at maximum}
#'   \item{covergence}{\code{convergence} output from \code{optim}}
#'   \item{nfunction.calls}{\code{counts} output from \code{optim}}
#' @section Notes:
#'  Find the posterior mode for a GP model, given data \code{dat}. See
#'  \code{gp_logLikelihood} for details of the input data form. The user must
#'  supply the name of a suitable ACV function and some intial values for the
#'  ACV's parameters (the hyper-parameters of the GP). The parameters are then
#'  optimised using \code{optim}. (This is essentially a wrapper function
#'  applying \code{optim} on \code{gp_logPosterior}.) If no \code{logPrior}
#'  function is supplied, the result is equivalent to Maximum Likelihood
#'  Estimation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gp_logLikelihood}}, \code{\link{gp_logPosterior}}
#' @export
gp_fit <- function(theta.0,
                   acv.model = NULL,
                   dat = NULL,
                   logPrior = NULL,
                   method = "Nelder-Mead",
                   trace = 0,
                   theta.scale = NULL,
                   maxit = 5E3,
                   chatter = 0,
                   PDcheck = FALSE) {

  # check arguments
  if (missing(theta.0)) {stop('** Missing theta.0 input.')}
  if (!all(is.finite(theta.0))) {stop('** Non-finite values in theta.')}
  if (is.null(dat)) {stop('** Missing dat.')}
  if (NCOL(dat) < 2) {stop('** Missing columns in dat.')}
  if (is.null(theta.scale)) { theta.scale <- rep(1, length(theta.0)) }
  if (missing(acv.model)) stop('**Must specify name of ACV function')
  if (!exists('acv.model')) stop('** The specified ACV function does not exist.')

  # no. parameters?
  n.parm <- length(theta.0)

  # compute all the time differences: tau[i,j] = |t[j] - t[i]|
  tau <- gp_lagMatrix(dat[, 1])

  # check the initial position
  post.0 <- gp_logPosterior(theta.0, tau = tau, dat = dat,
                            acv.model = acv.model)
  if (!is.finite(post.0)) {
    stop('** Non-finite log posterior for initial theta value.')

  # perform the fitting
  result <- optim(fn = gp_logPosterior,
                  par = theta.0,
                  method = method,
                  tau = tau,
                  dat = dat,
                  PDcheck = PDcheck,
                  acv.model = acv.model,
                  control=list(fnscale = -abs(post.0),
                               trace = trace,
                               parscale = theta.scale,
                               maxit = maxit))

  # test if Hessian is non-singular. If so, estimate errors using covariance
  # matrix. Otherwise, set errors = 0. The covariance matrix = Inv[ -Hessian ]
  # where Hessian_{ij} = dL^2 / dtheta_i dtheta_j
  if (class(try(solve(-result$hessian), silent = TRUE)) == "matrix") {
    covar <- solve(-result$hessian)
    err <- sqrt(diag(covar))
  } else {
    err <- array(NA, dim = n.parm)

  # output the MLEs to screen.
  if (chatter > 0) {
    for (i in 1:n.parm) {
      cat('-- Parameter ', i, ': ', signif(result$par[i], 4), ' +/- ',
          signif(err[i], 3), fill=TRUE, sep='')

  # return the parameter values and their errors
  outp <- list(par = result$par, err = err,
               acv.model = deparse(substitute(acv.model)),
               value = result$value,
               convergence = result$convergence,
               nfunction.calls = result$counts)

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Predict the mean of the Gaussian Process
# History:
#  16/12/13 - v0.1 - First working version
#  05/07/16 - v0.2 - Major re-write
#  31/12/18 - v0.3 - fixed bug in line to check for missing dy
# Simon Vaughan, University of Leicester
# -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Reconstruct a Gaussian Process conditional on some data.
#' \code{gp_conditional} returns mean and covariance of a GP given data.
#' @inheritParams gp_logLikelihood
#' @inheritParams gp_logPosterior
#' @inheritParams gp_sim
#' @return
#'   A list containing:
#'   \item{t}{prediction times (same as \code{t.star}.)}
#'   \item{y}{mean of GP model at times \code{t}.}
#'   \item{dy}{standard deviation of GP model at times \code{t}.}
#'   \item{cov}{The full \code{m*m} covariance matrix.}
#' @section Notes:
#' Compute the expectation of the GP with covariance matrix specified by
#' (hyper-)parameters 'theta' at times \code{t.star} based on observations
#' \code{y} at times \code{t} (in the \code{dat} input).
#' Uses eqn 2.23 of Rasmussen & Williams (2006).
#' This may be used for interpolation (between available time points) or
#' prediction/extrapolation (beyond the range of available time points).
#' I consider both of these as aspects of `reconstruction'.
#' In practice we compute \eqn{E[y(t.star)]} given \code{y(t.obs)} and
#' \code{theta}. This is the mean (as a function of time) of the GP proceess
#' (with specified ACV) that is conditional on the givendata. We compute not
#' just the mean but the full covariance matrix for times \code{t.star}:
#' \code{C[i,j] = ACV(t.star[i], t.star[j])}. This may be a large matrix. Also
#' returns \code{dy = sqrt(diag(cov))}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gp_sim}}, \code{\link{rmvnorm}}
#' @export
gp_conditional <- function(theta,
                           acv.model = NULL,
                           dat = NULL,
                           t.star = NULL,
                           PDcheck = FALSE) {

  # Use the following matricies each defined as
  # K[t1[i],t2[j]] = ACF(|t2[j] - t1[i]|)
  # if we have
  #   t.obs - times at observations
  #   t.star  - times at predictions
  # then the matrices are:
  #   K     - ACV(t.obs, t.obs)
  #   K.ki  - ACV(t.star, t.obs)
  #   K.kk  - ACV(t.star, t.star)

  # check arguments
  if (missing(theta)) {stop('** Missing theta argument.')}
  if (!all(is.finite(theta))) {stop('** Non-finite values in theta.')}
  if (is.null(dat)) {stop('** Missing dat.')}
  if (NCOL(dat) < 2) {stop('** Missing columns in dat.')}
  if (missing(acv.model)) stop('Must specify name of ACV function')
  if (!exists('acv.model')) stop('The specified ACV function does not exist.')

  # extract data
  t <- dat[, 1]
  y <- dat[, 2]
  n <- length(y)

    # if times of predictions are not given, use times of the observations
  if (is.null(t.star)) { t.star <- dat[, 1] }

  # if there are no errors, and the dy column is
  # missing, make a column of zeroes.
  if (NCOL(dat) == 2) {
    dy <- array(0, n)
  } else {
    dy <- dat[, 3]

  # first, extract the mean (mu) from the parameter vector theta,
  # the extract the error scaling parameter (nu) from the vector theta,
  # Then remove these from theta, so now theta only contains parameters for
  # the ACV function
  mu <- theta[1]
  nu <- theta[2]
  theta <- theta[c(-1, -2)]

  # compute model covariance matrix at observed delays
  tau.obs <- gp_lagMatrix(t, t)
  K <- acv.model(theta, tau.obs)

  # compute matrix of covariances between observations and predictions
  tau.ki <- gp_lagMatrix(t.star, t)
  tau.kk <- gp_lagMatrix(t.star, t.star)
  K.ki <- acv.model(theta, tau.ki)
  K.kk <- acv.model(theta, tau.kk)

#  cat('tau.ki:', str(tau.ki), fill = TRUE)
#  cat('tau.kk:', str(tau.kk), fill = TRUE)
#  cat('K.ki:', str(K.ki), fill = TRUE)
#  cat('K.kk:', str(K.kk), fill = TRUE)

  # clean up memory
  rm(tau.obs, tau.ki, tau.kk)

  # eqn 2.20 of R&W - add the "error" term to the covariance matrix
  C <- K + nu * dy^2 * diag(1, NCOL(K))

  # compute the inverse covariance matrix
  C.inv <- solve(C)

  # eqn 2.23 of R&W - predict the mean value at prediction times
  y.star <- as.vector(K.ki %*% C.inv %*% (y - mu)) + mu

  # eqn 2.24 of R&W - predict the covariances at all prediction times
  cov.star <- K.kk - K.ki %*% C.inv %*% t(K.ki)

  # enforce positive-definiteness (PD) and symmetry of the resulting
  # covariance matrix. This should be an m*m PD matrix but numerical errors may
  # mean this is not exactly true. We use the nearPD function from the Matrix
  # package to find the nearest PD matrix and use his.
  if (PDcheck == TRUE) {
    pd <- Matrix::nearPD(cov.star)
    if (pd$converged == FALSE) {
      warning('** nearPD failed to converge.')
    cov.star <- pd$mat
    cov.star <- as.matrix(cov.star)

  # Extract the diagonal elements from the covariance matrix, i.e. the variances
  # at times t.star. Store this as a vector. Use the absolute value to avoid any
  # negative values creeping in due to numerical errors.
  dy.star <- sqrt( as.vector( abs( diag(cov.star) ) ) )

  # define the output product
  result <- list(t = t.star, y = y.star, dy = dy.star, cov = cov.star)

# -----------------------------------------------------------
# generate a random GP realisation
# History:
#  17/12/13 - v0.1 - First working version
#  05/07/16 - v0.2 - Major re-write
#  20/12/17 - v0.3 - Changed rmvnorm method to "eigen" which is
#                     much more stable.
# Simon Vaughan, University of Leicester
# -----------------------------------------------------------

#' Generate a random GP realisation.
#' \code{gp_sim} returns one or more data vectors drawn from a Gaussian Process.
#' @param t.star (vector) times at which to compute the simulation(s).
#' @param N.sim (integer) number of random vectors to draw.
#' @param plot (logical) add lines to an existing plot showing the results.
#' @inheritParams gp_logLikelihood
#' @inheritParams gp_logPosterior
#' @return
#'  An \code{n * N.sim} matrix, each column is a simulation, a pseudo-random
#'  \code{n}-length vector drawn from the Gaussian Process.
#' @section Notes:
#'   Simulate random realisations of a Gaussian Process (GP) with
#'   covariance defined by parameters \code{theta}, at times \code{t.star}.
#'   This is essentially eqn 2.22 of Rasmussen & Williams (2006):
#'   y.sim ~ N(mean = y.star, cov = C)
#'   Uses the function \code{rmvnorm} from the \code{mvtnorm} package to
#'   generate \code{n}-dimensional Gaussian vectors.
#'   If \code{dat} is supplied (a data frame/list containing \code{t} and
#'   \code{y}) then the conditional mean values at times \code{t.star},
#'   \code{y[t.star]} and covariance matrix \code{C} for lags \code{tau[i,j] =
#'   |t.star[j] - t.star[i]|} are generated by the \code{gp_conditional}
#'   function. See \code{gp_logLikelihood} for more about the input data form.
#'   If \code{dat} is not supplied we sample from the 'prior' GP, i.e. assume
#'   mean = \code{theta[1]} and covariance matrix given by \code{acv.model} and
#'   \code{theta} parameters.
#'   This function essentially just computes a covariance matrix given an
#'   autocovariance function (and its parameters), which may be conditional
#'   on some data, and uses this to draw a random Gaussian vector with
#'   \code{rmvnorm}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{gp_conditional}}, \code{\link{rmvnorm}}
#' @export
gp_sim <- function(theta,
                   acv.model = NULL,
                   dat = NULL,
                   t.star = NULL,
                   N.sim = 1,
                   plot = FALSE) {

  # check arguments
  if (missing(theta)) {stop('** Missing theta argument.')}
  if (!all(is.finite(theta))) {stop('** Non-finite values in theta.')}
  if (is.null(dat)) {
    prior.sim <- TRUE
  } else {
    prior.sim <- FALSE
    if (NCOL(dat) < 2) {stop('** Missing columns in dat.')}
    t <- dat[, 1]
    n <- length(t)
  if (missing(acv.model)) stop('** Must specify name of ACV function')
  if (!exists('acv.model')) stop('** The specified ACV function does not exist.')

  # if times of predictions are not given, use times of the observations
  if (is.null(t.star)) {
    if (is.null(dat)) {
      stop('** Must specify dat and/or t.star.')
    } else {
      t.star <- t

  # length of data to predict/simulated
  m <- length(t.star)

  if (prior.sim == FALSE) {
    # compute the mean and covariance matrix for the GP at times t.star
    gp.out <- gp_conditional(theta, acv.model, dat, t.star)
  } else {
    tau.kk <- gp_lagMatrix(t.star, t.star)
    theta.prime <- theta[-c(1, 2)]
    gp.out <- list(y = rep(theta[1], m),
                   cov = acv.model(theta.prime, tau.kk))

  # compute each time series, an m-vector drawn from the
  # multivariate (m-dimensional) Gaussian distribution.
  #gp.out$cov <- Matrix::nearPD(as.matrix(gp.out$cov))$mat
  y.out <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = N.sim, mean = gp.out$y,
                            sigma = gp.out$cov, method = "eigen")
  y.out <- t(y.out)

  # return the results
svdataman/gin documentation built on March 12, 2021, 7:37 a.m.