
# Tests for pls class methods        #

   pdf(file = tempfile("mdatools-test-pls-", fileext = ".pdf"))
   sink(tempfile("mdatools-test-pls-", fileext = ".txt"), append = FALSE, split = FALSE)


# Block 1. Tests pls.run() using random values  #

context("pls: test basic static methods")
x <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol = 100)
y1 <- matrix(rnorm(10), ncol = 1)
y2 <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol = 2)

test_that("pls.run() works correctly", {

   # wrong values for method and ncomp raise error
   expect_error(pls.run(x, y1, 5, method = "wrong"))
   expect_error(pls.run(x, y1, 0))
   expect_error(pls.run(x, y1, 1000))

   # correct values give no errors or warnings
   ncomp <- 5
   expect_silent(pls.run(x, y1, ncomp, method = "simpls"))
   expect_silent(pls.run(x, y1, ncomp))
   expect_silent(pls.run(x, y2, ncomp, method = "simpls"))
   expect_silent(pls.run(x, y2, ncomp))

   # outcome has correct dimensions for different number of components
   for (ncomp in c(1, 5, 9)) {
      m1 <- pls.run(x, y1, ncomp)
      expect_equal(dim(m1$coeffs), c(ncol(x), ncomp, ncol(y1)))
      expect_equal(dim(m1$weights), c(ncol(x), ncomp))
      expect_equal(dim(m1$xloadings), c(ncol(x), ncomp))
      expect_equal(dim(m1$yloadings), c(ncol(y1), ncomp))
      expect_equal(m1$ncomp, ncomp)

      m2 <- pls.run(x, y2, ncomp)
      expect_equal(dim(m2$coeffs), c(ncol(x), ncomp, ncol(y2)))
      expect_equal(dim(m2$weights), c(ncol(x), ncomp))
      expect_equal(dim(m2$xloadings), c(ncol(x), ncomp))
      expect_equal(dim(m2$yloadings), c(ncol(y2), ncomp))
      expect_equal(m2$ncomp, ncomp)


# Block 2. Tests pls.cal() using people and spectral data  #

context("pls: test pls.cal() method for different settings")

# mock some data
datasets <- list()

## small data no names no extra arguments
xc <- people[, -4, drop = F]
yc <- people[, 4, drop = F]
datasets[["people"]] <- list(xc = xc, yc = yc, center = T, scale = T, ncomp = 8)

## spectral data with extra attributes, three responses, hidden values and test set
xc <- simdata$spectra.c
yc <- simdata$conc.c
xc <- mda.exclrows(xc, c(1, 10, 20, 30, 40))
xc <- mda.exclcols(xc, c(1, 100:110))
yc <- mda.exclrows(yc, c(1, 10, 20, 30, 40))
attr(xc, "name") <- "Spectra, cal"
attr(xc, "xaxis.name") <- "Wavelength, nm"
attr(xc, "xaxis.values") <- simdata$wavelength

xt <- simdata$spectra.t
yt <- simdata$conc.t
xt <- mda.exclrows(xt, c(15, 35))
yt <- mda.exclrows(yt, c(15, 35))
attr(xt, "name") <- "Spectra, val"
attr(xt, "xaxis.name") <- "Wavelength, nm"
attr(xt, "xaxis.values") <- simdata$wavelength

datasets[["spectra"]] <- list(xc = xc, yc = yc, xt = xt, yt = yt, center = T, scale = F, ncomp = 6)

for (i in seq_along(datasets)) {

   d <- datasets[[i]]
   name <- names(datasets)[i]
   xaxis.name.x <- if (is.null(attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name"))) "Predictors" else attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name")
   xaxis.name.y <- if (is.null(attr(d$yc, "xaxis.name"))) "Responses" else attr(d$yc, "xaxis.name")

   for (ncomp in 1:d$ncomp) {
      obj <- pls.cal(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for x-loadings are correct", {
         expect_equal(dim(obj$xloadings), c(ncol(d$xc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$xloadings, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclcols"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$xloadings, "xaxis.name"), "Components")
         expect_equal(attr(obj$xloadings, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "xaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$xloadings, "yaxis.name"), xaxis.name.x)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for y-loadings are correct", {
         expect_equal(dim(obj$yloadings), c(ncol(d$yc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$yloadings, "exclrows"), attr(d$yc, "exclcols"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$yloadings, "xaxis.name"), "Components")
         expect_equal(attr(obj$yloadings, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$yc, "xaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$yloadings, "yaxis.name"), xaxis.name.y)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for weights are correct", {
         expect_equal(dim(obj$weights), c(ncol(d$xc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$weights, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclcols"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$weights, "xaxis.name"), "Components")
         expect_equal(attr(obj$weights, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "xaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$weights, "yaxis.name"), xaxis.name.x)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for coeffs are correct", {
         expect_equal(class(obj$coeffs), "regcoeffs")
         expect_equal(dim(obj$coeffs$values), c(ncol(d$xc), ncomp, ncol(d$yc)))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$coeffs$values, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclcols"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$coeffs$values, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "xaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(obj$coeffs$values, "yaxis.name"), xaxis.name.x)

      test_that("other model parameters are correct", {
         expect_equal(obj$ncomp, ncomp)
         expect_equal(obj$exclrows, attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(obj$exclcols, attr(d$xc, "exclcols"))
         expect_equal(class(obj), c("pls", "regmodel"))

      if (length(attr(d$xc, "exclcols")) > 0) {
         exclcols <- attr(d$xc, "exclcols")
         expect_equivalent(obj$xloadings[exclcols, , drop = F], matrix(0, length(exclcols), ncomp))
         expect_equivalent(obj$weights[exclcols, , drop = F], matrix(0, length(exclcols), ncomp))
            obj$coeffs$values[exclcols, , , drop = F],
            array(0, dim = c(length(exclcols), ncomp, ncol(d$yc)))

   test_that("pls: test pls.cal() method estimates ncomp correctly", {
      exclrows <- attr(d$xc, "exclrows")
      exclcols <- attr(d$xc, "exclcols")
      nrows <- nrow(d$xc) - length(exclrows)

      obj <- pls.cal(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = 50, center = d$center, scale = d$scale)
      exp_ncomp <- min(nrows - 1, ncol(d$xc) - length(exclcols))
      expect_lte(obj$ncomp, exp_ncomp)

      obj <- pls.cal(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = 50, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 1)
      exp_ncomp <- min(nrows - 2, ncol(d$xc) - length(exclcols))
      expect_lte(obj$ncomp, exp_ncomp)

      obj <- pls.cal(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = 50, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 2)
      exp_ncomp <- min(nrows - 1 - nrows/2, ncol(d$xc) - length(exclcols))
      expect_lte(obj$ncomp, exp_ncomp)


# Block 3. Test pls.predict() using people and spectral data   #

context("pls: test pls.predict() method for different settings")

for (i in seq_along(datasets)) {

   d <- datasets[[i]]
   name <- names(datasets)[i]
   xaxis.name.x <- if (is.null(attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name"))) "Predictors" else attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name")
   xaxis.name.y <- if (is.null(attr(d$yc, "xaxis.name"))) "Responses" else attr(d$yc, "xaxis.name")
   yaxis.name.x <- if (is.null(attr(d$xc, "yaxis.name"))) "Objects" else attr(d$xc, "yaxis.name")
   yaxis.name.y <- if (is.null(attr(d$yc, "yaxis.name"))) "Objects" else attr(d$yc, "yaxis.name")

   for (ncomp in 1:d$ncomp) {

      obj <- pls.cal(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale)
      res <- predict(obj, d$xc, d$yc)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for xdecomp are correct", {
         # scores
         expect_equal( dim(res$xdecomp$scores), c(nrow(d$xc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$scores, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$scores, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$scores, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

         # othogonal distance
         expect_equal( dim(res$xdecomp$Q), c(nrow(d$xc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$Q, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$Q, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$Q, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

         # score distance
         expect_equal( dim(res$xdecomp$T2), c(nrow(d$xc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$T2, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$T2, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$xdecomp$T2, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

         # explained variance
         expect_lte(sum(res$xdecomp$expvar), 100)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for ydecomp are correct", {
         # scores
         expect_equal( dim(res$ydecomp$scores), c(nrow(d$yc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$scores, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$scores, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$scores, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

         # othogonal distance
         expect_equal( dim(res$ydecomp$Q), c(nrow(d$yc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$Q, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$Q, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$Q, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

         # othogonal distance
         expect_equal( dim(res$ydecomp$T2), c(nrow(d$yc), ncomp))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$T2, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$T2, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$ydecomp$T2, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

         # explained variance
         expect_lte(sum(res$ydecomp$expvar), 100)

      test_that("dimension and attributes for y.pred are correct", {
         expect_equal( dim(res$y.pred), c(nrow(d$yc), ncomp, ncol(d$yc)))
         expect_equal(attr(res$y.pred, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclrows"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$y.pred, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "yaxis.values"))
         expect_equal(attr(res$y.pred, "yaxis.name"), yaxis.name.x)

# Block 4. Tests predict.pls() by comparing with plsregres() outcomes  #

context("pls: compare pedict.pls() outcome with known values")

test_that("predictions for people data are correct", {
   # model
   xloadings <- read.csv("pls-xloadings.csv", header = FALSE)
   yloadings <- read.csv("pls-yloadings.csv", header = FALSE)
   weights <- read.csv("pls-weights.csv", header = FALSE)
   coeffs <- read.csv("pls-coeffs.csv", header = FALSE)

   xc <- people[, -4]
   yc <- people[, 4, drop = F]
   obj <- pls.cal(xc, yc, ncomp = 4, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
   expect_equivalent(obj$xloadings, as.matrix(xloadings), tolerance = 10^-5)
   expect_equivalent(obj$yloadings, as.matrix(yloadings), tolerance = 10^-5)
   expect_equivalent(obj$weights, as.matrix(weights), tolerance = 10^-5)
   expect_equivalent(obj$coeffs$values[, 4, ], as.matrix(coeffs), tolerance = 10^-5)

   # predictions
   xscores <- read.csv("pls-xscores.csv", header = FALSE)
   yscores <- read.csv("pls-yscores.csv", header = FALSE)
   xresid  <- read.csv("pls-xres.csv", header = FALSE)
   yresid  <- read.csv("pls-yres.csv", header = FALSE)
   expvar  <- read.csv("pls-expvar.csv", header = FALSE)

   res <- predict(obj, xc, yc)
   expect_equivalent(res$xdecomp$scores, as.matrix(xscores), tolerance = 10^-4)
   expect_equivalent(res$ydecomp$scores, as.matrix(yscores), tolerance = 10^-4)
   expect_equivalent(res$xdecomp$residuals, as.matrix(xresid), tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(res$ydecomp$residuals, as.matrix(yresid), tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(res$xdecomp$expvar, as.matrix(expvar[1, ] * 100), tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(res$ydecomp$expvar, as.matrix(expvar[2, ] * 100), tolerance = 10^-3)

# Block 4. Tests pls() constructor  #

context("pls: test constructor")

for (i in seq_along(datasets)) {

   d <- datasets[[i]]
   name <- names(datasets)[i]

   test_that("test constructor with minimum settings", {
      expect_warning(m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc))
      expect_equal(m$calres, m$res[["cal"]])
      expect_equal(class(m$calres), c("plsres", "regres"))
      expect_equal(m$ncomp, m$ncomp.selected)

   test_that("test constructor with ncomp specified by user", {
      for (ncomp in seq_len(d$ncomp)) {
         if (ncomp > 1) {
            expect_warning(m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = ncomp))
         } else {
            expect_silent(m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = ncomp))
         expect_equal(m$calres, m$res[["cal"]])
         expect_equal(class(m$calres), c("plsres", "regres"))
         expect_equal(m$ncomp, ncomp)
         expect_equal(m$ncomp, m$ncomp.selected)

   expect_warning(m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = ncomp))
   fprintf("\n\nCalibration (%s): -------\n", name)

   test_that("test constructor with cross-validation", {
      for (cv in list(1, list("rand", 4), list("rand", 4, 4), list("ven", 8))) {

         m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = d$ncomp, cv = cv)

         # check calibration results
         expect_equal(m$calres, m$res[["cal"]])
         expect_equal(class(m$calres), c("plsres", "regres"))
         expect_equal(m$calres$ncomp, m$ncomp)
         expect_equal(m$calres$ncomp.selected, m$ncomp.selected)
         expect_equal(class(m$calres$xdecomp), "ldecomp")
         expect_equal(class(m$calres$ydecomp), "ldecomp")
         expect_gte(max(m$calres$r2), 0.9)
         expect_lte(max(m$calres$r2), 1.0)

         # check cross-validation results
         expect_equal(m$cvres, m$res[["cv"]])
         expect_equal(class(m$cvres), c("plsres", "regres"))
         expect_equal(m$cvres$ncomp, m$ncomp)
         expect_equal(m$cvres$ncomp.selected, m$ncomp.selected)
         expect_equal(length(m$cvres$rmse), m$ncomp * ncol(d$yc))
         expect_gte(max(m$cvres$r2), 0.9)
         expect_lte(max(m$cvres$r2), 1.0)

         # check test set results (must be null)

         # summary
         fprintf("\n\nCross-validation (%s): -------\n", name)

test_that("test constructor with test set", {

   d <- datasets[["spectra"]]
   m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = d$ncomp, x.test = d$xt, y.test = d$yt)

   # check calibration results
   expect_equal(m$calres, m$res[["cal"]])
   expect_equal(class(m$calres), c("plsres", "regres"))
   expect_equal(m$calres$ncomp, m$ncomp)
   expect_equal(m$calres$ncomp.selected, m$ncomp.selected)
   expect_equal(class(m$calres$xdecomp), "ldecomp")
   expect_equal(class(m$calres$ydecomp), "ldecomp")
   for (i in seq_len(ncol(d$yc))) {
      expect_gte(max(m$calres$r2[i, ]), 0.9)
      expect_lte(max(m$calres$r2[i, ]), 1.0)

   # check cross-validation results
   expect_equal(m$testres, m$res[["test"]])
   expect_equal(class(m$testres), c("plsres", "regres"))
   expect_equal(m$testres$ncomp, m$ncomp)
   expect_equal(m$testres$ncomp.selected, m$ncomp.selected)
   expect_equal(class(m$testres$xdecomp), "ldecomp")
   expect_equal(class(m$testres$ydecomp), "ldecomp")
   expect_equal(length(m$testres$rmse), m$ncomp * ncol(d$yc))
   for (i in seq_len(ncol(d$yc))) {
      expect_gte(max(m$testres$r2[i, ]), 0.9)
      expect_lte(max(m$testres$r2[i, ]), 1.0)

   # check test set results (must be null)

   cat("\n\nTest set: -------\n")

   m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, ncomp = d$ncomp, x.test = d$xt, y.test = d$yt, cv = 1)
   cat("\n\nTest set: -------\n")


# Block 5. Tests vipscores() method  #

context("pls: test vipscores()")

for (i in seq_along(datasets)) {

   d <- datasets[[i]]
   name <- names(datasets)[i]
   m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, d$ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 10)

   xaxis.name <- if (is.null(attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name"))) "Predictors" else attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name")

   #returns correct outcome
   expect_silent(v <- vipscores(m))
   expect_equal(dim(v), c(ncol(d$xc), ncol(d$yc)))
   expect_equal(rownames(v), colnames(d$xc))
   expect_equal(colnames(v), colnames(d$yc))
   expect_equal(attr(v, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "xaxis.values"))
   expect_equal(attr(v, "yaxis.name"), xaxis.name)
   expect_equal(attr(v, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclcols"))

   # can work with different number of ny and components
   expect_silent(v <- vipscores(m, ncomp = 1))
   expect_silent(v <- vipscores(m, ncomp = m$ncomp))

   # raise error if ny or ncomp are not correct
   expect_error(vipscores(m, ncomp = 0))
   expect_error(vipscores(m, ncomp = 100))
   expect_error(vipscores(m, ncomp = 1:3))

   # check deprecated method
   expect_warning(v1 <- getVIPScores(m))
   expect_warning(v2 <- getVIPScores(m, ncomp = m$ncomp))
   expect_equal(v1, vipscores(m))
   expect_equal(v2, vipscores(m, ncomp = m$ncomp))

   # send output to file for visual checking

test_that("vipscores for people data (A = 4) identical to once computed in MATLAB", {
   d <- datasets[[1]]
   m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, d$ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 10)

   vip <- read.csv("pls-vipscores.csv", header = FALSE)
   expect_equivalent(vipscores(m, ncomp = 4), as.matrix(vip), tolerance = 10^-4)

test_that("vipscores for people data (A = 4) identical to once computed in MATLAB for PLS2", {
   X <- people[, -c(4, 6)]
   Y <- people[,  c(4, 6)]
   m <- pls(X, Y, 8, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE, cv = 1)

   vip <- read.csv("pls2-vipscores.csv", header = FALSE)[[1]]
   #dim(vip) <- c(ncol(X), 2)

   expect_equivalent(vipscores(m, ncomp = 4), matrix(vip, ncol = 2), tolerance = 10^-4)

# Block 6. Tests selratio()  method  #

context("pls: test selratio()")

for (i in seq_along(datasets)) {

   d <- datasets[[i]]
   name <- names(datasets)[i]
   m <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, d$ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 10)

   xaxis.name <- if (is.null(attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name"))) "Predictors" else attr(d$xc, "xaxis.name")

   #returns correct outcome
   expect_silent(v <- selratio(m))
   expect_equal(dim(v), c(ncol(d$xc), ncol(d$yc)))
   expect_equal(rownames(v), colnames(d$xc))
   expect_equal(colnames(v), colnames(d$yc))
   expect_equal(attr(v, "yaxis.values"), attr(d$xc, "xaxis.values"))
   expect_equal(attr(v, "yaxis.name"), xaxis.name)
   expect_equal(attr(v, "exclrows"), attr(d$xc, "exclcols"))

   # can work with different number of ny and components
   expect_silent(v <- selratio(m, ncomp = 1))
   expect_silent(v <- selratio(m, ncomp = m$ncomp))

   # raise error if ny or ncomp are not correct
   expect_error(selratio(m, ncomp = 0))
   expect_error(selratio(m, ncomp = 100))
   expect_error(selratio(m, ncomp = 1:3))

   # check deprecated method
   expect_warning(v1 <- getSelectivityRatio(m))
   expect_warning(v2 <- getSelectivityRatio(m, ncomp = m$ncomp))
   expect_equal(v1, selratio(m))
   expect_equal(v2, selratio(m, ncomp = m$ncomp))

   # send output to file for visual checking

# Block 7. Tests for outlier detection  #

context("pls: xy residuals and categorization")

test_that("XY-residual limits are computed correctly", {

   # test for people data
   d <- datasets[[1]]
   m1 <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, d$ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 1)
   m2 <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, d$ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 1, lim.type = "ddrobust")
   m3 <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, d$ncomp, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 1, lim.type = "chisq")

   expect_equal(dim(m1$Zlim), c(4, d$ncomp))
   expect_equal(dim(m2$Zlim), c(4, d$ncomp))

   c1 <- categorize(m1, m1$res$cal)
   c2 <- categorize(m2, m2$res$cal)

   par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
   plotXYResiduals(m1, show.labels = T)
   plotXYResiduals(m2, show.labels = T)

   expect_error(c3 <- categorize(m3, m1$res$cal))
   expect_equal(sum(c1 == "extreme"), 1)
   expect_equal(sum(c1 == "outlier"), 0)

   expect_equal(sum(c2 == "extreme"), 4)
   expect_equal(sum(c2 == "outlier"), 1)

   # make two outliers and test again
   d <- datasets[[1]]
   d$yc[9] <- 25
   d$xc[1, 1] <- 115

   m1 <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, 4, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 1)
   m2 <- pls(d$xc, d$yc, 4, center = d$center, scale = d$scale, cv = 1, lim.type = "ddrobust")

   c1 <- categorize(m1, m1$res$cal, ncomp = 2)
   c2 <- categorize(m2, m1$res$cal, ncomp = 2)

   par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
   plotXYResiduals(m1, show.labels = T, ncomp = 2)
   plotXYResiduals(m2, show.labels = T, ncomp = 2)

   expect_equal(sum(c1 == "extreme"), 3)
   expect_equal(sum(c1 == "outlier"), 0)

   expect_equal(sum(c2 == "extreme"), 2)
   expect_equal(sum(c2 == "outlier"), 2)


test_that("PLS gives results comparable to other software", {

   # read model parameters and calibration scores made in PLS_Toolbox
   xscores <-   as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-xscores.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   yscores <-   as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-yscores.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   weights <-   as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-weights.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   xloadings <- as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-xloadings.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   yloadings <- c(5.3643, 1.0338, 0.4675, 0.3567)
   coeffs <- c(0.2078, 0.2647, 0.0073, 0.0722, -0.0016, 0.1829, 0.1420, -0.1984, 0.2153, 0.0151, -0.0405)

   # make a model with manual cv splits
   X <- people[, -4]
   y <- people[, 4, drop = FALSE]
   m <- pls(X, y, 4, scale = TRUE, cv = rep(1:10, length.out = nrow(X)))

   # compare main model parameters
   # here we re-normalize results from PLS_Toolbox
   xnorm <- sqrt(colSums(xscores^2))
   expect_equivalent(m$xloadings, xloadings %*% diag(xnorm), tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$xdecomp$scores, xscores %*% diag(1/xnorm), tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(m$weights, weights %*% diag(1/xnorm), tolerance = 10^-3)

   expect_equivalent(m$yloadings, yloadings, tolerance = 10^-4)
   expect_equivalent(m$coeffs$values[, 4, 1], coeffs, tolerance = 10^-4)

   # check selectivity ratio
   # here we change the result from PLS toolbox a bit for large values as they add
   # given portion of x-variance when compute SR
   sr <- c(24.8, 21.7, 2.2359, 0.1179, 0.1552, 0.9740, 0.0076, 5.9018, 10.0, 0.0256, 0.0138)
   expect_equivalent(selratio(m, 4), sr, tolerance = 10^-1)

   # compare calibration results
   ypred <-  as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-ypred.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   xqdist <- as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-xqdist.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   xhdist <- as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-xhdist.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   yqdist <- as.matrix(read.delim("plstlbx-people-yqdist.csv", sep = " ", header = FALSE))
   rmsec <- c(1.0273, 0.7404, 0.6668, 0.6198)
   r2c <- c(0.9283, 0.9627, 0.9698, 0.9739)

   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$xdecomp$T2[, 4], xhdist, tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$xdecomp$Q[, 4], xqdist, tolerance = 10^-3)

   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$ydecomp$Q[, 4], yqdist, tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$ydecomp$scores, yscores, tolerance = 10^-4)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$y.pred[, 4, 1], ypred, tolerance = 10^-4)

   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$rmse, rmsec, tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cal$r2, r2c, tolerance = 10^-3)

   # compare cross-validation results
   rmsecv <- c(1.1044, 0.8673, 0.8627, 0.8186)
   r2cv <- c(0.9173, 0.9489, 0.9498, 0.9545)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cv$rmse, rmsecv, tolerance = 10^-3)
   expect_equivalent(m$res$cv$r2, r2cv, tolerance = 10^-3)
svkucheryavski/mdatools documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 12:27 p.m.