#' Estimate MUPP Thetas
#' Estimate MUPP person parameters given item responses, item parameters, and
#' item properties.
#' @param resp a data.frame of (at least) `[person, item, resp]`
#' @param items a data.frame of (at least) `[item, statement, dim, alpha, delta, tau]`
#' @param method the estimation method ("bfgs", "MCMC")
#' @param control a list of parameters to control the algorithm. See details.
#' @param ... other parameters to pass to the method
#' @return a list of `[estimates, vars, hessian, loglik, iters]` for MLE estimation
#' or `[estimates, sds]` for MCMC estimation
#' @details Method BFGS uses a modified BFGS algorithm, based on Li and Fukushima (2001),
#' which includes modifications of the BFGS estimated hessian with demonstrated
#' global convergence properties.
#' \itemize{
#' \item{For BFGS, control parameters include
#' \describe{
#' \item{eps}{convergence criterion, will converge if
#' length of gradient is shorter than this value. Defaults
#' to 1e-07.}
#' \item{max_iters}{maximum number of iterations before convergence. Defaults
#' to 100.}
#' \item{n_starts}{number of random starts at different theta vectors (using
#' latin hypercube samples. Defaults to 4.)}
#' }
#' }
#' \item{For MCMC, control parameters include
#' \describe{
#' \item{n_iters}{total number of iterations.}
#' \item{n_burnin}{number of iterations to throw away when calculating
#' summary statistics.}
#' \item{step_size_sd}{the standard deviation of the step size for subsequent
#' Metropolis-Hastings draws.}
#' }
#' }
#' }
#' @author Steven Nydick, \email{steven.nydick@@kornferry.com}
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#' \item{Li & Dong-Hui (2001). A modified BFGS method and its global
#' convergence in nonconvex minimization. Journal of Computational and
#' Applied Mathematics, 129, 15-35.}
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{optimumLHS}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(23523)
#' # simulate parameters and responses to the model
#' # (assumption is that params/resp will follow conventions)
#' params <- simulate_mupp_params(n_persons = 10,
#' n_items = 300,
#' n_dims = 9,
#' max_item_dims = 2,
#' unidim_items = TRUE)
#' resp <- do.call(simulate_mupp_resp,
#' params)
#' # thetas for comparison
#' thetas <- tidyr::spread(params$persons,
#' key = "dim",
#' value = "theta")[ , -1]
#' # estimating thetas using BFGS algorithm (one start for comparison purposes)
#' est_thetas_mle <- estimate_mupp_thetas(resp = resp$resp,
#' items = params$items,
#' method = "bfgs",
#' control = list(n_starts = 1))
#' # correlating (super high correlations!)
#' diag(cor(thetas, est_thetas_mle$estimates))
#' # estimating thetas using MCMC algorithm
#' est_thetas_mcmc <- estimate_mupp_thetas(resp = resp$resp,
#' items = params$items,
#' method = "mcmc",
#' control = list(n_iters = 1000,
#' n_burnin = 500))
#' # correlating with MLE thetas (even higher correlations!)
#' diag(cor(est_thetas_mle$estimates, est_thetas_mcmc$estimates))
#' }
#' @importFrom roperators
#' "%ni%"
#' @importFrom magrittr
#' "%>%" "%<>%" set_rownames multiply_by
#' @importFrom data.table
#' dcast as.data.table
#' @importFrom lhs
#' optimumLHS
#' @export
estimate_mupp_thetas <- function(resp,
method = c("bfgs", "MCMC"),
control = list(),
# determine resp/items/params for algorithm
est_args <- estimate_mupp_header_(resp, items,
type = "person")
# run algorithm
algorithm_fun <- switch(method,
bfgs = estimate_mupp_thetas_mle,
mcmc = , MCMC = estimate_mupp_thetas_mcmc,
stop(method, " method not implemented at this time."))
out <- algorithm_fun(resp = est_args$resp_adj,
params = est_args$params_adj,
items = est_args$items_adj,
method = method,
control = control,
# return
} # END estimate_mupp_thetas FUNCTION
#' @importFrom utils
#' modifyList
#' txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
estimate_mupp_thetas_mle <- function(resp,
method = "bfgs",
control = list(),
# converting everything to a matrix (to work in C++ algorithm)
resp <- as.matrix(resp)
params <- as.matrix(params)
items <- as.matrix(items)
# indicate basic things (total number of items/dimensions)
n_persons <- nrow(resp)
n_dims <- max(items[ , 3])
# determining maximum number of "dimensions" on a single item
max_item_dims <- max(table(items[ , 1]))
# making sure number of dimensions is OK
if(max_item_dims > 2){
stop("MLE estimation not yet implemented for MUPP-RANK models. ",
"Please use MCMC for theta/parameter estimation.",
call. = FALSE)
# create matrix of thetas based on maximum dimension
out <- vector(mode = "list",
length = n_persons)
# update control
control_default <- list(prior_mean = 0,
prior_sd = 1,
eps = 1e-07,
max_iters = 100,
n_starts = 4)
control <- modifyList(control_default,
# update algorithm
estimation_fun <- switch(method,
bfgs = estimate_mupp_thetas_bfgs,
stop(method, " method not implemented at this time."))
# progress bar #
pb <- txtProgressBar(max = n_persons,
char = "|",
style = 3)
# estimating for each person
for(person in seq_len(n_persons)){
# updating arguments
args <- c(list(resp = resp[person, , drop = FALSE],
params = params,
items = items,
n_dims = n_dims),
# estimating theta
out[[person]] <- do.call(what = estimation_fun,
args = args)
# progress bar #
setTxtProgressBar(pb = pb,
value = person)
} # END for person LOOP
# progress bar #
# update thetas/hessians/iters/logliks to be everything in out bounded together
thetas <- lapply(out, "[[", "thetas") %>%
do.call(what = rbind)
hessian <- lapply(out, "[[", "hessian") %>%
lapply(FUN = c) %>%
do.call(what = rbind)
iters <- sapply(out, "[[", "iters")
loglik <- sapply(out, "[[", "loglik")
# determine actual variances
var <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(thetas)),
FUN = function(i){
H <- lder2_mupp_rank_with_prior1(thetas = thetas[i, ],
resp = rbind(resp[i, ]),
params = params,
items = items)
}) %>%
do.call(what = rbind)
return(list(estimates = thetas,
vars = var,
hessian = hessian,
loglik = loglik,
iters = iters))
} # END estimate_mupp_thetas_mle FUNCTION
estimate_mupp_thetas_mcmc <- function(resp,
control = list(),
# run the mcmc algorithm
out <- estimate_mupp_params_mcmc(resp = resp,
items = items,
control = control,
initial_params = as.list(as.data.frame(params)),
fixed_params = colnames(params))
# pull out parameters
out <- list(estimates = out$means$thetas,
sds = out$sds$thetas)
} # END estimate_mupp_thetas_mcmc FUNCTION
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