correct_batch_effects: Batch correction of normalized data

correct_batch_effectsR Documentation

Batch correction of normalized data


Batch correction of normalized data. Batch correction brings each feature in each batch to the comparable shape. Currently the following batch correction functions are implemented:

  1. Per-feature median centering: center_feature_batch_medians_df(). Median centering of the features (per batch median).

  2. correction with ComBat: correct_with_ComBat_df(). Adjusts for discrete batch effects using ComBat. ComBat, described in Johnson et al. 2007. It uses either parametric or non-parametric empirical Bayes frameworks for adjusting data for batch effects. Users are returned an expression matrix that has been corrected for batch effects. The input data are assumed to be free of missing values and normalized before batch effect removal. Please note that missing values are common in proteomics, which is why in some cases corrections like center_peptide_batch_medians_df are more appropriate.

  3. Continuous drift correction: adjust_batch_trend_df(). Adjust batch signal trend with the custom (continuous) fit. Should be followed by discrete corrections, e.g. center_feature_batch_medians_df() or correct_with_ComBat_df().

Alternatively, one can call the correction function with correct_batch_effects_df() wrapper. Batch correction method allows correction of continuous signal drift within batch (if required) and adjustment for discrete difference across batches.


center_feature_batch_medians_df(df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", batch_col = "MS_batch",
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label", measure_col = "Intensity",
  keep_all = "default", no_fit_imputed = TRUE, qual_col = NULL,
  qual_value = NULL)

center_feature_batch_medians_dm(data_matrix, sample_annotation,
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", batch_col = "MS_batch",
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label", measure_col = "Intensity")

center_feature_batch_means_df(df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", batch_col = "MS_batch",
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label", measure_col = "Intensity",
  keep_all = "default", no_fit_imputed = TRUE, qual_col = NULL,
  qual_value = NULL)

center_feature_batch_means_dm(data_matrix, sample_annotation,
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", batch_col = "MS_batch",
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label", measure_col = "Intensity")

adjust_batch_trend_df(df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
  batch_col = "MS_batch", feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label",
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", measure_col = "Intensity",
  order_col = "order", keep_all = "default",
  fit_func = "loess_regression", no_fit_imputed = TRUE,
  qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL, min_measurements = 8, ...)

adjust_batch_trend_dm(data_matrix, sample_annotation,
  batch_col = "MS_batch", feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label",
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", measure_col = "Intensity",
  order_col = "order", fit_func = "loess_regression",
  return_fit_df = TRUE, min_measurements = 8, ...)

correct_with_ComBat_df(df_long, sample_annotation = NULL,
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label", measure_col = "Intensity",
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", batch_col = "MS_batch",
  par.prior = TRUE, no_fit_imputed = TRUE, qual_col = NULL,
  qual_value = NULL, keep_all = "default")

correct_with_ComBat_dm(data_matrix, sample_annotation = NULL,
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label", measure_col = "Intensity",
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", batch_col = "MS_batch",
  par.prior = TRUE)

correct_batch_effects_df(df_long, sample_annotation,
  continuous_func = NULL, discrete_func = c("MedianCentering",
  "MeanCentering", "ComBat"), batch_col = "MS_batch",
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label",
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", measure_col = "Intensity",
  order_col = "order", keep_all = "default", no_fit_imputed = TRUE,
  qual_col = NULL, qual_value = NULL, min_measurements = 8, ...)

correct_batch_effects_dm(data_matrix, sample_annotation,
  continuous_func = NULL, discrete_func = c("MedianCentering",
  "ComBat"), batch_col = "MS_batch",
  feature_id_col = "peptide_group_label",
  sample_id_col = "FullRunName", measure_col = "Intensity",
  order_col = "order", min_measurements = 8, ...)



data frame where each row is a single feature in a single sample. It minimally has a sample_id_col, a feature_id_col and a measure_col, but usually also an m_score (in OpenSWATH output result file). See help("example_proteome") for more details.


data frame with:

  1. sample_id_col (this can be repeated as row names)

  2. biological covariates

  3. technical covariates (batches etc)

. See help("example_sample_annotation")


name of the column in sample_annotation table, where the filenames (colnames of the data_matrix are found).


column in sample_annotation that should be used for batch comparison (or other, non-batch factor to be mapped to color in plots).


name of the column with feature/gene/peptide/protein ID used in the long format representation df_long. In the wide formatted representation data_matrix this corresponds to the row names.


if df_long is among the parameters, it is the column with expression/abundance/intensity; otherwise, it is used internally for consistency.


when transforming the data (normalize, correct) - acceptable values: all/default/minimal (which set of columns be kept).


(logical) whether to use imputed (requant) values, as flagged in qual_col by qual_value for data transformation


column to color point by certain value denoted by qual_value. Design with inferred/requant values in OpenSWATH output data, which means argument value has to be set to m_score.


value in qual_col to color. For OpenSWATH data, this argument value has to be set to 2 (this is an m_score value for imputed values (requant values).


features (in rows) vs samples (in columns) matrix, with feature IDs in rownames and file/sample names as colnames. See "example_proteome_matrix" for more details (to call the description, use help("example_proteome_matrix"))


column in sample_annotation that determines sample order. It is used for in initial assessment plots (plot_sample_mean_or_boxplot) and feature-level diagnostics (feature_level_diagnostics). Can be 'NULL' if sample order is irrelevant (e.g. in genomic experiments). For more details, order definition/inference, see define_sample_order and date_to_sample_order


function to fit the (non)-linear trend


the number of samples in a batch required for curve fitting.


other parameters, usually of adjust_batch_trend, and fit_func.


(logical) whether to return the fit_df from adjust_batch_trend_dm or only the data matrix


use parametrical or non-parametrical prior


function to use for the fit (currently only loess_regression available); if order-associated fix is not required, should be NULL.


function to use for adjustment of discrete batch effects (MedianCentering or ComBat).


the data in the same format as input (data_matrix or df_long). For df_long the data frame stores the original values of measure_col in another column called "preBatchCorr_[measure_col]", and the normalized values in measure_col column.

The function adjust_batch_trend_dm(), if return_fit_df is TRUE returns list of two items:

  1. data_matrix

  2. fit_df, used to examine the fitting curves

See Also


fit_nonlinear, plot_with_fitting_curve

fit_nonlinear, plot_with_fitting_curve


#Median centering per feature per batch:
median_centered_df <- center_feature_batch_medians_df(
example_proteome, example_sample_annotation)

#Correct with ComBat: 
combat_corrected_df <- correct_with_ComBat_df(example_proteome, 

#Adjust the MS signal drift:
test_peptides = unique(example_proteome$peptide_group_label)[1:3]
test_peptide_filter = example_proteome$peptide_group_label %in% test_peptides
test_proteome = example_proteome[test_peptide_filter,]
adjusted_df <- adjust_batch_trend_df(test_proteome, 
example_sample_annotation, span = 0.7, 
min_measurements = 8)
plot_fit <- plot_with_fitting_curve(unique(adjusted_df$peptide_group_label), 
df_long = adjusted_df, measure_col = 'preTrendFit_Intensity',
fit_df = adjusted_df, sample_annotation = example_sample_annotation)

#Correct the data in one go:
batch_corrected_matrix <- correct_batch_effects_df(example_proteome, 
continuous_func = 'loess_regression',
discrete_func = 'MedianCentering', 
batch_col = 'MS_batch',  
span = 0.7, min_measurements = 8)

symbioticMe/proBatch documentation built on April 9, 2023, 11:59 a.m.