  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "##",
  results = TRUE,
  warning = FALSE,
  message = FALSE,
  highlight = TRUE,
  background = 'grey',
  fig.pos = "H", 
  fig.cap = TRUE


The transition from the evaluation of a single time point to the examination of the entire dynamic evolution of a system is possible only in the presence of the proper framework. Here we introduce CONNECTOR, a data-driven framework able to analyze and inspect longitudinal high-dimensional data in a straightforward and revealing way. CONNECTOR is a tool for the unsupervised analysis of longitudinal data, that is, it can process any sample consisting of measurements collected sequentially over time. CONNECTOR is built on the model-based approach for clustering functional data presented in [@james2003clustering], which is particularly effective when observations are sparse and irregularly spaced, as growth curves usually are.

The CONNECTOR framework is based on the following steps:

(1) The pre-processing step consists of a visualization of the longitudinal data by a line plot and a time grid heat map helping in the inspection of the sparsity of the time points.

(2) Then, by means of the FDA analysis, the sampled curves are processed by CONNECTOR with a functional clustering algorithm based on a mixed effect model. This step requires a model selection phase, in which the dimension of the spline basis vector measures and number of clusters are computed that help the user to properly set the two free parameters of the model. The selection of the optimal set of parameters is supported by the generation of several plots.

(3) Once the model selection phase is completed, the output of CONNECTOR is composed of several graphical visualizations to easily mine the results.


The connector package is hosted on the GitHub platform. The simplest way to obtain connector is to install it using devtools. Type the following commands in R console:

# Install
install.packages("devtools",repos = "")
install_github("qBioTurin/connector", ref="master",dependencies=TRUE)
# Load

Users may change the repos options depending on their locations and preferences. For more details, see help(install.packages).


The following packages are required before installing CONNECTOR:

install.packages(c('cowplot', 'fda', 'flexclust','ggplot2',
                   'MASS', 'Matrix', 'plyr','ggplotify',
                   'RColorBrewer', 'readxl',
                   'reshape2', 'splines', 'statmod',
                   'sfsmisc','shinyWidgets', 'viridis',

Quick Start

A demo is available to provide the list of commands to perform the analysis of the example treated in this tutorial. To run the example just type:

demo("MainCommandsList", package = "connector")


To use Docker it is necessary install Docker on your machine. For more info see this document Ensure your user has the rights to run docker (no sudo). To create the docker group and add your user:

Create the docker group.

  $ sudo groupadd docker

Add your user to the docker group.

  $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Log out and log back in, your group membership is re-evaluated.

To run CONNECTOR from docker Permalink without installing CONNECTOR it is necessary download the image from dockerhub

  $ docker pull qbioturin/connector:latest

Run the RStudio Docker image with CONNECTOR installed and work with RStudio in the browser

  $ docker run --cidfile=dockerID -e DISABLE_AUTH=true -p 8787:8787 -d qbioturin/connector:latest
  $ open http://localhost:8787/

From CONNECTOR, it is possible to download and run the RStudio Docker image by using the CONNECTOR functions called downloadContainers and as follows:

 $ downloadContainers()

Case study on tumor growth dataset.

To illustrate how connector works we use patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) lines from 21 models generated from chemotherapy-naive high-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancer.

Data Importing by files

The analysis starts from two distinct files.

  1. An excel file reporting the discretely sampled curve data. The longitudinal data must be reported in terms of time $t$ and y-values $y$. Each sample is described by two columns: the first column, named time, includes the lags; while the second column, named with the ID sample, contains the list of $y$ values. Note that, each sample must have different ID sample. Hence, the 21 tumor growth curves are collected in a file composed of 48 columns. See Figure \ref{fig:xlsx}.

  2. A csv (or txt) file contains the annotations associated with the sampled curves. The first column reports the IDSample, the other columns report the features relevant for the analysis, one per column. Note that the column ID sample must contain the same ID names which appear in the excel file of the sampled curves. See Figure \ref{fig:csv}.

First lines of the excel file of the sampled curve data.\label{fig:xlsx}{ width=90% }

First lines of the csv file of the annotated features.\label{fig:csv}{ width=70% }

The two files are imported by the DataImport function, which arguments are the file names. In this example TimeSeriesFile and AnnotationFile.

# find the full path names of the example files
TimeSeriesFile<-system.file("data", "475dataset.xlsx", package = "connector")
AnnotationFile <-system.file("data", "475info.txt", package = "connector")
# import the samples
CONNECTORList<-DataImport(TimeSeriesFile = TimeSeriesFile,
                          AnnotationFile = AnnotationFile)

A list of four objects is created:

# show the CONNECTORList structure

The components of the CONNECTORList are:

  1. $Dataset, a data frame with three variables: ID of the curve, Observation the $y$ values and Time the time lags;

  2. $LenCurv, the vector reporting the number of observations per sample;

  3. $LabCurv, a data frame matching the sample with the corresponding annotated features. The variables are extracted and named from the AnnotationFile;

  4. $TimeGrid, the vector containing the time grid points.

Data importing by data frame

The data can be imported by two data frames used to generate CONNECTORList:

  1. TimeSeriesFrame: dataframe of three columns storing the time series. The first columns, called "\emph{ID}", stores the sample identification. The second column, labeled "\emph{Observation}", contains the observations over the time, and the third column, called "\emph{Time}", reports the time point.

  2. AnnotationFrame: dataframe with a number of rows equal to the number of samples in the TimeSeriesFrame. The first column must be called "\emph{ID}" reporting the sample identifiers. The other columns correspond to the features associate with the respective sample (one column per sample). If the dataframe is composed of one column, in the CONNECTORList only the feature \emph{ID} will be reported.

Hence, CONNECTORList can be generated by exploiting the DataFrameImport function.

CONNECTORList <- DataFrameImport(TimeSeriesDataFrame = GrowDataFrame,
                                 AnnotationFrame = AnnotationFrame)

Data Visualization

The PlotTimeSeries function generates the plot of the sampled curves, coloured by the selected feature from the AnnotationFile. Figure \ref{fig:PlotTimeSeries} reports the line plot generated by the following code:

```r"} CurvesPlot<-PlotTimeSeries(data = CONNECTORList, feature = "Progeny") CurvesPlot

As we can see from \ref{fig:PlotTimeSeries}, only few samples have observations at the last time points. The `DataVisualization` function plots the time grid heat map helping in the inspection of the sparsity of the time points.
The  `DataTruncation` function have been developed to truncate the time series at specific time value. 

# Growth curves and time grid visualization 
Datavisual<-DataVisualization(data = CONNECTORList,
                              feature = "Progeny", 
                              labels = c("Time","Volume","Tumor Growth"))
tronca = 70

In Figure \ref{fig:gridDensity} the time grid density is showed. Each point $p_{x,y}$ is defined by a pair of coordinates $p_{x,y}=\left( x,y\right) \ $ and by a colour. $p_{x,y}$ is defined if only if exists at least one sample with two observations at time $x\ $ and $y$. The colour encodes the number of samples in which $p_{x,y}$ is reported. In our example, according to Figure \ref{fig:gridDensity} we decide to truncate the observations at r tronca days.

# data truncation
trCONNECTORList<-DataTruncation(data = CONNECTORList,
                                truncTime = 70,
                                labels = c("Time","Volume","Tumor Growth"))
# the trCONNECTORList structure
str(trCONNECTORList, max.level = 1)

The output of the function DataTruncation is a list of six objects reporting th truncated versions of the DataImport function. Moreover, the plot stored in $PlotTimeSeries_plot shows the sampled curves plot with a vertical line indicating the truncation time, see Figure \ref{fig:truncation}.




## Model Selection Tools

Before running the fitting and clustering approach, we have to properly chose the two free parameters:

1. the spline basis dimension, $p$;

2. the number of clusters, $G$.

We developed several functions to enable the user to properly set the free parameters. 

### The spline basis dimension - p

The dimension of the spline basis can be chose by exploiting the `BasisDimension.Choice` function, by taking the $p \in [p_{min}, p_{max}]$ value corresponding to the largest cross-validated likelihood, as proposed in [@james2000principal], where the interval of values $[p_{min}, p_{max}]$ is given by the user. In particular, a ten-fold cross-validation approach is implemented: firstly the data are split into 10 equal-sized parts, secondly the model is fitted considering 9 parts and the computation of the log-likelihood on the excluded part is performed. 

In details two plots are returned:

1. The *$CrossLogLikePlot* returns the plot of the mean tested log-likelihoods versus the dimension of the basis, see Figure \ref{fig:crossloglike}. Each gray dashed line corresponds to the cross-log-likelihood values obtained on different test/learning sets and the solid black line is their mean value. The resulting plot could be used as a guide to choose the largest cross-validated likelihood. Specifically, the optimal value of *p* is generally the smallest ensuring the larger values of the mean cross-log-likelihood function. 

2. The *$KnotsPlot* shows the time series curves (top) together with the knots distribution over the time grid (bottom), see Figure \ref{fig:Knotscrossloglike}. The knots divide the time domain into contiguous intervals, and the curves are fitted with separate polynomials in each interval. Hence, this plot allows the user to visualize whether the knots properly split the time domain considering the distribution of the sampled observations. The user should choose $p$ such that the number of cubic polynomials (i.e., $p-1$) defined in each interval is able to follow the curves dynamics.

# ten-fold cross-validation 
CrossLogLike<-BasisDimension.Choice(data = trCONNECTORList,
                                    p = 2:6 )

```r"} CrossLogLike$KnotsPlot

set p

p <- 3

In our example, the optimal value of $p$ is 3.

### The number of clusters - G

`connector` provides two different plots to properly guide to set the number of clusters.  Two measures of proximity are introduced: the *total tightness* $T$ and the *functional Davied-Bouldin index* $fDB$. Both measures rely on the family of semi-metrics between curves defined as
D_q(f,g) = \sqrt{ \int \left| f^{(q)}(s)-g^{(q)}(s) \right|^2 ds }, \qquad q=0,1,2,
where $f$ and $g$ are two curves and $f^{(q)}$ and $g^{(q)}$ are their $q$th derivatives. 
Note that for $q=0$, eq. \eqref{eq:qsemimetrics} is the distance induced by the classical $L^2-$norm. It turns out that $D_q$ can be reliably calculated in our setting, since we are interested in proximity measures between curves and center-curves for each cluster (tightness of the cluster),  as well as center-curve and center-curve of different clusters (separateness of clusters).  $D_q$ is calculated taking advantage of the spline representation of the estimated curves and mean curves, see eq. \eqref{eq:qsemimetrics}.

The *total tightness* $T$ is the dispersion measure defined as
T = \sum_{k=1}^G \sum_{i=1}^n D_0(\hat{g}_i, \bar{g}^k),
where $\hat{g}_i$ is the estimated $i$--th curve given in eq. \eqref{eq:gsplinepred} and $\bar{g}^k$ is the center of $k$--th cluster given in eq. \eqref{eq:splinemeancurve}.

As the number of clusters increases, the total tightness decreases to zero, the value which is attained when the number of fitted clusters is equal to the number of sampled curves. In this case, any $k$th cluster mean curve coincides with an estimated curve and $D_0(\hat{g}_i, \bar{g}^k) = 0$ for any $i$ and $k$.

A proper number of clusters can be inferred as large enough to let the total tightness drop down to little values over which it does not decrease substantially. Hence, we look for the location of an *elbow* in the plot of the total tightness against the number of clusters. 
The second index, which is a cluster separation measure, is called *functional David Bouldin* (fDB) index. Specifically, we defined it as follows
\mbox{fDB}_q = \frac{1}{G} \sum_{k_1=1}^G \max_{k_2 \neq k_1} \left\{ R_{k_2k_1} \right\},
where, for each cluster $k_1$ and $k_2$, 
R_{k_2k_1} = \frac{S_{k_1} + S_{k_2}}{M_{k_2k_1}},
S_k = \sqrt{\frac{1}{G_k} \sum_{i=1}^{G_k} D_q^2(\hat{g}_i, \bar{g}^k)} \qquad \mbox{and} \qquad  M_{k_2k_1} =  D_q(\bar{g}^{k_2}, \bar{g}^{k_1}),
with $G_k$ the number of curves in the $k$th cluster. The significance of eq. \eqref{eq:fDB} can be understood as the average of the blend measures of each cluster from its most overlapping cluster. The optimal choice of clusters, then, will be that which minimizes this average blend. 
Furthermore, the random initialization of the k-means algorithm to get initial cluster memberships into the FCM algorithm and the stochasticity characterizing the method lead to some variability among different runs. For these reasons, multiple runs are necessary to identify the most frequent clustering fixed a number of clusters ($G$).

To effectively take advantage of those two measures, `connector` supplies the function `ClusterAnalysis` which repeats the clustering procedure a number of times equal to the parameter `runs` and for each of the number of clusters given in the parameter `G`. The output of the function is a list of three objects (i) `$Clusters.List`: the list of all the clustering divisions obtained varying among the input $G$ values, (ii) `$seed`: the seed sets before running the method, and (iii) `$runs`: the number of runs.

Specifically, the object storing the clustering obtained with $G=2$ (i.e., `ClusteringList$Clusters.List$G2`) is a list of three elements:

1. `$ClusterAll`: the list of all the possible FCM parameters values that can be obtained through each run. In details, the item `$ParamConfig.Freq` reports the number of times that the respectively parameters configuration (stored in `$FCM`) is found. Let us note, that the sum might be not equal to the number of runs since errors may occur;

2. `$ErrorConfigurationFit`: list of errors that could be obtained by running the FCM method with extreme parameters configurations;

3. `$h.selected`:  the dimension of the mean space, denoted as $h$, selected to perform the analysis. In details, this parameter gives a further parametrization of the mean curves allowing a lower-dimensional representation of the curves with means in a restricted subspace. Its value is choose such that the inequality $h \le \min(G-1,\ p)$ holds. Better clusterings are obtained with higher values of $h$, but this may lead to many failing runs. In this cases $h$ values is decreased until the number of successful runs are higher than a specific constraint which can be defined by the user (by default is $100\%$ of successful runs).

ClusteringList <-ClusterAnalysis(data = trCONNECTORList,
                                 G = 2:5,
                                 p = p,
                                 runs = 100)
ClusteringList <-ClusterAnalysis(data = trCONNECTORList,
                                 G = 2:5,
                                 p = p,
                                 Cores = 2,
                                 runs = 100)
# the output structure
str(ClusteringList, max.level = 2, vec.len=1)
str(ClusteringList$Clusters.List$G2, max.level = 3, vec.len=1)

The function IndexesPlot.Extrapolation generated two plots reported in Figure \ref{fig:TandfDB}. In details, the tightness and fDB indexes are plotted for each value of $G$. Each value of $G$ is associated with a violin plot created by the distribution of the index values collected from the runs performed. The blue line shows the most probable configuration which will be exploited hereafter.

```r Violin Plots of the {\it total tightness} $T$ calculated on each run and for different number of clusters $G$ (right panel). Violin Plots of the {\it functional DB index} fDB calculated on each run and for different number of clusters $G$ (left panel)."} IndexesPlot.Extrapolation(ClusteringList)-> indexes indexes$Plot

<!-- The indexes show that $G=3$ and $G=4$ may be good choices for the parameter. Specifically, the right panel shows that $G=3$ may be good choice for the parameter, while the fDB indexes plotted in the left panel lead the choice to $G=4$, a number of clusters that explicitly minimizes the fDB index. -->

$G=4$ corresponds to the optimal choice for our example, since it represents the elbow for the tightness indexes (right panel) and explicitly minimizes the fDB indexes (left panel).

The variability of the two measures among runs, exhibited in Figure \ref{fig:TandfDB}, is related to the random initialization of the k-means algorithm to get initial cluster memberships from points. The stability of the clustering procedure can be visualized through the stability matrix extrapolated by the function `ConsMatrix.Extrapolation`, as shown in Figure \ref{fig:ConsMatg4}. The plot informs about the stability of the final clustering across different runs. Indeed, each cell of the matrix is coloured proportionally to the frequency of the two corresponding curves belonging to the same cluster across different runs. Hence the larger the frequencies are (which corresponds to warmer colours of the cells in the plot), the more stable is the final clustering. For each cluster the average stability value is reported.

```r Stability Matrix for G = 4.")}
ConsMatrix<-ConsMatrix.Extrapolation(stability.list = ClusteringList)
str(ConsMatrix, max.level = 2, vec.len=1)

Once the free parameters are all set, the function MostProbableClustering.Extrapolation can be used to fix the most probable clustering with given dimension of the spline basis $p$, and number of clusters $G$ and save the result in a dedicated object.

CONNECTORList.FCM.opt <- MostProbableClustering.Extrapolation(
  stability.list = ClusteringList,
  G = G )


The output of connector consists of the line plot of the samples grouped by the connector cluster, the discriminant plot, the discriminant function, and the estimation of the entire curve for each single subject.

CONNECTOR clusters

connector provides the function ClusterWithMeanCurve which plots the sampled curves grouped by cluster membership, together with the mean curve for each cluster, see Figure \ref{fig:clusters}. The function prints as well the values for $S_h$, $M_{hk}$, $R_{hk}$ and fDB given in equation \eqref{eq:fDB}. The $_1$ and $_2$ denote the first and second derivatives respectively of the corresponding index.

```r Sampled curves grouped by cluster membership."} FCMplots<- ClusterWithMeanCurve(clusterdata = CONNECTORList.FCM.opt, feature = "Progeny", labels = c("Time","Volume"), title = "FCM model")

Finally, to inspect the composition of the clusters, the function `CountingSamples` reports the number and the name of samples in each cluster according to the feature selected by the user.

NumberSamples<-CountingSamples(clusterdata = CONNECTORList.FCM.opt,
                               feature = "Progeny")
str(NumberSamples, max.level = 2)

Discrimination Plot

A detailed visualization of the clusterization of the sampled curves can be obtained by means of the DiscriminantPlot function.
The low-dimensional plots of curve datasets, enabling a visual assessment of clustering. The curves can be projected the into the lower dimensional space of the mean space, in this manner the curve can be plot as points (with coordinates the functional linear discriminant components). In details, when $h$ is equal to 1 or 2, than the DiscriminantPlot function return the plots of the curves projected onto the $h$ dimensional mean space:

  1. when $h=1$, the functional linear discriminant $\alpha_1$ is plotted versus its variability;
  2. when $h=2$, the functional linear discriminant $\alpha_1$ is plotted versus the functional linear discriminant $\alpha_2$.

If $h > 2$, the principal component analysis is exploited to extrapolate the components of the $h$-space with more explained variability (which is reported in brackets), that are then plotted together.

In the case study here described, we get the plots in Figure \ref{fig:DiscrPlotCL} which is colored by cluster membership and in Figure \ref{fig:DiscrPlotF} which is colored by the "Progeny" feature.

```r Curves projected onto the 2-dimensional mean space: symbols are coloured by cluster membership.", "\label{fig:DiscrPlotF} Curves projected onto the 2-dimensional mean space: symbols are coloured by progeny.") } DiscrPlt<-DiscriminantPlot(clusterdata = CONNECTORList.FCM.opt, feature = "Progeny") DiscrPlt$ColCluster DiscrPlt$ColFeature

### Discrimination Function

There will be *h* discriminant functions and each curve shows the times with higher discriminatory power, which are the times corresponding to largest absolute (positive or negative) values on the y-axis, see Figure \ref{fig:discrimination}.

```r Discriminant curve."}
MaxDiscrPlots<-MaximumDiscriminationFunction(clusterdata = CONNECTORList.FCM.opt)

Large absolute values correspond to large weights and hence large discrimination between clusters. From the Figure \ref{fig:discrimination} it is possible assess that earlier measurements are crucial in determining cluster assignment as well as latter ones.

Estimated Curve

The functional clustering procedure predict unobserved portions of the true curves for each subject. The estimated curves are returned by connector and plotted with confidence intervals as well that is possible to visualize using the Spline.plots function.

r Fitting of the Sample with ID = 1: in blue the observations characterinzing the curve, in red the estimated spline from the fitting, and in black the mean curve of the associated cluster. The grey area represents the confidence interval.") } PlotSpline = Spline.plots(FCMplots) PlotSpline$`1`


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sysbioTurin/connector documentation built on April 9, 2024, 12:10 p.m.