
Defines functions make_empty_matrix compute_post multsample summarize_metabolites assign_features compute_posterior_prob generate_connectivity_matrix compute_prior_prob find_hits prepare_data_for_annotation

Documented in assign_features compute_posterior_prob compute_prior_prob find_hits generate_connectivity_matrix prepare_data_for_annotation summarize_metabolites

## todo:
## generate_connectivity_matrix:
## add biochemical relationships

#' Prepare input for annotation
#' Extract information for annotation from SummarizedExperiment object. For
#' each feature, the median mz value across all samples will be used as
#' measured mz value and the sum of all intensities for the intensity value.
#' @param se
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment-class}}
#' object
#' @return
#' data.frame with the following information about measured features:
#' \itemize{
#' \item id: unique identifier
#' \item mz: measured mz value
#' \item intensity: measured intensity
#' \item no.peak.detected: number of detected peaks.
#' }
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.example")
#' dat = prepare_data_for_annotation(se = se.example)

prepare_data_for_annotation <- function(se) {
    peak.all = assays(se)$peak.detection
    mz.all = assays(se)$mz
    int.all = assays(se)$intensity.log2

    dat = matrix(nrow = nrow(se),
                 ncol = 3,
                 dimnames = list(NULL,
                                     "mz", "intensity", "no.peaks.detected"
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(se))) {
        ## get indices of samples with detected peak
        ind = which(peak.all[i,] == 1)
        if (length(ind) == 0) {
            stop(paste("no peaks detected for feature", i))
        mz = median(mz.all[i, ind], na.rm = TRUE)
        intensity = sum(int.all[i, ind], na.rm = TRUE)
        dat[i,] = c(mz, intensity, length(ind))

    dat = data.frame(id = rownames(se),
                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


#' Find putative theoretical features for each measured feature
#' Identifies all possible theoretical features within an user defined ppm
#' window around the measured mz value of each measured feature. The result
#' includes only those theoretical features that are potential candidates for
#' at least one measured feature and orphan isotopes are removed if no hit is
#' identified for the corresponding monoisotope.
#' @param info.features data.frame with information about theoretical possible
#' features (e.g. as generated by the function
#' \code{\link{chem_formula_2_adducts}}).
#' @param dat data.frame with information about measured features with columns
#' id (= unique identifier), mz (= measured mz value), intensity (= measured
#' intensity).
#' @param ppm Numeric. Resolution of mass spectrometer.
#' @return
#' matrix with measured features in rows and theoretical possible features in
#' columns (1 = measured feature within ppm distance to theoretical feature,
#' 0 = otherwise).
#' @importFrom plyr arrange
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.example")
#' data("info.features")
#' dat = prepare_data_for_annotation(se = se.example)
#' hits.m = find_hits(info.features = info.features,
#'                    dat = dat,
#'                    ppm = 20)

find_hits <- function(info.features, dat, ppm) {
    if (any(duplicated(dat$id))) {
        stop("duplicated ids in dat!")
    if (any(duplicated(info.features$id))) {
        stop("duplicated ids in info.features!")

    ## find overlaps
    hits.m = matrix(
        nrow = nrow(dat),
        ncol = nrow(info.features),
        dimnames = list(dat$id,

    for (i in seq_len(nrow(hits.m))) {
        deltaM = ppm * dat$mz[i] * 1e-06
        ind = which(abs(info.features$m.z - dat$mz[i]) <= deltaM)
        if (length(ind) > 0)
            hits.m[i, ind] = 1

    ## remove theoretical features without any hits
    no.hits.c = apply(hits.m, 2, sum)
    hits.m = hits.m[, which(no.hits.c > 0)]

    ## remove orphan isotopes (monoisotope missing)
    info.features.iso = info.features[which(info.features$abundance < 100 &
                                                info.features$id %in%
    if (nrow(info.features.iso) > 0) {
        orphans = NULL
        for (i in seq_len(nrow(info.features.iso))) {
            mono = info.features[which(
                info.features$chemical.form.adduct ==
                    info.features.iso$chemical.form.adduct[i] &
                    info.features$adduct.name ==
                    info.features.iso$adduct.name[i] &
                    info.features$abundance == 100
            ), "id"]
            if (!(mono %in% colnames(hits.m))) {
                orphans = c(orphans, info.features.iso$id[i])
        if (length(orphans) > 0) {
            print(paste("removed", length(orphans), "orphan isotopes"))
            hits.m = hits.m[, setdiff(colnames(hits.m), orphans)]

    ## remove measured features without any hits
    no.hits.r = apply(hits.m, 1, sum)
    hits.m = hits.m[which(no.hits.r > 0),]


#' Compute prior probabilities for putative theoretical features
#' Estimates prior probabilities of all possible theoretical features for each
#' measured feature.
#' @param hits.m matrix with information about overlapping theoretical features
#' (e.g. as generated by the function \code{\link{find_hits}}).
#' @param info.features data.frame with information about theoretical possible
#' features (e.g. as generated by the function
#' \code{\link{chem_formula_2_adducts}}).
#' @param dat data.frame with information about measured features with columns
#' id (= unique identifier), mz (= measured mz value), intensity (= measured
#' intensity).
#' @param pk Numeric vector with probabilities of initial confidence of the
#' presence of each theoretical feature.
#' @param ppm Numeric. Resolution of mass spectrometer.
#' @param ppm.unknown Numeric. Resolution assigned to unknown theoretical
#' features (i.e. not contained in info.features).
#' @param pr.limit Numeric. Lowest probability not set to 0 (default = 1e-05).
#' @return
#' matrix with measured features in rows and theoretical possible features in
#' columns. The cell i,j contains the prior probability that measured feature i
#' belongs to theoretical feature j.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.example")
#' data("info.features")
#' dat = prepare_data_for_annotation(se = se.example)
#' hits.m = find_hits(info.features = info.features,
#'                    dat = dat,
#'                    ppm = 20)
#' prior.prob = compute_prior_prob(hits.m = hits.m,
#'                                 info.features = info.features,
#'                                 dat = dat,
#'                                 ppm = 20)

compute_prior_prob <- function(hits.m,
                               pk = NULL,
                               ppm.unknown = NULL,
                               pr.limit = 1e-05) {
    rownames(info.features) = info.features$id
    info.features = info.features[colnames(hits.m),]
    rownames(dat) = dat$id
    dat = dat[rownames(hits.m),]

    prior.m = matrix(
        nrow = nrow(hits.m),
        ncol = ncol(hits.m),
        dimnames = dimnames(hits.m)
    if (!is.null(ppm.unknown)) {
        prior.m = cbind(prior.m,
                        unknown = rep(0, nrow(prior.m)))
    if (is.null(pk)) {
        pk = rep(1, ncol(prior.m))
    } else if (length(pk) != ncol(prior.m)) {
                "length of pk needs to be equal to number of columns of",
                "hits.m (+1 if ppm.unknown is specified)!"

    #    sigma = (ppm * info.features$m.z) / (2 * 10^6)
    sigma = (ppm * dat$mz) / (2 * 10 ^ 6)
    for (i in seq_len(nrow(prior.m))) {
        d = exp((-0.5 * 1 / (sigma[i] ^ 2)) * (dat$mz[i] - info.features$m.z) ^

        ## new: restrict to possible hits
        d = d * hits.m[i,]

        if (!is.null(ppm.unknown)) {
            d.unknown = exp((-0.5 * 1 / (sigma[i] ^ 2)) *
                                (ppm.unknown * dat$mz[i] * 10 ^ (-6)) ^
            d = c(d, d.unknown)
        d = d * pk
        d[which(d < pr.limit)] = 0
        prior.m[i,] = d / sum(d)

    ## remove column with unknown if not relevant
    if (!is.null(ppm.unknown)) {
        sum.unknown = sum(prior.m[, "unknown"])
        if (sum.unknown == 0) {
                "column unknown removed since none of the",
                "probabilities is > 0!"
            prior.m =
                prior.m[,-which(colnames(prior.m) == "unknown")]


#' Generate connectivity matrices
#' Generates matrices summarizing connections between adducts and isotopes.
#' @param info.features data.frame with information about theoretical possible
#' features (e.g. as generated by the function
#' \code{\link{chem_formula_2_adducts}}).
#' @param type Character. Type of connectivity matrix to generate ("adducts",
#' "isotopes").
#' @param ids.use Character vector. Feature identifiers to be used for
#' connectivity matrix. If NULL connectivity matrix is build using all features
#' in info.features.
#' @param ratios Logical. Should the isotope connectivity matrix contain the
#' expected abundance ratios? (deafult = TRUE).
#' @return
#' matrix with theoretical possible features in rows and columns.
#' In the adduct matrix, the cell i,j contains 1, if features i and j are
#' monoisotopic isotopes and adducts of the same chemical formula and 0
#' otherwise.
#' In the isotope matrix, the cell i,j contains 1, if features i and j are
#' isotopes of the same adduct (or the ratio of the theoretical abundances if
#' ratios = TRUE) and 0 otherwise.
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("info.features")
#' add.m = generate_connectivity_matrix(info.features = info.features,
#'                                      type = "adducts")
#' iso.m = generate_connectivity_matrix(info.features = info.features,
#'                                      type = "isotopes")

generate_connectivity_matrix <- function(info.features,
                                         ids.use = NULL,
                                         ratios = FALSE) {
    if (!is.null(ids.use)) {
        info.features = info.features[which(info.features$id %in% ids.use),]
        if (nrow(info.features) == 0) {
            stop("no features left in info.features!")

    conn.m = matrix(
        nrow = nrow(info.features),
        ncol = nrow(info.features),
        dimnames = list(info.features$id,
    if (type == "adducts") {
        chem = unique(info.features$chemical.form)
        for (c in chem) {
            ind = which(info.features$chemical.form == c &
                            info.features$abundance == 100)
            if (length(ind) > 1) {
                ind = combn(ind, 2)
                ind = rbind(t(ind), t(ind[2:1,]))
                conn.m[ind] = 1
    } else if (type == "isotopes") {
        adduct = unique(info.features$chemical.form.adduct)
        for (a in adduct) {
            ind = which(info.features$chemical.form.adduct == a)
            if (length(ind) > 1) {
                #        stop(a)
                ind = combn(ind, 2)
                if (ratios) {
                    ind.t = t(ind)
                    ind.t.rev = t(ind[2:1,])
                    for (r in seq_len(nrow(ind.t))) {
                        ab = info.features$abundance[ind.t[r,]]
                        conn.m[ind.t[r, , drop = FALSE]] = ab[1] / ab[2]
                        conn.m[ind.t.rev[r, , drop = FALSE]] = ab[2] / ab[1]
                } else {
                    ind = rbind(t(ind), t(ind[2:1,]))
                    conn.m[ind] = 1
    } else {
        stop(paste("type", type, "not known!"))



#' Compute posterior probabilities for putative theoretical features
#' Estimates posterior probabilities of all possible theoretical features for
#' each measured feature based on prior probabilities and additional
#' information about adduct and isotope connections using a Gibbs sampler. This
#' function is based on code of the internal function IPA.sampler.Add.Iso.Bio
#' in the R package IPA (available on github at
#' \url{https://github.com/francescodc87/IPA}).
#' @param prior.prob matrix with prior probabilities for each measured feature
#' in rows and theoretical features in columns (e.g. as generated by the
#' function \code{\link{compute_prior_prob}}).
#' @param dat data.frame with information about measured features with columns
#' id (= unique identifier), mz (= measured mz value), intensity (= measured
#' intensity).
#' @param add.m matrix with information about adduct connections (e.g. as
#' generated by function \code{\link{generate_connectivity_matrix}}).)
#' @param iso.m matrix with information about isotope connections (e.g. as
#' generated by function \code{\link{generate_connectivity_matrix}}).)
#' @param bio.m matrix with information about biochemical connections (e.g. as
#' generated by function \code{\link{generate_connectivity_matrix}}).)
#' @param delta.add Numeric. Confidence on the information encoded in add.m
#' (smaller value means higher confidence).
#' @param delta.iso Numeric. Confidence on the information encoded in iso.m
#' (smaller value means higher confidence).
#' @param delta.bio Numeric. Confidence on the information encoded in bio.m
#' (smaller value means higher confidence).
#' @param ratio.tol Numeric. Minimum accepted ratio between thereoretical and
#' observed intensity ratios between isotopes (default = 0.8).
#' @param no.its Numeric. Number of iterations to be performed by the Gibbs
#' sampler (default = 1100).
#' @param burn Numeric. Number of initial iterations to be ignored when
#' computing the posterior probabilities (default = 100).
#' @return
#' matrix with measured features in rows and theoretical possible features in
#' columns. The cell i,j contains the posterior probability that measured
#' feature i belongs to theoretical feature j.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.example")
#' data("info.features")
#' dat = prepare_data_for_annotation(se = se.example)
#' hits.m = find_hits(info.features = info.features,
#'                    dat = dat,
#'                    ppm = 20)
#' prior.prob = compute_prior_prob(hits.m = hits.m,
#'                                 info.features = info.features,
#'                                 dat = dat,
#'                                 ppm = 20)
#' add.m = generate_connectivity_matrix(info.features = info.features,
#'                                      type = "adducts")
#' set.seed(20200402)
#' post.prob = compute_posterior_prob(prior.prob = prior.prob,
#'                                    dat = dat,
#'                                    add.m = add.m,
#'                                    delta.add = 0.1)

compute_posterior_prob <- function(prior.prob,
                                   add.m = NULL,
                                   iso.m = NULL,
                                   bio.m = NULL,
                                   delta.add = 0.5,
                                   delta.iso = 0.5,
                                   delta.bio = 1,
                                   ratio.tol = 0.8,
                                   no.its = 1100,
                                   burn = 100)
    if (!(all(c("mz", "intensity") %in% colnames(dat))))
        stop("data.frame dat must contain columns mz and intensity!")

    if (is.null(add.m))
        add.m = make_empty_matrix(ids = colnames(prior.prob))
        use.add = FALSE
    } else
        add.m = add.m[colnames(prior.prob), colnames(prior.prob)]
        use.add = TRUE
    if (is.null(bio.m))
        bio.m = make_empty_matrix(ids = colnames(prior.prob))
        use.bio = FALSE
    } else
        bio.m = bio.m[colnames(prior.prob), colnames(prior.prob)]
        use.bio = TRUE
    if (is.null(iso.m))
        iso.m = make_empty_matrix(ids = colnames(prior.prob))
        use.iso = FALSE
    } else
        iso.m = iso.m[colnames(prior.prob), colnames(prior.prob)]
        use.iso = TRUE

    ## initialization
    ## random drawing of formula for each feature based on prior probability
    sampcomp = apply(prior.prob, 1, multsample)
    allsampcomp = matrix(0, no.its, nrow(prior.prob))

    ## Gibbs sampler
    pot.bio <- apply(bio.m[sampcomp,], 2, sum)
    pot.add <- apply(add.m[sampcomp,], 2, sum)
    pot.iso <- apply(iso.m[sampcomp,], 2, sum)
    for (it in seq_len(no.its))
        ordine <- sample(nrow(prior.prob))
        for (thism in ordine)
            po <- prior.prob[thism,]

            p.add <-
                pot.add - colSums(add.m[sampcomp[thism], , drop = FALSE])
            p.add <- (p.add + delta.add)  /  sum(p.add + delta.add)
            if (use.add)
                po = po * p.add

            p.bio <-
                pot.bio - colSums(bio.m[sampcomp[thism], , drop = FALSE])
            p.bio <- (p.bio + delta.bio)  /  sum(p.bio + delta.bio)
            if (use.bio)
                po = po * p.bio

            p.iso <-
                pot.iso - colSums(iso.m[sampcomp[thism], , drop = FALSE])
            p.iso <- (p.iso + delta.iso)  /  sum(p.iso + delta.iso)
            if (use.iso)
                po = po * p.iso

            po <- po  /  sum(po)

            oldval <- sampcomp[thism]
            sampcomp[thism] <- multsample(po)
            if (oldval != sampcomp[thism])
                pot.bio <- pot.bio - bio.m[, oldval] + bio.m[, sampcomp[thism]]
                pot.add <-
                    pot.add - add.m[, oldval] + add.m[, sampcomp[thism]]
                pot.iso <-
                    pot.iso - iso.m[, oldval] + iso.m[, sampcomp[thism]]
        allsampcomp[it,] <- sampcomp
        #        if (v) {
        if (it %% 250 == 0)
            cat(paste0(round((it * 100)  /  no.its, 1), "%",
        #        }

    ## posterior probability
    post.prob <- t(apply(
        burn = burn,
        no.its = no.its,
        Nc = ncol(prior.prob)
    dimnames(post.prob) = dimnames(prior.prob)


#' Assign measured feature to theoretical features
#' Based on estimated posterior probabilities each measured feature is assigned
#' to the most probable theoretical feature. Measured features are removed if
#' the maximum probability is below the specified cutoff. In rare cases,
#' several measured features are assigned to the same theoretical feature and
#' the measured feature with the largest number of detected peaks or highest
#' intensity will be kept.
#' @param post.prob matrix with prior probabilities for each measured feature
#' in rows and theoretical features in columns (e.g. as generated by the
#' function \code{\link{compute_posterior_prob}}).
#' @param dat data.frame with information about measured features with columns
#' id (= unique identifier), mz (= measured mz value), intensity (= measured
#' intensity).
#' @param cutoff.prob Numeric. Probability cutoff which needs to be reached to
#' keep the assignment of measured and theoretical feature (default = 0.8).
#' @return
#' data.frame with the following information about each assigned feature:
#' \itemize{
#' \item f.meas: identifier of measured feature
#' \item f.theo: identifier of assigned theoretical feature
#' \item prob: posterior probability
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.example")
#' data("info.features")
#' dat = prepare_data_for_annotation(se = se.example)
#' hits.m = find_hits(info.features = info.features,
#'                    dat = dat,
#'                    ppm = 20)
#' prior.prob = compute_prior_prob(hits.m = hits.m,
#'                                 info.features = info.features,
#'                                 dat = dat,
#'                                 ppm = 20)
#' add.m = generate_connectivity_matrix(info.features = info.features,
#'                                      type = "adducts")
#' set.seed(20200402)
#' post.prob = compute_posterior_prob(prior.prob = prior.prob,
#'                                    dat = dat,
#'                                    add.m = add.m,
#'                                    delta.add = 0.1)
#' info.assigned.use = assign_features(post.prob = post.prob,
#'                                     dat = dat)

assign_features <- function(post.prob,
                            cutoff.prob = 0.8)
    info.assigned = t(vapply(
        X = seq_len(nrow(post.prob)),
        FUN = function(i)
            ind = which.max(post.prob[i, ])
                f.meas = rownames(post.prob)[i],
                f.theo = colnames(post.prob)[ind],
                prob = post.prob[i, ind]
        FUN.VALUE = character(3)
    info.assigned = data.frame(info.assigned,
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    info.assigned$prob = as.numeric(info.assigned$prob)

    ## check theoretical features with multiple assignments
    tab = table(info.assigned$f.theo)
    if (any(tab > 1))
        f.theo.mult = names(tab)[tab > 1]
                "selecting unique measured feature for",
                "theoretical features"
        f.rm = NULL
        for (f in f.theo.mult)
            temp = info.assigned[which(info.assigned$f.theo == f),]
            dat.temp = dat[which(dat$id %in% temp$f.meas),]
            ind = which(dat.temp$no.peaks.detected ==
            if (length(ind) > 1)
                ind = which(
                    dat.temp$no.peaks.detected ==
                        max(dat.temp$no.peaks.detected) &
                        dat.temp$intensity == max(dat.temp$intensity)
                if (length(ind) > 1)
                    ind = ind[1]
            f.rm = c(f.rm, temp[-ind, "f.meas"])
        info.assigned = info.assigned[-which(info.assigned$f.meas %in% f.rm),]

    return(info.assigned[which(info.assigned$prob >= cutoff.prob),])


#' Summarize feature based data into metabolite based data
#' Combine the feature based metabolomics data to metabolite data by summing up
#' the intensitites of all features assigned to a particular metabolite.
#' @param info.assigned data.frame with information about assignment of
#' measured and theoretical features (e.g. as generated by the function
#' \code{\link{assign_features}}).
#' @param info.features data.frame with information about theoretical possible
#' features (e.g. as generated by the function
#' \code{\link{chem_formula_2_adducts}}).
#' @param se
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment-class}}
#' object with feature based metabolomics data.
#' @return
#' \code{\link[SummarizedExperiment]{RangedSummarizedExperiment-class}}
#' object with metabolite based metabolomics data.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assays colData
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("se.example")
#' data("info.features")
#' dat = prepare_data_for_annotation(se = se.example)
#' hits.m = find_hits(info.features = info.features,
#'                    dat = dat,
#'                    ppm = 20)
#' prior.prob = compute_prior_prob(hits.m = hits.m,
#'                                 info.features = info.features,
#'                                 dat = dat,
#'                                 ppm = 20)
#' add.m = generate_connectivity_matrix(info.features = info.features,
#'                                      type = "adducts")
#' set.seed(20200402)
#' post.prob = compute_posterior_prob(prior.prob = prior.prob,
#'                                    dat = dat,
#'                                    add.m = add.m,
#'                                    delta.add = 0.1)
#' info.assigned.use = assign_features(post.prob = post.prob,
#'                                     dat = dat)
#' se.example.met = summarize_metabolites(info.assigned = info.assigned.use,
#'                                        info.features = info.features,
#'                                        se = se.example)

summarize_metabolites <- function(info.assigned,
    info.features.use = info.features[which(info.features$id %in%

    int.f = assays(se)$intensity
    int.met = NULL
    met = unique(info.features.use$chemical.form)
    for (m in met)
        ids = info.features.use[which(info.features.use$chemical.form == m),
                                "id", drop = TRUE]
        f = info.assigned[which(info.assigned$f.theo %in% ids),
                          "f.meas", drop = TRUE]
        temp = apply(int.f[f, , drop = FALSE], 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
        int.met = rbind(int.met, temp)
    rownames(int.met) = met

    se.met = SummarizedExperiment(
        assays = list(
            intensity = int.met,
            intensity.log2 = log2(int.met + 1)
        colData = colData(se)

# internal function
# copy of function IPA:::multsample
multsample <- function(P)
        size = 1,
        replace = TRUE,
        prob = P

# internal function
# copy of function IPA:::compute.post
compute_post <- function(allsampcomp, no.its, burn, Nc)
    tmp <- table(allsampcomp[(burn + 1):no.its])  /  (no.its - burn)
    out <- rep(0, Nc)
    out[as.numeric(names(tmp))] <- tmp

# internal function
make_empty_matrix <- function(ids)
        nrow = length(ids),
        ncol = length(ids),
        dimnames = list(ids, ids)
szymczak-lab/preprocessHighResMS documentation built on Oct. 6, 2020, 12:50 a.m.