
Defines functions simpoisson

Documented in simpoisson

#' @title Simulate data for poisson regression
#' @description Simulate from piecewise constant exponential regression model
#' with two binary variables X, Z whose distributions and effects
#' may vary in time intervals. 
#' @param N sample size.
#' @param changepoints borders of time intervals.
#' @param baseline baseline rate in intervals.
#' @param beta effect of X (log hazard ratio).
#' @param gamma effect of Z (log hazard ratio).
#' @param delta effect of V (log hazard ratio).
#' @param comprisk rate of competing risk event.
#' @param alpha effect of X on competing risk (log hazard ratio).
#' @param zeta effect of Z on competing risk (log hazard ratio).
#' @param px probability of X in intervals.
#' @param pz probability of Z in intervals.
#' @param pv probability vector for categories of V.
#' @param pxz effect of Z on X (log odds ratio).
#' @param const Whether the distributions of X and Z 
#' vary over time is controlled with argument `const'.
#' const="XZ" means that both X and Z do not change over time.
#' const="X" means that only X does not change over time.
#' const="Z" means that only Z does not change over time.
#' @export
#' @author Thomas A. Gerds <tag@biostat.ku.dk>
simpoisson <- function(N,            # sample size
                       changepoints, # borders of time intervals
                       baseline,     # baseline rate in intervals
                       beta,         # effect of X (log hazard ratio)
                       gamma,        # effect of Z (log hazard ratio)
                       delta=0,      # effect of V (log hazard ratio)
                       comprisk,     # rate of competing risk event
                       alpha,        # effect of X on competing risk (log hazard ratio)
                       zeta,         # effect of Z on competing risk (log hazard ratio)
                       px,           # probability of X in intervals
                       pz,           # probability of Z in intervals
                       pv=NULL,      # probability vector for categories of V
                       pxz=0,        # effect of Z on X (log odds ratio)
                       const="none") # see above
    changepoints <- sort(changepoints)
    NT <- length(changepoints) # number of time intervals
    if (missing(comprisk)) comprisk <- NULL
    else stopifnot(length(comprisk)==NT)
    changepoints <- c(0,changepoints)
    width <- diff(changepoints)   # width of time intervals
    m0 <- lava::lvm()
    if (!is.null(pv))
        m0 <- lava::categorical(m0,~V,,K=length(pv)+1,p=pv)
           "X"={lava::distribution(m0,~X) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=px[1])},
           "Z"={lava::distribution(m0,~Z) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=pz[1])},
               lava::distribution(m0,~X) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=px[1])
               lava::distribution(m0,~Z) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=pz[1])
               lava::regression(m0,X~Z) <- pxz[1]
           # anything else
               const <- "none"})
    if (const!="none"){
        startdata <- lava::sim(m0,N)
    ## simulate data within time interval, independent of the previous interval
    interval.data <- lapply(1:NT,function(t){
        m <- lava::lvm()
                   lava::distribution(m,~X) <- list(startdata$X)
                   lava::distribution(m,~Z) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=pz[t])},
                   lava::distribution(m,~X) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=px[t])
                   lava::distribution(m,~Z) <- list(startdata$Z)
                   lava::regression(m,X~Z) <- pxz[t]},
                   lava::distribution(m,~X) <- list(startdata$X)
                   lava::distribution(m,~Z) <- list(startdata$Z)},
               ## any other value
               {lava::distribution(m,~X) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=px[t])
                   lava::distribution(m,~Z) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=pz[t])
                   lava::regression(m,X~Z) <- pxz[t]
        if (!is.null(pv))
            lava::distribution(m,~V) <- list(startdata$V)
        lava::distribution(m,"eventtime") <- lava::coxExponential.lvm(scale=baseline[t])
        ## cut time at interval border
        lava::distribution(m,"censtime") <- lava::sequence.lvm(width[t],width[t])
        lava::regression(m,eventtime~X) <- beta[t]
        lava::regression(m,eventtime~Z) <- gamma[t]
        if (!is.null(pv))
            lava::regression(m,eventtime~V) <- delta
        if (length(comprisk)>0){
            lava::distribution(m,"crtime") <- lava::coxExponential.lvm(scale=comprisk[t])
            lava::regression(m,crtime~X) <- alpha[t]
            lava::regression(m,crtime~Z) <- zeta[t]
            m <- lava::eventTime(m,risktime~min(eventtime=1,censtime=0,crtime=2),"event")
            m <- lava::eventTime(m,risktime~min(eventtime=1,censtime=0),"event")
        if (!is.null(pv))
    d <- rbindlist(interval.data)
    if (!is.null(pv))
        d <- d[toolate<=1,list(X,Z,V,event,risktime,interval,label)]
        d <- d[toolate<=1,list(X,Z,event,risktime,interval,label)]
tagteam/heaven documentation built on May 28, 2024, 9:22 p.m.