
### synthesize.R ---
## Author: Johan Sebastian Ohlendorff & Vilde Hansteen Ung & Thomas Alexander Gerds
## Created: Apr 28 2021 (09:04)
## Version:
## Last-Updated: Jul  7 2022 (14:34) 
##           By: Thomas Alexander Gerds
##     Update #: 77
### Commentary:
### Change Log:
### Code:
##' Synthesizes survival data (also works for linear models and generalized linear models).
##' The idea is to be able to simulate new data sets that mimic the original data.
##' See the vignette \code{vignette("synthesize",package = "riskRegression")} for more details.
##' The simulation engine is: lava.
##' @title Cooking and synthesizing survival data
##' @aliases synthesize.formula synthesize.lvm
##' @param object Specification of the synthesizing model structures. Either a \code{formula} or a \code{lvm} object. See examples.
##' @param data Data to be synthesized.
##' @param recursive Let covariates recursively depend on each other.
##' @param max.levels Integer used to guess which variables are categorical. When set to \code{10}, the default,
##'                   variables with less than 10 unique values in data are treated as categorical.
##' @param verbose Logical. If \code{TRUE} then more messages and warnings are provided.
##' @param logtrans Vector of covariate names that should be log-transformed. This is primarily for internal use.
##' @param fix.names Fix possible problematic covariate names. 
##' @param ... Not used yet.
##' @return lava object
##' @seealso lvm
##' @examples
##' # pbc data
##' library(survival)
##' library(lava)
##' data(pbc)
##' pbc <- na.omit(pbc[,c("time","status","sex","age","bili")])
##' pbc$logbili <- log(pbc$bili)
##' v_synt <- synthesize(object=Surv(time,status)~sex+age+logbili,data=pbc)
##' d <- simsynth(v_synt,1000)
##' fit_sim <- coxph(Surv(time,status==1)~age+sex+logbili,data=d)
##' fit_real <- coxph(Surv(time,status==1)~age+sex+logbili,data=pbc)
##' # compare estimated log-hazard ratios between simulated and real data
##' cbind(coef(fit_sim),coef(fit_real))
##' u <- lvm()
##' distribution(u,~sex) <- binomial.lvm()
##' distribution(u,~age) <- normal.lvm()
##' distribution(u,~trt) <- binomial.lvm()
##' distribution(u,~logbili) <- normal.lvm()
##' distribution(u,~protime) <- normal.lvm()
##' u <-eventTime(u,time~min(time.cens=0,time.transplant=1,time.death=2), "status")
##' lava::regression(u,logbili~age+sex) <- 1
##' lava::regression(u,time.transplant~sex+age+logbili+protime) <- 1
##' lava::regression(u,time.death~sex+age+logbili+protime) <- 1
##' lava::regression(u,time.cens~1) <- 1
##' transform(u,logbili~bili) <- function(x){log(x)}
##' u_synt <- synthesize(object=u, data=na.omit(pbc))
##' set.seed(8)
##' d <- sim(u_synt,n=1000)
##' # note: synthesize may relabel status variable
##' fit_sim <- coxph(Surv(time,status==1)~age+sex+logbili,data=d)
##' fit_real <- coxph(Surv(time,status==1)~age+sex+log(bili),data=pbc)
##' # compare estimated log-hazard ratios between simulated and real data
##' cbind(coef(fit_sim),coef(fit_real))
##' #
##' # Cancer data
##' #
##' data(cancer)
##' b <- lvm()
##' distribution(b,~rx) <- binomial.lvm()
##' distribution(b,~age) <- normal.lvm()
##' distribution(b,~resid.ds) <- binomial.lvm()
##' distribution(b, <- binomial.lvm()
##' lava::regression(b,time.death~age+rx+resid.ds) <- 1
##' b<-eventTime(b,futime~min(time.cens=0,time.death=1), "fustat")
##' b_synt <- synthesize(object = b, data = ovarian)
##' D <- sim(b_synt,1000)
##' fit_real <- coxph(Surv(futime,fustat)~age+rx+resid.ds, data=ovarian)
##' fit_sim <- coxph(Surv(futime,fustat)~age+rx+resid.ds, data=D)
##' cbind(coef(fit_sim),coef(fit_real))
##' w_synt <- synthesize(object=Surv(futime,fustat)~age+rx+resid.ds, data=ovarian)
##' D <- sim(w_synt,1000)
##' fit_sim <- coxph(Surv(futime,fustat==1)~age+rx+resid.ds,data=D)
##' fit_real <- coxph(Surv(futime,fustat==1)~age+rx+resid.ds,data=ovarian)
##' # compare estimated log-hazard ratios between simulated and real data
##' cbind(coef(fit_sim),coef(fit_real))
##' @export
##' @author Thomas A. Gerds <>
synthesize <- function(object, data,...){

##' @export synthesize.formula
##' @export
synthesize.formula <- function(object, # a formula object Surv(time,event) or Hist(time,event)

    # time to event outcome
    tt <- all.vars(update(object,".~1"))

    # covariates
    vv <- all.vars(formula(delete.response(terms(object))))
    fml <- paste(vv,collapse = "+")
    vv.withtrans <- attr(terms(formula(delete.response(terms(object)))),"term.labels")
    logtrans <- vv[vv!=vv.withtrans]

    # could be done more easily if the order of the covariates is not important,
    # but it might be due to recursive
    # potentially being set to TRUE
    # this changes the formula to be logtransformed
    hasLog <- length(logtrans)>0
    for (v in logtrans){
      if (is.null(data[[v]])){
        if (verbose) warning(paste0("Covariate ",v," is not in data set. Removing it from the formula."))
        fml <- gsub(paste0("[+]",v),"",fml)
        vv <- logtrans[logtrans!=v]
      else {
        data[[paste0("log",v)]] <- log(data[[v]])
        fml <- gsub(v,s,fml)

    # check if covariates are categorical
    if (hasLog){
      #include transformed variables in model
      vv1 <- vv
      vv <-gsub("[(]|[)]","",vv.withtrans)

    object <- update(object,as.formula(paste0("~",fml)))
    object <- lava::lvm(object)

    # specify distributions of covariates in the lava object
    for (v in vv){
      if (is.null(data[[v]])){
        if(verbose) warning(paste0("Covariate ",v," is not in data set. Removing it from the formula"))
        fml <- gsub(paste0("[+]",v),"",fml)
        vv <- vv[vv!=v]
        object <- rmvar(object,v)
      else if (categorize(v,max.levels,data) == 2){
        data[[v]] <- factor(data[[v]])
        lava::distribution(object,v) <- lava::binomial.lvm()
      else if (categorize(v,max.levels,data) == 1){
        data[[v]] <- factor(data[[v]])
        object <- lava::categorical(object, v, K=length(unique(data[[v]])))
      else {
        lava::distribution(object,v) <- lava::normal.lvm()

    # include recursive structure of covariates if requested
    if (recursive){
      cv <- vv
      while (length(cv) > 1) {
        cv2 <- cv[2:length(cv)]
        #lacks implementation in case it is categorical
        #needs multinomial logistic regression to be implemented
        if (categorize(cv[1],max.levels,data) == 1){
          warning("Categorical variables not fully tested for recursive")
          object <- lava::categorical(object, cv[1], K=length(unique(data[[cv[1]]])))
        else if (categorize(cv[1],max.levels,data) == 2){
          lava::distribution(object,cv[1]) <- lava::binomial.lvm()
        regression(object) <- as.formula(paste0(cv[1],"~",paste(cv2,collapse = "+")))
        cv <- cv2
    # outcome
    # binary/continuous outcome
    if (length(tt)==1){
        if (is.null(data[[tt[1]]])){stop("Response variable not in data set. Add it to the data, then try again.")} <- length(unique(data[[tt[[1]]]]))
        is.binary <- length(unique(data[[tt[[1]]]]))==2
        if ( == 2){
            lava::distribution(object,tt[[1]]) <- lava::binomial.lvm()
        else if ( > 2 && < max.levels){
          warning("Categorical responses are not supported (yet).")
          object <- lava::categorical(object, tt[1],
        else {
          lava::distribution(object,tt[[1]]) <- lava::normal.lvm()
        # event time outcome
        if(is.null(data[[tt[1]]]) || is.null(data[[tt[2]]])) {
          stop("Response variable not in data set. Add it to the data, then try again.")
        events <- sort(unique(data[[tt[[2]]]]))
        et.formula <- formula(paste0(tt[[1]]," ~ min(",paste(paste0("time.event.",events,"=",events),collapse=", "),")"))
        object <- lava::eventTime(object,et.formula, tt[[2]])
    # call the next method, now the class of object is 'lvm' :)
    attr(x=object,which="from.formula") <- TRUE
    out <- synthesize(object=object,data=data,verbose=verbose,logtrans=logtrans,...)

#' @export synthesize.lvm
#' @export
synthesize.lvm <- function(object,
                           max.levels = 10,
                           logtrans = NULL,
                           fix.names = FALSE,
    from.formula <- length(attr(object,"from.formula"))>0
    if (from.formula && verbose){
      warning("from.formula should be set to false if you did not specify a formula")
    # check whether variables in model are in data set
    if (!from.formula && !all(object$attributes$eventHistory$time$names %in% names(data))) {
      stop("Time or status variable could not be found in data set.")
    var.model <- colnames(object$M)
    # should deal with transformations check if non transformed are in data and if not add them
    # use grep to find transformed variables
    has.eventTime <- length(object$attributes$eventHistory)>0
    if (has.eventTime){
      timename <- names(object$attributes$eventHistory)
      timeplusevent <- object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$names
      if (!(timeplusevent[1] %in% names(data)) || !(timeplusevent[2] %in% names(data))) {
        if (verbose) warning("time/status not found. Removing it")
        object <- rmvar(object,timeplusevent[1])
        object <- rmvar(object,timeplusevent[2])
    else {
      timename <- NULL
      timeplusevent <- NULL
    # should check group transform
    # if (any(grepl("grp|group",var.model))) {
    #   stop("")
    # }
    # should check logtransform in data and add if necessary
    if (!from.formula && is.null(logtrans) && any(grepl("log",var.model))){
      #these have log in front
      trans <- var.model[grepl("log",var.model)]
      #log trans dont have log in front
      logtrans <- sub("log","",trans)
      for (v in logtrans){
        if (is.null(data[[v]]) && is.null(data[[paste0("log",v)]]) ){
          if(verbose) warning(paste0("Could not find the variable: ", v, "in the data"))
          object <- rmvar(object,v)
          object <- rmvar(object,paste0("log",v))
          trans <- trans[trans!=paste0("log",v)]
          logtrans <- logtrans[logtrans!=v]
        else {
          data[[paste0("log",v)]] <- log(data[[v]])

    # Check if all variables in data also occur in object
    # here we need to remove them if they are not
    if(!all(others <- names(data) %in% dimnames(object$M)[[1]])){
      if (verbose)
        warning("Some variables in dataset are not in object (or the names don't match).\n These variables are not synthesized:\n",
      # if(
      #     data <- data[,dimnames(object$M)[[1]],with=FALSE]
      # elsesub("log","",logtrans)
      #     data <- data[,dimnames(object$M)[[1]],drop=FALSE]
    #check if variables in model are in data

    if (!all(others <- dimnames(object$M)[[1]] %in% names(data))){
      if (verbose) warning("Some variables in object are not in dataset (or the names don't match).\n These variables are not synthesized:\n",paste0(dimnames(object$M)[[1]][!others],collapse="\n"))
      #we have checked the logtransformed
      miss <- dimnames(object$M)[[1]][!others]
      if (length(logtrans) > 0) miss <- intersect(trans,intersect(logtrans,miss))
      if (has.eventTime) miss <- setdiff(miss, object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$latentTimes)
      for (v in miss){
        object <- rmvar(object,v)

    # note: will be a problem if there are NAs in data, should check at beginning of function

    # find intersection between variables in model with variables in data (these are the actual variables of the lava object)
    var.model <- colnames(object$M)
    var.model <- intersect(var.model,names(data))
    ismissingvar <- sapply(var.model, function(x) {anyNA(data[[x]])})
    if (any(ismissingvar )) {
      missing.var <- names(ismissingvar[ismissingvar])
      printvar <- paste(missing.var[1:min(length(missing.var),20)],collapse = ", ")
      stop(paste0("There should not be NAs for the variables in the model. The following variables have NAs: \n ",printvar))

    sim_model <- lava::lvm()

    latent_vars <- endogenous(object)
    # should check factors in object are factors in data. If not, transform them
    if (!from.formula){
      for (v in var.model){
        #ignore transformed variables do not take the variables from the event history model
        if (!(v %in% object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$names) && categorize(v,max.levels,data) != 0){
          data[[v]] <- factor(data[[v]])

    # Set distributions:
    # 1. normal
    # 2. binomial
    # 3. categorical
    # deal with exogenous variables (which are without covariates)
    labels <- list()
    categorical.vars <- c()
    for(var in exogenous(object)){
        var_formula <- as.formula(paste0("~", var))
        #case: gaussian

        if("gaussian" %in% attributes(object$attributes$distribution[[var]])$family){
            lava::distribution(sim_model,var_formula) <- lava::normal.lvm(mean=mean(data[[var]]),
        #case: binary
        else if("binomial" %in% attributes(object$attributes$distribution[[var]])$family){
            labels[[var]] <- levels(data[[var]])
            lava::distribution(sim_model, var_formula) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=mean(factor(data[[var]])==levels(factor(data[[var]]))[2]))
        #case: categorical
        else if(var %in% names(object$attributes$nordinal)){
            categorical.vars <- c(categorical.vars, var)
            num_cat <- object$attributes$nordinal[[var]] #what if levels is NULL?
            cat_probs <- vector(mode="numeric", length=num_cat-1)
            for(i in 1:(num_cat-1)){
                cat_probs[i] <- mean(data[[var]] == levels(data[[var]])[i])
            sim_model <- lava::categorical(sim_model,
        else {
            stop("Error. Distribution not supported!")

    # dichotomize categorical variables
    # should not do this if the cat. variable is not in lvm.object
    # note: name of dich. variables must correspond with names used in lava::regression formulas outside synthesize-func.
    dichotomized_variables <- c()
    for(var in colnames(data)[grepl('factor|character', sapply(data, class))]){
        #fix factors with weird characters including binary
        #note: we do not fix formulas and weirdly named variables
        #  can give problems if synthesized directly from lvm
        # don't change 0/1 variables even if they are factors
        if (from.formula || fix.names){
          # remove warning, i.e. don't compare if the number of levels is greater than 2
          if (length(levels(data[[var]])) ==2 && all(levels(data[[var]]) == c("0","1"))){
          else {
            lvls <- make.names(levels(data[[var]]))
            levels(data[[var]]) <- lvls
        if(!any(grepl(var,  dimnames(object$M)[[1]]))){
            #variable not in lvm object
        } else if (length(levels(data[[var]]))>2){
            dichotomized_variables <- c(dichotomized_variables, var)
            for(lvl in levels(data[[var]])[-1]){
                data[[paste0(var, lvl)]] <- 1*(data[[var]] == lvl)
                formula <- as.formula(paste0(var, lvl,"~",var))
                # updates the formula in a local environment; otherwise the lvl will be tied to the last value of lvl in the for loop
                sim_model <- local({
                    l <- lvl
                    lava::transform(sim_model, formula) <- function(x){1*(x==l)}
    # get covariates as string and include dichotomized variables instead of the original ones
    get_covariates <- function(obj, v, dichotomized_variables) {
        if (!(v %in% dimnames(obj$M)[[2]])){
        covariates <- dimnames(obj$M)[[2]][obj$M[,v] == 1]
        if (length(covariates) == 0){
        else {
            fml <- paste(covariates,collapse = "+")
            for (var in dichotomized_variables){
                lvl <- paste0(var,levels(data[[var]])[-1])
                cv <- paste0(lvl,collapse = "+")
                fml <- gsub(var,cv,fml)

    # define latent event time variables
    # note: will be a problem if there are several eventTime variables. Should loop through all these
    has.eventTime <- length(object$attributes$eventHistory)>0
    if (has.eventTime){
        covariates <- get_covariates(object,timename,dichotomized_variables)
        response1 <- paste(object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$names, collapse = ",")

        #include event time variables and fit the regression model
        for (latvar in object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$latentTime){
            if (!from.formula){
              covariates <- get_covariates(object,latvar,dichotomized_variables)
            latvar_formula <- as.formula(paste0("~", latvar))
            status_ind <- object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$events[which(object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$latentTimes %in% latvar)]
            response <- paste0(response1, "==", status_ind)
            surv_formula <- as.formula(paste0("Surv(", response, ")~", covariates))
            if (class(status_ind) != "numeric") {stop("event or status variable has to be numeric")}
            G <- survreg(surv_formula, data = data)
            reg_formula <- as.formula(paste0(latvar, "~", covariates))
            lava::distribution(sim_model, latvar_formula) <- lava::coxWeibull.lvm(scale=exp(-coef(G)["(Intercept)"]/G$scale),shape=1/G$scale)
            lava::regression(sim_model, reg_formula) <- -coef(G)[-1]/G$scale

        #calculate time and status afterwards
        events <- object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$events
        if (!from.formula){
          cens <- object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$latentTime
          et.formula <- formula(paste0(timename," ~ min(",paste0(cens,"=",events,collapse=", "),")"))
          sim_model <- lava::eventTime(sim_model,et.formula, object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$names[2])
        else {
          et.formula <- formula(paste0(timename," ~ min(",paste(paste0("time.event.",events,"=",events),collapse=", "),")"))
          sim_model <- lava::eventTime(sim_model,et.formula, object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$names[2])

    # Estimate regression coefficients in real data
    # and add them to the lvm object using lava::regression
    for(var in latent_vars[!(latent_vars %in% object$attributes$eventHistory$time$names)]){
        covariates <- get_covariates(object,var,dichotomized_variables)
        reg_formula <- as.formula(paste0(var, "~", covariates))
        # we have three types of regression to deal with now. Either
        # 1. linear regression
        # 2. logistic regression
        # 3. multinomial logistic regression
        if ("binomial" %in% attributes(object$attributes$distribution[[var]])$family){
            # might also lack levels here
            labels[[var]] <- levels(data[[var]])
            fit <- glm(reg_formula,data=data,family="binomial")
            lava::distribution(sim_model,as.formula(paste0("~", var))) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=p0)
        #case: categorical
        else if (var %in% dichotomized_variables){
          categorical.vars <- c(categorical.vars, var)
          if (verbose) warning("Synthesize untested for categorical variables")
          for(lvl in levels(data[[var]])[-1]){
            reg_formula <- as.formula(paste0(var, lvl, "~", covariates))
            fit <- glm(reg_formula,data=data,family="binomial")
            lava::distribution(sim_model,as.formula(paste0("~", var))) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=p0)
        # ignore them
        else if (has.eventTime && var %in% object$attributes$eventHistory[[timename]]$latentTime){}
        # case: gaussian
        else {
            fit <- lm(reg_formula,data=data)
            lava::distribution(sim_model,as.formula(paste0("~", var))) <- lava::normal.lvm(mean = coef(fit)[1], sd = summary(fit)$sigma)

        #else {if ("gaussian"%in% attributes(object$attributes$distribution[[var]])$family){
        #    stop("Distribution is not supported.")

    #transform logtransformed covariates back
    for (v in logtrans){
        transform(sim_model,as.formula(paste0(v,"~log",v))) <- function(x){exp(x)}
    res <- list(lava.object = sim_model, labels = labels, categories = categorical.vars)
    class(res) <- "synth"

#returns categorical values
# 0=numeric, 1=categorical with more levels, 2=binary
categorize <- function(v,max.levels,data){ <- is.factor(data[[v]])
  nu <- length(unique(data[[v]]))
  if (! { <- (nu < max.levels)}
  is.bin <- nu==2

#' @export sim.synth
#' @export
sim.synth <- function(object, n= 200, drop.latent=FALSE, ...){
    lava.object <- object$lava.object
    res <- lava::sim(lava.object,n,...)
    labels <- object$labels
    for (var in names(labels)){
        res[[var]] <- factor(res[[var]])
        levels(res[[var]]) <- labels[[var]]
    # remove variables that would not be in the original data set 
    if (drop.latent){
        # remove latent times
        if (length(lava.object$attributes$eventHistory$time$latentTimes)>0)
            res <- res[,-match(lava.object$attributes$eventHistory$time$latentTimes,names(res),nomatch=0)]
        # remove dummy variables
        categories <- object$categories
        for (c in categories) {
            res <- res[,-grep(c,names(res))[-1]]

#' @export synthesizeLTMLE
#' @export
synthesizeLTMLE <- function(data,
                            A, #can be a list, but is a single value here. the A values are ordered
                            L, #should be a list of lists where each list indicates the different time variables for a specific covariate
                            W, #initial list of covariates 
                            Y, #List of list, where
                            time.points, #number of time points 
                            max.levels = 10,
    # A0 ~ W
    u <- synthesize(as.formula(paste(A[1],"~",paste(W,collapse = "+"))),data=data)
    for (i in 1:time.points) {
      # remove relevant observations
      YVarToUse <- foreach::foreach (y = Y,.combine="rbind") %do% {
      LVarToUse <- foreach::foreach (l = L,.combine="rbind") %do% {
      #AVarToUse <- foreach::foreach (a = A,.combine="rbind") %do% {
      #  a[i]
      #remove censored data points, i.e. those with NAs, change 
      if (i>1) { YVarBefore <- foreach::foreach (y = Y,.combine="rbind") %do% {
        truerows <- rep(TRUE,nrow(data)) & prevtruerows
        for (k in YVarBefore){
          truerows <- truerows & data[k] == 0
        prevtruerows <- truerows
        dataUse <- data[,c(YVarToUse,LVarToUse,W,A[i+1],A[i])][truerows,]
      else {
        prevtruerows <- rep(TRUE,nrow(data))
        dataUse <- data[,c(YVarToUse,LVarToUse,W,A[i+1],A[i])]
      add_reg <- function(var, covar,object){
        reg_formula <- as.formula(paste(var,"~",paste(covar,collapse = "+")))
        fit <- glm(reg_formula,data=dataUse,family="binomial")
        lava::distribution(object,as.formula(paste0("~", var))) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=p0)
      # Lt ~ At-1 + W , for now Lt ~ 1
      #At ~ Lt + W 
      #yt ~ Lt + At + W

      for (y in Y){
      for(l in L){
        #for now only supports binary covariates 
        # new version
        # old version 
        # var <- l[i]
        # var_formula <- as.formula(paste0("~", var))
        # lava::distribution(u, var_formula) <- lava::binomial.lvm(p=mean(factor(data[[var]])==levels(factor(data[[var]]))[2]))

    out <- list(u,A=A,L=L,W=W,Y=Y,time.points=time.points)
    class(out) <- c("lavaLTMLE")

#' @export sim.lavaLTMLE
#' @export
sim.lavaLTMLE <- function(object, n=1000) {
  #simulate object 
  tempSim <- sim(object[[1]],n)
  #remove censored observations afterwards
  time.points <- object$time.points
  vars <- object[c(2,3,4,5)]
  not_ended <- rep(TRUE,n)
  for (y in vars$Y) {
    not_ended = not_ended & tempSim[y[1]] == 0
  for (i in 2:time.points){
    YVarToUse <- foreach::foreach (y = vars$Y,.combine="rbind") %do% {
    LVarToUse <- foreach::foreach (l = vars$L,.combine="rbind") %do% {
    a <- vars$A[i+1]
    data_temp <- data.frame(tempSim[,c(YVarToUse,LVarToUse,a)])
    data_temp[!not_ended,] <- NA
    tempSim[,c(YVarToUse,LVarToUse,a)] <- data_temp
    #calculate new censors (ended observations)
    for (y in vars$Y) {
      not_ended = not_ended & tempSim[y[i]] == 0

### synthesize.R ends here
tagteam/riskRegression documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 7:43 p.m.