
Defines functions getCharXY corrRect

Documented in corrRect

#' Draw rectangle(s) on the correlation matrix graph.
#' Draw rectangle(s) after the correlation matrix plotted. SUGGESTION: It's more convenient
#' to draw rectangle(s) by using pipe operator `|>` since R 4.1.0.
#' \code{corrRect} needs one of \code{index}, \code{name} and \code{namesMat} inputted.
#' While \code{corrRect.hclust} can get the members in each cluster
#' based on hierarchical clustering (\code{\link{hclust}}).
#' @param corrRes List of the \code{corrplot()} returns.
#' @param index Vector, variable index of diag rect \code{c(Rect1from, Rect2from,
#' Rect3from, ..., RectNto)} on the correlation matrix graph.
#' It works when the colnames are the same as rownames, or both of them is NULL.
#' It needs \code{corrRes} inputted.
#' @param name Vector, variable name of diag rect \code{c(Rect1from, Rect2from,
#' Rect3from, ..., RectNto)} on the correlation matrix graph.
#' OIt works when the colnames are the same as rownames.
#' It needs \code{corrRes} inputted.
#' @param namesMat 4-length character vector or 4-columns character matrix,
#' represents the names of xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop correspondingly.
#' It needs \code{corrRes} inputted.
#' @param col Color of rectangles.
#' @param lwd Line width of rectangles.
#' @param \dots Additional arguments passing to function \code{rect()}.
#' @return (Invisibly) returns input parameter \code{corrRes},
#' usually \code{list(corr, corrTrans, arg)}.
#' @example vignettes/example-corrRect.R
#' @keywords hplot
#' @author Taiyun Wei
#' @export
corrRect = function(corrRes = NULL, index = NULL, name = NULL, namesMat = NULL,
                    col = 'black', lwd = 2, ...)

  if((as.integer(!is.null(index)) + as.integer(!is.null(name)) +
      as.integer(!is.null(namesMat))) > 1) {
    stop('You should just input one of index, name and namesMat!')

  if(is.null(corrRes)|!is.list(corrRes)) {
    stop('List \'corrRes\' must be inputted!')

  corr = corrRes$corr
  corrPos = corrRes$corrPos
  type = corrRes$arg$type

  cName = colnames(corr)
  rName = rownames(corr)

  if(!is.null(name)) {

    if(any(cName != rName)) {
      stop('colnames and rownames must be same when index or name is inputted!')

    if(!all(name %in% cName)) {
      stop('Non-existent name found!')

    index = unlist(lapply(name, function(n) which(cName==n)))

  if(!is.null(index)) {

    if(any(cName != rName)) {
      stop('colnames and rownames must be same when index or name is inputted!')

    n = length(index)
    index[-n] = index[-n] - 1

    x1 = index[-n] + 0.5
    y1 = nrow(corr) - index[-n] + 0.5
    x2 = index[-1] + 0.5
    y2 = nrow(corr) - index[-1] + 0.5
    St = S = cbind(c(x1, x1, x2, x2), c(y1, y1, y2, y2),
                   c(x2, x1, x2, x1), c(y1, y2, y1, y2))
    St[, 2] = abs(St[, 2] - nrow(corr) - 1)
    St[, 4] = abs(St[, 4] - nrow(corr) - 1)

    if(type=='upper') {
      i = which((St[, 1] - St[, 2]) > -0.1 & (St[, 3] - St[, 4]) > -0.1)
      S = S[i, ]

    if(type=='lower') {
      i = which((St[, 2] - St[, 1]) > -0.1 & (St[, 4] - St[, 3]) > -0.1)
      S = S[i, ]

    segments(S[, 1], S[, 2], S[, 3], S[, 4], col = col, lwd = lwd, ...)

  if(!is.null(namesMat)) {

    if(is.vector(namesMat)) {
      namesMat = matrix(namesMat, ncol = 4, nrow = 1)

    xy1 = getCharXY(namesMat[, 1:2, drop=FALSE], corrPos)
    xy2 = getCharXY(namesMat[, 3:4, drop=FALSE], corrPos)

    xy = cbind(xy1, xy2)

    x1 = apply(xy[, c(1, 3), drop=FALSE], 1, min) - 0.5
    y1 = apply(xy[, c(2, 4), drop=FALSE], 1, min) - 0.5
    x2 = apply(xy[, c(1, 3), drop=FALSE], 1, max) + 0.5
    y2 = apply(xy[, c(2, 4), drop=FALSE], 1, max) + 0.5

    rect(x1, y1, x2, y2, border = col, lwd = lwd, ...)



#' @noRd
getCharXY = function(x, dat) {

  res = apply(x, 1, function(n, d=dat) d[d[, 1]==n[1]&d[, 2]==n[2], 3:4])

  f = which(unlist(lapply(res, nrow))==0)
  if(length(f) > 0) {
    error  = paste(toString(unique(x[f, ])), 'paired X-Y names were not found!')

  return(matrix(unlist(res), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 2))
taiyun/corrplot documentation built on Aug. 4, 2024, 3:22 p.m.