
Defines functions get_colony_bulk_counts get_nabat_banding_by_states get_acoustic_bulk_wavs get_grts_frame_name get_project_surveys get_projects get_refresh_token get_nabat_gql_token get_species

Documented in get_acoustic_bulk_wavs get_colony_bulk_counts get_grts_frame_name get_nabat_banding_by_states get_nabat_gql_token get_projects get_project_surveys get_refresh_token get_species

#     _   _____    ____        __  ____
#    / | / /   |  / __ )____ _/ /_/ __ \
#   /  |/ / /| | / __  / __ `/ __/ /_/ /
#  / /|  / ___ |/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ _, _/
# /_/ |_/_/  |_/_____/\__,_/\__/_/ |_|
# R Tools for accessing and manipulating North American Bat Monitoring data
# Written by: Kyle Enns
# Created: 2019-9-6

# Global Variables for NABatR
pkg.env = new.env()
pkg.env$bats_df = NULL
pkg.env$species_ranges = readOGR('data/bat_species_ranges/')[,1:4]

#' @title NABat GRTS lookup list with csvs of coordinates for all GRTS in a region
#' @description
#' Used to grab correct coordinates for GRTS lookups
#' @keywords GRTS, spatial, NABat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nabatr::grts_lookup_df
#' }
#' @export
grts_lookup_df = list('Canada' = read.csv(paste0('data/GRTS_coords_Canada.csv'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
  'Alaska' = read.csv(paste0('data/GRTS_coords_Alaska.csv'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
  'Mexico' = read.csv(paste0('data/GRTS_coords_Mexico.csv'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
  'Puerto Rico' = read.csv(paste0('data/GRTS_coords_Puerto_Rico.csv'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
  'Hawaii' = read.csv(paste0('data/GRTS_coords_Hawaii.csv'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE),
  'Continental US' = read.csv(paste0('data/GRTS_coords_CONUS.csv'), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

#' @title Get the bat species lookup table
#' @description
#' Reads in dataframe for NABat species lookup table
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords species, bats, NABat
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' species_df = get_species(token = get_nabat_gql_token())
#' -- Prompts for username/password
#' -- username and password can be arguments in get_nabat_gql_token(username,password)
#' }
#' @export
get_species = function(token, branch = 'prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    }else {
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

  # Set Query
  query =   '{ allSpecies{
  pbody = list(query = query)
  # Post to nabat GQL
  res       = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
  content   = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
  species_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
  species_df   = rename_species_df(as.data.frame(species_json, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  # Define package environmental varioables
  if (is.null(pkg.env$bats_df)){
    assign('bats_df', species_df, pkg.env)


#' @title NABat login to NABAt Database GQL
#' @description
#' Get a NABat GQL token to use for queries
#' @param username (optional) String your NABat username from https://sciencebase.usgs.gov/nabat/#/home
#' @param password (optional) String it will prompt you for your password
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nabat_gql_token = get_nabat_gql_token(username = 'NABat_Username')
#' -- Prompts for password
#' }
#' @export
get_nabat_gql_token = function(username = NULL, password = NULL, branch = 'prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE){

  # Prompts password input incase password isn't included in function call
  if (is.null(username)){
    username = .rs.askForPassword('Username')
  if (is.null(password)){
    password = .rs.askForPassword('Password')

  # Returns a message with username
  message(paste0("Logging into the NABat database as ", username))

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
    # If Docker 3_5_3 use this headers_
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql)
    }else {
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Accept = "")
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Accept = "")

  # Username and password
  variables = paste0('{"l":{"userName" : "',username,'", "password" : "',password,'"}}')
  # Mutation to get token
  query = 'mutation loging($l:LoginInput!){
  # Finalize json request
  pbody = list(query = query, variables = variables)
  # POST to url
  res = POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode="json")
  # Remove variables with Password
  rm(password, variables, pbody)
  # Extract token
  content = content(res)
  error  = content$data$login$error
  bearer = content$data$login$access_token
  refresh_token = content$data$login$refresh_token

  if (is.null(error)){
    if (is.null(bearer)){
      message('Error, no tokens returned. Issue regarding Username/Password combo.  Be sure to use the same NABat Username/Password for logging into https://sciencebase.usgs.gov/nabat')
      return (content)
    }else {
      access_token = strsplit(bearer, 'Bearer ')[[1]][2]
      message("Returning a GQL tokens for NABat.")
      expires = content$data$login$expires_in - (60 * 10)
      refresh_at_this = Sys.time() + expires
      return (list(refresh_token = refresh_token, access_token = access_token, refresh_at = refresh_at_this))
  } else {
    # Post message with error for user
    message(paste0("Error: ", error))
    return (content)

#' @title NABat login to NABAt Database GQL and get access_token
#' @description
#' Get a NABat GQL token to use for queries
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL
#' @examples
#' #' \dontrun{
#' nabat_gql_token = get_refresh_token(token)
#' -- Prompts for password
#' }
#' @export
get_refresh_token = function(token, branch = 'prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE, force = FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
    # If Docker 3_5_3 use this headers_
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql)
    }else {
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Accept = "")
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Accept = "")

  expires_in = token$refresh_at - Sys.time()
  # If the token has expired than refresh the access_token and use this new one
  if (expires_in < 0 | force){
    # print ('Token is expired, Returning a new one.')
    # Username and password
    variables = paste0('{"l":{"userName" : "", "password" : "", "refreshToken": "',token$refresh_token,'"}}')
    # Mutation to get token
    query = 'mutation loging($l:LoginInput!){
    # Finalize json request0
    pbody = list(query = query, variables = variables)
    # POST to url
    res = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode="json")
    print (res$status_code)
    print (res$status_code)
    if (res$status_code != 200){
      return (get_nabat_gql_token(username=NULL, password =NULL, branch = branch, url = url, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker))
    # Extract token
    content = content(res)
    error  = content$data$login$error
    bearer = content$data$login$access_token
    refresh_token  = content$data$login$refresh_token
    print ('refresh token:')
    print (refresh_token)

    if (is.null(error)){
      if (is.null(bearer)){
        # prompt login with username/password
        return (get_nabat_gql_token(username=NULL, password =NULL, branch = branch, url = url, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker))
      }else {
        access_token = strsplit(bearer, 'Bearer ')[[1]][2]
        expires = content$data$login$expires_in - (60 * 10) # if it's older than 5 minutes
        refresh_at_this = Sys.time() + expires
        return (list(refresh_token = refresh_token, access_token = access_token, refresh_at = refresh_at_this))
    } else {
      # Post message with error for user
      message(paste0("Error: ", error))
      return (content)
    # If the access token has not expired, then use the original one from token$access_token
    # print ('Token is still good. Returning original')
    refresh_at_this = token$refresh_at
    refresh_token = token$refresh_token
    access_token = token$access_token
    return (list(refresh_token = refresh_token, access_token = access_token, refresh_at = refresh_at_this))

#' @title Search NABat Projects
#' @description
#' Returns all projects that the user has permissions to view
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' project_df = get_projects(token)
#' }
#' @export
get_projects = function(token, branch ='prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker=FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    }else {
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

  # Sample frame lookup
  sample_frame_df = data.frame(ids = c(12,14,15,19,20,21),
    sample_frame_short = c('Mexico', 'Continental US', 'Hawaii', 'Canada', 'Alaska', 'Puerto Rico'),
    sample_frame_description = c('Mexico 10x10km Grid', 'Conus (Continental US) 10x10km Grid', 'Hawaii 5x5km Grid', 'Canada 10x10km Grid',
      'Alaska 10x10km Grid', 'Puerto Rico 5x5km Grid'))

  # Set Query
  query = '{allProjects{
  pbody = list(query = query)
  # Post to nabat GQL
  res       = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
  content   = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
  proj_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
  proj_df   = rename_project_df(as.data.frame(proj_json, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)) %>% left_join(sample_frame_df, by = c('sample_frame_id' = 'ids'))

  # Define package environmental varioables
  print ('Setting species_df environmental variable')
  if (is.null(pkg.env$bats_df)){
    species_df = get_species(token = token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
    assign('bats_df', species_df, pkg.env)

  # Return dataframe of projects
  return (proj_df)

#' @title Get a project's Stationary Acoustic Surveys (DEPRECIATED) see get_acoustic_project_summary()
#' @description
#' Returns all surveys within a single project (project_id)
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param project_df Dataframe output from get_projects()
#' @param project_id Numeric or String a project id
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL, Surveys
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' survey_df = get_project_surveys(token,
#'                                 get_projects(token),
#'                                 project_id)
#' }
#' @export
get_project_surveys = function(token, project_df, project_id, branch ='prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    }else {
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

  # Set Query
  query = paste0('{allSurveys (filter :{projectId:{equalTo:', as.numeric(project_id) ,'}}){
  pbody = list(query = query)
  # Post to nabat GQL
  res       = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
  content   = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
  survey_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
  survey_df   = rename_survey_df(as.data.frame(survey_json))

  # Define global grts_fname ()
  grts_fname = get_grts_frame_name(project_df, project_id)
  assign('grts_fname', grts_fname, pkg.env)

  # Define package environmental varioables
  if (is.null(pkg.env$bats_df)){
    species_df = get_species(token = token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
    assign('bats_df', species_df, pkg.env)

  return (survey_df)

#' @title Get the GRTS Frame name based on project_id and project_df
#' @description returns the name of the grts frame region. Used to assign
#' a pkg.env global variable for what coordinates csv to use for this project
#'  -- project specific
#'  ex:  When you pull survey data for a project in the US, the package imports
#'         the GRTS coordinates for Continental United states.  If your project
#'         is in Canada, it imports the Canadian coordinates .. etc for Hawaii,
#'         Puerto Rico, Alaska, and Mexico.
#' @param project_df Dataframe output from get_projects()
#' @param project_id Numeric or String a project id
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' grts_fname = get_project_surveys(get_projects(token),
#'                                  project_id)
#' }
#' @export
get_grts_frame_name = function(project_df, project_id){
  proj_id = project_id
  project_sample_frame = as.character(subset(project_df, project_df$project_id == proj_id)$sample_frame_short)
  print (paste0('Using ', project_sample_frame, ' as the Frame name for GRTS Cells.'))

#' @title Get Acoustic stationary bulk upload template dataframe for a project
#' @description
#' Returns all surveys within a single project (project_id)
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param survey_df Dataframe a survey dataframe from the output of get_acoustic_project_summary()
#' @param project_id Numeric or String a project id
#' @param year (optional) Numeric year of data to be returned.
#'               NULL = first year, 'all' = all years, 2018 = only 2018 data
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL, Surveys
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' acoustic_bulk_df = get_acoustic_bulk_wavs(token,
#'                                           get_acoustic_project_summary(),
#'                                           project_id)
#' }
#' @export
get_acoustic_bulk_wavs = function(token, survey_df, project_id, year = NULL, branch = 'prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    }else {
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

  # Pull in geoms dataframe
  query ='{allEventGeometries {
  pbody = list(query = query)

  res = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
  content = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
  geom_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
  geom_df   = rename_geoms_df(as.data.frame(geom_json, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

  # Extract all survey ids from survey_df
  if (is.null(year)){
    year_ = unique(survey_df$year)[1]
    survey_ids = unique(subset(survey_df, survey_df$year == year_)$survey_id)
  } else if (year == 'all'){
    survey_ids = unique(survey_df$survey_id)
    year_ = NULL
  } else{
    year_ = year
    survey_ids = unique(subset(survey_df, survey_df$year == year_)$survey_id)
  print (year_)

  # Set empty dataframe to build acoustic stationary bulk template data in
  all_wav_n_acc = data.frame()

  # Query each survey through GQL to extract and build a dataframe with all
  #   acoustic stationary records for these acoustic survey ids
  for (survey in survey_ids){

    # Attempt to refresh token every loop
    if (docker){
        url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
        token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
        headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
      }else {
        token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
        headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    } else{
      # If Local, use this headers_
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

    # Set Query
    query = paste0('{allSurveys (filter :{id:{equalTo:', as.numeric(survey),'}}){
      stationaryAcousticEventsBySurveyId {
    pbody = list(query = query)

    res       = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
    content   = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
    grts_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)

    proj_id_df  = as.data.frame(grts_json$data$allSurveys$nodes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    acc_events = as.data.frame(proj_id_df$stationaryAcousticEventsBySurveyId.nodes, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # Get grts cell for this survey
    grts_cell = unique(subset(survey_df, survey_df$survey_id == survey)$grts_cell_id)

    # Build wave files dataframe or raise error message if survey has no data
    if (dim(acc_events)[1] == 0){
      message (paste0('This survey has no Sationary acoustic data present: ', survey, ' GRTS id: ', grts_cell))
      message (paste0('Compiling stationary acoustic data for survey: ', survey, ' GRTS id: ', grts_cell))
      wav_files = data.frame()
      acc_events = acc_events %>% dplyr::left_join(geom_df, by= c('eventGeometryId'= 'event_geometry_id')) %>%
                    mutate(site_name = paste0(proj_id_df$grtsId, '_', location_name))
      for (x in 1:dim(acc_events)[1]){
        rename = TRUE
        this_site_name = acc_events[x,]$site_name
        # Check for no data in this survey acoustic
        if (dim(as.data.frame(acc_events$stationaryAcousticValuesBySaSurveyId.nodes[x], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))[1] == 0){
          message (paste0('Site name ', this_site_name, ' is missing Acoustic values at this survey: ', survey))
          rename = FALSE

        if (acc_events$geom_type[x] == 'Point'){
          # defining the lat/lon for this accoustic Event
          lon = acc_events$geom_coordinates[x][[1]][1]
          lat = acc_events$geom_coordinates[x][[1]][2]
        } else{
          lon = NA
          lat = NA

        wav_int_files  = as.data.frame(acc_events$stationaryAcousticValuesBySaSurveyId.nodes[x], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        if (dim(wav_int_files)[1]==0){
          wav_int_files = data.frame()
        } else{
          id       = acc_events[x,]$id
          wav_int_files['stationary_acoustic_values_id'] = id
          wav_int_files['latitude'] = lat
          wav_int_files['longitude'] = lon
        if (dim(wav_files)[1] <1){
          wav_files = wav_int_files
        }else {
          wav_files = rbind(wav_files, wav_int_files)

      # If rename = TRUE (The acoustic data exists for this site_name)
      if (rename){
        # Rename and select from the 3 tables
        proj_id_rn    = rename_acoustic_df(proj_id_df)[,c('stationary_acoustic_values_id', 'project_id', 'grts_cell_id')]
        wav_files_rn  = rename_acoustic_df(wav_files)[,c('audio_recording_name', 'recording_time', 'software_id', 'auto_id',
          'manual_id', 'stationary_acoustic_values_id', 'latitude', 'longitude')]
        acc_events_rn = rename_acoustic_df(acc_events)[,c('stationary_acoustic_values_id', 'location_name', 'survey_start_time',
          'survey_end_time', 'device_id', 'microphone_id' ,'microphone_orientation',
          'microphone_height', 'distance_to_nearest_clutter', 'clutter_type_id', 'site_name',
          'distance_to_nearest_water', 'water_type', 'percent_clutter', 'habitat_type_id')]

        # Set values for survey, project, and grts ids in dataframe
        wav_files_rn[,'survey_id']    = survey
        wav_files_rn[,'project_id']   = project_id
        wav_files_rn[,'grts_cell_id'] = proj_id_df$grtsId

        # Merge wav files dataframe and acoustic events dataframe for all data
        wav_n_acc = merge(wav_files_rn, acc_events_rn, by = 'stationary_acoustic_values_id')

        # Iteratively combine the wav_n_acc dataframes together for each new survey
        all_wav_n_acc = rbind(all_wav_n_acc, wav_n_acc)
  # Return the combined data in the format of the acoustic stationary bulk upload template form
  if (is.null(year_)){
    return (all_wav_n_acc)
  }else {
    all_wav_n_acc = subset(all_wav_n_acc, format(as.Date(all_wav_n_acc$recording_time), '%Y') == as.integer(year_))

#' @title Get Bat banding data for States
#' @description
#' Returns a dataframe of all the bat banding data from state/states selected
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param states String Vector state or states.  options:
#' 'Alabama','Alaska','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware',
#' 'Florida','Georgia','Hawaii','Idaho','Illinois','Indiana','Iowa','Kansas','Kentucky',
#' 'Louisiana','Maine','Maryland','Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi',
#' 'Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire','New Jersey','New Mexico',
#' 'New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Pennsylvania',
#' 'Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont',
#' 'Virginia','Washington','West Virgina','Wisconsin','Wyoming'
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL, Surveys
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' survey_df = get_project_surveys(token,
#'                                 project_id)
#' }
#' @export
get_nabat_banding_by_states = function(token, states, branch='prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  if (docker){
      url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    }else {
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
  } else{
    # If Local, use this headers_
    token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
    headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

  final_df = data.frame()
  states_check = c('Alabama','Alaska','Arizona','Arkansas','California','Colorado','Connecticut','Delaware','Florida','Georgia','Hawaii','Idaho','Illinois','Indiana','Iowa','Kansas','Kentucky',
    'Louisiana','Maine','Maryland','Massachusetts','Michigan','Minnesota','Mississippi','Missouri','Montana','Nebraska','Nevada','New Hampshire','New Jersey','New Mexico',
    'New York','North Carolina','North Dakota','Ohio','Oklahoma','Oregon','Pennsylvania','Rhode Island','South Carolina','South Dakota','Tennessee','Texas','Utah','Vermont',
    'Virginia','Washington','West Virgina','Wisconsin','Wyoming')

  for (state in states){
    if (state %in% states_check){
      # Set Query
      query = paste0('{ allBatbandings (filter :{state:{equalTo:"',state,'"}}) {
      pbody = list(query = query)

      res       = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
      content   = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
      state_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
      names(state_json) = substring(names(state_json), 27)

      if (dim(final_df)[1]==0){
        final_df = state_json
      }else {
        final_df = rbind(final_df, state_json)
      message(paste0('Error: Spelling for this state is incorrect.. ', states))

#' @title Get Winter colony count bulk upload template dataframe for a project
#' @description Returns all surveys within a single project (project_id)
#' @param token List token created from get_nabat_gql_token() or get_refresh_token()
#' @param survey_df Dataframe a survey dataframe from the output of get_acoustic_project_summary()
#' @param project_id Numeric or String a project id
#' @param branch (optional) String that defaults to 'prod' but can also be 'dev'|'beta'|'local'
#' @param url (optional) String url to use for GQL
#' @param aws_gql (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param aws_alb (optional) String url to use in aws
#' @param docker (optional) Boolean if being run in docker container or not
#' @keywords bats, NABat, GQL, Surveys
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' acoustic_bulk_df = get_colony_bulk_counts(token,
#'                                           get_acoustic_project_summary(),
#'                                           project_id)
#' }
#' @export
get_colony_bulk_counts = function(token, survey_df, project_id, branch = 'prod', url = NULL, aws_gql = NULL, aws_alb = NULL, docker = FALSE){

  # When url is not passed in use these two gql urls, otherwise use the url passed through
  #  as a variable.
  if (is.null(url)){
    # Prod URL for NABat GQL
    if (branch == 'prod'){
      url_ = 'https://api.sciencebase.gov/nabat-graphql/graphql'
    } else if (branch == 'dev' | branch == 'beta' | branch == 'local'){
      url_ = 'https://nabat-graphql.staging.sciencebase.gov/graphql'
  }else {
    url_ = url

  # Define package environmental varioables
  if (is.null(pkg.env$bats_df)){
    species_df = get_species(token = token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
    assign('bats_df', species_df, pkg.env)

  # Extract all survey ids from survey_df
  survey_ids = survey_df$survey_id

  # Set empty dataframe to build acoustic stationary bulk template data in
  all_colony_count = data.frame()

  # Query each survey through GQL to extract and build a dataframe with all
  #   acoustic stationary records for these acoustic survey ids
  for (survey in survey_ids){

    if (docker){
        url_ = paste0(aws_alb, '/graphql')
        token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_, aws_gql = aws_gql, aws_alb = aws_alb, docker = docker)
        headers_ = httr::add_headers(host = aws_gql, Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
      }else {
        token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
        headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0("Bearer ", token$access_token))
    } else{
      # If Local, use this headers_
      token = get_refresh_token(token, url = url_)
      headers_ = httr::add_headers(Authorization = paste0('Bearer ', token$access_token))

    # Set Query
    query = paste0('{
      allSurveys (filter :{id:{equalTo:', as.numeric(survey),'}}){
    pbody = list(query = query)

    res       = httr::POST(url_, headers_, body = pbody, encode='json')
    content   = httr::content(res, as = 'text')
    count_json = fromJSON(content, flatten = TRUE)
    count_tb = as_tibble(count_json$data$allSurveys$nodes) %>% tidyr::unnest() %>% tidyr::unnest() %>% tidyr::unnest()
    all_colony_count = rbind(all_colony_count, count_tb)

  all_colony_count_final = rename_colony_df(all_colony_count) %>%
    mutate(date_sampled = ymd(format(ymd_hms(date_sampled), "%Y-%m-%d")),
           month = as.numeric(format(date_sampled, "%m")),
           year = as.numeric(format(date_sampled, "%Y")),
           wyear = case_when(
             month %in% c(1:8) ~ year,
             month %in% c(9:12) ~ year + 1
           )) %>%
    dplyr::select("grts_id", "date_sampled", "site_name", "winterYearPdPresumed", "winterYearWnsPresumed",
                  "species", "count", "wyear")


talbertc-usgs/NABatR documentation built on April 22, 2020, 8:23 p.m.