#' @rdname belief.propagation
#' @aliases belief.propagation,InferenceEngine
function(ie, observations = NULL, return.potentials = FALSE){
# moved inside in order to eliminate a NOTE in R CMD check
proc.order <- function(node, from, adj)
# Recursive method to compute order of the message passing in the upward step.
# node : current node
# from : (local) root
# adj : adjacency matrix
neighbours <- setdiff(which(adj[node,] > 0), from)
if (length(neighbours) > 0)
for (n in neighbours) {
proc.order(n, node, adj)
parents.list <<- c(parents.list, node)
process.order <<- c(process.order, node)
# if (missing(net))
# {
net <- bn(ie)
# }
if (missing(observations))
obs <- observations(ie)
observed.vars <- obs$observed.vars
observed.vals <- obs$observed.vals
observed.vars <- observations[[1]]
observed.vals <- observations[[2]]
obs <- unique.observations(observed.vars, observed.vals)
observed.vars <- obs$observed.vars
observed.vals <- obs$observed.vals
observations(ie) <- list(observed.vars, observed.vals)
num.nodes <- num.nodes(net)
num.cliqs <- num.nodes(ie)
# cliques contains the variables that compose each clique
cliques <- jt.cliques(ie)
ctree <- junction.tree(ie)
cpts <- cpts(net)
variables <- variables(net)
dim.vars <- lapply(1:num.nodes,
names(dimnames(cpts[[x]])), F, F
node.sizes <- node.sizes(net)
quantiles <- quantiles(net)
is.discrete <- discreteness(net)
# discretize continuous observed variables
observed.vals.disc <- c()
if (length(observed.vars) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(observed.vars)) {
ovr <- observed.vars[i]
ovl <- observed.vals[i]
if (is.discrete[ovr]) {
observed.vals.disc <- c(observed.vals.disc, ovl)
} else {
q <- quantiles[[ovr]]
cv <- cut(ovl, q, labels=FALSE, include.lowest=TRUE)
if (is.na(cv)) {
if (ovl <= q[1]) cv <- 1
else cv <- node.sizes[ovr]
observed.vals.disc <- c(observed.vals.disc, cv)
# potentials is a list containing the probability tables of each clique
potentials <- as.list(rep(as.list(c(1)), num.cliqs))
# dimensions.contained contains the variables that effectively compose the cpt
# currently contained in each node of the clique tree.
# After last round it will match corresponding clique.
dimensions.contained <- lapply(1:num.cliqs, function(x) as.list(c(NULL)))
# necessary in case of disconnected subDAGs
subgraphs <- identify.subgraphs(ctree)
n.subgraphs <- length(subgraphs)
subroots <- c()
for (srs in 1:n.subgraphs) {
srs.vars <- subgraphs[[srs]]
if (length(srs.vars) == 1) {
root <- srs.vars
} else {
subctree <- ctree
sv.mask <- matrix(0, num.cliqs, num.cliqs)
sv.mask[,srs.vars] <- 1
sv.mask[srs.vars,] <- 1
subctree <- subctree * sv.mask
# choose as root (one among) the clique(s) whose connected edges have the highest overall sum
rowsums <- rowSums(subctree)
rowsums <- rowsums[!rowsums %in% c(0)]
root <- which(rowsums == max(rowsums))
if (length(root) > 1) root <- root[1]
root <- srs.vars[root]
subroots <- c(subroots, root)
# Assign factors to a cluster graph
# Construct initial potentials:
# initial potentials are conditional or joint probability tables, depending on the initial BN
# and how we assign each CPT to the cliques.
# The probabilities are stored as multidimensional arrays, with the convention that
# the variables in the tables are in alphanumerical order.
# E.g.: the network A -> C <- D -> B, whose junction tree has two nodes (and tables) ACD and BD.
# We construct a table for a clique this way:
# - start with an empty table (NULL)
# - whenever a {C,J}PT is assigned to that clique, its variables are ordered
# - then, we control if the variables of the table we're inserting are already present in the clique table:
# - if no, we can multiply the two tables, ensuring the variables are ordered after that
# - if yes, we multiply the two tables
# If the clique is currently empty, just add the cpt.
# We have, however, to maintain the order of the variables in the probability table.
for (cpt in 1:num.nodes)
# find a suitable clique for the CPT of node `cpt` (a clique that contains node `cpt` and all of its parents)
# target.clique <- which.min(lapply(1:num.cliqs,
# function(x){
# length(
# which(unlist(
# is.element(
# c(unlist(dim.vars[[cpt]])),
# c(cliques[[x]])
# )
# ) == FALSE) == 0)
# }
# ))
# TODO: PROFILING: is there anything better?
target.clique <- which.min(lapply(1:num.cliqs,
)) == FALSE))
# get the variables currently contained in the selected clique
ds <- unlist(dimensions.contained[[target.clique]], F, F)
if (length(ds) == 0)
# if current clique is empty, just insert the cpt
out <- sort.dimensions(cpts[[cpt]], dim.vars[[cpt]])
potentials[[target.clique]] <- out$potential
dimensions.contained[[target.clique]] <- out$vars
# multiply current prob. table for the already inserted prob. table
out <- mult(potentials[[target.clique]],
potentials[[target.clique]] <- out$potential
dimensions.contained[[target.clique]] <- out$vars
# If there are any observed variables, insert the knowledge.
# Each observation is inserted by setting to zero all of the combinations that
# do not match the observation. This is done this way:
# - find a clique that contains the observed variable
# - create a probability table for the observed variable, with only one non-zero entry,
# the one corresponding to the observed value
# - multiply the table of the clique for the newly created table
# - normalize after belief propagation
if (length(observed.vars) > 0)
# observed.vars <- c(unlist(observed.vars, F, F))
if (inherits(observed.vars, "character")) # hope that the user gives coherent input...
observed.vars <- sapply(observed.vars, function(x) which(x == variables))
for (var in 1:length(observed.vars))
obs.var <- observed.vars[var]
obs.val <- observed.vals.disc[var]
if (obs.val <= 0 || obs.val > node.sizes[obs.var])
message(cat("Variable", obs.var, "cannot take value", obs.val, ", skipping..."))
# look for one clique containing the variable
target.clique <- which.min(lapply(1:num.cliqs,
function(x) {
) == TRUE)
tmp <- rep(0, node.sizes[obs.var])
tmp[obs.val] <- 1
out <- mult(potentials[[target.clique]],
potentials[[target.clique]] <- out$potential
dimensions.contained[[target.clique]] <- out$vars
# compute processing order from leaves to root
process.order <- c()
parents.list <- c()
for (sg in 1:n.subgraphs) {
proc.order(subroots[sg], c(), ctree)
#print("PARENTS LIST")
# check whether message passing can be performed
if (length(process.order) > 1) {
# msg.pots contains the prob.tables for the messages,
# while msg.vars contains the corresponding variables
msg.pots <- NULL
msg.vars <- NULL
for (i in 1:num.cliqs)
msg.pots[[i]] <- as.list(c(NULL))
msg.vars[[i]] <- as.list(c(NULL))
# For each clique (excluding the root) compute the message by marginalizing
# the variables not in the separator, then store the message and multiply it
# for the cpt contained in the neighbour clique, overwriting the corresponding
# potential and associated variables.
for (clique in 1:(length(process.order)-1))
# avoid processing cliques with a single node
if (!is.na(clique) && !is.na(parents.list[clique])) {
out <- compute.message(potentials[[process.order[clique]]],
msg.pots[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$potential
msg.vars[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$vars
bk <- potentials[[parents.list[clique]]]
bkd <- dimensions.contained[[parents.list[clique]]]
out <- mult(potentials[[parents.list[clique]]],
potentials[[parents.list[clique]]] <- out$potential
dimensions.contained[[parents.list[clique]]] <- out$vars
# Upward step is thus completed. Now go backward from root to leaves.
# This step is done by taking the CPT of the root node and dividing it (for each child)
# by the message received from the corresponding child, then marginalize the variables
# not in the separator and pass the new nessage to the child. As the messages computed
# in the upward step are not needed anymore after the division, they can be overwritten.
# Then multiply the cpt of the child for the message computed, and iterate by treating
# each (internal) node as root.
for (clique in (length(process.order)-1):1)
# avoid processing cliques with a single node
if (!is.na(clique) && !is.na(parents.list[clique])) {
out <- divide(potentials[[parents.list[clique]]],
msg.pots[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$potential
msg.vars[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$vars
out <- compute.message(msg.pots[[process.order[clique]]],
msg.pots[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$potential
msg.vars[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$vars
out <- mult(potentials[[process.order[clique]]],
potentials[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$potential
dimensions.contained[[process.order[clique]]] <- out$vars
# Finally, normalize and add dimension names and return the potentials computed (will be all JPTs).
for (x in 1:num.cliqs) {
s <- sum(potentials[[x]])
potentials[[x]] <- potentials[[x]] / s
dmns <- list(NULL)
for (i in length(dimensions.contained[[x]]))
dmns[[i]] <- c(1:node.sizes[dimensions.contained[[x]][[i]]])
dimnames(potentials[[x]]) <- dmns
names(dimnames(potentials[[x]])) <- as.list(variables[c(unlist(dimensions.contained[[x]]))])
} # end if (length(process.order) > 1)
if (return.potentials)
# Now create new BN with updated beliefs
# To buil new conditional probability tables for the original network,
# starting from the updated beliefs, we proceed this way:
# for each node of the BN:
# - if it is an observed variable, construct a prob.table containing only
# one variable (the one of the node) with one only non-zero (in fact, 1)
# entry, the one corresponding to the observed value
# - if it is a non-observed variable, find a clique that contains the variables
# of the original cpt (it must exist, because of the moralization - we have
# already used this property), sum out the possible other variables introduced
# by the triangulation, and divide the JPT by the JPT of the parent nodes
# (e.g.: if we start from P(ABCD) and want P(C|A,B), we sum out D, then we
# obtain P(AB) by summing out C, and then we compute P(ABC)/P(AB) = P(C|A,B)).
# Easy peasy.
nbn <- BN()
name(nbn) <- name(net)
num.nodes(nbn) <- num.nodes(net)
variables(nbn) <- variables(net)
node.sizes(nbn) <- node.sizes(net)
discreteness(nbn) <- discreteness(net)
dag(nbn) <- dag(net)
wpdag(nbn) <- wpdag(net)
scoring.func(nbn) <- scoring.func(net)
struct.algo(nbn) <- struct.algo(net)
quantiles(nbn) <- quantiles(net)
# MODIFIED for bnstruct_score
# nothing
best.scores(nbn) <- best.scores(net)
all.scores(nbn) <- all.scores(net)
best.dags(nbn) <- best.dags(net)
all.dags(nbn) <- all.dags(net)
ncpts <- NULL # lapply(1:num.nodes, function(x) as.list(c(NULL)))
for (node in 1:num.nodes)
# faster, but result does not change. While debugging, better keep this out...
mpos <- match(node, observed.vars)
if (!is.na(mpos))
# works also when observed.vars == c()
# in that case, the `else` branch will be the chosen one for every variable
ncpts[[node]] <- array(rep(0, node.sizes[observed.vars[mpos]]),
ncpts[[node]][observed.vals.disc[mpos]] <- 1
dimnames(ncpts[[node]]) <- list(c(1:node.sizes[observed.vars[mpos]]))
names(dimnames(ncpts[[node]])) <- as.list(variables[observed.vars[mpos]])
dnode <- unlist(dim.vars[[node]], F, F)
# target.clique <- which.min(lapply(1:num.cliqs,
# function(x){
# length(
# which(c(
# is.element(
# dnode,
# unlist(dimensions.contained[[x]])
# )
# ) == FALSE) == 0)
# }
# ))
target.clique <- which.min(lapply(1:num.cliqs,
)) == FALSE))
pot <- potentials[[target.clique]]
dms <- c(unlist(dimensions.contained[[target.clique]]))
vs <- c(unlist(dim.vars[[node]]))
# others <- setdiff(dms,vs)
# for (var in others)
# {
# out <- marginalize(pot, dms, var)
# pot <- out$potential
# dms <- out$vars
# }
remaining <- match(vs, dms)
dms <- dms[remaining]
pot <- apply(pot, remaining, sum)
pot <- pot / sum(pot)
# cat(node, " ", dms,"\n")
# print(pot)
if (length(dms) > 1)
pot.bak <- pot
dms.bak <- dms
# readLines(file("stdin"),1)
# out <- marginalize(pot, dms, node)
# pot <- out$potential
# dms <- out$vars
remaining <- (1:length(dms))[-which(dms == node)]
dms <- dms[remaining]
pot <- apply(pot, remaining, sum)
pot <- pot / sum(pot)
out <- divide(pot.bak,
dms, # out$vars,
pot <- out$potential
#pot <- pot / sum(pot)
dms <- out$vars
pot <- as.array(pot)
dmns <- list(NULL)
for (i in length(dms))
dmns[[i]] <- c(1:node.sizes[dms[i]])
dimnames(pot) <- dmns
names(dimnames(pot)) <- as.list(variables[dms])
ncpts[[node]] <- pot
# print(pot)
# readLines(file("stdin"),1)
cpts(nbn) <- ncpts
updated.bn(ie) <- nbn
jpts(ie) <- potentials
compute.message <- function(pot, dp, vfrom, vto, node.sizes)
# Compute message from one node to another:
# marginalize variables not in separator between two nodes.
# pot : cpt to be marginalized
# dp : dimensions of the potential (may not contain all of the variables
# that have to be present in the clique, if this is performed in
# the upward step)
# vfrom : variables in the sending clique
# vto : variables in the receiving clique
# node.sizes : node sizes
# separator is made of the shared variables between the two cliques
vars.msg <- unlist(vfrom, F, F)
sep <- intersect(vars.msg, unlist(vto, F, F))
dp <- unlist(dp, F, F)
# for all of the variables not in the separator, repeat marginalization
# shrinking the prob.table
# for (var in setdiff(vars.msg, sep))
# {
# if (length(intersect(var, dp)))
# {
# msg <- marginalize(pot, dp, var)
# pot <- msg$potential
# dp <- msg$vars
# }
# }
# othervars <- setdiff(dp, sep)
remaining <- match(intersect(dp,sep), dp)
if (length(remaining) > 0)
dp <- dp[remaining] # rem.vars <- ...
pot <- apply(pot, remaining, sum)
# if (sum(out) != sum(pot))
# {
# print(sum(out))
# print(sum(pot))
# readLines(file("stdin"),1)
# }
return(list("potential"=pot, "vars"=dp))
marginalize <- function(pot, vars, marg.var)
# Marginalize a variable in a probability table.
# pot : probability table
# vars : variables associated to pot
# marg.var : variable to be marginalizes
marg.dim <- which(unlist(vars, F, F) == marg.var)
# print("marg.dim")
# print(marg.dim)
# get dimensions, compute dimensions for the soon-to-be-created prob. table
# and number of the values that it will contain
dims <- dim(pot)
new.dims <- dims[-marg.dim]
new.num.vals <- prod(new.dims)
length.of.run <- dims[marg.dim]
num.runs <- new.num.vals
# switch dimensions in the array:
# dimension corresponding to the variable to be marginalized goes first
new.order <- c(marg.dim, (1:length(dims))[-marg.dim])
# remove marginalized dimension name
new.order.names <- vars[-marg.dim]
# switch dimensions, make prob.table a linear array,
cpt <- aperm(pot, new.order)
# marg <- c(cpt)
# the marginalization is now done by summing consecutive values
marg <- tapply(c(cpt), rep(1:new.num.vals, each=length.of.run), sum)
# marg <- rowSums(matrix(cpt, new.num.vals, length.of.run))
# marg <- aggregate(as.data.frame(marg), list(rep(1:new.num.vals, each=length.of.run)), sum)[,2]
# tapply is much faster than the conversion into a data.frame
# apply new dimensions to resulting list (if needed)
if (length(new.order.names) > 0)
marg <- array(marg, new.dims)
return(list("potential"=marg, "vars"=new.order.names))
mult <- function(cpt1, vars1, cpt2, vars2, node.sizes)
# Multiply a cpt by another cpt.
# Returns a list containing the resulting cpt and the associated variables list.
# cpt1 : first cpt
# vars1 : variables associated to cpt1
# cpt2 : second cpt
# vars2 : variables associated to cpt2
# node.sizes : sizes of the nodes
# clean format
vars1 <- unlist(vars1, F, F)
vars2 <- unlist(vars2, F, F)
# If the variables associated to cpt1 are all contained in the list of variables for cpt2, but
# no variables of cpt2 is contained also in cpt1, swap the two cpts.
# Handles cases such as P(AB) x P(C|AB) ==> P(C|AB) x P(AB)
# Not really needed, but easier to understand.
if ((length(setdiff(vars1, vars2)) == 0 &&
length(setdiff(vars2, vars1)) > 0 )
tmp <- vars1
vars1 <- vars2
vars2 <- tmp
tmp <- cpt1
cpt1 <- cpt2
cpt2 <- tmp
# For (my) simplicity, cpts are managed with the variables (and therefore dimensions) in ascending order.
# Check this requirement, and take action if it is not met.
out <- sort.dimensions(cpt1, vars1)
cpt1 <- out$potential
vars1 <- out$vars
out <- sort.dimensions(cpt2, vars2)
cpt2 <- out$potential
vars2 <- out$vars
# Proper multiplication starts here.
# It works like this:
# - look for the common variables in vars1 and vars2;
common.vars <- intersect(vars1, vars2)
#common1 <- match (vars1, common.vars)
#common1 <- which(!is.na(common1), TRUE)
common1 <- match(common.vars, vars1)
#common2 <- match (vars2, common.vars)
#common2 <- which(!is.na(common2), TRUE)
common2 <- match(common.vars, vars2)
# - if the cpts share no common variables, we can multiply them with an outer product;
if (length(common.vars) == 0)
#cpt1 <- as.vector(cpt1) %o% as.vector(cpt2)
cpt1 <- outer(as.vector(cpt1),as.vector(cpt2))
# otherwise, we have to manage the shared variables: consider P(C|A) x P(AB); unlisting the cpts we obtain
# [ac !ac a!c !a!c], and
# [ab !ab a!b !a!b]
# (remember we have ordered the dimensions in ascending order). We have to handle the shared A and compute
# ac x ab = acb
# ac x a!b = ac!b
# !ac x !ab = !acb
# !ac x !a!b = !ac!b
# a!c x ab = a!cb
# a!c x a!b = a!c!b
# !a!c x !ab = !a!cb
# !a!c x !a!b = !a!c!b
# (we will then have to reorder dimensions).
# In order to do this, we permute dimensions for the two cpts, by putting the shared variables
# as first dimensions of cpt1 and last dimensions of cpt2; then, we consecutively repeat every cell
# of cpt1, and the entire sequence of cells of cpt2, the proper number of times in order
# to reach the final number of elements (the ``proper number'' is the product of the size of
# the variables not shared among the two cpt2); then we can finally compute the
# element-wise product of cpt1 and cpt2;
if (length(vars1) > 1)
new.order <- c((1:length(vars1))[common1],
cpt1 <- aperm(cpt1, new.order)
vars1 <- vars1[new.order]
# common1 <- match (vars1, common.vars)
# common1 <- which(!is.na(common1), TRUE)
common1 <- match(common.vars, vars1)
# [a b c] ==> [a a b b c c]
if (length(vars2[-common2]) > 0)
cpt1 <- c(sapply(c(cpt1),
if(length(vars2) > 1)
new.order <- c((1:length(vars2))[-common2],
cpt2 <- aperm(cpt2, new.order)
vars2 <- vars2[new.order]
# common2 <- match (vars2, common.vars)
# common2 <- which(!is.na(common2), TRUE)
common2 <- match(common.vars, vars2)
# [a b c] ==> [a b c a b c]
cpt2 <- rep(c(cpt2),
# - point-wise product
cpt1 <- c(cpt1) * c(cpt2)
#vars1 <- unlist(vars1, F, F)
#vars2 <- unlist(vars2, F, F)
# - compute variables for the resulting cpt; if there were no shared variables, then
# it suffices to concatenate
if (length(common.vars) > 0)
# TODO: PROFILING: anything better than this?
new.where <- which(is.na(match(vars2, common.vars)) == FALSE) # ugly, but should be more robust
vars1 <- c(vars2[-new.where], vars1)
vars1 <- c(vars1, vars2)
cpt1 <- array(c(cpt1), c(node.sizes[vars1]))
out <- sort.dimensions(cpt1, vars1)
return(list("potential"=out$potential, "vars"=out$vars))
divide <- function(cpt1, vars1, cpt2, vars2, node.sizes)
# Divide a cpt by another cpt.
# Returns a list containing the resulting cpt and the associated variables list.
# cpt1 : dividend cpt
# vars1 : variables associated to cpt1
# cpt2 : divisor cpt
# vars2 : variables associated to cpt2
# node.sizes : sizes of the nodes
# clean format
vars1 <- unlist(vars1, F, F)
vars2 <- unlist(vars2, F, F)
# If the variables associated to cpt1 are all contained in the list of variables for cpt2, but
# no variables of cpt2 is contained also in cpt1, swap the two cpts.
# Handles cases such as P(AB) / P(C|AB) ==> P(C|AB) / P(AB)
if ((length(setdiff(vars1, vars2)) == 0 &&
length(setdiff(vars2, vars1)) > 0 )
tmp <- vars1
vars1 <- vars2
vars2 <- tmp
tmp <- cpt1
cpt1 <- cpt2
cpt2 <- tmp
# print("--")
# print(vars1)
# print(vars2)
# For (my) simplicity, cpts are managed with the variables (and therefore dimensions) in ascending order.
# Check this requirement, and take action if it is not met.
out <- sort.dimensions(cpt1, vars1)
cpt1 <- out$potential
vars1 <- out$vars
out <- sort.dimensions(cpt2, vars2)
cpt2 <- out$potential
vars2 <- out$vars
# The proper division starts here.
# It works like this:
# - domain of the divisor is entirely contained into the one of the dividend;
# - look for the common variables (all of the variables in vars2, some of them in vars1);
common.vars <- intersect(vars1, vars2)
if (length(common.vars) == 0)
return(list("potential"=cpt1, "vars"=vars1))
# common1 <- match(vars1, common.vars)
# common1 <- which(!is.na(common1), TRUE)# common1[!is.na(common1)]
common1 <- match(common.vars, vars1)
# - permute array dimensions for cpt1 putting the common variables in the first dimensions;
if (length(vars1) > 1)
cpt1 <- aperm(cpt1, c((1:length(vars1))[common1],
vars1 <- c(vars1[(1:length(vars1))[common1]],
# common1 <- match (vars1, common.vars)
# common1 <- which(!is.na(common1), TRUE) # common1[!is.na(common1)]
common1 <- match(common.vars, vars1)
# - unlist cpt2 and repeat it as many times as needed (product of cardinality
# of non-common variables of cpt1);
cpt2 <- rep(c(cpt2),
# - now, every cell of cpt1 is paired with a cell of cpt2 whose variables
# have the same setting of it;
# - perform element-wise division, handling the 0/0 case (conventionally set to 0 too);
cpt1 <- sapply(1:length(cpt2),
function(x) {
if(cpt2[x] == 0) {
} else {
return(cpt1[x] / cpt2[x])
# - rebuild array with corresponding dimensions, and permute dimensions to reconstruct order
cpt1 <- array(c(cpt1), node.sizes[vars1])
out <- sort.dimensions(cpt1, vars1)
return(list("potential"=out$potential, "vars"=out$vars))
sort.dimensions <- function(cpt, new.ordering)
# Permute array dimensions of the cpt accoring to the dimension names.
# Dimensions (each corresponding to a variable) will be sorted in numerical order.
# cpt : conditional probability table
# vars : dimension names
# new.ordering <- unlist(vars, F, F)
if (length(new.ordering) > 1)
# look if there is some variable out of order (preceding a variable with a lower number)
is.ordered <- TRUE
for (i in 1:(length(new.ordering)-1))
if (new.ordering[i] >= new.ordering[i+1])
is.ordered <- FALSE
# is.ordered <- is.na(match(FALSE,sapply(1:(length(new.ordering)-1), function(x) new.ordering[x] >= new.ordering[x+1])))
if (!is.ordered) # permute
dd <- data.frame(c1 = new.ordering,
c2 = 1:length(new.ordering))
dd <- dd[with(dd,order(c1)),]
new.ordering <- new.ordering[dd[,"c2"]]
cpt <- aperm(cpt, c(dd[,"c2"]))
return(list("potential"=cpt, "vars"=new.ordering))
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