
Defines functions get.satellite.times trim.satellite load.satellite read.satellite

Documented in get.satellite.times load.satellite read.satellite trim.satellite

#' @title Read Satellite Data
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description read satellite netcdf data from one or more files.
#' @export
## Read nc file and do preliminary parsing/conversion
read.satellite = function(file,
                          lon = NULL,
                          lat = NULL,
                          combine = F,
                          combine.func = function(x) {mean(x, na.rm = T)},
                          verbose = T) {
  if (length(file) == 1) {
    sate = load.satellite(file, lon = lon, lat = lat, verbose = verbose)
  } else {
    sate = list()
    ## Load data
    for (i in 1:length(file)) {
      sate[[i]] = load.satellite(file[i], lon = lon, lat = lat, verbose = verbose)
    sate[[1]]$field = array(sate[[1]]$field, dim = c(length(sate[[1]]$lon), length(sate[[1]]$lat), length(file)))
    for (i in 2:length(file)) {
      sate[[1]]$field[,,i] = sate[[i]]$field
    sate = sate[[1]]
    if (combine) {
      sate$field = apply(sate$field, c(1,2), combine.func)

#' @title Load Satellite File
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description read
## Read nc file and do preliminary parsing/conversion
load.satellite = function(file, lon = NULL, lat = NULL, verbose = T) {
  if (!is.null(lon) | !is.null(lat)) {
    pre.trimmed = T
    if (is.null(lon)) { lon = c(-180, 180)}
    if (is.null(lat)) { lat = c(-90,90)}
    ## Can we load only subsets of the data?
    file.con = ncdf4::nc_open(file)
    lat.check = c('lat', 'latitude', 'Lat', 'Latitude', 'LAT', 'LATITUDE') %in% names(file.con$dim)
    if (any(lat.check)) {
      ## Get available latitudes
      file.lats = file.con$dim[[which(lat.check)[1]]]$vals
      k = which(file.lats <= lat[2] & file.lats >= lat[1])
      if (max(diff(k)) == 1) {
        file.lats = file.lats[k]
        lat.count = k[length(k)] - k[1] + 1
        lat.start = k[1]
      } else {
        lat.count = -1
        lat.start = 1
    } else {
      lat.count = -1
      lat.start = 1
      file.lats = NULL
    lon.check = c('lon', 'longitude', 'Lon', 'Longitude', 'LON', 'LONGITUDE') %in% names(file.con$dim)
    if (any(lon.check)) {
      file.lons = file.con$dim$lon$vals
      k = which(file.lons <= lon[2] & file.lons >= lon[1])
      if (max(diff(k)) == 1) {
        file.lons = file.lons[k]
        lon.count = k[length(k)] - k[1] + 1
        lon.start = k[1]
      } else {
        lon.count = -1
        lon.start = 1
    } else {
      lon.count = -1
      lon.start = 1
      file.lons = NULL
    data = list()
    data[[names(file.con$var)[1]]] = ncdf4::ncvar_get(file.con, names(file.con$var)[1], start = c(lon.start, lat.start), count = c(lon.count, lat.count))
    data[['lon']] = file.lons
    data[['lat']] = file.lats
  } else{
    ## Load data
    data = load.nc(file = file, verbose = verbose)
    pre.trimmed = F
  dimnames = names(data)
  sizes = sapply(data, function(x) {max(cumprod(c(1,dim(x))), na.rm = T)})
  ## Determine primary field by size
  l = which.max(sizes)[1]
  field.size = dim(data[[l]])
  l = which(sizes == sizes[l])
  x = data[[l]] ## list
  ## Get Lat/lon if possible
  lat = NULL; lon = NULL
  if ('lat' %in% dimnames) { lat = data[['lat']] }
  if ('latitude' %in% dimnames) { lat = data[['latitude']] }
  if ('LAT' %in% dimnames) { lat = data[['LAT']] }
  if ('LATITUDE' %in% dimnames) { lat = data[['LATITUDE']] }
  if ('Lat' %in% dimnames) { lat = data[['Lat']] }
  if ('Latitude' %in% dimnames) { lat = data[['Latitude']] }
  if ('lon' %in% dimnames) { lon = data[['lon']] }
  if ('LON' %in% dimnames) { lon = data[['LON']] }
  if ('LONGITUDE' %in% dimnames) { lon = data[['LONGITUDE']] }
  if ('longitude' %in% dimnames) { lon = data[['longitude']] }
  if ('Lon' %in% dimnames) { lon = data[['Lon']] }
  if ('Longitude' %in% dimnames) { lon = data[['Longitude']] }
  ## time to guess lat and lon
  if (is.null(lat) & is.null(lon)) {
    ## Standard NASA 4km grid
    if (4320 %in% field.size) {
      lat = seq(90, -90, length.out = field.size[2]+1)[-1]
      lat = lat - diff(lat)[1]
      lon = seq(-180, 180, length.out = field.size[1]+1)[-1]
      lon = lon - diff(lon)[1]
    } else if (540 %in% field.size) {  # Mati Kahru's output grid
      lat = seq(45, 30.03597, length.out = field.size[2])
      lon = seq(-140, -115.5454, length.out = field.size[1])
    } else if (588 %in% field.size) {  ## mati Kahru's Calcofi Fit
      lat = seq(37, 29.51349, length.out = field.size[2])
      lon = seq(-126.125, -116.6828, length.out = field.size[1])
    } else {
      if (verbose) { message(' No known grids found, assuming global extent.')}
      lat = seq(90, -90, length.out = field.size[2]+1)[-1]
      lat = lat - diff(lat)[1]
      lon = seq(-180, 180, length.out = field.size[1]+1)[-1]
      lon = lon - diff(lon)[1]
  meta = list(n = length(x[[1]]),
              n.na = sum(is.na(x[[1]])),
              n.fields = length(l),
              trim = list(
                lon = NA,
                lat = NA
              meta = list(
                time = Sys.time(),
                Source.version = packageVersion('TheSource'),
                R.version = R.version.string))
  times = NULL
  if (is.null(times)) { times = get.satellite.times(file, verbose = verbose) }
  sate = list(field = x,
              file = file,
              grid = function(satellite) {expand.grid(lon = satellite$lon, lat = satellite$lat)},
              lon = lon,
              lat = lat,
              times = times,
              meta = meta)
  ## Return

#' @title Tirm Satellite Field
#' @export
#' @param satellite a satellite object as returned from read.satellite()
#' @param lon a vector of length two indicating the limits desired. By default it is set to the range in longitude values in the satellite object.
#' @param lat same as above but for latitude
trim.satellite = function(satellite, lon = NULL, lat = NULL, verbose = T) {
  prior = object.size(satellite)

  satellite$lon = satellite$lon %% 360
  if (is.null(lon)) {lon = range(satellite$lon)}
  if (is.null(lat)) {lat = range(satellite$lat)}

  anti = lon[2] < lon[1]
  lon = lon %% 360
  grid = expand.grid(lon = satellite$lon, lat = satellite$lat)

  if (verbose) { message('Trimming satellite domain... \n\tAntimeridian:\t', anti,
                         '\n\tLon:\t\t', paste(round(lon, 2), collapse = '\t'),
                         '\n\tLat:\t\t', paste(round(lat, 2), collapse = '\t')) }

  ## Replace lat and lonD
  satellite$lat = satellite$lat[satellite$lat >= lat[1] & satellite$lat <= lat[2]]

  if (anti) {
    satellite$lon = satellite$lon[satellite$lon >= lon[1] | satellite$lon <= lon[2]]
    l = which(grid$lon >= lon[1] | grid$lon <= lon[2]  &
                grid$lat >= lat[1] & grid$lat <= lat[2])
  } else {
    satellite$lon = satellite$lon[satellite$lon >= lon[1] & satellite$lon <= lon[2]]
    l = which(grid$lon >= lon[1] & grid$lon <= lon[2] &
                grid$lat >= lat[1] & grid$lat <= lat[2])

  ## Replace field

  if (class(satellite$field) == 'list') {
    for (i in 1:length(satellite$field)) {
      satellite$field[[i]] = matrix(as.numeric(satellite$field[[i]])[l], ncol = length(satellite$lat), nrow = length(satellite$lon))
  } else {
    satellite$field = matrix(satellite$field[l], ncol = length(satellite$lat), nrow = length(satellite$lon))
  satellite$grid = function() {expand.grid(lon = satellite$lon, lat = satellite$lat)}
  satellite$meta$trim$lon = lon
  satellite$meta$trim$lat = lat

  if (verbose) { message(' Saved ', round(100 * (1 - object.size(satellite) / prior)), '%.') }

  ## Return

#' @title Get Satellite Times
#' @author Thomas Bryce Kelly
#' @description time
#' @param x raw
#' @export
get.satellite.times = function(x, verbose = T) {
  start = rep(make.time(), length(x))
  mid = rep(make.time(), length(x))
  end = rep(make.time(), length(x))

  for (i in 1:length(x)) {
    temp = strsplit(x[i], split = '/')[[1]]
    x[i] = temp[length(temp)]
    day = as.numeric(substr(x[i], 6, 8))
    year = as.numeric(substr(x[i], 2, 5))

    if (verbose) { message(' Processing satellite times for file ', i, ' of ', length(x), ':\tday = ', day, '\tyear = ', year)}
    if (!is.na(day) & !is.na(year)) {
      start[i] = as.POSIXct(day * 86400,
                            origin = paste0(year, '-01-01'),
                            tz = 'GMT')

      timeframe = strsplit(x, '_')[[1]][2]
      end[i] = start[i]
      if (timeframe == 'DAY') {
        end[i] = start[i] + 1 * 86400
      if (timeframe == '8D') {
        end[i] = start[i] + 8 * 86400
      if (timeframe == 'MO') {
        end[i] = start[i] + 365 / 12 * 86400
      if (timeframe == 'YR') {
        end[i] = start[i] + 365 * 86400
      mid[i] = mean(c(start[i], end[i]))
    } else {
      start[i] = NA
      mid[i] = NA
      end[i] = NA

  ## Return
  list(start = start, mid = mid, end = end)
tbrycekelly/TheSource documentation built on Nov. 7, 2023, 12:48 a.m.