Defines functions calculate_TAC TAC_MSY powdif HCR_FB HCRlin HCR60_20 HCR40_10 HCR_ramp HCR_MSY

Documented in calculate_TAC HCR40_10 HCR60_20 HCR_FB HCRlin HCR_MSY HCR_ramp TAC_MSY

#' Harvest control rule to fish at some fraction of maximum sustainable yield
#' A simple control rule that specifies the total allowable catch (TAC) to be the
#' product of current vulnerable biomass and UMSY.
#' @param Assessment An object of class \linkS4class{Assessment} with estimates of
#' FMSY or UMSY and vulnerable biomass in terminal year.
#' @param reps The number of stochastic samples of the TAC recommendation.
#' @param MSY_frac The fraction of FMSY or UMSY for calculating the TAC (e.g. MSY_frac = 0.75 fishes at 75\% of FMSY).
#' @param ... Miscellaneous arguments.
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{Rec} with the TAC recommendation.
#' @author Q. Huynh
#' @references
#' Punt, A. E, Dorn, M. W., and Haltuch, M. A. 2008. Evaluation of threshold management strategies
#' for groundfish off the U.S. West Coast. Fisheries Research 94:251-266.
#' @seealso \link{make_MP} \link{HCR_ramp}
#' @examples
#' # create an MP to run in closed-loop MSE (fishes at UMSY)
#' DD_MSY <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_MSY)
#' class(DD_MSY)
#' # The same MP which fishes at 75% of UMSY
#' DD_75MSY <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_MSY, MSY_frac = 0.75)
#' class(DD_MSY)
#' \dontrun{
#' myOM <- DLMtool::runMSE(DLMtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "DD_MSY"))
#' }
#' @export
HCR_MSY <- function(Assessment, reps = 1, MSY_frac = 1, ...) {
  TAC <- TAC_MSY(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac)
  Rec <- new("Rec")
  Rec@TAC <- TACfilter(TAC)
class(HCR_MSY) <- "HCR"

#' Linearly ramped harvest control rules
#' An output control rule with a ramp that reduces the TAC recommendation linearly
#' with respect to fishing mortality (F) or harvest rate (U) when the relative biomass (i.e.,
#' spawning depletion or spawning biomass relative to that at MSY) is less than
#' the target reference point (TRP). The TAC reduction is linearly reduced with respect to F
#' to a minimum value when the relative biomass is less than the limit reference point (LRP). For example,
#' the TRP and LRP for spawning depletion is 0.4 and 0.1, respectively, in the 40-10 control rule.
#' Class HCR objects are typically used with function \link{make_MP}.
#' @param Assessment An object of class \linkS4class{Assessment} with estimates of
#' FMSY or UMSY, vulnerable biomass, and spawning biomass depletion in terminal year.
#' @param reps The number of stochastic samples of the TAC recommendation.
#' @param TRP Numeric, the target reference point.
#' @param LRP Numeric, the limit reference point.
#' @param rel_min The relative maximum value (e.g. a multiple of FMSY) if \code{Brel < LRP}.
#' @param rel_max The relative maximum value (e.g. a multiple of FMSY) if \code{Brel > TRP}.
#' @param RP_type The reference point metric for TRP and LRP (\code{"SSB_SSB0"} for spawning depletion by default,
#' or \code{"SSB_SSBMSY"} for spawning biomass relative to MSY).
#' @param ... Miscellaneous arguments.
#' @details \code{HCR_ramp} is the generic ramped-HCR function where user specifies LRP, TRP, and
#' relative biomass metric, as well as minimum and maximum values for adjusting the fishing mortality.
#' \code{HCR40_10} is a common U.S. west coast control rule (LRP and TRP of 0.1 and 0.4 spawning depletion,
#' respectively), while \code{HCR60_20} is more conservative than 40-10, with LRP and TRP of 0.2 and 0.6
#' spawning depletion, respectively).
#' @return An object of class \linkS4class{Rec} with the TAC recommendation.
#' @author Q. Huynh & T. Carruthers
#' @references
#' Deroba, J.J. and Bence, J.R. 2008. A review of harvest policies: Understanding relative
#' performance of control rules. Fisheries Research 94:210-223.
#' Edwards, C.T.T. and Dankel, D.J. (eds.). 2016. Management Science in Fisheries: an introduction
#' to simulation methods. Routledge, New York, NY. 460 pp.
#' Punt, A. E, Dorn, M. W., and Haltuch, M. A. 2008. Evaluation of threshold management strategies
#' for groundfish off the U.S. West Coast. Fisheries Research 94:251-266.
#' Restrepo, V.R. and Power, J.E. 1999. Precautionary control rules in US fisheries
#' management: specification and performance. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56:846-852.
#' @seealso \link{HCR_MSY} \link{HCRlin} \link{make_MP}
#' @examples
#' # 40-10 linear ramp
#' Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200)
#' plot(Brel, HCRlin(Brel, 0.1, 0.4), xlab = "Estimated SSB/SSB0",
#' ylab = "Prescribed F relative to FMSY", main = "40-10 harvest control rule",
#' type = "l", col = "blue")
#' abline(v = c(0.1, 0.4), col = "red", lty = 2)
#' # create a 40-10 MP to run in closed-loop MSE
#' DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR40_10)
#' # Alternatively,
#' DD_40_10 <- make_MP(DD_TMB, HCR_ramp, LRP = 0.1, TRP = 0.4)
#' # An SCA with LRP and TRP at 0.4 and 0.8, respectively, of SSB/SSBMSY
#' SCA_80_40 <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, LRP = 0.4, TRP = 0.8, RP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY")
#' # A conservative HCR that fishes at 75% of FMSY at B > 80% BMSY but only reduces F
#' # to 10% of FMSY if B < 40% BMSY.
#' SCA_conservative <- make_MP(SCA, HCR_ramp, LRP = 0.4, TRP = 0.8, rel_max = 0.75,
#' rel_min = 0.1, RP_type = "SSB_SSBMSY")
#' # Figure of this conservative HCR
#' Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200)
#' Frel <- HCRlin(Brel, 0.4, 0.8, rel_max = 0.75, rel_min = 0.1)
#' plot(Brel, Frel, xlab = "Estimated SSB/SSB_MSY", ylab = "Prescribed F relative to FMSY",
#' type = "l", col = "blue")
#' abline(v = c(0.4, 0.8), col = "red", lty = 2)
#' \dontrun{
#' myOM <- DLMtool::runMSE(DLMtool::testOM, MPs = c("FMSYref", "DD_40_10"))
#' }
#' @export
HCR_ramp <- function(Assessment, reps = 1, LRP, TRP, rel_min = 0, rel_max = 1,
                     RP_type = c("SSB_SSB0", "SSB_SSBMSY"), ...) {
  RP_type <- match.arg(RP_type)

  if(RP_type == "SSB_SSB0" && length(Assessment@SSB_SSB0) > 0) {
    relB <- Assessment@SSB_SSB0[length(Assessment@SSB_SSB0)]
  } else if(RP_type == "SSB_SSBMSY" && length(Assessment@SSB_SSBMSY) > 0) {
    relB <- Assessment@SSB_SSBMSY[length(Assessment@SSB_SSBMSY)]
  } else relB <- NA

  if(!is.na(relB)) {
    alpha <- HCRlin(relB, LRP, TRP, rel_min, rel_max)
    TAC <- TAC_MSY(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac = alpha)
  } else TAC <- as.numeric(rep(NA, reps))

  Rec <- new("Rec")
  Rec@TAC <- TACfilter(TAC)
class(HCR_ramp) <- "HCR"

#' @rdname HCR_ramp
#' @export
HCR40_10 <- function(Assessment, reps = 1, ...) HCR_ramp(Assessment, reps, LRP = 0.1, TRP = 0.4)
class(HCR40_10) <- "HCR"

#' @rdname HCR_ramp
#' @export
HCR60_20 <- function(Assessment, reps = 1, ...) HCR_ramp(Assessment, reps, LRP = 0.2, TRP = 0.6)
class(HCR60_20) <- "HCR"

#' Generic linear harvest control rule based on biomass
#' A general function used by HCR_ramp that adjusts the TAC by a linear ramp based on estimated biomass.
#' @param Brel Improper fraction: An estimate of biomass (either absolute
#' or relative, e.g. B/BMSY or B/B0).
#' @param LRP Improper fraction: the Limit Reference Point, the biomass
#' below which the adjustment is at its minimum, e.g. zero, no fishing. Same units as \code{Brel}.
#' @param TRP Improper fraction: the Target Reference Point, the biomass
#' above which the adjustment is at its maximum. Same units as \code{Brel}.
#' @param rel_min The relative maximum value (e.g. a multiple of FMSY) if \code{Brel < LRP}.
#' @param rel_max The relative maximum value (e.g. a multiple of FMSY) if \code{Brel > TRP}.
#' @return a TAC or TAE adjustment factor.
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @export HCRlin
#' @examples
#' #40-10 linear ramp
#' Brel <- seq(0, 1, length.out = 200)
#' plot(Brel, HCRlin(Brel, 0.1, 0.4), xlab = "Estimated B/B0", ylab = "Relative change in F",
#' main = "A 40-10 harvest control rule", type = 'l', col = 'blue')
#' abline(v = c(0.1,0.4), col = 'red', lty = 2)
HCRlin <- function(Brel, LRP, TRP, rel_min = 0, rel_max = 1){
  adj <- rep(rel_max, length(Brel))
  adj[Brel <= LRP] <- rel_min
  cond <- Brel>LRP & Brel<TRP
  adj[cond] <- (rel_max - rel_min)/(TRP - LRP) * (Brel[cond] - LRP) + rel_min

#' A Harvest Control Rule using B/BMSY and F/FMSY to adjust TAC or TAE.
#' @param Brel improper fraction: an estimate of Biomass relative to BMSY
#' @param Frel improper fraction: an estimate of Fishing mortality rate relative to FMSY
#' @param Bpow non-negative real number: controls the shape of the biomass adjustment, when zero there is no adjustment
#' @param Bgrad non-negative real number: controls the gradient of the biomass adjustment
#' @param Fpow non-negative real number: controls the adjustment speed relative to F/FMSY. When set to 1, next recommendation is FMSY. When less than 1 next recommendation is between current F and FMSY.
#' @param Fgrad improper fraction: target Fishing rate relative to FMSY
#' @return a TAC or TAE adjustment factor.
#' @author T. Carruthers
#' @references Made up for this package
#' @export
#' @examples
#' res <- 100
#' Frel <- seq(1/2, 2, length.out = res)
#' Brel <- seq(0.05, 2, length.out=res)
#' adj <- array(HCR_FB(Brel[rep(1:res, res)], Frel[rep(1:res, each = res)],
#'                     Bpow = 2, Bgrad = 1, Fpow = 1, Fgrad = 0.75), c(res, res))
#' contour(Brel, Frel, adj, nlevels = 20, xlab = "B/BMSY", ylab = "F/FMSY",
#'         main = "FBsurface TAC adjustment factor")
#' abline(h = 1, col = 'red', lty = 2)
#' abline(v = 1, col = 'red', lty = 2)
#' legend('topright', c("Bpow = 2", "Bgrad = 1", "Fpow = 1", "Fgrad = 0.75"), text.col = 'blue')
  Fresp <- exp(log(1/Frel)*Fpow)
  Bresp <- exp(powdif(Brel-1,Bpow,Bgrad))

# #' Power difference function.
# #'
# #' @param x Real number: the absolute difference between two numbers
# #' @param z Real number: the exponent the difference will be raised to
# #' @param g Real number: the gradient in the exponential difference
# #' @return a positive real number
# #' @export
# #' @examples
# #' powdif(-2,3,1)

#' Calculate MSY-based TAC from Assessment object
#' A function to calculate the total allowable catch (TAC). Based on the MSY (maximum
#' sustainable yield) principle, the TAC is the product of
#' either UMSY or FMSY and the available biomass, i.e. vulnerable biomass, in terminal year.
#' @param Assessment An Assessment object with estimates of UMSY or FMSY and
#' terminal year vulnerable biomass.
#' @param reps The number of stochastic draws of UMSY or FMSY.
#' @param MSY_frac The fraction of FMSY or UMSY for calculating the TAC (e.g. MSY_frac = 0.75 fishes at 75\% of FMSY).
#' @note \code{calculate_TAC} is deprecated as of version 1.2 in favor of \code{TAC_MSY} because
#' the latter has a more informative name.
#' @return A vector of length \code{reps} of stochastic samples of TAC recommendation. Returns NA's
#' if missing either UMSY/FMSY or vulnerable biomass.
#' @seealso \link{HCR_MSY} \link{HCR40_10} \link{HCR60_20}
#' @aliases calculate_TAC
#' @export
TAC_MSY <- function(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac = 1) {
  has_UMSY <- length(Assessment@UMSY) > 0
  has_FMSY <- length(Assessment@FMSY) > 0
  has_VB <- length(Assessment@VB) > 0

  if(Assessment@conv && has_VB && (has_UMSY || has_FMSY)) {
    VB_current <- Assessment@VB[length(Assessment@VB)]
    if(has_UMSY) {
      if(length(Assessment@SE_UMSY) > 0) {
        SE_UMSY <- Assessment@SE_UMSY
      } else SE_UMSY <- 1e-8
      UMSY_vector <- trlnorm(reps, Assessment@UMSY, SE_UMSY)
      TAC <- MSY_frac * UMSY_vector * VB_current
    if(has_FMSY) {
      if(length(Assessment@SE_FMSY) > 0) {
        SE_FMSY <- Assessment@SE_FMSY
      } else SE_FMSY <- 1e-8
      FMSY_vector <- trlnorm(reps, Assessment@FMSY, SE_FMSY)
      TAC <- (1 - exp(-MSY_frac * FMSY_vector)) * VB_current
  } else {
    TAC <- rep(NA, reps) # Missing estimates for HCR.

#' @rdname TAC_MSY
#' @export
calculate_TAC <- function(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac = 1) {
  TAC_MSY(Assessment, reps, MSY_frac)
tcarruth/MSEtool documentation built on Oct. 19, 2020, 6:09 a.m.