
Defines functions tests_init tests_run tests_exit run_servr stop_binary find_test_path

Documented in run_servr tests_exit tests_init tests_run

#' Initiate external processes necessary for running tests.
#' Initiates a local file server and remote driver.
#' @param browserName Name of the browser to use for testing.
#' See ?RSelenium::remoteDriver for details.
#' @param dir character string with the path to animint's source code. Defaults to current directory
#' @param port port number used for local file server
#' @param ... list of additional options passed onto RSelenium::remoteDriver
#' @return invisible(TRUE)
#' @export
#' @seealso \link{tests_run}
tests_init <- function(browserName = "phantomjs", dir = ".", port = 4848, ...) {
  # try to exit out of previously initated processes
  ex <- tests_exit()
  # start a non-blocking local file server under path/to/animint/tests/testhat
  testPath <- find_test_path(dir)
  run_servr(port = port, directory = testPath)
  # animint tests are performed in path/to/testthat/animint-htmltest/
  # note this path has to match the out.dir argument in animint2THML...
  testDir <- file.path(testPath, "animint-htmltest")
  # if the htmltest directory exists, wipe clean, then create an empty folder
  unlink(testDir, recursive = TRUE)
  # start-up remote driver 
  if (browserName == "phantomjs") {
    message("Starting phantomjs binary. To shut it down, run: \n pJS$stop()")
    pJS <<- RSelenium::phantom()
  } else {
    message("Starting selenium binary. To shut it down, run: \n",
            "remDr$closeWindow() \n",
    RSelenium::checkForServer(dir = system.file("bin", package = "RSelenium"))
    selenium <- RSelenium::startServer()
  # give an binaries a moment to start up
  remDr <<- RSelenium::remoteDriver(browserName = browserName, ...)
  # give the backend a moment to start-up
  remDr$open(silent = TRUE)
  # some tests don't run reliably with phantomjs (see tests-widerect.R)
  Sys.setenv("ANIMINT_BROWSER" = browserName)
  # wait a maximum of 30 seconds when searching for elements.
  remDr$setImplicitWaitTimeout(milliseconds = 30000)
  # wait a maximum of 30 seconds for a particular type of operation to execute
  remDr$setTimeout(type = "page load", milliseconds = 30000)
  # if we navigate to localhost:%s/htmltest directly, some browsers will
  # redirect to www.htmltest.com. A 'safer' approach is to navigate, then click.
  remDr$navigate(sprintf("http://localhost:%s/animint-htmltest/", port))
  ## Why not just navigate to the right URL to begin with?
  ## e <- remDr$findElement("xpath", "//a[@href='animint-htmltest/']")
  ## e$clickElement()

#' Run animint tests
#' Convenience function for running animint tests.
#' @param dir character string with the path to animint's source code. Defaults to current directory
#' @param filter If not NULL, only tests with file names matching
#' this regular expression will be executed. Matching will take on the
#' file name after it has been stripped of "test-" and ".r".
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # run tests in test-rotate.R with Firefox
#' tests_init("firefox")
#' tests_run(filter = "rotate")
#' # clean-up
#' tests_exit()
#' }

tests_run <- function(dir = ".", filter = NULL) {
  if (!"package:RSelenium" %in% search()) 
    stop("Please load RSelenium: library(RSelenium)")
  if (!"package:testthat" %in% search()) 
    stop("Please load testthat: library(testthat)")
  testDir <- find_test_path(dir)
  # testthat::test_check assumes we are in path/to/animint/tests
  old <- getwd()
  on.exit(setwd(old), add = TRUE)
  # avoid weird errors if this function is called via testhat::check()
  # https://github.com/hadley/testthat/issues/144
  Sys.setenv("R_TESTS" = "")
  testthat::test_check("animint", filter = filter)

#' Kill child process(es) that may have been initiated in animint testing
#' Read process IDs from a file and kill those process(es)
#' @seealso \link{tests_run}
#' @export
tests_exit <- function() {
  res <- stop_binary()
  f <- file.path(find_test_path(), "pids.txt")
  if (file.exists(f)) {
    e <- try(readLines(con <- file(f), warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(e, "try-error")) {
      pids <- as.integer(e)
      res <- c(res, tools::pskill(pids))

#' Spawn a child R session that runs a 'blocking' command
#' Run a blocking command in a child R session (for example a file server or shiny app)
#' @param directory path that the  server should map to.
#' @param port port number to _attempt_ to run server on.
#' @param code R code to execute in a child session
#' @return port number of the successful attempt
run_servr <- function(directory = ".", port = 4848,
                      code = "servr::httd(dir='%s', port=%d)") {
  dir <- normalizePath(directory, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
  cmd <- sprintf(
    paste("write.table(Sys.getpid(), file='%s', append=T, row.name=F, col.names=F);", code),
    file.path(find_test_path(), "pids.txt"), dir, port
  system2("Rscript", c("-e", shQuote(cmd)), wait = FALSE)

# --------------------------
# Functions that are used in multiple places
# --------------------------

stop_binary <- function() {
  if (exists("pJS")) pJS$stop()
  # these methods are really queries to the server
  # thus, if it is already shut down, we get some arcane error message
  e <- try({
  }, silent = TRUE)

# find the path to animint's testthat directory
find_test_path <- function(dir = ".") {
  dir <- normalizePath(dir, winslash = "/", mustWork = TRUE)
  if (!grepl("animint", dir, fixed = TRUE)) 
    stop("animint must appear somewhere in 'dir'")
  base_dir <- basename(dir)
  if (!base_dir %in% c("animint", "tests", "testthat")) 
    stop("Basename of dir must be one of: 'animint', 'tests', 'testhat'")
  ext_dir <- switch(base_dir,
                    animint = "tests/testthat",
                    tests = "testthat",
                    testthat = "")
  file.path(dir, ext_dir)
tdhock/animint documentation built on July 27, 2019, 5:57 a.m.