
#' Perform k-means clustering on the table.
#' K-means clustering algorithm runs in-database, returns object compatible with \code{\link{kmeans}} and 
#' includes arbitrary aggregate metrics computed on resulting clusters.
#' The function fist scales not-null data (if \code{scale=TRUE}) or just removes data with \code{NULL}s without scaling. 
#' After that the data given (table \code{tableName} with option of filering with \code{where}) are clustered by the 
#' k-means in Aster. Next, all standard metrics of k-means clusters plus additional aggregates provided with
#' \code{aggregates} are calculated again in-database.
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param tableName Aster table name. This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param tableInfo pre-built summary of data to use (require when \code{test=TRUE}). See \code{\link{getTableSummary}}.
#' @param id column name or SQL expression containing unique table key. This argument is ignored if \code{centers} 
#'   is a canopy object.
#' @param idAlias SQL alias for table id. This is required when SQL expression is given for \code{id}. 
#'   This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param include a vector of column names with variables (must be numeric). Model never contains variables other than in the list.
#'   This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param except a vector of column names to exclude from variables. Model never contains variables from the list.
#'   This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param centers either the number of clusters, say \code{k}, a matrix of initial (distinct) cluster centres, 
#'   or an object of class \code{"toacanopy"} obtained with \code{computeCanopy}. 
#'   If a number, a random set of (distinct) rows in x is chosen as the initial centers. 
#'   If a matrix then number of rows determines the number of clusters as each row determines initial center.
#'   if a canopy object then number of centers it contains determines the number of clusters, plust it provides
#'   (and overrides) the following arguments: \code{tableName}, \code{id}, \code{idAlias}, \code{include},
#'   \code{except}, \code{scale}, \code{where}, \code{scaledTableName}, \code{schema}
#' @param threshold the convergence threshold. When the centroids move by less than this amount, 
#'   the algorithm has converged.
#' @param iterMax the maximum number of iterations the algorithm will run before quitting if the convergence 
#'   threshold has not been met.
#' @param aggregates vector with SQL aggregates that define arbitrary aggreate metrics to be computed on each cluster 
#'   after running k-means. Aggregates may have optional aliases like in \code{"AVG(era) avg_era"}. 
#'   Subsequently, used in \code{\link{createClusterPlot}} as cluster properties.
#' @param scale logical if TRUE then scale each variable in-database before clustering. Scaling performed results in 0 mean and unit
#'   standard deviation for each of input variables. when \code{FALSE} then function only removes incomplete
#'   data before clustering (conaining \code{NULL}s). This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param persist logical if TRUE then function saves clustered data in the table \code{clusteredTableName} 
#'   (when defined) with cluster id assigned. Aster Analytics Foundation 6.20 or earlier 
#'   can't support this option and so must use \code{persisit=TRUE}.
#' @param where specifies criteria to satisfy by the table rows before applying
#'   computation. The creteria are expressed in the form of SQL predicates (inside
#'   \code{WHERE} clause). This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param scaledTableName the name of the Aster table with results of scaling. This argument is ignored if \code{centers} is a canopy object.
#' @param centroidTableName the name of the Aster table with centroids found by kmeans.
#' @param clusteredTableName the name of the Aster table in which to store the clustered output. If omitted 
#'   and argument \code{persist = TRUE} the random table name is generated (always saved in the 
#'   resulting \code{toakmeans} object). If \code{persist = FALSE} then the name is ignored and
#'   function does not generate a table of clustered output.
#' @param tempTableName name of the temporary Aster table to use to store intermediate results. This table
#'   always gets dropped when function executes successfully.
#' @param schema name of Aster schema that tables \code{scaledTableName}, \code{centroidTableName}, and
#'   \code{clusteredTableName} belong to. Make sure that when this argument is supplied no table name defined
#'   contain schema in its name.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @param version version of Aster Analytics Foundation functions applicable when \code{test=TRUE}, ignored otherwise.
#' @return \code{computeKmeans} returns an object of class \code{"toakmeans"} (compatible with class \code{"kmeans"}).
#' It is a list with at least the following components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{cluster}}{A vector of integers (from 0:K-1) indicating the cluster to which each point is allocated. 
#'     \code{\link{computeKmeans}} leaves this component empty. Use function \code{\link{computeClusterSample}} to set this compoenent.}
#'   \item{\code{centers}}{A matrix of cluster centres.}
#'   \item{\code{totss}}{The total sum of squares.}
#'   \item{\code{withinss}}{Vector of within-cluster sum of squares, one component per cluster.}
#'   \item{\code{tot.withinss}}{Total within-cluster sum of squares, i.e. \code{sum(withinss)}.}
#'   \item{\code{betweenss}}{The between-cluster sum of squares, i.e. \code{totss-tot.withinss}.}
#'   \item{\code{size}}{The number of points in each cluster. These includes all points in the Aster table specified that 
#'     satisfy optional \code{where} condition.}
#'   \item{\code{iter}}{The number of (outer) iterations.}
#'   \item{\code{ifault}}{integer: indicator of a possible algorithm problem (always 0).}
#'   \item{\code{scale}}{logical: indicates if variable scaling was performed before clustering.}
#'   \item{\code{persist}}{logical: indicates if clustered data was saved in the table.}
#'   \item{\code{aggregates}}{Vectors (dataframe) of aggregates computed on each cluster.}
#'   \item{\code{tableName}}{Aster table name containing data for clustering.}
#'   \item{\code{columns}}{Vector of column names with variables used for clustering.}
#'   \item{\code{scaledTableName}}{Aster table containing scaled data for clustering.}
#'   \item{\code{centroidTableName}}{Aster table containing cluster centroids.}
#'   \item{\code{clusteredTableName}}{Aster table containing clustered output.}
#'   \item{\code{id}}{Column name or SQL expression containing unique table key.}
#'   \item{\code{idAlias}}{SQL alias for table id.}
#'   \item{\code{whereClause}}{SQL \code{WHERE} clause expression used (if any).}
#'   \item{\code{time}}{An object of class \code{proc_time} with user, system, and total elapsed times
#'     for the \code{computeKmeans} function call.} 
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{computeClusterSample}}, \code{\link{computeSilhouette}}, \code{\link{computeCanopy}}
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' km = computeKmeans(conn, "batting", centers=5, iterMax = 25,
#'                    aggregates = c("COUNT(*) cnt", "AVG(g) avg_g", "AVG(r) avg_r", "AVG(h) avg_h"),
#'                    id="playerid || '-' || stint || '-' || teamid || '-' || yearid", 
#'                    include=c('g','r','h'), scaledTableName='kmeans_test_scaled', 
#'                    centroidTableName='kmeans_test_centroids',
#'                    where="yearid > 2000")
#' km
#' createCentroidPlot(km)
#' createClusterPlot(km)
#' # persist clustered data
#' kmc = computeKmeans(conn, "batting", centers=5, iterMax = 250,
#'                    aggregates = c("COUNT(*) cnt", "AVG(g) avg_g", "AVG(r) avg_r", "AVG(h) avg_h"),
#'                    id="playerid || '-' || stint || '-' || teamid || '-' || yearid", 
#'                    include=c('g','r','h'), 
#'                    persist = TRUE, 
#'                    scaledTableName='kmeans_test_scaled', 
#'                    centroidTableName='kmeans_test_centroids', 
#'                    clusteredTableName = 'kmeans_test_clustered',
#'                    tempTableName = 'kmeans_test_temp',
#'                    where="yearid > 2000")
#' createCentroidPlot(kmc)
#' createCentroidPlot(kmc, format="bar_dodge")
#' createCentroidPlot(kmc, format="heatmap", coordFlip=TRUE)
#' createClusterPlot(kmc)
#' kmc = computeClusterSample(conn, kmc, 0.01)
#' createClusterPairsPlot(kmc, title="Batters Clustered by G, H, R", ticks=FALSE)
#' kmc = computeSilhouette(conn, kmc)
#' createSilhouetteProfile(kmc, title="Cluster Silhouette Histograms (Profiles)")
#' }
computeKmeans <- function(channel, tableName, centers, threshold=0.0395, iterMax=10, 
                          tableInfo, id, include=NULL, except=NULL, 
                          aggregates="COUNT(*) cnt", scale=TRUE, persist=FALSE,
                          idAlias=gsub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "_", id), where=NULL,
                          scaledTableName=NULL, centroidTableName=NULL, 
                          clusteredTableName=NULL, tempTableName=NULL,
                          schema=NULL, test=FALSE, version="6.21") {
  ptm = proc.time()
  if (test && missing(tableInfo)) {
    stop("Must provide tableInfo when test==TRUE")
  if (persist && compareVersion(version, "6.21") < 0)
    stop("Persisting clustered data with versions before AAF 6.21 is not supported.")
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  # validate centers (initial clusters)
  useCanopy = FALSE
  if (is.matrix(centers)) 
    K = nrow(centers)
  else if (is.numeric(centers)) 
    K = as.integer(centers)
  else if (inherits(centers, 'toacanopy')) {
    useCanopy = TRUE
    canopy = centers
    centers = canopy$centers
    K = nrow(canopy$centers)
  } else 
    stop("Parameter centers must be one of following: number of clusters, numeric matrix of initial centroids, or canopy object.")
  if (K < 1) 
    stop("Number of clusters must be greater or equal to 1.")
  if (useCanopy) {
    if (is.null(schema))
  }else {
    tableName = normalizeTableName(tableName)
    if (missing(tableInfo)) {
      tableInfo = sqlColumns(channel, tableName)
    columns = getNumericColumns(tableInfo, names.only=TRUE, include=include, except=except)
    columns = sort(setdiff(columns, id))
    if (is.null(columns) || length(columns) < 1) {
      stop("Kmeans operates on one or more numeric variables.")
    # check if id alias is not one of independent variables
    if(idAlias %in% columns)
      stop(paste0("Id alias '", idAlias, "' can't be one of variable names."))
    # adjust id alias if it's exactly one of the table columns
    if(idAlias %in% tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME)
      idAlias = paste("_", idAlias, "_", sep="_")
    # scale data table name
    if (is.null(scaledTableName))
      scaledTableName = makeTempTableName('scaled', 30, schema)
    else if (!is.null(schema))
      scaledTableName = paste0(schema, ".", scaledTableName)
    where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  if (is.matrix(centers)) {
    if (length(columns) != ncol(centers))
      stop(paste0("Kmeans received incompatible parameters: dimension of initial cluster centers doesn't match variables: '", 
                  paste0(columns, collapse = "', '"), "'"))
  aggregates = makeAggregatesAlwaysContainCount(aggregates)
  # centroids table name
    centroidTableName = makeTempTableName('centroids', 30, schema)
  else if (!is.null(schema))
    centroidTableName = paste0(schema, ".", centroidTableName)
  # clustered data table name
  if(is.null(clusteredTableName) && persist) {
    clusteredTableName = makeTempTableName('clustered', 30, schema)
  }else if (!is.null(schema) && persist) {
    clusteredTableName = paste0(schema, ".", clusteredTableName)
  }else if(!persist) {
    clusteredTableName = NULL
    tempTableName = makeTempTableName('clustered_remove', 30, schema)
  else if (!is.null(schema))
    tempTableName = paste0(schema, ".", tempTableName)
  emptyLine = "--"
    sqlText = ""
  if (!useCanopy) {
    # scale data or just eliminate incomplete observations (if not scaling)
    sqlComment = paste("-- Data Prep:", ifelse(scale, "scale", "omit nulls"))
    sqlDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", scaledTableName)
    sql = getDataPrepSql(scale, tableName, scaledTableName, columns, id, idAlias, where_clause)
    if(test) {
      sqlText = paste(sqlComment, sqlDrop, sep='\n')
      sqlText = paste(sqlText, sql, sep=';\n')
    }else {
      toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop)
      toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
  # run kmeans
  sqlComment = "-- Run k-means"
  sqlDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", centroidTableName)
  if (persist)
    sqlDrop2 = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", tempTableName)
  sql = getKmeansSql(persist, 
                     scaledTableName, centroidTableName, tempTableName, centers, threshold, iterMax)
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, 
                    paste0(sqlDrop, ifelse(persist, paste0(';\n', sqlDrop2), "")),
                    sql, sep=';\n')
    kmeans_version = version
  }else {
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop)
    if (persist)
      toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop2)
    kmeansResultStr = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    # kmeans output prior to AAF 6.21
    if ('message' %in% names(kmeansResultStr)) {
      warning("This version of kmeans is no longer supported. Please, upgrade to AAF 6.21 or higher, otherwise, running at your own risk.")
      kmeans_version = "6.20"
      if (kmeansResultStr[2,'message'] == "Successful!" &&
          kmeansResultStr[3,'message'] == "Algorithm converged.") {
        iter = as.integer(gsub("[^0-9]", "", kmeansResultStr[[4,'message']]))
      }else {
        msg = paste(kmeansResultStr[,'message'], collapse="\n")
    # kmeans output since AAF 6.21
    }else {
      kmeans_version = "6.21"
      line = K + 2
      iter = gsub("[^0-9]", "", kmeansResultStr[[line+1, 2]])
      if (kmeansResultStr[[line, 2]] == "Converged : False") {
        msg = paste("Kmeans failed to converge after", iter, "iterations.")
  # persist clustered data
    if(compareVersion(kmeans_version, "6.20") <= 0) {
      sqlComment = "-- Cluster and persist data"
      sqlDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", clusteredTableName)
      sqlKmeansScore = getKmeansPlotSql(idAlias, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName)
      if(test) {
        sqlText = paste(sqlText, 
                        sqlKmeansScore, sep=';\n')
      }else {
        toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop)
        toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlKmeansScore)
    }else {
      sqlComment = "-- Combine clustered ids with data"
      sqlDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", clusteredTableName)
      sqlTempDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", tempTableName)
      sqlKmeansClusteredData = paste0(
        "CREATE FACT TABLE ", clusteredTableName, " DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(", idAlias, ") AS 
         SELECT d.*, c.clusterid 
           FROM ",tempTableName," c JOIN 
                ",scaledTableName," d ON (c.",idAlias," = d.",idAlias,")")
      if(test) {
        sqlText = paste(sqlText,
                        sqlTempDrop, sep=';\n')
      }else {
        toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop)
        toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlKmeansClusteredData)
        toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlTempDrop)
  # compute cluster stats
  sqlComment = "-- Run cluster assignment, cluster stats, and within-cluster sum of squares"
  sql = getKmeansStatsSql(persist, tableName, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName,
                          columns,  K, id, idAlias, aggregates, where_clause, kmeans_version)
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, emptyLine, sqlComment, sql, sep=';\n')
    kmeansstats = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  # compute total sum of squares
  sqlComment = "-- Compute Total Sum of Squares"
  sql = getTotalSumOfSquaresSql(scaledTableName, columns, idAlias, scale)
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, emptyLine, sqlComment, sql, sep=';\n')
  else {
    rs = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
    totss = rs$totss[[1]]

  # return sql
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste0(sqlText, ';')
  result = makeKmeansResult(kmeansstats, K, totss, iter, tableName, columns, scale,
                            scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName, id, idAlias, 
                            persist, where_clause, kmeansResultStr, ptm, kmeans_version)

# Phase 1: Data Prep
getDataPrepSql <- function(scale, tableName, tempTableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause) {
  dataPrepSql = ifelse(scale, 
                      getDataScaledSql(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause),
                      getDataNoNullsSql(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause))
    "CREATE FACT TABLE ", tempTableName, " DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(", idAlias, ") AS 
       ", dataPrepSql

getDataScaledSql <- function(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause) {
  sqlmr_column_list = makeSqlMrColumnList(columns)
  query_as_table = getDataSql(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause)
  scaleMapSql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM ScaleMap (
       ON (", query_as_table, ")
    InputColumns (", sqlmr_column_list, ")
    -- MissValue ('OMIT')
  scaleSql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM Scale(
       ON (", query_as_table, ") AS input PARTITION BY ANY
       ON (", scaleMapSql, ") AS STATISTIC DIMENSION
       Method ('STD')
       Accumulate('", idAlias, "')
       GlobalScale ('false')
       InputColumns (", sqlmr_column_list, ")

getDataNoNullsSql <- function(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause) {
  not_null_clause = paste0(c(idAlias, columns), " IS NOT NULL", collapse=" AND ")
  query_as_table = getDataSql(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause)
  noNullsSql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM (", query_as_table, ") d
      WHERE ", not_null_clause)

# Phase: kmeans 
getKmeansSql <- function(persist, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName, centers, threshold, maxiternum) {
  if (is.matrix(centers)) {
    initCenters = paste0("MEANS(", paste0("'", paste0(apply(centers, 1, paste0, collapse='_'), collapse="', '"), "'"), ")")
    initCenters = paste0("NUMBERK('", centers, "')")
  kmeansSql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM kmeans(
      ON (SELECT 1)
      INPUTTABLE('", scaledTableName, "')
      OUTPUTTABLE('", centroidTableName, "')
", ifelse(persist, paste0("
      ClusteredOutput('",clusteredTableName,"')"), ""), "
   ", initCenters, "
      THRESHOLD('", threshold, "')
      MAXITERNUM('", maxiternum, "')

getKmeansPlotSql <- function(idAlias, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName) {
  kmeansPlotSql = paste0(
    "CREATE FACT TABLE ", clusteredTableName, " DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(", idAlias, ") AS SELECT * FROM KMeansPlot(
       ON ", scaledTableName, " PARTITION BY ANY
       ON ", centroidTableName, " DIMENSION
       CentroidsTable('", centroidTableName, "')

getKmeansStatsSql <- function(persist, tableName, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName,
                              columns, K, id, idAlias, aggregates, whereClause, kmeans_version) {
  if(compareVersion(kmeans_version, "6.20") <= 0) 
    means_column_name = "means"
    means_column_name = paste0('"', paste0(columns, collapse = ' '), '"')

  clustersWithValuesSql = paste0(
    "SELECT c1.*, c2.withinss  
       FROM (SELECT clusterid, means, ", paste(aggregates, collapse=", "), 
    "          FROM (", getClusteredDataSql(persist, tableName, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, 
                                            clusteredTableName, means_column_name, id, idAlias, whereClause), "
                    ) clustered_data
              GROUP BY clusterid, means
            ) c1 JOIN ( 
            ", paste(sapply(1:K, FUN=getClusterSumOfSquaresSql, persist, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, 
                                                                clusteredTableName, columns, means_column_name, idAlias),
                     collapse="\nUNION ALL\n"),
            ) c2 ON (c1.clusterid = c2.clusterid)
      ORDER BY clusterid"

getDataSql <- function(tableName, columns, id, idAlias, whereClause) {
  paste0("SELECT ", id, " ", idAlias, ", ", makeSqlColumnList(columns), " FROM ", tableName, whereClause)

getTableDataSql <- function(tableName, id, idAlias, whereClause) {
  paste0("SELECT ", id, " ", idAlias, ", * FROM ", tableName, whereClause)

getClusteredDataSql <- function(persist, tableName, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, 
                                clusteredTableName, means_column_name, id, idAlias, whereClause) {
  query_as_table = getTableDataSql(tableName, id, idAlias, whereClause)
    "SELECT c.clusterid, c.",means_column_name," means, d.* 
      FROM ", centroidTableName, " c JOIN 
    ",ifelse(persist, clusteredTableName, paste0(
    "kmeansplot (
      ON ", scaledTableName, " PARTITION BY ANY
      ON ", centroidTableName, " DIMENSION
    )"))," kmp ON (c.clusterid = kmp.clusterid) JOIN 
    (", query_as_table, ") d on (kmp.", idAlias, " = d.", idAlias, ")"

getClusterSumOfSquaresSql <- function(clusterid, persist, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName,
                                      columns, means_column_name, idAlias) {
  clusterid = as.character(clusterid - 1)
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT ", clusterid, " clusterid, SUM(distance::double ^ 2) withinss FROM ", 
    getUnpivotedClusterSql(clusterid, persist, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName, 
                           columns, means_column_name, idAlias)

getUnpivotedClusterSql <- function(clusterid, persist, scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName, 
                                   columns, means_column_name, idAlias) {
  sql_column_list = makeSqlColumnList(columns)
  sqlmr_column_list = makeSqlMrColumnList(columns)
  sql = paste0(
       ON (
         SELECT clusterid, ", idAlias, ", variable, coalesce(value_double, value_long, value_str::double) value
           FROM unpivot(
                  ON (SELECT d.* 
                        FROM ", ifelse(persist, clusteredTableName, paste0(
                            "kmeansplot (
                               ON ", scaledTableName, " PARTITION BY ANY
                               ON ", centroidTableName, " DIMENSION
                             )"))," d 
                       WHERE clusterid = ", clusterid, "
                  COLSTOUNPIVOT(", sqlmr_column_list, ")
       ) AS target PARTITION BY ", idAlias, "
       ON (
         ", getCentroidTableSql(centroidTableName, sql_column_list, means_column_name, clusterid), "
       ) AS ref DIMENSION

getCentroidTableSql <- function(centroidTableName, sql_column_list, means_column_name, clusterid = NULL) {
  whereClause = ifelse(is.null(clusterid), 
                       paste0(" WHERE clusterid = ", clusterid))

    "SELECT *, regexp_split_to_table(",means_column_name,", ' ')::numeric value, regexp_split_to_table('", sql_column_list, "', ', ') variable 
           FROM ", centroidTableName, whereClause

getTotalSumOfSquaresSql <- function(scaledTableName, columns, idAlias, scale) {
  sqlmr_column_list = makeSqlMrColumnList(columns)
  if (scale) {
    sqlagg_column_list = paste0("0.0::double ", columns, collapse = ", ")
    globalCenterSql = paste0("SELECT 1 id, ", sqlagg_column_list)
  }else {
    sqlagg_column_list = makeSqlAggregateColumnList(columns, "avg", FALSE, cast="::double")
    globalCenterSql = paste0("SELECT 1 id, ", sqlagg_column_list, " FROM ", scaledTableName)

  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT SUM(distance::double ^ 2) totss FROM VectorDistance(
       ON (SELECT ", idAlias, ", variable, coalesce(value_double, value_long, value_str::double) value
             FROM unpivot(
               ON ", scaledTableName , "
               COLSTOUNPIVOT(", sqlmr_column_list, ")
       ) AS target PARTITION BY ", idAlias, "
       ON (SELECT id, variable, value_double
             FROM unpivot(
               ON (", globalCenterSql, ")
               COLSTOUNPIVOT(", sqlmr_column_list, ")
       ) AS ref DIMENSION

makeKmeansResult <- function(data, K, totss, iter, tableName, columns, scale,
                             scaledTableName, centroidTableName, clusteredTableName, id, idAlias, 
                             persist, whereClause, output, ptm, kmeans_version) {
  if (compareVersion(kmeans_version, "6.20") <= 0) {
    centers_str = data$means
    tot_withinss = sum(data$withinss)
    withinss = data$withinss
    sizes = aggregates$cnt
  }else {
    if (persist) {
      delta = 1
    }else {
      clusteredTableName = NULL
      delta = 0
    centers_str = output[1:K, 2]
    tot_withinss = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9\\.]", "", output[K + 6 + delta, 2]))
    withinss = as.numeric(output$withinss[1:K])
    sizes = as.integer(output$size[1:K])
  centers = matrix(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(centers_str, split = " "))), 
                   ncol=length(columns), nrow=K, byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(centers) = columns
  rownames(centers) = data$clusterid
  aggregates = data[, -2]
  z <- structure(list(cluster=integer(0),
                      withinss = withinss,
                      tot.withinss = tot_withinss,
                      betweenss = totss - tot_withinss,
                      size = sizes,
                      ifault = 0,
                      time=proc.time() - ptm
  class = c("toakmeans", "kmeans"))
  return (z)

makeAggregatesAlwaysContainCount <- function(aggregates){
  # empty or NULL list 
  if (length(aggregates) == 0)
    return("COUNT(*) cnt")
  # parse aggregates into tuples of function and alias
  aggFun = unlist(sapply(strsplit(aggregates, '[[:space:]]'), 
                 FUN=function(x) {
                   s = paste0(x[1:length(x)-1], collapse = ' ')
                   if (nchar(s)==0) NULL else s
  aggAlias = unlist(sapply(strsplit(aggregates, '[[:space:]]'), 
                   FUN=function(x) {
                     s = x[length(x)]
                     if (nchar(s)==0) NULL else s
  # detect missing alias
  if (length(aggFun) != length(aggAlias))
   stop("Check aggregates: at least one missing alias found.")
  # detect if 'COUNT(*) cnt' present
  missingCount = TRUE
  for(i in 1:length(aggregates)) {
    fun = aggFun[[i]]
    alias = aggAlias[[i]]
    if(tolower(fun) == 'count(*)' && alias == 'cnt')
      missingCount = FALSE
  # form final aggregates
  aggregates = paste(aggFun, aggAlias)
  if (missingCount)
    aggregates = c(aggregates, "COUNT(*) cnt")

#' Random sample of clustered data
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param km an object of class \code{"toakmeans"} obtained with \code{computeKmeans}.
#' @param sampleFraction vector with one or more sample fractions to use in the sampling of data.
#'   Multiple fractions define sampling for each cluster in kmeans \code{km} object where
#'   vector length must be equal to the number of clusters.
#' @param sampleSize vector with sample size (applies only when \code{sampleFraction} is missing).
#'   Multiple sizes define sampling for each cluster in kmeans \code{km} object where
#'   vector length must be equal to the number of clusters.
#' @param scaled logical: indicates if original (default) or scaled data returned.
#' @param includeId logical indicates if sample should include key attribute identifying
#'   each data point.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @return \code{computeClusterSample} returns an object of class \code{"toakmeans"} (compatible with class \code{"kmeans"}).
#' @seealso \code{\link{computeKmeans}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' km = computeKmeans(conn, "batting", centers=5, iterMax = 25,
#'                    aggregates = c("COUNT(*) cnt", "AVG(g) avg_g", "AVG(r) avg_r", "AVG(h) avg_h"),
#'                    id="playerid || '-' || stint || '-' || teamid || '-' || yearid", 
#'                    include=c('g','r','h'), scaledTableName='kmeans_test_scaled', 
#'                    centroidTableName='kmeans_test_centroids',
#'                    where="yearid > 2000")
#' km = computeClusterSample(conn, km, 0.01)
#' km
#' createClusterPairsPlot(km, title="Batters Clustered by G, H, R", ticks=FALSE)
#' # per cluster sample fractions
#' km = computeClusterSample(conn, km, c(0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.02, 0.01))
#' }
computeClusterSample <- function(channel, km, sampleFraction, sampleSize, scaled=FALSE, includeId=TRUE, test=FALSE) {
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  if (missing(km) || !is.object(km) || !inherits(km, "toakmeans")) {
    stop("Kmeans object must be specified.")
  if ((missing(sampleFraction) || is.null(sampleFraction)) && 
      (missing(sampleSize) || is.null(sampleSize))) {
    stop("Sample fraction or sample size must be specified.")
  # validate sample fraction
  if (!missing(sampleFraction) && !is.null(sampleFraction)) {
    sampleFraction = as.numeric(sampleFraction)
    # using sample fraction
    if (!all(sampleFraction >= 0) || !all(sampleFraction <= 1))
      stop("All sample fractions must be between 0 and 1 inclusively.")
    if (length(sampleFraction) > 1 && length(sampleFraction) != nrow(km$centers))
      stop("Fraction vector length must be either 1 or equal to the number of clusters.")
  }else {
    sampleSize = as.integer(sampleSize)
    if (!all(sampleSize >= 0.0))
      stop("All sample sizes must be equal to or greater than 0.")
    if (length(sampleSize) > 1 && length(sampleSize) != nrow(km$centers))
      stop("Size vector length must be either 1 or equal to the number of clusters.")
  persist = ifelse(is.null(km$persist), FALSE, km$persist)
  table_name = km$tableName
  columns = km$columns
  scaled_table_name = km$scaledTableName
  centroid_table_name = km$centroidTableName
  clustered_table_name = km$clusteredTableName
  id = km$id
  idAlias = km$idAlias
  where_clause = km$whereClause
  centers = nrow(km$centers)
  conditionOnSql = paste0("'",paste0(1:centers-1, collapse="','"),"'")
  query_as_table = getDataSql(table_name, columns, id, idAlias, where_clause)
  if (!missing(sampleFraction) && !is.null(sampleFraction)) {
    fractionStr = paste0("'", as.character(sampleFraction), "'", collapse = ",")

    sql = paste0(
      "SELECT * FROM sample(
             ON (", getKmeansplotDataSql(scaled_table_name, centroid_table_name, clustered_table_name, scaled, persist, query_as_table, idAlias), "
             SAMPLEFRACTION(", fractionStr, ")
  }else {
    # using sample size
    sizeStr = paste0("'", as.character(sampleSize), "'", collapse = ",")
    sql = paste0(
      "WITH stratum_counts AS (
         SELECT clusterid stratum, count(*) stratum_count 
           FROM ", ifelse(persist, clustered_table_name, paste0(
             ON ", scaled_table_name, " PARTITION BY ANY
             ON ", centroid_table_name, " DIMENSION
          WHERE clusterid != -1
         GROUP BY 1
       SELECT * FROM sample (
         ON (", getKmeansplotDataSql(scaled_table_name, centroid_table_name, clustered_table_name, scaled, persist, query_as_table, idAlias), "
            ) AS data PARTITION BY ANY
         ON stratum_counts AS summary DIMENSION
         ApproximateSampleSize(", sizeStr, ")
  if (!includeId) {
    sql = paste0(
      "SELECT * FROM antiselect(
  if(test) {
  }else {
    data = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
    km$cluster = data$clusterid
    km$data = data

getKmeansplotDataSql <- function(scaled_table_name, centroid_table_name, clustered_table_name, 
                                 scaled, persist, query_as_table, idAlias) {
  sql = paste0(
                "SELECT ", ifelse(scaled,  " d.* ", " clusterid, d.* "), "
                   FROM ", ifelse(persist, clustered_table_name, paste0(
                     ON ", scaled_table_name, " PARTITION BY ANY
                     ON ", centroid_table_name, " DIMENSION
                   )")), ifelse(scaled, " d ", 
                               paste0( " kmp JOIN (", query_as_table, ") d ON (kmp.", idAlias, " = d.", idAlias, ")")), "
                  WHERE clusterid != -1"

#' Compute Silhouette (k-means clustering).
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param km an object of class \code{"toakmeans"} obtained with \code{computeKmeans}.
#' @param scaled logical: indicates if computation performed on original (default) or scaled values.
#' @param silhouetteTableName name of the Aster table to hold silhouette scores. The table persists silhoutte scores 
#'   for all clustered elements. Set parameter \code{drop=F} to keep the table.
#' @param drop logical: indicates if the table \code{silhouetteTableName}
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @return \code{computeSilhouette} returns an object of class \code{"toakmeans"} (compatible with class \code{"kmeans"}).
#'   It adds a named list \code{sil} the \code{km} containing couple of elements: average value of silhouette \code{value} and silhouette profile  
#'   (distribution of silhouette values on each cluster) \code{profile}
#' @seealso \code{\link{computeKmeans}}
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' km = computeKmeans(conn, "batting", centers=5, iterMax = 25,
#'                    aggregates = c("COUNT(*) cnt", "AVG(g) avg_g", "AVG(r) avg_r", "AVG(h) avg_h"),
#'                    id="playerid || '-' || stint || '-' || teamid || '-' || yearid", 
#'                    include=c('g','r','h'), scaledTableName='kmeans_test_scaled', 
#'                    centroidTableName='kmeans_test_centroids',
#'                    where="yearid > 2000")
#' km = computeSilhouette(conn, km)
#' km$sil
#' createSilhouetteProfile(km, title="Cluster Silhouette Histograms (Profiles)")
#' }
computeSilhouette <- function(channel, km, scaled=TRUE, silhouetteTableName=NULL, drop=TRUE, test=FALSE) {
  ptm = proc.time()
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  if(test && is.null(silhouetteTableName)){
    stop("Silhouette table name is required when test=TRUE.")
  if (missing(km) || !is.object(km) || !inherits(km, "toakmeans")) {
    stop("Kmeans object must be specified.")
  if (nrow(km$centers) == 1)
    stop("Silhouette values are trivial in case of single cluster model.")
  if (is.null(silhouetteTableName))
    silhouetteTableName = makeTempTableName('silhouette', 30)
  table_name = km$tableName
  columns = km$columns
  persist = ifelse(is.null(km$persist), FALSE, km$persist)
  scaled_table_name = km$scaledTableName
  centroid_table_name = km$centroidTableName
  clustered_table_name = km$clusteredTableName
  id = km$id
  idAlias = km$idAlias
  where_clause = km$whereClause
  emptyLine = "--"
    sqlText = ""
  # make silhouette data
  sqlComment = "-- Create Analytical Table with Silhouette Data"
  sqlDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", silhouetteTableName)
  sql = makeSilhouetteDataSql(table_name, silhouetteTableName, columns, id, idAlias, where_clause, 
                              scaled_table_name, centroid_table_name, clustered_table_name, scaled, persist)
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlComment, sqlDrop, sep='\n')
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, sql, sep=';\n')
  }else {
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop)
    toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
  # Compute overall silhouette value
  sqlComment = "-- Compute overall silhouette value"
  sql = paste0("SELECT AVG((b-a)/greatest(a,b)) silhouette_value FROM ", silhouetteTableName)
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, emptyLine, sqlComment, sql, sep=';\n')
  }else {
    data = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
    sil_value = data[[1,'silhouette_value']]
  # Compute silhouette profiles (histograms by cluster)
  sqlComment = "-- Compute silhouette cluster profiles"
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM Hist_Reduce(
       ON Hist_Map(
         ON (SELECT clusterid::varchar clusterid, (b-a)/greatest(a,b) silhouette_value FROM ", silhouetteTableName, "
       ) PARTITION BY clusterid
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, emptyLine, sqlComment, sql, sep=';\n')
  }else {
    data = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
    sil_profile = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
  # Drop Analytical Table with Silhouette Data 
  if(drop) {
    sqlComment = "-- Drop Analytical Table with Silhouette Data"
    sql = paste0("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ", silhouetteTableName)
      sqlText = paste(sqlText, emptyLine, sqlComment, sql, sep=';\n')
    }else {
      toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
  # get result back
    sqlText = paste0(sqlText, ';')
  sil = list(value=sil_value, profile=sil_profile)
  if(!drop) {
    sil = c(sil, tableName=silhouetteTableName)
  sil$time = proc.time() - ptm
  km$sil = sil

makeSilhouetteDataSql <- function(table_name, temp_table_name, columns, id, idAlias, 
                                  where_clause, scaled_table_name, centroid_table_name, 
                                  clustered_table_name, scaled, persist) {
  sqlmr_column_list = makeSqlMrColumnList(columns)
  query_as_table = getDataSql(table_name, columns, id, idAlias, where_clause)
  sql = paste0(
    "CREATE ANALYTIC TABLE ", temp_table_name, "
     DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(clusterid)
     WITH kmeansplotresult AS (
         SELECT clusterid, ", idAlias, ", variable, coalesce(value_double, value_long, value_str::double) value
           FROM unpivot(
                  ON (", getKmeansplotDataSql(scaled_table_name, centroid_table_name, clustered_table_name, 
                                              scaled, persist, query_as_table, idAlias), "
                  COLSTOUNPIVOT(", sqlmr_column_list, ")
     SELECT target_clusterid clusterid, target_", idAlias, " ", idAlias, ", a, b 
       FROM (
         SELECT target_clusterid, target_", idAlias, ",
                MAX(CASE WHEN target_clusterid = ref_clusterid THEN dissimilarity ELSE 0 END) a,
                MIN(CASE WHEN target_clusterid = ref_clusterid THEN 'Infinity' ELSE dissimilarity END) b 
             (SELECT target_clusterid, target_", idAlias, ", ref_clusterid, avg(distance) dissimilarity 
                FROM VectorDistance(
                  ON kmeansplotresult AS target PARTITION BY ", idAlias, "
                  ON kmeansplotresult AS ref DIMENSION
                  TARGETIDCOLUMNS('clusterid','", idAlias, "')
                  REFIDCOLUMNS('clusterid','", idAlias, "')
          WHERE target_", idAlias," != ref_", idAlias, " 
          GROUP BY 1,2,3
         ) agg  
       GROUP BY 1,2
     ) sil"

#' Perform canopy clustering on the table to determine cluster centers.
#' Canopy clustering algorithm runs in-database, returns centroids compatible with \code{\link{computeKmeans}} and 
#' pre-processes data for k-means and other clustering algorithms.
#' Canopy clustering often precedes kmeans algorithm (see \code{\link{computeKmeans}}) 
#' or other clustering algorithms. The goal is to speed up clustering by choosing initial centroids more efficiently
#' than randomly or naively, especially for big data applications. An important notes are that:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item function does not let specify number of canopies (clusters), instead it controls them with pair of
#'     threshold arguments \code{looseDistance} and \code{tightDistance}. By adjusting them one tunes 
#'     \code{computeCanopy} to produce more or less canopies as desired.
#'   \item individual data points may be part of several canopies and cluster memberhip is not available as result 
#'     of the operation.
#'   \item resulting \code{toacanopy} object should be passed to \code{computeKmeans} with \code{canopy} argument 
#'    effectively overriding arguments in kmeans function.
#' }
#' The function fist scales not-null data (if \code{scale=TRUE}) or just eliminate nulls without scaling. After 
#' that the data given (table \code{tableName} with option of filering with \code{where}) are clustered using canopy 
#' algorithm in Aster. This results in 
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item set of centroids to use as initial cluster centers in k-means and
#'   \item pre-processed data persisted and ready for clustering with kmeans function \code{computeKmeans}.
#' }
#' @param channel connection object as returned by \code{\link{odbcConnect}}.
#' @param canopy an object of class \code{"toacanopy"} obtained with \code{computeCanopy}.
#' @param tableName Aster table name.
#' @param looseDistance specifies the maximum distance that any point can be from a canopy center to be considered 
#'   part of that canopy.
#' @param tightDistance specifies the minimum distance that separates two canopy centers.
#' @param tableInfo pre-built summary of data to use (require when \code{test=TRUE}). See \code{\link{getTableSummary}}.
#' @param id column name or SQL expression containing unique table key.
#' @param idAlias SQL alias for table id. This is required when SQL expression is given for \code{id}.
#' @param include a vector of column names with variables (must be numeric). Model never contains variables other than in the list.
#' @param except a vector of column names to exclude from variables. Model never contains variables from the list.
#' @param scale logical if TRUE then scale each variable in-database before clustering. Scaling performed results in 0 mean and unit
#'   standard deviation for each of input variables. when \code{FALSE} then function only removes incomplete
#'   data before clustering (conaining \code{NULL}s).
#' @param where specifies criteria to satisfy by the table rows before applying
#'   computation. The creteria are expressed in the form of SQL predicates (inside
#'   \code{WHERE} clause).
#' @param scaledTableName the name of the Aster table with results of scaling
#' @param schema name of Aster schema that tables \code{scaledTableName}, \code{centroidTableName}, and
#'   \code{clusteredTableName} belong to. Make sure that when this argument is supplied no table name defined
#'   contain schema in its name.
#' @param test logical: if TRUE show what would be done, only (similar to parameter \code{test} in \pkg{RODBC} 
#'   functions: \link{sqlQuery} and \link{sqlSave}).
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{computeClusterSample}}, \code{\link{computeSilhouette}}, \code{\link{computeCanopy}}
#' @examples 
#' if(interactive()){
#' # initialize connection to Lahman baseball database in Aster 
#' conn = odbcDriverConnect(connection="driver={Aster ODBC Driver};
#'                          server=<dbhost>;port=2406;database=<dbname>;uid=<user>;pwd=<pw>")
#' can = computeCanopy(conn, "batting", looseDistance = 1, tightDistance = 0.5,
#'                     id="playerid || '-' || stint || '-' || teamid || '-' || yearid", 
#'                     include=c('g','r','h'), 
#'                     scaledTableName='test_canopy_scaled', 
#'                     where="yearid > 2000")
#' createCentroidPlot(can)
#' can = computeCanopy(conn, canopy = can, looseDistance = 2, tightDistance = 0.5)
#' createCentroidPlot(can)
#' can = computeCanopy(conn, canopy = can, looseDistance = 4, tightDistance = 1)
#' createCentroidPlot(can)
#' km = computeKmeans(conn, centers=can, iterMax = 1000, persist = TRUE, 
#'                    aggregates = c("COUNT(*) cnt", "AVG(g) avg_g", "AVG(r) avg_r", "AVG(h) avg_h"),
#'                    centroidTableName = "kmeans_test_centroids",
#'                    tempTableName = "kmeans_test_temp",
#'                    clusteredTableName = "kmeans_test_clustered") 
#' createCentroidPlot(km)
#' }
computeCanopy <- function(channel, tableName, looseDistance, tightDistance,
                          tableInfo, id, include=NULL, except=NULL, 
                          idAlias=gsub("[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "_", id), where=NULL,
                          scaledTableName=NULL, schema=NULL, test=FALSE) {
  ptm = proc.time()
  if (test && missing(tableInfo) && missing(canopy)) {
    stop("Must provide tableInfo when test==TRUE")
  if (tightDistance >= looseDistance) 
    stop("The loose distance must be greater than the tight distance.")
  isValidConnection(channel, test)
  if(missing(canopy) || is.null(canopy)) {
    canopy = NULL
    tableName = normalizeTableName(tableName)
    if (missing(tableInfo)) {
      tableInfo = sqlColumns(channel, tableName)
    columns = getNumericColumns(tableInfo, names.only=TRUE, include=include, except=except)
    columns = sort(setdiff(columns, id))
    if (is.null(columns) || length(columns) < 1) {
      stop("Kmeans operates on one or more numeric variables.")
    # check if id alias is not one of independent variables
    if(idAlias %in% columns)
      stop(paste0("Id alias '", idAlias, "' can't be one of variable names."))
    # adjust id alias if it's exactly one of the table columns
    if(idAlias %in% tableInfo$COLUMN_NAME)
      idAlias = paste("_", idAlias, "_", sep="_")
    # scale data table name
    if (is.null(scaledTableName))
      scaledTableName = makeTempTableName('scaled', 30, schema)
    else if (!is.null(schema))
      scaledTableName = paste0(schema, ".", scaledTableName)
    where_clause = makeWhereClause(where)
  }else {
    tableName = canopy$tableName
    columns = canopy$columns
    id = canopy$id
    idAlias = canopy$idAlias
    scale = canopy$scale
    scaledTableName = canopy$scaledTableName
    schema = canopy$schema
    where_clause = canopy$whereClause
  emptyLine = "--"
    sqlText = ""
  # scale data or just eliminate incomplete observations (if not scaling)
  if (is.null(canopy)) {
    sqlComment = paste("-- Data Prep:", ifelse(scale, "scale", "omit nulls"))
    sqlDrop = paste("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", scaledTableName)
    sql = getDataPrepSql(scale, tableName, scaledTableName, columns, id, idAlias, where_clause)
    if(test) {
      sqlText = paste(sqlComment, sqlDrop, sep='\n')
      sqlText = paste(sqlText, sql, sep=';\n')
    }else {
      toaSqlQuery(channel, sqlDrop)
      toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
  # run canopy
  sqlComment = "-- Run canopy"
  sql = getCanopySql(scaledTableName, looseDistance, tightDistance)
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste(sqlText, sqlComment, sql, sep=';\n')
  }else {
    centers = toaSqlQuery(channel, sql)
  # return sql
  if(test) {
    sqlText = paste0(sqlText, ';')
  result = makeCanopyResult(centers, tableName, columns, looseDistance, tightDistance, 
                            scale, scaledTableName, id, idAlias, schema,
                            where_clause, ptm)

getCanopySql <- function(scaledTableName, looseDistance, tightDistance) {
  sql = paste0(
    "SELECT * FROM Canopy(

makeCanopyResult <- function(centers, tableName, columns, looseDistance, tightDistance,
                             scale, scaledTableName, id, idAlias, schema,
                             whereClause, ptm) {
  centers = as.matrix(centers[,-1])
  z <- structure(list(centers=centers,
                      time=proc.time() - ptm
  class = c("toacanopy"))
teradata-aster-field/toaster documentation built on May 31, 2019, 8:36 a.m.