
Defines functions delete_sleep_log log_sleep get_sleep_time_series sleep_goal update_sleep_goal get_sleep_goal get_sleep_logs

Documented in delete_sleep_log get_sleep_goal get_sleep_logs get_sleep_time_series log_sleep update_sleep_goal

# Constants
url_sleep <- paste0(url_api, "sleep/")

#' Get Sleep Logs
#' Returns a summary and list of a user's sleep log entries as well as minute by minute sleep entry data for a given day in the format requested.
#' The response includes summary for all sleep log entries for the given day (including naps.)
#' If you need to fetch data only for the user's main sleep event, you can send the request with isMainSleep=true or use a Time Series call.
#' The relationship between sleep log entry properties is expressed with the following equation:
#' timeInBed = minutesToFallAsleep + minutesAsleep + minutesAwake + minutesAfterWakeup
#' Also, values for minuteData can be 1 ("asleep"), 2 ("awake"), or 3 ("really awake").
#' @param token An OAuth 2.0 token
#' @param date	The date of records to be returned in the format "yyyy-MM-dd" or "today" as a string or Date object.
#' @return a list of "sleep" and "summary" data.frame. "sleep" data.frame contains time series information of sleep. "summary" data.frame contains the summary of each "sleep" information.
#' @export
get_sleep_logs <- function(token, date)
  date <- format_date(date)
  url <- paste0(url_sleep, sprintf("date/%s.json", date))
  data <- get(url, token)
  data$sleep$dateOfSleep <- as.Date(data$sleep$dateOfSleep)
  data$sleep$startTime   <- to_posixct(data$sleep$startTime)
  data$sleep$minuteData  <- lapply(data$sleep$minuteData, function(x){
    x$value <- as.numeric(x$value)
    date_time <- to_posixct(date, x$dateTime)
    is_date_change <- Reduce(function(x, y){x || y!=1}, diff(date_time), FALSE, accumulate=TRUE)
    x$dateTime <- date_time + lubridate::days(1)*is_date_change
  sleep <- suppressWarnings(cbind(
    dplyr::select(data$sleep, -minuteData),
  list(sleep=sleep, summary=as.data.frame(data$summary))

#' Get Sleep Goal
#' Returns a user's current sleep goal
#' @param token An OAuth 2.0 token
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Get the current sleep goal.
#' get_sleep_goal(token)
#' }
#' @export
get_sleep_goal <- function(token){sleep_goal(token)}

#' Update Sleep Goal
#' The Update Sleep Goal endpoint creates or updates a user's sleep goal and get a response in the in the format requested
#' @param token An OAuth 2.0 token
#' @param min_duration The target sleep duration is in minutes.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Set a new sleep goal(377)
#' update_sleep_goal(token, 377)
#' }
#' @export
update_sleep_goal <- function(token, min_duration){sleep_goal(token, min_duration)}

sleep_goal <- function(token, min_duration=NULL)
  url <- paste0(url_sleep, "goal.json")
  response <- if(is.null(min_duration)){
    get(url, token)
    post(url, token, body=list(minDuration=min_duration))

  result <- Reduce(cbind, lapply(response, as.data.frame))
  result$updatedOn <- to_posixct(result$updatedOn)

#' Get Sleep Time Series
#' Returns time series data in the specified range for a given resource in the format requested.
#' Note: Even if you provide earlier dates in the request, the response retrieves only data since the user's join date or the first log entry date for the requested collection.
#' @param token An OAuth 2.0 token
#' @param resource_path	The resource path; see the Resource Path Options below for a list of options.
#' @param date	The end date of the period specified in the format "yyyy-MM-dd" or "today" as a string or Date object.
#' @param period	The range for which data will be returned. Options are 1d, 7d, 30d, 1w, 1m, 3m, 6m, 1y, or max.
#' @param base_date	The range start date in the format "yyyy-MM-dd" or "today" as a string or Date object.
#' @param end_date	The end date of the range in the format "yyyy-MM-dd" or "today" as a string or Date object.
#' @details Resource Path Options in more detail.
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{startTime}
#'   \item{timeInBed}
#'   \item{minutesAsleep}
#'   \item{awakeningsCount}
#'   \item{minutesAwake}
#'   \item{minutesToFallAsleep}
#'   \item{minutesAfterWakeup}
#'   \item{efficiency}
#' }
#' @export
get_sleep_time_series <- function(token, resource_path, date="", period="", base_date="", end_date="")
  url <- if(date != "" && period != ""){
    paste0(url_sleep, sprintf("%s/date/%s/%s.json", resource_path, format_date(date), period))
  } else if(base_date != "" & end_date != ""){
    paste0(url_sleep, sprintf("%s/date/%s/%s.json", resource_path, format_date(base_date), format_date(end_date)))
  get(url, token)[[1]]

#' Log Sleep
#' Creates a log entry for a sleep event and returns a response in the format requested.
#' Keep in mind that it is NOT possible to create overlapping log entries or entries for time periods that DO NOT originate from a tracker.
#' Sleep log entries appear on website's sleep tracker interface according to the date on which the sleep event ends.
#' @param token An OAuth 2.0 token
#' @param startTime	required	Start time; hours and minutes in the format HH:mm.
#' @param duration	required	Duration in minutes.
#' @param date	required	Log entry date in the format yyyy-MM-dd.
#' @export
log_sleep <- function(token, startTime, duration, date)
  url <- paste0(url_api, "sleep.json")
  body <- list(startTime=startTime, duration=10^3*60*duration, date=format_date(date))
  response <- post(url, token, body=body)
  lapply(response, as.data.frame)[[1]]

#' Delete Sleep Log
#' Deletes a user's sleep log entry with the given ID.
#' A successful request will return a 204 status code with an empty response body.
#' @param token An OAuth 2.0 token
#' @param log_id	ID of the sleep log to be deleted.
#' @export
delete_sleep_log <- function(token, log_id)
  for(id in unique(log_id)){
    url <- paste0(url_sleep, sprintf("%s.json", id))
    delete(url=url, token)
teramonagi/fitbitr documentation built on Jan. 21, 2021, 8:35 p.m.