
Defines functions write_results process_batch process_batch_stan

Documented in process_batch process_batch_stan

#' Functions for estimating on election day
#' These functions are to be used on election day (July 1st, 2018), for 
#' estimating national election results and Governor election results in the 
#' States of Chiapas, Guanajuato and Morelos. The functions can be used within 
#' an R session but were created to be called autamtically by a Python script. 
#' The output was creted to feed INE's system.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mrp_estimation}}, \code{\link{mrp_party_estimation}}, 
#'   \code{\link{marco_2018}}
#' @name process_batch_election_day
write_results <- function(post_summary, file_name, team, table_frame_in, 
    path_out, path_results){
    EN <- stringr::str_sub(file_name, 10, 11)
    R <- stringr::str_sub(file_name, 12, 17)
    cod_party_candidatos <- table_frame_in %>% 
        tidyr::unnest() %>% 
        dplyr::select(candidatos, partidos) %>% 
        dplyr::bind_rows(dplyr::data_frame(candidatos = "PART", 
                                           partidos = "PART")) 
    tab_base <- post_summary %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(party = ifelse(party == "participacion", "PART",
                                     party)) %>% 
                         by = c("party" = "candidatos")) %>% 
        dplyr::filter(party != "OTROS") %>% 
        dplyr::rename(candidatos = party) %>% 
        dplyr::select(-mean_post, -std_dev_post)
    tab_partidos <- tab_base %>% 
        dplyr::select(-candidatos) %>% 
        tidyr::gather(LMU, value, -partidos) %>% 
            EQ = team, 
            EN = EN, 
            R = R, 
            value = round(value, 2),
            LMU = dplyr::case_when(
                LMU == "int_l" ~ 0, 
                LMU == "median_post" ~ 1,
                LMU == "int_r" ~ 2
            LMU = as.integer(LMU)
        ) %>% 
        tidyr::spread(partidos, value) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(LMU) %>% 
        dplyr::select(EQ, EN, R, cod_party_candidatos$partidos, LMU)
    tab_candidatos <- tab_base %>% 
        dplyr::select(-partidos) %>% 
        tidyr::gather(LMU, value, -candidatos) %>% 
            EQ = team, 
            EN = EN, 
            R = R, 
            value = round(value, 2),
            LMU = dplyr::case_when(
                LMU == "int_l" ~ 0, 
                LMU == "median_post" ~ 1,
                LMU == "int_r" ~ 2
            LMU = as.integer(LMU)
        ) %>% 
        tidyr::spread(candidatos, value) %>% 
        dplyr::arrange(LMU) %>% 
        dplyr::select(EQ, EN, R, cod_party_candidatos$candidatos, LMU)
    readr::write_csv(tab_partidos, path = paste0(path_out, "/", team, 
                                                 EN, R, ".csv"))
    readr::write_csv(tab_candidatos, path = paste0(path_results, "/", team, 
        EN, R, ".csv"))
    # readr::write_csv(tab_candidatos, path = paste0(path_out, "/", 
    #                                                team, EN, R, "_v2.csv"))
#' @param path_name Path to a file that will be used for estimation. On election
#' day it will be a file with a subset of the sample.
#' @param file_name Name of the file with the data.
#' @param path_results Path to the directory where partial results will be 
#' saved.
#' @param path_out Path to directory where diagnostics, partial results, and 
#' data will be saved. Data is included in case there is need of additional 
#' checks.
#' @param team Name of team running the model, to be used in INE reports.
#' @inheritParams mrp_estimation
#' @rdname process_batch_election_day
#' @export
process_batch <- function(path_name, file_name, path_out, path_results, 
    team = "default", n_iter = 4000, n_burnin = 3000, n_chains = 1,
    parallel = TRUE){
    table_frame <- get(data(list = "table_frame_2018", 
        package = "quickcountmx"))
    all_data_filename = paste0(path_out, "/remesas.rds")
    new_name <- paste0(path_out, "/procesado_", file_name, ".rds")
    data_in <- readr::read_delim(path_name, "|", escape_double = FALSE,
        trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 1)
    print(paste0("datos: ", path_name))
    print(paste0("salidas: ", path_out))
    # do processing ########
    tipo <- stringr::str_sub(file_name, 8, 9)
    estado_str <- stringr::str_sub(file_name, 10, 11)
    table_frame_in <- dplyr::filter(table_frame, estado == estado_str)
    marco_name <- table_frame_in %>% dplyr::pull(marco)
    candidatos <- c(table_frame_in$candidatos[[1]], "OTROS")
    marco <- get(data(list = marco_name, package = "quickcountmx"))
    # get id
    tam_muestra <- table_frame_in$tam_muestra[1]
    if(nrow(data_in) > tam_muestra){
        print(paste0("Muestreando fracción ", tam_muestra/nrow(data_in)))
        marco_aux <- marco %>% 
            dplyr::select(id, estrato)
        data_in <- data_in %>% dplyr::mutate(
            id = stringr::str_c(iD_ESTADO, SECCION, ID_CASILLA, TIPO_CASILLA,
                    EXT_CONTIGUA, sep = "-")) %>% 
            dplyr::left_join(marco_aux, by = "id") %>% 
            quickcountmx::select_sample_prop(stratum = estrato,
                frac = tam_muestra/nrow(data_in), seed = 187) %>% 
            dplyr::ungroup() %>% 
            dplyr::select(-estrato, -id)
    data_out <- data_in %>% 
            id = stringr::str_c(iD_ESTADO, SECCION, ID_CASILLA, TIPO_CASILLA,
                EXT_CONTIGUA, sep = "-")) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(OTROS = NULOS + CNR) %>%
        dplyr::select(id, dplyr::one_of(candidatos)) %>%

    saveRDS(data_out, file = new_name)
    # run model ###################
    if (parallel) {
        if(estado_str != "00") {
            fit_time <- system.time(
                fit <- mrp_estimation(data_out, !!!rlang::syms(candidatos),
                    stratum = estrato, n_iter = n_iter,
                    n_burnin = n_burnin, n_chains = n_chains,
                    mc_cores = length(candidatos), parallel = TRUE)
    } else {
        if(estado_str != "00") {
            fit_time <- system.time(
                fit <- mrp_estimation(data_out, !!!rlang::syms(candidatos),
                    stratum = estrato, n_iter = n_iter,
                    n_burnin = n_burnin, n_chains = n_chains, parallel = FALSE)
    #saveRDS(fit$jags_fit, file = paste0("./procesados/fit_", file_name, ".rds"))
    df_new <- dplyr::data_frame(archivo = file_name, hora = Sys.time(),
        datos = list(data_out), originales = list(data_in),
        post_summary = list(fit$post_summary))
        df_prev <- readRDS(all_data_filename)
        df_agg <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_prev, df_new)
    } else {
        df_agg <- df_new
    saveRDS(df_agg, all_data_filename)
    # copy results
    output <- fit$post_summary
    # extract deviance and counts simulations
    log_like_sims <- lapply(1:length(fit$jags_fit), function(i){
    names(log_like_sims) <- names(fit$jags_fit)
    df_ll <- as.data.frame(log_like_sims)
    df_ll$no_sim <- 1:nrow(df_ll)
    df_ll_long <- df_ll %>% tidyr::gather(partido, loglike, -no_sim)
    # vote counts
    counts_sims <- lapply(1:length(fit$jags_fit), function(i){
        sims_1 <- apply(fit$jags_fit[[i]]$BUGSoutput$sims.list$x, 1, sum)
    names(counts_sims) <- names(fit$jags_fit)
    df_cts <- as.data.frame(counts_sims)
    df_cts$no_sim <- 1:nrow(df_cts)
    df_cts_long <- df_cts %>% tidyr::gather(partido, conteo_sim, -no_sim)
    # graphs
    ggplot2::ggplot(df_ll_long, ggplot2::aes(x=no_sim, y = loglike)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "salmon") +
        ggplot2::facet_wrap(~partido, ncol=1, scales = "free_y")+
        ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        ggplot2::labs(title = "Simulaciones MCMC de devianza")
    ggplot2::ggsave(paste0(path_out,"/deviance-", file_name, ".png"))
    gr_cts <- ggplot2::ggplot(df_cts_long, ggplot2::aes(x=no_sim, 
        y = conteo_sim, group=partido,
        colour=partido)) +
        ggplot2::geom_line(colour = "salmon") +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        ggplot2::labs(title = "Simulaciones MCMC de conteos totales") +
    ggplot2::ggsave(paste0(path_out,"/counts-", file_name, ".png"))
    write_results(post_summary = fit$post_summary, file_name = file_name, 
        team = team, table_frame_in = table_frame_in, path_out = path_out, 
        path_results = path_results)
#' @rdname process_batch_election_day
#' @export
process_batch_stan <- function(path_name, file_name, path_out, path_results,
    team = "default", n_iter = 500, n_warmup = 200, n_chains = 1){
    table_frame <- get(data(list = "table_frame_2018", 
                            package = "quickcountmx"))
    all_data_filename = paste0(path_out, "/remesas.rds")
    new_name <- paste0(path_out, "/procesado_", file_name, ".rds")
    data_in <- readr::read_delim(path_name, "|", escape_double = FALSE,
        trim_ws = TRUE, skip = 1)
    print(paste0("datos: ", path_name))
    print(paste0("salidas: ", path_out))
    # do processing ########
    tipo <- stringr::str_sub(file_name, 8, 9)
    estado_str <- stringr::str_sub(file_name, 10, 11)
    table_frame_in <- dplyr::filter(table_frame, estado == estado_str)
    marco_name <- table_frame_in %>% dplyr::pull(marco)
    candidatos <- c(table_frame_in$candidatos[[1]]) # agregar OTROS
    marco <- get(data(list = marco_name, package = "quickcountmx"))
    # get id
    data_out <- data_in %>% 
            id =stringr::str_c(iD_ESTADO, SECCION, ID_CASILLA, TIPO_CASILLA,
                EXT_CONTIGUA, sep = "-")) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(marco %>% dplyr::select(id, estrato))
    tam_muestra <- table_frame_in$tam_muestra[1]
    if(nrow(data_out) > tam_muestra){
        print(paste0("Muestreando fracción ", tam_muestra/nrow(data_out)))
        data_out <- quickcountmx::select_sample_prop(data_out, estrato, 
            frac = tam_muestra/nrow(data_out), seed = 187) %>%
    saveRDS(data_out, file = new_name)
    # run model ###################
    if(estado_str == "00") {
        fit_time <- system.time(
            fit <- mrp_estimation_stan(data_out, 
                stratum = estrato, n_iter = n_iter, n_warmup = n_warmup, 
                n_chains = n_chains, model_string = "neg_binomial_edo")
    #saveRDS(fit$jags_fit, file = paste0("./procesados/fit_", file_name, ".rds"))
    df_new <- dplyr::data_frame(archivo = file_name, hora = Sys.time(),
        datos = list(data_out), originales = list(data_in),
        post_summary = list(fit$post_summary))
        df_prev <- readRDS(all_data_filename)
        df_agg <- dplyr::bind_rows(df_prev, df_new)
    } else {
        df_agg <- df_new
    saveRDS(df_agg, all_data_filename)
    # copy results
    output <- fit$post_summary
    chains  <- fit$fit %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
        dplyr::group_by(index) %>% 
        dplyr::mutate(no_sim = 1:n()) %>% 
    gr_cts <- ggplot2::ggplot(chains, ggplot2::aes(x=no_sim, y = y, group=areas,
        colour=factor(areas))) +
        ggplot2::geom_line() +
        ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
        ggplot2::labs(title = "Simulaciones MCMC de conteos totales") +
    ggplot2::ggsave(paste0(path_out,"/counts-", file_name, ".png"))
    write_results(post_summary = fit$post_summary, file_name = file_name, 
        team = team, table_frame_in = table_frame_in, path_out = path_out, 
        path_results = path_results)
tereom/quickcountmx documentation built on Dec. 2, 2019, 9:58 p.m.